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This past weekend I removed the access hatch to the back of my very large mountain and had dislodged a de-railed Plymouth switcher.  This loco had been in the mountain since  last February.    As it didn't block the track, trains could still run thru the tunnel so there was no rush for me take the time to retrieve the little critter. 

Doing all this allowed me to rearrange and spruce up some scenery at the base of the mountain, all of which made a nice overall improvement.   The main thing is that I had fun doing it which is very cool

I also ran trains which was BIG FUN!!

trumptrain posted:

This past weekend I removed the access hatch to the back of my very large mountain and had dislodged a de-railed Plymouth switcher.  This loco had been in the mountain since  last February.    As it didn't block the track, trains could still run thru the tunnel so there was no rush for me take the time to retrieve the little critter. 

Is it a rule, in our hobby, that dictates trains must specialize in derailing in tunnels whenever possible? And do such "little critters" get improved "rail cred" when they can manage to do so in the most inaccessible mountains and corners? I'm beginning (and it's taken PLENTY of training [ yes, pun intended ] to get me to this point) to wonder if there's some sort of conspiracy out there among all of 'em , devised just to see us squirm, thus proving our loyalty to them . Eh? Huh? Wha' ?

FrankM, a fellow in the brotherhood of  tunnel-divers

Last edited by Moonson
Moonson posted:
trumptrain posted:

This past weekend I removed the access hatch to the back of my very large mountain and had dislodged a de-railed Plymouth switcher.  This loco had been in the mountain since  last February.    As it didn't block the track, trains could still run thru the tunnel so there was no rush for me take the time to retrieve the little critter. 

Is it a rule, in our hobby, that dictates trains must specialize in derailing in tunnels whenever possible? And do such "litter critters" get improved "rail cred" when they can manage to do so in the most inaccessible mountains and corners? I'm beginning (and it's taken PLENTY of training [ yes, pun intended ] to get me to this point) to wonder if there's some sort of conspiracy out there among all of 'em , devised just to see us squirm, thus proving our loyalty to them . Eh? Huh? Wha' ?

FrankM, a fellow in the brotherhood of  tunnel-divers

Frank - I chuckle as I read your words for they are so true!  If there is going to be a derailment on our railroads, one can bet it will happened in the most remote and most difficult to reach area such as inside a tunnel .... despite how many hundreds of test runs were made before closing the mountain!

I guess this kind of catastrophic event ( tunnel derailments ) can qualify as prototypical operation?

I always love your imaginative sense of humor!!  Thanks for the chuckles!!



trumptrain posted:
Moonson posted:
trumptrain posted:

This past weekend I removed the access hatch to the back of my very large mountain and had dislodged a de-railed Plymouth switcher.  This loco had been in the mountain since  last February.    As it didn't block the track, trains could still run thru the tunnel so there was no rush for me take the time to retrieve the little critter. 

Is it a rule, in our hobby, that dictates trains must specialize in derailing in tunnels whenever possible? And do such "little critters" get improved "rail cred" when they can manage to do so in the most inaccessible mountains and corners? I'm beginning (and it's taken PLENTY of training [ yes, pun intended ] to get me to this point) to wonder if there's some sort of conspiracy out there among all of 'em , devised just to see us squirm, thus proving our loyalty to them . Eh? Huh? Wha' ?

FrankM, a fellow in the brotherhood of  tunnel-divers

Frank - I chuckle as I read your words for they are so true!  If there is going to be a derailment on our railroads, one can bet it will happened in the most remote and most difficult to reach area such as inside a tunnel .... despite how many hundreds of test runs were made before closing the mountain!...

...I always love your imaginative sense of humor!!  Thanks for the chuckles!!


 Thanks, Trumptrain, and that's a yes, yes, and yes for your assertions (!) Here are shots (excuse me if you've seen them previously) of the most challenging areas on my layout for my layout spelunking. I don't even allow anybody in the trainroom when I am tip-toeing around atop the layout to rescue "little critters," and any idea of anybody crawling around under the layout behind me as I make my way to being able to reach up under those hills is totally taboo as it would have all the charm of following a 16-wheeler in slow traffic (I'm sure you get the dubious picture.)

Yet, such is life, in, around, and under the miniature landscapes, huh. It's all play, but I do wish I could remember, when I do have to go layout spelunking, where those evil screws are that penetrated too far through the track and well beyond the 3/4" plywood depth. I don't know anybody else who has screw point wounds on the top of his head. Yet, there they are, occasionally, looking like late-adolescent acne scars that have been picked at.





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mike g. posted:

Great looking video, and I like the tunes! The cars and treat turned out wonderful I just love the winter wonderland! I always look forward to seeing updates from you.

Mike thanks and glad you liked the music. Some times I think people expect to hear Dean Martins rendition of Winter Wonderland instead of Bands like Europe or Modern Talking. If I can find a bigger snow removal truck( The current one is an UMOG) then I will put you in the cab of that one with coffee in hand..

Our Tuesday night train crew had a Saturday night outing at Uncle Ray's Trains in Avon Lake Ohio. While there I was able to add another two Weaver flats with Navajo trailers and they were different car numbers. And while cleaning up the porch I came across two more ore cars. So today on the layout I added the flat cars and ran trains. Pics of the cars ....Paul



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Applied what I learned fixing the Sunset SP&S 902 TMCC antenna problem to the old Williams Big Boy which was converted to TMCC by Weaver and never worked, after receiving it back literally in pieces.

From 4 years on the shelf to running on the layout flawlessly made my day.

Very smooth running locomotive.  Heard it was actually made by Samsongha (sp) ?  Anyone know if it was?

 Impressed by my humble 4.5x9 layout, I accepted an invitation and visited a new neighbor who claimed to have a 'small" layout and ran his HO Lionel's while contemplating a design for the center on his request. His "tiny" layout is also 4.5', but 25' long! I think a hump yard, grain elevator plant, and coal harvesting operations will suit his stock well. The HO Lionel's? Smooth and slick. I don't see why they didn't sell more; must be an HO mental block.

Today I finally completed the 3D mock-up for my bridge railing and ordered 4 prototypes pieces (actually the 3rd set of 4 piece prototypes, had to keep making adjustments).  Hopefully the 3rd time is the charm and everything will fit nicely.  Then I can move ahead with the grate style roadbed, one on each side of the bridge.  All comments, criticisms' and suggestions are most welcome.




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  • Bridge Railing 1
Kerrigan posted:

Big Boy on tableChecked out the fit of the now-running Williams Big Boy on largest ROSS turntable ... just fits ... 1/2" from wheel to end-of-rail both ends.

Looks good. Makes you wonder if the had the same issues in real life when UP started taking delivery. But looking at it do you plan on shortening the draw bar which would be more prototypical. If nothing else you would gain an inch and remove the overhang on the tender. 

jim pastorius posted:

I have read that the railroads did squeeze some long engines on their turn tables at times.

It dose make you wonder. As engines got bigger so would the turntables How did they do it without interrupting ops and maintenance since they would have to enlarging the pit and  adjust it location due to the RH..

BD, I have some really tight metal screen, If you would like I can take a picture of it tomorrow. If it's something you like I can give it to you. I have a roll of it 2' wide and about 200' long.

BD, I just went and cut a section, painted the right side with flat black paint so you could see it easier. Here is a pic.DSC00272


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All I did today on the layout was take the package I got from LOTS and placed them on the layout. For the rest of the day it is a lunch with a group of TCA  guys who meet every second Tuesday of the month and then tonight it is the Tuesday night Crew get together. So I won't have much time today for the layout. Pics of the cars and I think LOTS did a great job.....................Paul



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suzukovich posted:
Kerrigan posted:

Big Boy on tableChecked out the fit of the now-running Williams Big Boy on largest ROSS turntable ... just fits ... 1/2" from wheel to end-of-rail both ends.

Looks good. Makes you wonder if the had the same issues in real life when UP started taking delivery. But looking at it do you plan on shortening the draw bar which would be more prototypical. If nothing else you would gain an inch and remove the overhang on the tender. 

The drawbar does have a hole 1/2" back, but I didn't hook it up as I wanted to test "stock length".

When we turned the SPS700 on the Brooklyn turntable we could only turn it one way or the tender overhang would allow the coupler to either hook a trailer parked by the turntable, or rip out a section of fencing.  But we managed.

Today I continued working on detailing several big factory style buildings on our club layout.   Made a bunch of vents from 1/4 round wood dowels painted metallic silver/chrome, installed some blowers I built a few days ago and added some dock workers to one of the scenes.    I also painted the vertical ladder I will install on building over yard entrance.  Was a good day.  Hope to get more done tomorrow


Having finished this elevator, bashing it from the Bar Mills feed mill (looks like I'll have fresh fodder for another in this announced H&H "feed mill"), I will take a break and work on an engine project.  In addition to Heisler and 2-4-4-2 articulated that there is not a snowball's chance to be commercially offered, are a steam coach and an inspection engine. I have accumulated Marx 999 power chasses to power these, and for the steam coach, based on the photo in VT 's Shelburne museum, I finally figured out how to suspend the Marx power chassis within the coach body so that it turns like a truck.  So this project is off and running.

Today I made 30 bottle brush trees. I have previously installed about 160 bottle brush pine/spruce trees.  I posted some photos on my "not quite a complete redo" thread. (I model an imaginary mountain area on my PRR pike) I have another 22 painted earth brown ready for green ground foam.  With the 30 I made today I have 114 ready to paint.  I estimate I will need another 100. I don't pack them very tight the mountain area has a lot of space to scenic.  I have the cost down to less than 30 cents per tree which is lot of money for the number of trees I need but not as expensive as having a huge city scape to build.

I painted a gondola to go with the kit car I picked up from Mike G a while back. Its not really O, just a toy that happens to work. It may be S gauge I'm not sure. But it stays on O well with some weight added. Couplers are dummies, not lionel but familiar. I'm not sure who used them, Kusan? AF? Marx? With some creative use of heat on the knuckle opened more for shape, and shaft too, for height adjustment, it works with Lionel's couplers now.

The silver was added long ago, red,brown, and a green wash are new. I began with just black vinyl letters on the yellow body but hated it. This,I like. Some woodgrain detail on the lettering and black wash over all of  it, before I'll call this done. The crude, rustic, font of the logo, allowed me to rush this freehand too, no masking or sketching, just quick freehand craft acrylic, a Sharpe, and some dry times, a couple hours total at best, including dry times. (Strange, the word "families" keeps appearing at random in my text today)IMG_20161014_194212IMG_20161014_194518IMG_20161014_194514


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Today I started another new project. I got so many irons in the fire now who knows when I will really complete one. Well long story short at the Tuesday night get together I got a weaver TOFC flat car with trailer and a separate trailer. Both are Navajos. Going through my boxes I found two flat cars, one a UP for the extra Navajo trailer and the other a NYC for which I have a Yale trailer. Eventually I will be able to add three more cars to my growing train of Weaver TOFC's. Now heading for the depot to buy some more lumber to make tables for the basement. A few pics of the cars.....Paul



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paul 2 posted:

Today I started another new project. I got so many irons in the fire now who knows when I will really complete one. Well long story short at the Tuesday night get together I got a weaver TOFC flat car with trailer and a separate trailer. Both are Navajos. Going through my boxes I found two flat cars, one a UP for the extra Navajo trailer and the other a NYC for which I have a Yale trailer. Eventually I will be able to add three more cars to my growing train of Weaver TOFC's. Now heading for the depot to buy some more lumber to make tables for the basement. A few pics of the cars.....Paul


Now you need to get a hold of some Max Gray TOFC. They look good and mix nicely with the Weavers and the Lionel's TOFC.

IMG_9502IMG_9504IMG_9505IMG_9506Today I made some more trees. I've been working on scenery on the other side of the layout, making various trees and placing them.  Also adding ground cover details. A work in progress. I have about 10 trees made that I haven't placed yet. Tomorrow  I will be making some more trees to add as well. Then I will work on adding details and water to the river. Also, I've been experimenting  on small sample models to figure out colors and methods to add water  

Having fun!


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I got the full footprint of my layout setup and running today, for the first time in nearly 25 years! Four 4x8 tables and relevant connectors, 26 Command Control Switches, more Fastrack than I can really believe, a big ZW-L powering it, and a Legacy remote upgraded (finally!) to 1.52. Even the iPad + LCS Application works, as of a few minutes ago! 

Level 1 is done and wired. This whole "Legacy" thing is waaaaaaay better than what I used to have to do. I had 5 Legacy locomotives running on it today, and my 4-year old twin boys lost their mind!! 

Running at the same time:

  1. Lionmaster Union Pacific Challenger 4-6-6-4, pulling a beautiful set of yellow aluminum UP passenger cars.  
  2. Legacy Union Pacific GP9 Double Header. 
  3. Legacy Southern Pacific Sharknose AA unit with a set of matching Daylight colored cars. 
  4. Lionmaster Legacy Conrail - this is an old "Trainmaster" style engine, with all the modern bits. 
  5. TMCC Union Pacific Lionmaster Trainmaster style engine. 

My boys played with their LionChief Percy, James and Thomas, which was fun for them. 

Fun times!! 


CLM posted:

I got the full footprint of my layout setup and running today, for the first time in nearly 25 years! Four 4x8 tables and relevant connectors, 26 Command Control Switches, more Fastrack than I can really believe, a big ZW-L powering it, and a Legacy remote upgraded (finally!) to 1.52. Even the iPad + LCS Application works, as of a few minutes ago! 

Level 1 is done and wired. This whole "Legacy" thing is waaaaaaay better than what I used to have to do. I had 5 Legacy locomotives running on it today, and my 4-year old twin boys lost their mind!! 

Running at the same time:

  1. Lionmaster Union Pacific Challenger 4-6-6-4, pulling a beautiful set of yellow aluminum UP passenger cars.  
  2. Legacy Union Pacific GP9 Double Header. 
  3. Legacy Southern Pacific Sharknose AA unit with a set of matching Daylight colored cars. 
  4. Lionmaster Legacy Conrail - this is an old "Trainmaster" style engine, with all the modern bits. 
  5. TMCC Union Pacific Lionmaster Trainmaster style engine. 

My boys played with their LionChief Percy, James and Thomas, which was fun for them. 

Fun times!! 



Sounds like you have been busy, and your work has paid off!  Glad your boys have fun with the trains!

The Detroit Model Railroad Club

Homework at the DMRRC. Each member is ask to work on small projects at home.  This is my homework.  When I finish this project, they will be posting more homework for the members and I will look for my next job.

Will take the car to the DMRRC for a test ride on a 2-rail scale layout. This is a WM. K Walthers Inc kit from the 60’s. Built to N.M.R.A. Standards, 241 E. Eric St. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This information is on the box.

1 DMRRC Passenger Car On Bench

Step 1 • Study the issues.

2 Deli dishes for the windows

Step 2 • Used deli dishes, sprayed with Testors Dullcote for the windows and held in place with Scotch Magic Tape, I never use glue on windows.

3 Testors Gold for windows & replaced the window posts

Step 3 • Used Testors Gold Paint for the windows and replaced most of the window posts.

4 Blocks to brace side walls

Step 4 • Added balsa block to keep the car from flexing on curves.

5 Replace nails

Step 5 • Replaced the side walls with nails.

6 Nail set for the side nails

Step 6 • Used a nail-set to finish off the nails.

7 Built the diaphragms

Step 7 • Assembled the diaphragms.

8 Tack glued the diaphrams to the end of the car.

Step 8 • Tacked glued the diaphragms to the end of the car.

9 DMRRC riding the 3 rails on my layout

Step 9 • Took it for a test ride on my 3-rail layout.



Images (9)
  • 1 DMRRC Passenger Car On Bench
  • 2 Deli dishes for the windows
  • 3 Testors Gold for windows & replaced the window posts
  • 4 Blocks to brace side walls
  • 5 Replace nails
  • 6 Nail set for the side nails
  • 7 Built the diaphragms
  • 8 Tack glued the diaphrams to the end of the car.
  • 9 DMRRC riding the 3 rails on my layout
trainroomgary posted:

The Detroit Model Railroad Club

Homework at the DMRRC. Each member is ask to work on small projects at home.  This is my homework.  When I finish this project, they will be posting more homework for the members and I will look for my next job.

Will take the car to the DMRRC for a test ride on a 2-rail scale layout. This is a WM. K Walthers Inc kit from the 60’s. Built to N.M.R.A. Standards, 241 E. Eric St. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This information is on the box.

1 DMRRC Passenger Car On Bench

Step 1 • Study the issues.

2 Deli dishes for the windows

Step 2 • Used deli dishes, sprayed with Testors Dullcote for the windows and held in place with Scotch Magic Tape, I never use glue on windows.

3 Testors Gold for windows & replaced the window posts

Step 3 • Used Testors Gold Paint for the windows and replaced most of the window posts.

4 Blocks to brace side walls

Step 4 • Added balsa block to keep the car from flexing on curves.

5 Replace nails

Step 5 • Replaced the side walls with nails.

6 Nail set for the side nails

Step 6 • Used a nail-set to finish off the nails.

7 Built the diaphragms

Step 7 • Assembled the diaphragms.

8 Tack glued the diaphrams to the end of the car.

Step 8 • Tacked glued the diaphragms to the end of the car.

9 DMRRC riding the 3 rails on my layout

Step 9 • Took it for a test ride on my 3-rail layout.


Looks good. Nice work using simple solutions and materal.

I had some time this weekend so i tried some salt weathering on a bridge I had made awhile back. after watching the video by ericstrains I thought i would give it a try. I decided to use silver for the paint as moxt of the bridges around my neck of the woods were silver and rust, I finished up removing all the salt thismorning and assembled the bridge and this is what I got.102_1902102_1903102_1900102_1899102_1901


the bridge is only 5 inches high the cars lionel and menards


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Last edited by old_toymaker
WP posted:

IMG_9502IMG_9504IMG_9505IMG_9506Today I made some more trees. I've been working on scenery on the other side of the layout, making various trees and placing them.  Also adding ground cover details. A work in progress. I have about 10 trees made that I haven't placed yet. Tomorrow  I will be making some more trees to add as well. Then I will work on adding details and water to the river. Also, I've been experimenting  on small sample models to figure out colors and methods to add water  

Having fun!

Fantastic!  Inspiring.  Hope to get to scenery some day ourselves.

Kerrigan posted:
WP posted:IMG_9506

Fantastic!  Inspiring.  Hope to get to scenery some day ourselves.

Thank you Kerrigan. I am inspired by all the neat things folks share here  too. I hope you get going on scenery soon. Personally I find that I hesitate and hesitate before I start. Finally, I just say the heck with it and I jump right in. Maybe it's not perfect, but it is fun. You'll enjoy it as well!!! Share your progress too. 

Last edited by WP
WP posted:

IMG_9504IMG_9505Today I ...made some more trees. I've been working on scenery on the other side of the layout, making various trees and placing them.  Also adding ground cover details. A work in progress....

Having fun!

That whole rip-rap detail is fabulous.

And the park-like forest floor is very handsome and believable, IMO.


Last edited by Moonson
Moonson posted:
WP posted:

IMG_9505Today I ...made some more trees. I've been working on scenery on the other side of the layout, making various trees and placing them.  Also adding ground cover details. A work in progress....

Having fun!

That whole rip-rap detail is fabulous.


Thank you very much Frank M. 

I am still chipping away!  I finally got around to adding hood bells to my MTH - Duluth Missabe & Iron Range SD high hood units.  Don’t know why MTH failed to include that detail which is such a hallmark characteristic of the DM&IR high hood units.  I purchased the high hood bells from Minatures by Eric.  I modified the stock bell bracket to more closely resemble those used by the DM&IR.  The parts are cast brass.

Hood bell 2hood bell 3

I have powered my building lights and added outdoor lighting around the stations.


Have test planted some trees recently purchased from Menards and added a few of my own creation, to which I need to add more foliage.


I will be entertaining some young engineers tomorrow so I still have a bit of cleanup to do!



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Last edited by darlander
mike g. posted:

Darlander, Looks great! Are all your lights powered by one power supply?

The building lights get powered from an AC transformer set at 15 volts.  The outdoor LED lampposts are powered by an old 6 volt DC power source from Radio Shack.  The Antique Lampposts were purchased on eBay - $12.97 for 10.  This included shipping from China.  I added a 240 ohm resister to each light since they were rated for 3 volts.  


Last edited by darlander

Finished rehabbing some Lionel accessories today:


I'm particularly proud of the #068, as that was a tangled wreck when I acquired it back in March with the others...


Saturday night was Sugar Creek night at Keith Johnson's place, so I took the Liberty Liner out for some exercise: 


And I also assembled a working gi-raffe car from that 3386 shell I acquired at the Springfield show in September:


All in all, a productive weekend!


(More pics below.)


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Got back from a great York. Left my list of wants home so I had to really wing it (not really). I had been thinking of the die cast bridge from Lionel for a while. Seeing it at York I decided to get one there and it turned out to my advantage because they had a show stopper price on them which I could not pass up. Also I managed to remember I needed a couple of die cast Weaver trucks which I was able to find. Guess with no list my buddy Brian was not able to get to things first and buy them out from under me. I think he just does it to the Tuesday night crew LOL. Bryan, by the way, are you going to be able to make Tuesday night this coming week. Pics of my buys.................Paul



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Paul,  yes I will be there on Tuesday.  How did I miss you at York as I saw everyone else there and I was there Thursday-Saturday.  That not a bad bridge but I was able to score what was probably the only Atlas Double Track Pratt bridge in the place and at a AWESOME price. Here is what the back of our vehicle looked like coming home.  The roller coaster is not mine it was Tony's.



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Ran my new Williams F3 B&O diesels which I had my friend Randy purchase for me at York .... since I could not attend.  The F3's run just fine and look just fine!!

I also ran my Y6b mallet and Aero train so the batteries could charge.  Straightened up the train room just a bit ... didn't want to overdo it though, for tomorrow I might not recognize the place    

To sum it up ... I had BIG fun!!!

Next winter's project, Kits - kit bashing these 3 kits into flat structures. Want to get started tomorrow. Like to start with degreasing the plastic parts and then use Testors Dull Cote out int the garage because Dull Cote has an offensive smell. Fall fishing and hunting is under way in Michigan, sometimes this gets in the way of model railroading.  Nov. 15th., is a state holiday. Start of firearm season.

Next winter projects kit bashing for flats

Cheers from Train Room Gary Pan 2 View


Images (2)
  • Next winter projects kit bashing for flats
  • Cheers from Train Room Gary Pan 2 View
Mo985 posted:

Cleaned up the layout, we're having family over tomorrow and I want to show off my progress.

Also, AP&L put in some  overtime getting "power to the people"!


Mo, I sure like how things are moving along, your family will be proud of you, I also like how the mountain turned out, I also like the high power towers and lines!

mike g. posted:
Mo985 posted:

Cleaned up the layout, we're having family over tomorrow and I want to show off my progress.

Also, AP&L put in some  overtime getting "power to the people"!

Mo, I sure like how things are moving along, your family will be proud of you, I also like how the mountain turned out, I also like the high power towers and lines!

Thanks, Mike. I got the visibility markers on the wires painted orange last night. The mountain is pretty much done, I may add a bit more ground cover.

With it cleaned up, it looks really empty! Now I need to get busy on buildings, and deciding what and where they are going to go.

I also changed the lower level a bit. I took the full loop out of me track leading down. It adjusted the grade to about 7%, but freed up about 16-20 sq ft. Right now I'm planning my fuel/ service area for this newly found space.  

Mo985 posted:
mike g. posted:
Mo985 posted:

Cleaned up the layout, we're having family over tomorrow and I want to show off my progress.

Also, AP&L put in some  overtime getting "power to the people"!

Mo, I sure like how things are moving along, your family will be proud of you, I also like how the mountain turned out, I also like the high power towers and lines!

Thanks, Mike. I got the visibility markers on the wires painted orange last night. The mountain is pretty much done, I may add a bit more ground cover.

With it cleaned up, it looks really empty! Now I need to get busy on buildings, and deciding what and where they are going to go.

I also changed the lower level a bit. I took the full loop out of me track leading down. It adjusted the grade to about 7%, but freed up about 16-20 sq ft. Right now I'm planning my fuel/ service area for this newly found space.  

Mo, I really like the your bridge!! Is it a 'duck under'??

Had a great time last Saturday entertaining some young engineers and running trains.  Ages ranged from 3 years to mid 50’s.  They all got to run trains and work the gantry crane.  Great fun was had by all and they all left with a back dated copy of Classic Toy Trains or O Gauge Railroading.  


What a great way to clean out the file cabinet and hopefully, spread the hobby!



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Gary, That's going to look pretty cool when finished.

For me a bunch of stuff but still waiting on parts.  Finished swaping out the incorrect trucks on my MTH CB&Q Extended vision Waycar.



Next. Awhile back I had come across a MTH NH FA2 ABA set dirt cheap.( Shells were smashed and seller didn't think they worked). Tested and worked with the intention of either swapping into my Williams FA1s . Well that didn't happen, so next plan was to find Weaver FA2 shells, That didn't happen either do to none popping up on the Bay.  On a whim I contacted a forum member who sells parts and inquired about MTH GN FA2 Shells.  He squared me away and bought an ABA set. Last night and this morning assembled and made repairs to the NH frames and trucks. now are running without any issue.  Now I have a running GN FA2 ABA set.  Kadee installs will be down the road.


















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Like train room Gary with the weather starting to turn colder and winter approaching the day was decent enough to get the truck waxed for winter. With that out of the way I found a few of the buildings I have bought over the years that I  kind of pushed  under the tables way in the back. But with tables started for the basement layout and a nice new swivel bar stool I now have a place to be able sit and put them together. I still have a few more buildings to find but I have a nice start. A few pics....................Paul



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Sorry for the lack of photos gang. Hope you find the following text interesting and possibly informative.

Matt came over Monday night, but instead of a work session, we mostly ran trains. It was a fun evening, but it wasn't without a few hiccups. We started the evening by playing "find the short" on hidden yard track 3. A small wisp of smoke from a Williams Superliner car in which I had installed LED lighting gave me the answer. A small gauge wire coming off the roller had come in contact with the frame. The car was removed, the short cleared, and the fun began.

Train running sessions are not all fun and games, and aren't always relaxing. At this stage, they are meant to find problems so they can be fixed, with the end goal of hosting operating sessions and having everything run smoothly.

One problem that I was aware of was occasional derailments at the Westminster switch in the big helix. So when one happened, Matt took 20 minutes to fix it by modifying the Tortoise mount, thus extending the throwing range, so the points would close fully. We fixed another switch on the mainline by tweaking the point a little to get better closure.

There were some engines with dirty wheels and rollers, so I took them over to the workbench, put them in the cradle, and used the Dremel with a wire wheel. I have a small transformer to get the wheels turning for cleaning, but for some reason, they wouldn't go. This too was not a new issue, and was a source of great puzzlement for me. Matt recognized the problem right away. I was trying to run them in conventional, but they were still getting TMCC signal through the air while the layout was powered. Two simple options to solve this: turn the layout off or use the cab-1.

Now that Dale Manquen has posted a topic here on the forum seeking beta testers for his TMCC signal booster, my vow of secrecy has been lifted. I have had one installed on the layout long before he went public, but I haven't been actually running the trains much. What I am finding is that most trains are working very well. There are still a few engines that don't like certain spots. Now that I have the Loco Log, I can start to document the erratic behavior, in an effort to draw some scientific conclusions. I think we can make modifications to the engines to correct these issues. I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.

There are a lot of variables involved in getting smooth reliable operation on a layout this large. I recently discovered that one culprit could be the other radio signal, between the cab-1 and the base. I used to be able to operate with the antenna down on the remote. As the layout has become more built up the line of sight to the base has been lost in many places. As a result of this topic, I have decided to add an external antenna to the TMCC base. It will extend around the room to restore line of sight to all locations, and hopefully the antennas can go back down.

Train operations carried over into Tuesday, with the end goal being to complete taking photos of all the engines on the layout, so the final pages of the Loco Log could be printed. More dirty wheels and rollers. There was a period about four years ago, that I was buying any reasonably priced TMCC engine off eBay. When they would arrive, I just put them directly on the layout, set the channel, and ran them, without any serious inspection.


Number 7 refused to move, the wheels and rollers were caked with my construction dust. Upon closer inspection, this poor Atlas engine had been used on the "carpet central" by a cat owner in its previous life. I spent half an hour picking gobs of greasy hair and fibers from the gears with tweezers. A little fresh replacement lube, and it runs like a champ. By dinner time I had completed my photo mission. There are 39 TMCC / Legacy engines on the layout, with at least another 20 still in boxes.


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Hi Elliot, great read. Sure seams like Matt is a handy guy to have around and sure sounds like he knows his stuff. It's always great to have an extra set of eyes to help problem solve issues. I'm glad you got most if not all of them taken care of. You have such a massive layout I bet there is a lot to look for. Hope as you move forward that things run smooth, if not I'm sure you can give a shout to Matt.

I started (or restarted) an old project a couple of weeks ago.  I am going to try to build a version of the "Polar Mountain & Warren" layout from the 12/14 issue of CTT.  I located a Fastrack O-36 version and am going to be fitting track together this afternoon to see what I need.  I don't really want O-36 long term but this is what I need to use to get things moving.

Heavily in the planning stages of my layout. It's time to get these trains off the floor and on to a display. I've worked out a simple 5x9 layout with 2 ovals, one outer running the parameter of the layout, one inner so the trains can pass close by. Now I'm just planning how to get a simple figure eight elevated in the middle of the layout. 3 sets of trains running at one time. Have been getting some great advise from folks on this board!

Right now I just have a large oval on the floor, constantly changing locomotives and rolling stock, haha. Can't wait to run it all at once. Spent some time cleaning the track and maintaining my loco's.

suzukovich posted:

Gary, That's going to look pretty cool when finished.

For me a bunch of stuff but still waiting on parts.  Finished swaping out the incorrect trucks on my MTH CB&Q Extended vision Waycar.



Next. Awhile back I had come across a MTH NH FA2 ABA set dirt cheap.( Shells were smashed and seller didn't think they worked). Tested and worked with the intention of either swapping into my Williams FA1s . Well that didn't happen, so next plan was to find Weaver FA2 shells, That didn't happen either do to none popping up on the Bay.  On a whim I contacted a forum member who sells parts and inquired about MTH GN FA2 Shells.  He squared me away and bought an ABA set. Last night and this morning assembled and made repairs to the NH frames and trucks. now are running without any issue.  Now I have a running GN FA2 ABA set.  Kadee installs will be down the road.

















I am absolutely in love with the snowy theme on your layout. It works perfect. For some reason, snow has always been my favorite choice in scenery. Amazing work!

darlander posted:

Had a great time last Saturday entertaining some young engineers and running trains.  Ages ranged from 3 years to mid 50’s.  They all got to run trains and work the gantry crane.  Great fun was had by all and they all left with a back dated copy of Classic Toy Trains or O Gauge Railroading.  


What a great way to clean out the file cabinet and hopefully, spread the hobby!


We need more of this! We need train layouts in stores such as Walmart, Target, Sears, ToysRus. We need to get Lionel back on the kids radar once again. A hobby that taught kids about basic electric, hand tools, carpentry, engineering and just using their imaginations in general! I just mentioned in another post that Lionel did do a good job taking advantage of the Polar Express and Harry Potter opportunity's, and I am confident that the way we are going with the wifi controlled layouts, more options to play with, more realistic speeds and sounds, the kids will have a better interest. After all, if they can put it on their IPad's it's almost a home run. 


The last couple of weeks I took time out from my bottle brush tree building to designing and build a 10 foot deck girder bridge for a stub service track. Today, I finished the bridge but need 10 of track, and I will build a tunnel/retaining wall flat where the bridge meets an intersecting wall.

Yesterday I went outside and spray painted dark brown cam on about 100 bottle brush trees that I made over the period of a month. Soon I will get to the foliage and planting stages . 20161026_125420



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Out of the Man Cave, into the Butlers Kitchen, The West End of the Mansion. lol

4 Ameri-Towne Flat before degrease

Ameri-Towne Kit #443, Homestead Furniture

5 Kober Models Skyline Steel before degrease

Korber Models, Kit #903 Skylane Steel

6 Dawn Ultra Dish Soap

Degrease injection mold oils with Dawn Ultra Dish Soap

7 Soak plastic parts

Soak the parts in warm water for about ten minutes and rinse off with warm water.

8 Air dry & pat dry with paper towel

Air dry and pat try with paper towel.



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  • 4 Ameri-Towne Flat before degrease
  • 5 Kober Models Skyline Steel before degrease
  • 6 Dawn Ultra Dish Soap
  • 7 Soak plastic parts
  • 8 Air dry & pat dry with paper towel

Not too much today on the layout. Had to rake leaves before the rain. But today I changed out my broken truck on my Weaver hopper by adding two die cast trucks I got at York so that is back on the track again. Decided to run trains for a bit and managed to find a few more kits to take to the basement. Still have to find the rest of them. Anyways a  pic of the ones I found so far...................Paul



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