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Gilly@N&W posted:

How do any of your last three posts relate to Arnold's last post? Do you enjoy playing football with a baseball bat?

Christmas Lights


I'm sorry. I was relating to Arnold's Plasticville barn image, a few steps above, as well as Jim M Sr's barn posting. The offending items have been dutifully removed. I'll try with real dedication not to let myself get that freewheeling ever again, boss.

Very sincerely,


Last edited by Moonson

P.S. (Uh oh, this makes two replies from me in a row = destruction of regimen. "Sorry".)

Gilly, I thought this sort of thing had been addressed previously. Did I miss something? I'm sure you will re-enlighten me.

That is, SOME of us do not sit at the computer glued to the OGR Forum and this thread every minute. Thus, upon the occasion/moment when we are present, here, several very interesting posts may be a bit up the line. So, we allow ourselves the creative freedom to react to those, also, not just the one immediately in front of the line - in front of us.

Perhaps, I misinterpreted the intent of this thread; that is, to have creative interaction, and some spontaneous communal conversation with fellow hobbyists who have crafted scenes that link to some created by ourselves, on this forum. No?

Would you like to see a list of the numerous "Likes" I have received for my postings, including the offending (to your sense of order and regimentation) postings I just removed? Never mind. That was rhetorical.


Last edited by Moonson
John H posted:

You can still have creative reaction without breaking the chain. If you miss one connection, I'm sure there will be one in the present post.

That makes sense, to me, of course, John H. However, one might want to consider another factor.

I have voluminous files of photos. It often takes a while, in the midst of living my life, to search through them to find one that I recall which might be pertinent to that latest posting. However, then, often, I edit and crop photos to help configure them to be as pertinent as possible, and hopefully interesting, too, linking to the posted photo to which I initially reacted. Yet, that posting might well have moved along the queue, and be some chronological distance away by then.

Enlighten me, again, please, as to what the harm is in my being so enthusiastic when responding to a photo that I might take a while to find a photo of my layout efforts that I feel may give some enjoyment to others on the thread to see? I still do not comprehend what the necessity is for getting scolded for being a bit out of chronological order with a reply, sir.

For example, I have been working on getting photos ready for the posting recently about tunnels, and one featuring a plowed farm field. They have moved along the sacred queue, so shall I delete my files prepared for these two topics (10th and 11th postings back down the line from here,) by JackieJr and  Randy and, thus, absent myself from posting in creative reaction to them as I planned? You tell me. What you and/or Gilly direct me to do, I shall.


Last edited by Moonson

IN all fairness MOONSON; I think Gilly is right on. Occasionally there are  times I have researched and been ready to post a photo only to realize I have been out drawn so to speak. According to the established game rules I just wait till the next opportunity to post a photo. Seems to me there's no rush to enjoy each others  photos. I hope no offense is taken by my comment. This is an enjoyable game, why complicate it?

Might as well post a photo while I am here. DSCN0910


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  • DSCN0910
Last edited by jackiejr

Chain:  the lighted switch.   Brand new Menard's small station and lighted truck.  It replaces a plasticsville factory I've had since 1985.

BTW, in response to all the hubbub, "Rules?  Where we're going, there are no rules!"  I'm also hopeful our train guys will be pretty safe.  There's a lot to be said for home entertainment.




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  • 20200322_070017

Plasticville church


Without taking a position on the issue being debated (Frank, please keep posting: your scenes are magnificent), there is an element of speed in the Photo Chain game, like there is in Jeapardy, IMO, if one's post must have a connection to the one immediately prior. Arnold


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  • 20190112_195728
Last edited by Arnold D. Cribari

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