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I'm looking for some suggestions to activate my MTH Pennsy Signal Bridge.  Currently my layout has ground-isolated zones for triggering signals.  However, with this signal bridge there are two hot wires and one ground.  How can I trigger this signal with my isolated rail sections?  My dad came up with the idea of using relays from the isolated rail wire over to the signal hot wire - could there be an easier way than this?

Last edited by PRRfan
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Good evening PRR Fan,

I am triggering my Pennsy Signal bridge's with Z Stuff  DZ-1075 Trackside  Sensors.

The DZ-1075 works well and will only detect the train on the track that the sensor is sitting next to.

I have a couple Lionel #153IR and MTH ITAD that I am in the process of changing out both of these sensors. Due to the fact that the sensors will trigger if you walk by the layout. If you turn the sensitivity down on these two sensors the sensors will not sense the train going by or only pickup on half the train.


The good thing about the Lionel#153IR and the MTH ITAD is you can set how long you want the Stop signal to stay on after the train has passed.



With the DZ-1075 the sensor will stay on for about 4 seconds and then change the signal back to proceed and then to clear.


The DZ-1075 looks very prototypical of a signal box and could be hidden from view if needed very easily.

The Lionel and MTH are larger and they look like a large control box that you would see along the railroad also.

The Lionel sensor sits up higher than the MTH.


One thing about any of these sensors you can set them where you wish with no need of cutting track and making isolated blocks to trigger the signals.


The wiring instructions are laid out very well on all o these sensors so hooking them up is pretty basic.


I just got done wiring a few of my signals on sidings into a MTH AIU and I am using my DCS remote to turn them on and off.

I did this only for when I have someone else running a train and I need him to get into a siding. Hopefully he is watching the signal !!!!


Hope this helps.



Thanks for the suggestions, guys.  I'm still messing around with a lot of ideas.


My Custom Signals crossing flashers are on the same zone as the signal bridge.  I'm trying to use the CS board and its outputs, but I'm not getting anywhere.  Has anyone had luck using the CS board for a "hot" output to change a signal?

As I see it, the "problem" you have is you have a single "input" but you need two "outputs".  Like you say, the Pennsy signal has two "hot" wires.  One turns on the proceed (vertical), the other turns on the slow-stop (diagonal-then-horizontal).  Father knows best.  The relay converts a single input into two outputs by virtue of its two contacts (aka NO, NC).  So the relay sends whatever is hooked to the COMMON terminal to either the NO or NC relay output depending on the single input.


From the Custom Signal instructions for their crossing flasher:

 ogr custom signals

I don't know if this is what you have but it suggests their boards even have a detector output signal which could drive an external device such as a relay.  If you are using a 12V DC supply as they suggest, your problem could be solved by a 12V DC relay module you can buy on eBay for less than $2 shipped.;hash=item463288f5cc




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  • ogr custom signals
  • 5401407-1

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