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Grampstrains, I am not sure I understand your statement, "They settled my worries." You can track your rebate on their website. It takes at least 6-8 weeks to get the rebate "check" that can be used for purchases in the stores. If your statement meant that you did not think you would ever see your rebate through their process, I would turn to the many people who do go through this process and do get their rebate check in the mail. It comes in the size of about two large index cards folded unto each other and has nothing on the outside that says it is from Menards.  Some might even think that it is junk mail and toss it if they did not open it up. The return address is Elk Mound, Wisconsin. Here is the website to take a look and the rebate locator:

As for Don's question, if you do not live near a store, your options are limited.   1) You could stock pile them until you might be visiting a city that has a Menards.    2) You might try to find a forum member that would be willing to exchange even cash for the rebate checks through normal mail.    3) Not fret too much about the rebate checks since the items purchased are actually a very good deal no matter what (for my purchases, the rebate basically pays for the gas to drive as far away to a Menards to be able to use the rebate checks). 

I have offered other forum members option number 2, but have never been taken up on the offer.


It has been explained the reasoning Menards does get people into their stores, not to sell more train items. Trains are a very, very small part of their market. It just seems huge since we talk about it all of the time on the forum. Even at the Christmas Holidays, what is displayed at each store takes up only one side of one shelf in a huge store as large or larger than any Lowes that I have been to. As to your rebate, have you tried the locator to see where it may have gotten fouled up?  Here is a picture of the rebate, closed, then unfolded. As you can see, it does not look very exciting. I had forgotten I was even expecting one and really though it was like much of the junk mail I get. Glad I pulled it apart to check inside. (Heck, this one even has enough for the gas there and back with a down payment on maybe one item!!!)  There will be little to none train stuff in the stores close enough to me to redeem it on any train related items until maybe November. 




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I would be glad to take those pesky rebate checks off your hands for free !!!!  How I work it with the wife is I buy the stuff she wants like paint, carpeting, mattresses, lighting, lawn furniture, etc. for all the "honey do" projects around the house.  In return, I keep all the rebates to spend on model train stuff.  It's a win-win. 

wild mary posted:

Since there are no Menards on the east coast I just consider the loss of using my rebates as an insignificant extra expense.

Give them to a friend who lives near one?

Find someone who lives near a Menards with a food section, have them purchase things for the local church or food pantry and donate them?

While the rebate is nice, we purchase the train items because we like them. Have given the rebates towards yard items for some seniors who needed a few things. They offset the cost of some flowers you might purchase for their pots, etc.

Used to get Kroger (aka Fry's, Food For Less, Mariano's, Roundy's, etc.) gas rebates, with no food/gas stations around us so we just sent them to a friend in another state.

645 posted:

Two other options are available to those of you who don't live local to a Menards and don't want to order online:

1 - Relocate your residence to be near a Menards store - then the rebates are a nice bonus perk of doing business with Menards.

2 - Buy Menards items at inflated prices off eBay or at train shows - no rebates to worry about doing it this way!

"2 - Buy Menards items at inflated prices off eBay or at train shows - no rebates to worry about doing it this way!"


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