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I just want to thank everyone for the likes. It is very encouraging. My wife's only comment - " you did not get authorization from the scenery manager". Go figure! I will have post pics of the rest of the layout as it at least has track down. Was and am always hesitant due to everyone else having so much done and looking so nice. I also enjoy so much following Gunrunner Johns build and BigBoy4005. Inspiration is all I can say.

Curtis (put name as it was on the pet peeves list for not doing it. LOL)

Jim, The layout is coming right along. Sure is nice that your able to move it as needed! Good luck on the wheel bearings!

Curtish, the mountain looks great and thank you for the information!

WOW can you believe it, its Hump day already! I sure hope everyone is doing ok as I seen on the news that the Midwest and east are getting hit by some really bad weather! Please everyone stay safe and try to have some fun!

Put the layout back in its place to make room in the garage. 

I placed the buildings roughly where I want them to go.  Doing so I found I can't use all the buildings and features I want.  I also changed the siding to a single track instead of a double track. 

 I did determine that with the foam and plaster cloth installed, that the layout is too heavy for me to carry all the way up stairs and into the garage.  Most work will be done now while it is in place. 

I will be ordering the back drop tomorrow along with doing some more plaster cloth.  I will also be cutting the 2x4's that will hold up the track for my trestle.  They will be painted grey to look like concrete.  



Tomorrows job is to finish the wheel bearings for the wife's van.   I also will be doing a brake job while at it.  

I started it tonight but I figured after 11pm, the neighbors didn't want to hear me trying to hammer out the axle on the suborn CV axle.   **** that Michigan salt they put on the roads in the winter! 





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geysergazer posted:


The age-old dilemma: whether or not to sacrifice scenery for operation. I'd have kept the second stub siding and that is why my scenery is largely, shall we say,.....schematic .

I see you did get it apart. Do you have a press or are you installing new complete assemblies? That spindle looks shiny-new.


I decided a long time ago to make this layout "photograph" ready.  Lots of scenery and make it so I can do "studio" shots of my trains.

As for the wheel bearings, they are assemblies.   The passenger side was easy to get off, but its the drivers side I am really struggling with.  I have the spindle soaking in some PB blaster.   It was the drivers side that went bad, but I was able to get 2 assemblies at a really good deal so I decided to do both sides. 

Yes, your [layout] composition seems about perfect wrt future photography. 


And you can't resort to the old standby: heat. The greas/e in the wheel bearing plus the seals would catch fire about the time you got it hot enough to do any good. I have resorted to smashing a bearing and then cutting the inner race with a grinder but in your case it's the spindle that is stuck. PB + patience will have to do 


Last edited by geysergazer

I recently realized I’m at the 5th anniversary of the start of the layout.
So, here we are on August 18, 2014, the first train reaches the opposite end of the line. Only 6 days before, the first train moved on about 3 feet of track at the other end:

5 years later, the same spot (and same locomotive):

Working on SD45's. A little paint, a little electrical.... The Conrail SD45 is another ancient MTH Premier body shell originally manufactured with all black handrails. Some CR blue and some flat white and voila! 

CR SD45 6099_20190807_120627777

I've given both the CR and EL SD45's LED headlights and ditch lights. The CR is powered although conventional. The EL is a dummy so I gave it an on-off switch for the lights.

EL SD45_20190808_114448281


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  • EL SD45_20190808_114448281

I sure hope this counts as working on my layout. 

1. Dig up flowers on the north end of my radio room and replant on the east side.  (hold on, it gets better)

2. Remove all rolling stock, lamps, lanterns, and delicates from the train room.

3. Jack up building, remove concrete blocks, install 10 foot long rollers, and lower building.

4. Turn the building 90 degrees clockwise and slide 2 feet south. 

All by my self. 

I will level my little railroad tomorrow.

DSC03111 As it was

DSC03214  almost there

DSC03215  3 inch plastic conduit

DSC03216  Enough for today

After I stopped, my wife reminded me that I'm 60, not 30, and had five strokes.  But I'm not dead yet.





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Mayor Magoo posted:

Test fit the small trestles.  Got the river bottom down and plastered up the banks.  When everything dries I'll paint with some brown latex to coat/seal.  After that comes adding some scenic elements along the river then the pour.


I love these bridges.  Very similar on what I want to do where my track crosses the river.  The big difference is mine will be on curved track. 

Lee, Happy 5th! You sure have done some amazing work! Your layout sure looks great!

Ralph, Those engines really look sharp. Just those little things sure make a big difference!

Bill, WOW very impressive! Looks good in its new spot. Now you have a covered porch for both buildings! One question though, that door on the train room looks really big, is there enough room for it to open all the way?

Ed, looking good and looks like you have a great construction crew!

Brian, wonderful morning picture! I hope you also have a great weekend!

Well its Friday everyone, I finely get a day off, so I am going to spend it in the train room, I am going to paint the top of the bench work so its not just plywood, and work on a second crane I got from Wal-Mart for $5. I am hoping my "Y"'s from Ross gets here this weekend. That will be the last of the track needed till I go out the window to the wife's rock garden!

I hope everyone has a great weekend and please do what you have to do to have some FUN!

The car sagas are finally done and I can get back to working on the layout!

I received the plaster cloth that I ordered the other day.  Hopefully in the next few days I can get all the plaster cloth done on the layout.

I ordered some track today also.  Originally I was using O42 curves on the front side of the layout, but found that they are too big.  I ordered some O32 to switch them out.

I painted a reproduction builders plate for the Pere Marquette 1225.  I plan to hang it on the wall behind the layout.  Second coat of the brass color to go on all the letters tonight and then it will be dull coated tomorrow.  



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What'd I do? Switched the Paint Factory.


The Espee Box and the black Santa Fe Tank are currently spotted and the Box is now loaded with paint and the Tank is empty of resins. The other three cars are off-spot with the TTX box empty for loading , the MTH Box full waiting to ship and the orange Santa Fe Tank is waiting to unload resins.


The Petrolia Turn has just brought up for set-out this B&P Box loaded with pigments.

        IMG_3685 [1)

Work done! Now the TTX Box is spotted for loading and the Santa Fe Tank is spotted for unloading. The B&P Box and the Espee Box are off-spot waiting.


Ready for the next move. It. took 15 [locomotive] moves to do this work. This is the kind of stuff we model railroaders love and real railroad management hates. Lotta' man-hours get sucked up with switching work. 



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Lew- that is a very busy railroad you are running. Love the details required to make the switching moves.

Bill- glad the lamps survived (collectors items?)- pace yourself please.

Doberman- very nice. Well done sir!

Randy- that is going to be a nice train. Maybe they will go out on the road and pick up where RB-BB left off. Just not the same without the circus coming to town any more.


Last edited by RSJB18
Vincent Massi posted:

Paul, that's one of the sharpest-looking diesels I have ever seen.C9CDF663-64CF-479A-B8B4-8BC129F173E0

Thanks, Vincent... that’s part of my “local collection” - railroads that run/ran through my corner of NE Pennsylvania. The Jersey Central A-A is from Atlas (there is an old CNJ station in Scranton, not far from the entrance to Steamtown). Next to that are a Lionel D&H and Erie, which ran over/under the Starrucca Viaduct  north of me in Wayne County. And in the background is a Lionel CN which currently runs through the area.

No photos today but I did order my backdrop from one of the forum sponsors.

I also finished up the 1225's builders plate that will hang on the wall on the back of the layout.  Wednesday night I will move the layout back to the garage and finish putting plaster cloth down.  Before it goes back to the basement for the last time I will put a coat of white paint all over it and sprinkle on some woodlands scenic snow, screw down the track and wire it up.   The 1st running will be a week late but it will happen next weekend for sure! 

Mark, I took several breaks and drank plenty of water.

Mike, good catch on the door clearance.  I was about to pull a couple more clicks on my come-along when I remembered what you said.  I have less than two inches clearance with the door open and there she will stay.

Randy, great video.  My wife liked it too.

Bob, one lava lamp dates from the early seventies.  The other is modern and has speakers and blue tooth.  Got to have my daily Beatles fix.

Well, I was not able to run anything.  Seems I picked up a dead short somewhere.  My five amp circuit breaker for track power opens up when I apply voltage.  I pulled large sections of track apart and attacked them with a Fluke meter to no avail.  I will start poking around on the control panel tomorrow.


Last edited by Odenville Bill

You guys inspired me to do some train work today. 

Got out the solder gun and replaced an old (original) ZW power cord:


Works like a champ now.

Then replaced the original wiring in one of my PW 2421 Maplewood cars that was part of my first set as a kid:


Wired up a new block signal:


And something I have been wanting to do for a long time, experimented with black felt on one of my road crossings. Not done with it yet but getting there:



Ok, enough for one day! Have a good Sunday, all.



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Last edited by CoastsideKevin

Bob, Nice engine! I am glad you finally found it!

Paul, the service racks look great! Nice job!

Jim, wonderful job on the builders Plate!

Randy, the circus cars look perfect!

Lew, great setup. Looks like a good amount of fun to be had!

Dobermann, well done Sir!

Bill I am glad you noticed the clearance before it was to late and would have had to move it back out 2"!

Kevin, Things are looking good on the layout. The felt looks like it could be a good idea! Nice job on the cord replacement!

Well its been 2 days from my last visit here and guess what. Still no train room time, it seams like something is always coming up. Last night before bed I told the wife that today is train room day. I am not doing anything that doesn't have to do with the train room or trains! 

So when I get done here I am going out to the train room, start moving things so I can paint the table top, then work on my second crane.

I hope everyone has a great Sunday and please take time to have some FUN!

It seem awfully early in the day but I had abandon the train room and head to the big house.  The thermometer shown is accurate.  It is getting direct sunlight like my back did before I turned the building.  133 degrees F.  Air temp in the shade is 96.  I found a #6 wood screw shorting out my track voltage.  I hooked everything back up and made three good laps with a #1055 Texas Special.  I'm done and done-in.  I feel a shower and a nap are in order.  I'll check what y'all did in a few hours.

133 degrees



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  • 133 degrees

Finished this flatcar load project.  I'm waiting for the MTH Bush 4141 to be delivered.  I didn't buy any UP cars that were in the funeral consist but  then I had this idea.  41 flew a TBF Avenger in WWII and thought it would be cool to include it in my 41 funeral consist.  I decided on 1:48 just fit. I'm having issues with some trackside accessories and supports for my elevated platform but, I can run it for a bit on my layout until I fix those issues. The section of the wings that house the landing gear extend beyond the track ballast.   Of course the wings and rear stabilizers couldn't be attached so I decided to build a "rack" to store then in transit.  Simulating the wing retraction as if on a carrier posed the same space issue. Then I had to decide what to do with the torpedo: mount in the plane, not display it and close the torpedo bay doors or mount it on the flatcar. I chose the latter and built a cradle to store it.  I suspect at no time would this configuration ever be seen in real life, but, this is my layout and as I've been told more than once by the good folks in this forum "It's your layout, your trains, do what you like."    This was the first model I've built since I was 12 or so....forgot what great fun and satisfaction comes from completing a build.  More to come for the layout, for sure.  So, this is in honor of a Naval Aviator, President and an honorable man and patriot.  Thanks 41.

Avenger right angle close up 2.

Avanger coffin right closeup

Avenger close

Avenger coffin leftt side



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  • Avenger Right Angle close
  • Avenger right angle close up 2
  • Avanger coffin right closeup
  • Avenger close
  • Avenger coffin leftt side

Gang, I've had a rough five weeks at church. The woman in charge of the children's ministries had a successful C-section, and I wound up driving the church van routes by myself. She recovered in time for six days of Vacation Bible School, with me in charge of three church van routes.

I was in shock yesterday when I realized it was all over, and God had blessed us.

So, back to work! I began assembling "Circuit City," which will provide in-depth circuitry work for Vincent's Industrial Park.SUNP0002SUNP0004SUNP0005  


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Bill, WOW now that's getting hot! Guess some AC is in order for the train room! I am glad you found the short and still had time to run some trains!

Ed, Wonderful job on the flat car! What a great way to honor and very good man!

Vincent, way to think out of the box. Or should I say out of the VCR! LOL

Sam, what great layouts! Thank you for sharing them with the rest of us!

Well folks, I did spend the day in the train room yesterday. I got half of the bench top painted, but that's because the other have has all the stuff on it. Today I will get out there and paint the other have until I run out of paint. LOL I also worked on my new $5 crane from Wal-Mart. I got it setup for rotation and power the old battery line hoist with a small wall wart, but found out I don't have anymore DPDT momentary switches so I will have to get a couple. The best part about yesterday was while the paint was drying I was able to run trains for a little while! Great day! Sorry no pictures, I will get some today.

Well Its Monday, the wife and I are going fishing this morning and then it to the train room! Sounds like another great day! I hope you all have a wonderful day and please have FUN!

Happy Monday- grabbed a couple of minutes before work to give my new PRR A5 a quick test run. What a nice engine, runs really smooth. I now have this plus a PRR B6 0-6-0, and another Lionel MPC PRR 0-4-0, that should make a nice set of engines to run together.

Believe it or not, it's the first time the power has been put to the rails in about a month. I realize that is a very sad fact but it is what it is.

2019-08-12 07.31.122019-08-12 07.31.19

2018-12-08 08.13.342017-11-12 20.53.33



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2019-08-12 07.32.23
Last edited by RSJB18
RSJB18 posted:

Happy Monday- grabbed a couple of minutes before work to give my new PRR A5 a quick test run. What a nice engine, runs really smooth. I now have this plus a PRR B6 0-6-0, and another Lionel MPC PRR 0-4-0, that should make a nice set of engines to run together.

Believe it or not, it's the first time the power has been put to the rails in about a month. I realize that is a very sad fact but it is what it is.

2019-08-12 07.31.122019-08-12 07.31.19

2018-12-08 08.13.342017-11-12 20.53.33


Any man this dedicated to the Pennsylvania Railroad is a credit to this forum.

RSJB18 posted:

Happy Monday- grabbed a couple of minutes before work to give my new PRR A5 a quick test run. What a nice engine, runs really smooth. I now have this plus a PRR B6 0-6-0, and another Lionel MPC PRR 0-4-0, that should make a nice set of engines to run together.

Believe it or not, it's the first time the power has been put to the rails in about a month. I realize that is a very sad fact but it is what it is.

2019-08-12 07.31.122019-08-12 07.31.19

2018-12-08 08.13.342017-11-12 20.53.33


Great stuff, Bob. Do you run conventionally or some type of command control? 

Bob, Nice looking Engine! Looks like it run nice and smooth! Should be a lot of fun running it on your layout!

John, sure looks like you have a good start on your control panel. Are the gauges for each track power?

Lee, Looks GREAT! Side note what Ballast did you use on your layout as I am almost to that point?

So folks the last 2 days I have been working on painting my bench top! One suggestion to anyone building a layout, when you get the top installed PAINT IT FIRST before you put anything one it! LOL I had to move everything from one end to the other and then again to paint the other end. Now I have to put everything back in place when I get a chance this week. But it did give me a chance to see different buildings in different places! Here are a couple of pictures of my current mess! LOL

20190812_12111320190812_12112020190812_12112820190812_12114120190812_152534_00020190812_152544_000                                            Well its Tuesday and I hope everyone had a great weekend! I hope everyone has time today to have some Fun with there trains!


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Bob, nice fleet of engines.

Mike g, good progress so far. Looks to me that since you started construction the center seems to be getting smaller and smaller.

 Farmer John, your layout is impressive. Can't wait to see the completion of that sgment.

Patrick, always great when you post and say you had a god time running trains.

Lee, I like the two pics showing before and after. Your layout is a showpiece.

About the only thing I can say is I am enjoying everyones posts. Been so long since I worked on anythoing train related. I di manage to score another Weaver TOFC off the "B". I already had one but this one had a different car number and I kind of like the Phoebe Snow. In a bit I'll be heading out for the Tuesday afternoon TCA lunch. After that with the weather report calling for rain I really do hope i can get something done trainwise. Pic of the car.... Paul 2



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mike g. posted:

Bob, Nice looking Engine! Looks like it run nice and smooth! Should be a lot of fun running it on your layout!

John, sure looks like you have a good start on your control panel. Are the gauges for each track power?

Lee, Looks GREAT! Side note what Ballast did you use on your layout as I am almost to that point?

So folks the last 2 days I have been working on painting my bench top! One suggestion to anyone building a layout, when you get the top installed PAINT IT FIRST before you put anything one it! LOL I had to move everything from one end to the other and then again to paint the other end. Now I have to put everything back in place when I get a chance this week. But it did give me a chance to see different buildings in different places! Here are a couple of pictures of my current mess! LOL

20190812_12111320190812_12112020190812_12112820190812_12114120190812_152534_00020190812_152544_000                                            Well its Tuesday and I hope everyone had a great weekend! I hope everyone has time today to have some Fun with there trains!

Thanks Mike. Your train room is really looking good, it’s amazing how transformative painting the plywood can be. I made the same mistake with mine, I was too excited and started placing accessories right on the plywood. Then I painted it all green, but really should have chosen a earth tone color like you did, or a cream/gray color for my road bed, then paint the green around the tracks. Oh well, you live and you learn!

the meters: the two outside meters are for the track power, and will monitor the large handles of the zw.   I run conventionally, and I really only have two power districts: upper level and lower level. Each of those has some block control (on/off sidings) within it. 

The two inner meters are for a) switches and b) accessories.

I thought it would be fun to see the meters working, and also provide a platform to introduce basic electricity to my kids. So when they hit the button for the log loader, they can see the ammeter jump up with the additional current draw. Or They can dial in the correct voltage for the AF oil drum loader before it starts flinging barrels all over the basement...

JD2035RR posted:
RSJB18 posted:

Happy Monday- grabbed a couple of minutes before work to give my new PRR A5 a quick test run. What a nice engine, runs really smooth. I now have this plus a PRR B6 0-6-0, and another Lionel MPC PRR 0-4-0, that should make a nice set of engines to run together.

Believe it or not, it's the first time the power has been put to the rails in about a month. I realize that is a very sad fact but it is what it is.

2019-08-12 07.31.122019-08-12 07.31.19

2018-12-08 08.13.342017-11-12 20.53.33


Great stuff, Bob. Do you run conventionally or some type of command control? 

JD- all conventional in my little world. I have recently bought a couple of older MTH PS-1, 2,  locos, and a couple of Lionel TMCC/ Legacy but they are running conventional. Don't know if I'll take the plunge just yet. The C&O NW-2 on the upper level in the video is Command equipped, and the B6 has railsounds.

Your control panel is looking good.


RSJB18 posted:

Did Pan Am really run a railroad? If so the obviously ran it as well as the airline.

They are in business right now in NH & ME.  Next time they are working on one of our local RR crossings, I'll take a picture of one of their trucks.   The trucks are the type that run either on Rails or roads.  Check out their website .

"Pan Am entered the rail business in 1981 when the company, then known as Guilford Transportation Industries, purchased the Maine Central Railroad (MEC). In 1983,  GTI purchased the bankrupt Boston & Maine (B&M). In 1998 GTI purchased Pan Am Airways from bankruptcy and revived the airline. In 2006 the railroad was rebranded as Pan Am as well. Today the railroad is more vibrant than ever, succeeding in a region where many rail operators have failed, by making sound investments and a focus on the long term."

mike g. posted:

Lee, Looks GREAT! Side note what Ballast did you use on your layout as I am almost to that point?20190812_121141         


I used the Woodland Scenics stuff. It wasn't the uber fine stuff, but the size just a little bigger than that (I think it's the mixed medium grey). It makes for excellent O scale ballast, I think. The finest stuff they make is excellent for gravel for parking lots and gravel driveways, I think.

BTW, thanks for the kind words, and your layout is really coming along!

Last edited by p51

It has been a few days.  The most I have done was finish up painting the builders plates to display on the wall behind the layout.  I put down 2 coats of gloss clear today and will do one coat of dull coat tomorrow, as I find them too glossy.



I do have one more plate to this set, its the Trust Plate that goes on the tender.  I can not locate it anywhere.  


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decoynh posted:
RSJB18 posted:

Did Pan Am really run a railroad? If so the obviously ran it as well as the airline.

They are in business right now in NH & ME.  Next time they are working on one of our local RR crossings, I'll take a picture of one of their trucks.   The trucks are the type that run either on Rails or roads.  Check out their website .

"Pan Am entered the rail business in 1981 when the company, then known as Guilford Transportation Industries, purchased the Maine Central Railroad (MEC). In 1983,  GTI purchased the bankrupt Boston & Maine (B&M). In 1998 GTI purchased Pan Am Airways from bankruptcy and revived the airline. In 2006 the railroad was rebranded as Pan Am as well. Today the railroad is more vibrant than ever, succeeding in a region where many rail operators have failed, by making sound investments and a focus on the long term."

Thanks Matt. I had a guy who worked for me who was a former machinist for PanAm. Very depressing to here him talk about how they all got shafted in the bankruptcy. 

It has been ages since I last posted. Too busy with other adventures. My two grand kids planned to visit beginning of August so I cleaned the rollers on the consolidation and pulled my track cleaner car around 6 times.  Had a great time as the kids watched a few trains.  We were finishing the last run when the train just stopped for no apparent reason.  I figured it might be the usual dirty rollers.  Today, I cleaned the rollers on my M1a and she ran great pulling 16 cars on 2% grade.  Then I fired up the K4s and hauled a 5 car fast mail for a while until the local 4 car commuter headed by the E6 steamer was scheduled to arrive.  It was great to see the tracks, scenery, and trains and hear the bells, whistles and chuffs.  Great to catch up on some posts now and then.  Until then . . . 

Paul, your right the center has gotten smaller! I forgot to leave room for roads so I had to add a little! LOL Hey by the way nice TOFC!

Lew, Great evolution story, thing sure look great at your place!

JD, Thanks for the nice words and explaining  all the gauges!

Brian, cool pictures! I didn't know FORD hauled coal! LOL

Matt, couple of wonderful little videos! Thanks for sharing!

Lee, Thanks for the information and the kind words!

Larry, Thanks you sir! Also thank you for sharing Farmerjohns layout pictures!

Rick R. Thank you very much!

Pennsynut, sure sounds like you had a great time with the grandkids! Soak it all in while they are still into trains!

NS1975, Great addition!

Everyone is doing such wonderful work its hard to keep up, But I do my best to try and her here daily if not a couple of times a day. It is such a great place to learn! Thank you all!

Last edited by mike g.

2 more short videos from my PanAm Railways Business Train excursion.

"Pan Am Railways is North America's largest regional railroad system. PAR's routes stretch from Saint John, New Brunswick to New York's Capital District.

PAR consists of the Springfield Terminal (ST) and Pan Am Southern (PAS). A haulage agreement with the Irving family of railroads extends ST's reach into Northern Maine and New Brunswick. The combined system, including haulage rights, totals approximately 1700 route-miles. PAR's connections include all four eastern Class I systems (CN, CP, CSX, NS) as well as over 20 regional and short line railroads. Primary commodities handled include grain, coal, sand and gravel, food products, lumber, paper and pulp, chemicals and plastics, petroleum, processed minerals, metals, scrap metal, finished automobiles and intermodal trailers and containers."



Videos (2)

Brian, once again wonderful photos!

Matt, great little videos of your layout!

So last night the guy in the big brown truck brought me two Rosa 072 Y's.  So at 5 am this morning I had to check things out. I had to router out a little moresearch then a 1/16th so they would line up. I think it will work great. Here are a couple pictures.20190814_09290120190814_09291420190814_09291920190814_093006_000


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