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Went over to a friend's layout to try to help with updating some TIUs and remotes.  We used an old ThinkPad  with nothing on it but the DCS software, loader, etc and the drivers/supporting software for it.  It has a serial port, COM1.  Used new loader.   With the TIU off the layout, powered by aux power, proper cables, and following the instructions, it would not find the TIU on the port.  We spent 3 hours trying every thing and sequence of events.  On one try to update the TIU with 4.3 it found the COM port and updated it.  We then tried immediately to back a remote up to the laptop after cycling everything and it did the endless search for COM1 without finding it, bouncing between COM1 and COM3, with nothing else running on the laptop.

Then we tried using the USB connection on a REV L TIU and no luck; same endless looping.

Finally gave up and went home, made stupid again by a computer.


Any idea what is going wrong?  Even trying to tell it to use COM1 only didn't work.


Newer PC upgraded the Rev L fine through the USB port.  We tried some cable from RadioShack, with it's drivers, to make it think it was serial but that didn't work.


Sometimes it will work on my own layout TIUs, which makes it even more confusing.

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yes you  might need to update the serial port driver on your computer, I installed windows 10 and also had to update the serial driver as it was not finding the serial port on any port ounce I update the serial port driver it took off download a engine file into my computer with no issues, and this is not the first time I have had to update a device driver for serial port!

Good luck and don't get discouraged you'll figure it out there are many good people on the forum always willing to help you out!


Old IBM ThinkPad running WIN98 SE; has a serial port and a USB port.

It does not have any internet software or connection, just a stand-alone laptop for doing the MTH software updates.

Have not had a problem previously with it finding the COM port.

Not sure how to update the serial port driver on it without that access.  Any hints wold be great!

Isn't there some way to tell the device manager to use one of those ports for the USB so the loader can find it that way?

Really been a frustrating experience and I felt really bad I could not help my friend when I was sure it would work on his like it worked on mine when I did the 4.3 upgrade a month ago.

Any help appreciated!  I can't even clone my own remotes now ...


Last edited by Kerrigan
I've used it to update all my own TIUs and Remotes with the new loader.  I must not be doing something right to get it to work on my friend's TIUs and Remotes.
Tried it following Barry's book instructions and the different ways other people seem to have worked it from searching this Forum for clues.  The MTH book isn't any help, and following the instructions which come up on the screen with the loader doesn't work.  The loader just keeps searching for a TIU on COM1 and COM3 ...
As I'm not going to purchase a new laptop just so I can update MTH code ... guess I'm stuck on 4.30 for ever, and not able to help friends with it in the future.  Glad I did get it updated; now I can forget about it and play with it.
Still not convinced it's not just an operator error on my part.
Originally Posted by Moonman:

It's time to retire the dinosaur. MTH revision of the loader app to include using MS .Net services precludes you from using the app with older than XP.


I really doubt that it's the serial port driver or a hardware issue.


Last edited by Kerrigan
If it can update my TIU shouldn't it be able to do the same on someone elses newer TIU?
Suspect the PC OS just can't communicate with the Loader program re port resolution. 
Tinkering with it off the layout to see if I can figure out how to make it clone remotes.
I did use it to update my layout prior to trying to update his.  Did get it to update one old TIU Phil had, but could not get it to communicate with COM1 to clone a remote.
Need to see if it will copy a remote to the PC; haven't tried that one yet here.
It does have .NET on it; 3.5
Originally Posted by Casey Jones2:

Sometimes it will work on my own layout TIUs, which makes it even more confusing.




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