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Courtesy of the Legacy Users Group (LUG) aka Base3 Users Group  (BUG)  LOL!  More info to follow but here is the basics of it now.

Once again I am offering to do upgrades on Legacy systems or create modules, that you provide, for those that want them.

I will have my PC and Legacy System at York and will set up in the Orange Hall Lobby near the meeting rooms to the right (looking from the main entrance) Thursday at 3 PM and Friday at 11:30 AM.  I usually keep it to a half hour so please show up at least 10 minutes before the half hour is up.

Current software is V1.6 Base and V1.74 Cab2.   

If you want modules made you will need 2 writable modules if you need both a Base module and Cab2 module made or just 1 if you only need a Cab2 module.  I will create them and test them on my system before you leave. I do not have modules other than my own.  I'm sure GRJ will chime in with his "Free Module" procedure link.

If you want your system upgraded I will have a power supply so all you need to bring is the Base and Cab2.  Please make sure they are at least V1.2 to start.  I will use my modules to do the upgrade and we will make sure your system boots before you leave.

As I said I believe Gunrunnerjohn will chime in and offer his "Free Module" link but due to Henning's not attending he won't be doing upgrades.

You can also watch this video I created based on the same procedure.

Last edited by MartyE
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I just want to add what a great service Marty is doing for the forum members who need to upgrade their Legacy Bases and Cab2. I borrowed Marty’s upgrade modules to upgraded my clubs Legacy’s and also did 2 club members for their home layouts. I know I don’t have to tell you all but what the heck……..Marty is a great guy.

JohnB (DelMar RR Club)

@MartyE  I was able to get a 993 Cab2 set (no legacy base) right when the Cab3 was announced.  Is that something that can be updated even though it has never been used with / connected to a legacy base?  I have put batteries in the set and it powers on but with no base to connect it to I wasn't able to do anything more than that.


Which version of the software is in it now?

@MartyE  I was able to get a 993 Cab2 set (no legacy base) right when the Cab3 was announced.  Is that something that can be updated even though it has never been used with / connected to a legacy base?  I have put batteries in the set and it powers on but with no base to connect it to I wasn't able to do anything more than that.

Yes it can be upgraded but I like to have a base available to confirm there are no issues communicating with a base when the upgrade is done.  If you will be at York I'll have my base available to confirm the upgrade went as expected.  But bottom line is it can be upgraded and to FWIW if it goes through the procedure without hanging up I don't foresee any issues.


I have a 2 pack of blue modules 1.3 that I think Lionel sent out to Legacy users years ago. I was able to open 1 and going to do the simple unsolder and solder work you describe in your video.
1 of my 2 cab 2’s is at 1.72 and the base is at 1.60 since Lionel upgraded them while they repaired the cab 2. Have to check out the other Legacy system to see which versions are there.
Going to open the other 1.3 blue module for the Legacy base upgrade if needed.
I will be at York on Friday/Saturday and figure out when to meet there or make another arrangement.
Regards, Ted

I'm not able to check, since I have no base I can't get past the first screen when I put batteries in the controller.  The only thing I can currently do is search for a base.

Or am I missing a way to check the version?

You'll need a base to confirm what version is in it.  I just confirmed that without a base you're stuck on the scan for base screen.  You can however either overwrite the version that's in there without a base but again it's always good to confirm it still communicate with the base when done.

OK so I am going to tentatively confirm Friday's time at 11:30AM. That seems to have work well in the past.  I am allowing 1/2 hour time frame.  I won't let anyone leave without getting taken care of so arrive at least 10 minutes before noon.

Thursday is still up in the air for an exact time but it will be around 3pm.

Again if you are getting module(s) made don't forget you need writable modules,  2 for Base and Cab2 or just 1 for Cab2.  They'll be tested on my system before you walk away.

  If you are getting a system updated all I need is the Base and Cab2 at minimum.  I will have a power supply.

Again current versions are Base V1.60 and Cab2 V1.74.

Last edited by MartyE


Hoping to meet up with you on Thursday. Please let me know timing once you can confirm. I will make any timing work or your schedule. I am looking for the system upgrade and I will have one module.

Thanks again for taking the time to help out those of us that are Legacy Upgrade illiterate.


Just so were on the same page, If you are bringing your base and cab2 you won't need any modules.  I can upgrade those off of my modules.

Hi Ted

I saw it.  Sorry didn't get back.  I came here and posted the time and was going to reply and got derailed.  Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Just a note to everyone,  if for some reason the times don't work out let me know and I'll see if I can accommodate you but I really prefer to try to do these at the scheduled times if possible.

Last edited by MartyE

A week away.  If you plan on getting your system upgrade just bring the system, base and remote.  If you want modules mad make sure you bring module(s) depending on whether you want just the Cab2 software or both the Cab2 and Base.  I won't leave until the 2 sessions until everyone is done.  All I ask is that you get there at least 10 minutes before 3:30PM on Thursday and 12 on Friday.

I'll post one more reminder next Wednesday.

Last edited by MartyE

Final reminder!

Thursday April 18th at 3pm and Friday April 19th at 11:30am in the Orange Hall Lobby.  Each day I will be there for about a half hour. Just show up.

I will be setup to make system modules (you supply) and / or upgrade systems.  Please arrive at least 10 minutes before the half hour is up.  I will get everyone done as long as you arrive before the half hour is up.

Current versions are Base V1.60 and Cab2 V1.74.

If you enter the main lobby I will be to the right near the meeting rooms as long as the space isn't occupied.  It is typically wide open past the LCCA modular layout.

Last edited by MartyE

I’m envious of you all that are close ( or within reasonable) driving distance . I’m 500 miles away in S.W.Va on the TN/ VA state line .  Maybe in a couple of years .

Have fun , be safe , and above all talk trains ! Buy trains , sell trains !!!😳😳😳 & buy legacy modules from @MartyE ! I’m antiquated , original TMCC .  🚂🚂🚂🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Last edited by redbarchetta81

I’m envious of you all that are close ( or within reasonable) driving distance . I’m 500 miles away in S.W.Va on the TN/ VA state line .  Maybe in a couple of years .

Have fun , be safe , and above all talk trains ! Buy trains , sell trains !!!😳😳😳 & buy legacy modules from @MartyE ! I’m antiquated , original TMCC .  🚂🚂🚂🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

No charge!  Just bring your system or your own modules.

Thanks for everyone who stopped by.  Unfortunately we had a couple of units we couldn't update.  1 was 1.0 which will need to go back to Lionel and the second, the Cab2 would not stay on.  Sorry to those folks we couldn't help. We did do more updates this time around than in the past.  We'll see how things go with Base3 and see if we need to do a session in the fall.

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