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I like the easier to read type and the color scheme but I'm not digging the fact that the posts' do not stretch across the whole screen.  All of the post's seem bunched up along the left half of the screen while the right side is blank, except for a few boxes near the top right side.  Other than that the forum seems easier to navigate and I like the video on the home page.



I'm liking this.  Works great on my phone too!


I get the substance of everyone's comments, but it's easiest to say we are all simply dealing with change,  I have faith that the forum is in the very capable hands of the moderator and OGR publishers.  I do NOT envy all the comments they have to digest in the coming days.


Rich - if you're considering cruises, I'd tend to the 14 day packages as compared to the 5 day ones.  Have fun with this.




I like the easier to read type and the color scheme but I'm not digging the fact that the posts' do not stretch across the whole screen.  All of the post's seem bunched up along the left half of the screen while the right side is blank, except for a few boxes near the top right side.  Other than that the forum seems easier to navigate and I like the video on the home page.



Put me in the camp of those urging patience as the kinks get worked out. I've had a few spotty issues with connecting to the forum and trying to post a reply, but overall things look great.  I use Firefox and have no issues with other sites so I'm just writing it off to growing pains.


Again, this stuff takes time and I'm sure there will be tweaks and adjustments to make this place better than ever,


And a big THANK YOU to Rich Melvin and his crew for all their hard work planning and implementing the change-over. Well done, gentlemen!  

Thought of something else.


Overall, the speed seems comparable to the old forum, but several times I have seen the "connecting" icon with the rotating green circle on the tab when I click on a topic. Sometimes it resolves, and sometimes it goes to a page with:


"An internal server error occurred. Please try again later."


It appears the new forum occasionally bogs down compared to the old forum.


I'm on Firefox 9.01, so pretty recent browser. It isn't the browser or the internet connection because when I switch to another tab while waiting for the OGR "connection" tab to do something, the other tabs and internet sites work properly.



I just tried to make this post and got the "please wait" icon with the turning gears. After a few minutes I gave up and went and had dinner. After coming back, still had the "please wait" icon, so I cancelled it. Over 20 minutes, and it didn't complete the post. See if it works this time. If the forum keeps bogging down like this, I think you're going to lose people who get tired of waiting for it to work.


Edit: I scrolled up the page, and it looks like it made the post (actually 30 minutes ago), but I still had the "please wait" icon on my screen.

Originally Posted by Jim Policastro:
Originally Posted by dk122trains:
Originally Posted by Dave Allen:

I'm totally amazed, it even makes Jim Policastro look younger!

Hey I agree on that one Dave!!!!!! Happy Railroading!!!!-Don Klose


Thank you, I think! 


But whatever youth I may appear to have regained is certainly going to be lost by Rich over the next week!


Hang in there!




Well Jim, I think we need a bit of levity here today, so much negativity going on.

I think the new forum is fine, anything new takes a bit of getting used to, but there are some very big improvements and I'm happy.

I realy do not like not being able to tell who the originator of a post is on the first page. Sometimes when I am searching the "For Sale" page if I see a certain person has something for sale I will look just because of who it is. Can't put my finger on why but the forum seems to not be as "friendlt" or "family coverstion" feeling. Maybe it is the greay colors. Not sure. Just does not feel as "welcoming" as it did before......

I like the way it looks on my iPhone...but I don't like the way it looks and works on my laptop. The old format was better in a lot of ways. I really don't like not being able to see who originated a thread without opening it. I agree it's similar to Facebook . Capt'n Andy Member of TCA & TTOS "Chessie sez 'Smokem' if you gottem' ."


I personally think that you and your teem did an excellent job in creating this new forum.   Apparently, not everyone understands the kind of hard work and great effort it takes by many people to make something like this happen.  I know that change is difficult for some so there is bound to be some likes and dislikes and there is nothing wrong with constructive criticism, but some of the comments listed above, are far from constructive, completely unwarranted and mean spirited.  It’s too bad that it takes just a few to ruin things for everyone else.


The only thing I would  like to see are the posts go all the way across the screen like on the old forum, but I think that’s one of the items on the update list . (white space)


Thanks Rich and company for a great effort! 



Originally Posted by OGR Webmaster:
Originally Posted by Dale H:

I have an older computer IMAC G4. All the animation slows things down,takes longer to load a page than the old Forum.  Also the index is too segmented. Would like a forum index all on one page.


Dale H

You have an old Imac G4 and you wonder why things are slow? C'mon know the answer to that question, and it's not something I can do anything about.


A forum index all on one page is available. Just click on FORUMS and then FORUM LIST in the nav bar at the top of the page.

Found it thank you. Was also wondering why the right half of the page is blank and not used for making the posts bigger? My wife said the format is probably to be read with IPADs and I phones. 


Actually the G4 (about 8 years old never had one problem) works reasonably well on most sights and was lightning fast on the old forum. The old forum even could be read with WEBTV.  I have software that disables flash unless I manually load it. That speeds it up quite a bit on those type of sites. Right now things are tough and I can not afford a new computer. I actually benefited and learned a lot about computers using an older one because sometimes you have to work around and solve issues. Actually my first car was a then 20 year old 49 Ford, Owning it made me become a good mechanic and learn about cars.  Be interesting to survey the members as to how modern or old their computers are.


Apple users if you put your pointer in the upper right corner of your post by left of the cog a symbol will appear to edit your post. Just click on it.


Thanks again for providing a forum that all can enjoy.


Dale H

Last edited by Dale H


I am absolutely, positively, amazed that you were able to retain over 1TB of past information and bring it into this new format!!  Having been involved in forums (ownership, moderation, etc) for a number of years... I KNOW firsthand what catastrophies CAN take place during such a move!!!


As for the visuals/etc:


It's new.  It's different.  Rich will get many of the quirks sorted over time.  Some of the "different" part I'll adapt to.


Bottom line:  This is a service brought to us on OGR's dollar.  Not one of us "users" have a red-cent in it.  It's TOTALLY FREE to us... but I assure you it is NOT free for OGR.


A big THANK YOU to the guys (n' gals?) working hard behind the scene to iron out the wrinkles and provide us with a forum.





Originally Posted by laming:


It's new.  It's different.  Rich will get many of the quirks sorted over time.  Some of the "different" part I'll adapt to.


Bottom line:  This is a service brought to us on OGR's dollar.  Not one of us "users" have a red-cent in it.  It's TOTALLY FREE to us... but I assure you it is NOT free for OGR.


A big THANK YOU to the guys (n' gals?) working hard behind the scene to iron out the wrinkles and provide us with a forum.





I agree totally with Andre. Job well done and thanks to everyone at ORG for giving me this forum. Great job.


It's different.  A lot more white space that I really don't see as an advantage, and I'm not sure I care about the "recent posts" on the right either, but it may prove to be a neat feature over time.


Also, the forum link on the main page still points to which then has a link to the new forum. 


Like anything else, I suppose I will get use to it soon and will exploit the new features without looking back.



I am still feeling my way around but it seems pretty good. Somethings I miss like the views number. I always found that interesting for some reason. A high view number even without a high reply number was an interesting way to judge interest in a topic. Sometimes people have nothing to say even on an interesting topic but I could tell interest by the views number. Maybe it is there somewhere and I am too hamfisted to find it.

Is there a way to change the order in which the posts are viewed? For instance in this forum, I have to click on the last page to see the most recent post. It's much easier for me personally to see the newest post show up first. etc. I'm sure it's in front of me how to change the order, but I can't seem to find it.


Thanks much,




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