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Thanks Rich.


Also, thanks for the nice comments, guys. Truth be told, the up-stairs addition was my wife's idea! She designed the whole concept as a large up-stairs "master bedroom", with its own bathroom/shower, full size "walk-in" cedar lined closet, and "sitting room on the other side of the stair way. She has also taken GREAT pleasure in telling all the neighbors in our sub-division that, "The whole new up-stairs addition is for a railroad."! Naturally, you can't believe the looks she gets.


I have always admired the great layout that you have there, it is definetly an inspiration.  That combined with all of your knowledge with regards to main line steam and EMD that you bring to the forum makes for some great reading and enjoyment.  And what a nice well written article.  Congratulations to you on a great room, a great layout and some darn nice recognition.   

Jack - I am pleased to see that you and your great railroad are receiving some well deserved recognition. I have enjoyed visiting with you at DuPage and have admired the pictures and videos of your layout that I have seen on this forum. When I saw that your layout was featured on the tours of the upcoming O Scale Convention, I marked it on my calendar as a must see


Great article! Your wife's support is priceless.



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