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@DrSteveDC posted:

where did you get the sound module?

Well, that's a bit of a tale.

When I first went in search of a track-voltage crossing bell sound module a few years back, I contacted the seller of this eBay listing, from whom I had earlier purchased a horn module in order to create a push-button diesel horn sound installation for the layout. He agreed to do up a couple of custom crossing bell modules for me, and, a bit of hand-waving later, I was able to place the modules and speakers inside the repurposed toilet paper tube enclosures, which are visible in the video before they were installed under the layout.

I had suggested to the seller that there might be a market for such modules, but I have seen no evidence he acted on my suggestion, so the best I can suggest is to contact him if you're interested and see if he'd do custom modules like mine for you or others. Or, I'm sure there must be other options available out there, but this one worked for me!

Last edited by Steve Tyler

Morning guys, thanks for the nice words! I will be doing my best to keep up to date on all the wonderful things you all do! Even if I am not building right now, this place is still the best place to learn things from some really skilled modelers!

The 2 Steves above prove my point, @DrSteveDC ask about a sound module and @Steve Tyler stepped up and gave him all the information he had on it.

It just shows what a great group of people sharing all the great knowledge of this wonderful forum!

@mike g. posted:

Morning guys, thanks for the nice words! I will be doing my best to keep up to date on all the wonderful things you all do! Even if I am not building right now, this place is still the best place to learn things from some really skilled modelers!

The 2 Steves above prove my point, @DrSteveDC ask about a sound module and @Steve Tyler stepped up and gave him all the information he had on it.

It just shows what a great group of people sharing all the great knowledge of this wonderful forum!

@Mike g., Mike did you find a new train room yet ?  Hopefully to include a storm shelter as well !


@OhB1 posted:

I’ve been busy all weekend because my wife has been out of town. My son in law was here over thanksgiving weekend and we both decided to change the upper part of the layout and fix the ramp so it would work better.  We were able to remove all of the track that was all O36 atlas. I was lucky enough to get my hands on some gargraves track mostly flex track.  I am going to flex it to an O72 track so I can run some bigger locomotives. This part of the layout will be all elevated around the half that doesn’t have an upper level. IMG_4577IMG_4578IMG_4579

As you can see I have some cleanup to do but I am able to run trains right now.

Is that a Milwaukee Road 4-6-4 from Weaver?

Continuing progress on landscaping, I have been slowly getting this area finished. The area is a mixture of plaster cloth, gypsum plaster and sculptamold. I made 150 poly tress and 35 pine trees. I painted the area brown and then covered with white glue. I used several large shaker cans to sprinkle on two colors of tile grout. Then added the trees on the top and clump foliage and lichen below the poly trees. I used T pins along the ridge and on any vertical areas to help hold the scenery items in place. LS 2LS 1LS 3LS 4LS 5


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Good evening everyone! I survived my first semester of college life. Now, I’m back at it on the layout.
The past two evenings I have started back up on weathering my scale rolling stock. I started back up with four double sheathed boxcars and a newly acquired SP wood sided caboose. Still using my dry brush technique I gave the cars a base coat, topped with some grey highlights, and finished with a spray of black paint.
Here is the final product. Grungy, coal and soot covered cars that have seen better days.


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577EA82C-58A3-4CBB-9B16-EC69D1BFBC52After my winter chores, I got my backdrop panels installed and put some white “haze” on the horizons.  I will give it a day or two & then touch them up or leave as-is.  Also bought some lumber and painted the leg 2x4’s black. Kinda surprising to see how much the lumber twisted after bringing it home & indoors, oh well.  My windows will be covered with blue curtains, which just arrived - to be installed shortly.  
   Kind of a pain to work around all the trains but at least they’re on roll-around carts. This is getting interesting !

Rich in WV


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Haven't posted much here lately cause I haven't done anything on the layout lately.

Well with Christmas here, I'm working on changing that. I swapped out engines and rolling stock this afternoon. Small layouts don't allow for endless collections of cars and engines to just live on a siding.
I have been running some Penn Central equipment lately as has been documented on other threads. I have a New York Central engine on the way and figured NYC/ PC would go well together. Lot's of black diesels around the layout all the sudden.

2023-12-23 08.46.19



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  • 2023-12-23 08.46.19
Last edited by RSJB18
@trestleking posted:

577EA82C-58A3-4CBB-9B16-EC69D1BFBC52After my winter chores, I got my backdrop panels installed and put some white “haze” on the horizons.  I will give it a day or two & then touch them up or leave as-is.  Also bought some lumber and painted the leg 2x4’s black. Kinda surprising to see how much the lumber twisted after bringing it home & indoors, oh well.  My windows will be covered with blue curtains, which just arrived - to be installed shortly.  
   Kind of a pain to work around all the trains but at least they’re on roll-around carts. This is getting interesting !

Rich in WV

It's a marathon, not a sprint Rich. The backdrops look good.
Lumber ain't what it used to be.......


Its not so much what I did as what my grandson did - he ran trains on the layout!  Funny, the MTH Z4000 is so much better for running under transformer control as he was changing the throttle to get the engines to run together on different sized loops. rather fun to watch. Maybe I'll have to put homasote under the track. Not too noisy in person but noisy on the video.  Both engines are older Atlas engines obtained at an attractive price. One was "free" due to shipping damage : )   


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@ScoutingDad, Wow, your grandson is really taking it in, watching those beautiful freight trains running so smoothly on your Twin Pines empire. Our grand kids add to the hobby very much. Today, I placed my recent purchase, Grandpas Workshop by Lionel, in a safe place so folks can listen to the sound trac. Merry Christmas Everyone IMG_0455IMG_0453IMG_0456IMG_0450IMG_0402IMG_0401


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@leapinlarry posted:

@ScoutingDad, Wow, your grandson is really taking it in, watching those beautiful freight trains running so smoothly on your Twin Pines empire. Our grand kids add to the hobby very much. Today, I placed my recent purchase, Grandpas Workshop by Lionel, in a safe place so folks can listen to the sound trac. Merry Christmas Everyone IMG_0450q

Perfect spot for the building Larry. Looks great.


A couple trips back to the bench today for the RS27. One of the trucks bound up (debris in the idler gears), I guess I need to clean off my bench. Freshened up the grease on the worm drive too.
Then I realized that I hadn't put the traction tires on....
While I had it open I decided to add a conductor on the other side of the cab. The engineer was getting lonely. I used a Lionel figure from their old F3's. Looks better than the blank plastic shield over the motor.
Then I had to fiddle around with the wires to get it back together.

2023-12-26 15.04.312023-12-26 15.06.18

2023-12-26 15.04.52



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Last edited by RSJB18
@RSJB18 posted:

A couple trips back to the bench today for the RS27. One of the trucks bound up (debris in the idler gears), I guess I need to clean off my bench. Freshened up the grease on the worm drive too.
Then I realized that I hadn't put the traction tires on....
While I had it open I decided to add a conductor on the other side of the cab. The engineer was getting lonely. I used a Lionel figure from their old F3's. Looks better than the blank plastic shield over the motor.
Then I had to fiddle around with the wires to get it back together.


A bit of a hassle, but it looks good. Just hope for many hours of uneventful run time.


@RSJB18 posted:

Anyone else notice that we are on page 1224......

I thought of mentioning it on the 24th, wondering if we could post enough to make it to 1225 by the 25th.  I didn’t because we would be posting off topic stuff to do it!  

I mentioned this on my Blackwater Canyon Line topic yesterday.  My wife’s brother from Los Angeles was visiting right before Christmas.  I ran my passenger train on the layout.  He was impressed with the layout.  I will say I don’t believe he had ever seen any of my layouts before.  Qualifier; He is a man who makes a living talking, but doesn’t have any mechanical, electrical, carpentry, etc skills at all.  I think he would be impressed with the simplest of any of my or any forum members layouts.

Not going to make it.  I promised myself I would get this layout done this year, but alas, it’s going to take longer.  Right now, I’m redoing all the cinders  in my service area.  Area keeps cracking and going goofy.  No other area does that.  Strange.  Also contemplating getting a 32” Millhouse River turntable to replace the Bowser.  Time will tell.IMG_1051


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Last edited by RIRocket

Last night culminated running my new trains I got for myself for Christmas.  I made some videos as well.  Over the past few days, I decided I was suffering from a bit of laziness and decided to pretty much take all the cars off the tracks that I had been running and replace them with cars that I had not been running.  So when I put 4 new engines on, I looked at my rolling stock and decided to run cars that had not been on the track in a while.  This was actually pretty fun.  

For some reason one of the new engines did not get found on the DCS wi-fi so it sat idle but the other three ran great

I took 11 videos, the first few are below and the rest are on my channel and will be uploaded today.

@RIRocket posted:

Right now, I’m redoing all the cinders  in my service area.  Area keeps cracking and going goofy.  No other area does that.  Strange.

Interesting -- I had much the same happen to the cinders I used to border some of the tar paper 'roads' on my layout:

crossing watch

[Please ignore the watchtower in the road -- I'd moved it to that location for a pic, but it's the only closeup I have at hand of the cinders on the road edge]

My current diagnosis is that the watered white glue I sprayed on did not have enough wetting agent (IPA, in this case) to allow the glue mix to fully penetrate the cinders, resulting in a relatively fragile crust forming that will crack and break into chunks on the least provocation. Haven't yet attempted a fix, but my current plan is to break up the clumps, and respray with more watered white glue, with a higher percentage of IPA and perhaps some detergent as well. The problem that's giving me pause is that this is directly over paper-backed grass matting, so too much moisture and the paper backing starts to corrugate! Let us all know if you find a better fix, please . . .


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  • crossing watch
@Steve Tyler posted:

Interesting -- I had much the same happen to the cinders I used to border some of the tar paper 'roads' on my layout:

crossing watch

[Please ignore the watchtower in the road -- I'd moved it to that location for a pic, but it's the only closeup I have at hand of the cinders on the road edge]

My current diagnosis is that the watered white glue I sprayed on did not have enough wetting agent (IPA, in this case) to allow the glue mix to fully penetrate the cinders, resulting in a relatively fragile crust forming that will crack and break into chunks on the least provocation. Haven't yet attempted a fix, but my current plan is to break up the clumps, and respray with more watered white glue, with a higher percentage of IPA and perhaps some detergent as well. The problem that's giving me pause is that this is directly over paper-backed grass matting, so too much moisture and the paper backing starts to corrugate! Let us all know if you find a better fix, please . . .

That’s what I thought; also that I made them too thick.  Then, in one area, I think I may have used too much wetting agent!  I’m going to keep trying—eventually, I’ll get it right!

@RIRocket posted:

That’s what I thought; also that I made them too thick.  Then, in one area, I think I may have used too much wetting agent!  I’m going to keep trying—eventually, I’ll get it right!

@Steve Tyler posted:

Interesting -- I had much the same happen to the cinders I used to border some of the tar paper 'roads' on my layout:

[Please ignore the watchtower in the road -- I'd moved it to that location for a pic, but it's the only closeup I have at hand of the cinders on the road edge]

My current diagnosis is that the watered white glue I sprayed on did not have enough wetting agent (IPA, in this case) to allow the glue mix to fully penetrate the cinders, resulting in a relatively fragile crust forming that will crack and break into chunks on the least provocation. Haven't yet attempted a fix, but my current plan is to break up the clumps, and respray with more watered white glue, with a higher percentage of IPA and perhaps some detergent as well. The problem that's giving me pause is that this is directly over paper-backed grass matting, so too much moisture and the paper backing starts to corrugate! Let us all know if you find a better fix, please . . .

I've found its best to do two applications of glue mix instead of one heavy one. I use dish detergent in mine. Works fine.


@RSJB18 posted:

I've found its best to do two applications of glue mix instead of one heavy one. I use dish detergent in mine. Works fine.

The irony was that I'd had very good results ballasting with the same technique, but the DIY material I used  around the track was coarser than the commercial 'cinders' I used at the edges of the 'roads'. When I get around to it, I'll add detergent and up the IPA, and see if that binds it better.


Wow everyone’s been busy! I’ve been busy with the holidays so haven’t had much train time. I did get a MTH Mike Wolf Big Boy only to find out it hits the wall on the new track plan. So back to the drawing board and testing out fitting in an elevated loop of 072. Liking how it’s fitting. Gonna 3D print custom piers for it.


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Here's the preliminary track layout for the Razorback Railroad, Traction and Scrapple Company! 

As I mentioned at the outset, this was planned as a test track with delusions of grandeur: 


From the outside in: 

1. O-42 oval

2. 40" American Flyer

3: O-31 oval (for prewar testing)

4: Inside O-27 whatchamacallit for bump and go trolley testing. 

As I say, I plan to have the outside oval semi-operational by New Year's.   

Onwards and upwards! 



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Have this spot that for some reason an Atlas caboose catches on the bump between straight and O72. Found a bump on the center rail of  the O72, and a dip in the 36" straight. Replaced the straight, hammered down the bump, and the stupid thing still shorts. Tried to find the short on the caboose. Took caboose apart to see if I could flip the trucks. Not easily done. Solved by just flipping the caboose around, but not the red light blinks in the front.

Good afternoon, everyone! I know I am late to the party but a Belated Merry Christmas to you all! I just got done going back 2 1/2 pages to get caught up and I normally comment on everyone's wonderful work they have been doing on their layouts! I am sorry that I didn't do that today, but I did hand out a boat load of likes to everyone!

If I had the time, I would say more but the CEO has different plans, but I will be checking a lot after Wednesday as things allow. I wish I had something to share with you as far as train stuff goes, but I lack some new stuff. The nice thing is I have been looking over pictures of my old layouts along with videos to try and figure out what I want in my 3rd layout and what I don't. I know I don't want anything I have to climb up on to fix! LOL

I hope you all have a wonderful New Years and find time to have fun with your layouts and trains!

Work on the Razorback Railroad, Traction and Scrapple Co ROW, aka "How much track can Mitch squeeze into a 4 x 8?" continues.

The general idea of the central O-27 oval will be twofold:  1) a regular oval for running smaller O-27 trains and non-bump and go trolleys; and 2) with the switches set, an extended "bump and go" track which starts at one bumper, travels most of the oval and through the other switch to the other bumper.


I've also been experimenting with my new angle grinder with cutting wheel, which beats the pants off of a Dremel for quick track surgery...



@RSJB18 posted:

Did another ore car load yesterday. The LIRR hauled a lot of sand over the years. This is an MTH car that had a typical brown load of mush in the hopper.
I need to do some touch ups along the edges but it's a huge improvement.

I forgot to take a before pic but the bottom car is the MTH. Top one is Menards.

2022-12-08 09.19.102024-01-02 08.23.282024-01-02 08.25.32


Excellent job Bob! A string of them will look sharp.

Well not my layout but here are a couple of shots from a holiday display at Frederick Meijer Gardens in Grand Rapids. Its the last week the grand kids are out of school so off we went. Layout is a temporary G scale road all the buildings are crafted from natural materials which represent structures in GR or its international sister cities. Pretty impressive workmanship.

@Arnold D. Cribari  Arnold this one is for you.  Model of the local minor league team field. Unfortunately the trolley was not running on this track section behind the field.


For all you South Shore fans out there a very short video of a steeple cab.


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  • BaseBallFieldMeijer
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Great work guys! I hope your all doing well and ready for Humpday! LOL

@luvindemtrainsDave you're really going all out on the weathering! Just wondering if you're doing a video tutorial. The engines look really great!

@Dennis Holler Dennis don't worry with the wonderful work you're doing on tracking laying, there is no rules

@Woodson welcome back to the game of challenge your mind, don't get hurt and have fun! I will be keeping my eyes open for any new updates!

@OhB1 looks good I hope the wiring goes easy! When you get done I hope you will post a video of your slow run!

I hope everyone has a great day and find time to have fun with your layouts and trains! If you happen to get something extra besides running them that is just a plus!

More refinement to the RRT&SCo bump and go...

First off, I needed to insulate the sidings, so the crossing had its center connector removed.

Before and after:


Jumper wires added.


With the switches on the main, the green light shows power to it.


With one switch to the siding, the bumper lights...


With both sidings selected, tne bumpers light and the main is dead, allowing for block operation.


I've been using this anti-derail feature to good effect for years, now...


Last edited by M. Mitchell Marmel
@mike g. posted:

Great work guys! I hope your all doing well and ready for Humpday! LOL

@luvindemtrainsDave you're really going all out on the weathering! Just wondering if you're doing a video tutorial. The engines look really great!

@Dennis Holler Dennis don't worry with the wonderful work you're doing on tracking laying, there is no rules

@Woodson welcome back to the game of challenge your mind, don't get hurt and have fun! I will be keeping my eyes open for any new updates!

@OhB1 looks good I hope the wiring goes easy! When you get done I hope you will post a video of your slow run!

I hope everyone has a great day and find time to have fun with your layouts and trains! If you happen to get something extra besides running them that is just a plus!


Thank you and the short answer of the video question is yes.


Over the Holidays I have been working on methods to build realistic trees for my layout. Nearly a year ago I built a model of a large oak. Fast forward to today I built several trees for forum members using these methods and am happy with the results. So I decided to put these on my layout along with buildings which have not been out of the box since our move. After final touch-ups they are on their way to a new home. Here is a short video -


Videos (1)
@ScoutingDad posted:

Over the Holidays I have been working on methods to build realistic trees for my layout. Nearly a year ago I built a model of a large oak. Fast forward to today I built several trees for forum members using these methods and am happy with the results. So I decided to put these on my layout along with buildings which have not been out of the box since our move. After final touch-ups they are on their way to a new home. Here is a short video -

Jeff. those look great! I really like how your new layout is coming along!

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