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Hey Everyone....


Sometimes we struggle with what to do with the corners of our layout...especially if we are trying to fit broad curves into the track plan.  Instead of trying to keep the curves inside of the corners, I have found that if you go outside of the corner, you not only get a broader curve but you have an opportunity for some unique bridges, etc.  It would be very helpful and interesting to see what you have done with the corners of your are a few pictures on my layout...







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I don't have any pictures because everything is still under construction, but for the museum tinplate layout I am building a drop-in plot containing a tinplate diner, parking lot, some shrubbery, and roads leading out. Everything including the cars in the parking lot will be secured to a triangular piece of Masonite so that I can build the whole thing at home and then truck it to the museum and drop it in place.


On my own layout, one back corner will have a 236 Power House elevated on scenery above the layout. There will be a small parking lot for the workers and wires leading out to old-style Lionel tinplate power poles. The outer loop of my layout is Standard Gauge so all the corners will have tinplate buildings, such as a 124 station, a 155 platform, and an Ives style water tank. 

I have a problematic corner on my layout (below).  It is difficult to get to.  any time I want to work on the corner I have to remove the brewery (20 minutes), and the lake surface which covers a duck under access hole (5 minutes) and the crawl under (ouch! 2 min) and position a step stool so I can reach far enough across (5 minutes) and then stand on it through the hole (ugh), and then put everything back after (30 minutes).  so mostly, since I built it, I've ignored it.  but it is an eyesore.




Right now it is neglected.  You can see I ran my backdrop up near it but not to it.  



My plan is to make a triangular piece of foamboard mountaintop that fits as shown, all fitted with snow and trees and rock surfaces, and then slip it back there. This project has been on my to-do list for ages but is nearing the top now.  Probably do it in the next month.  I have thought of putting a big Palomar type observatory on the mountain top but sort of like the pure nature look of it without.



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Started out with corners as access in my little 9x16 round-the -wall attic room but soon decided I could stretch andr work off a raised platform for the "reach".

Nothing is finished.


In one corner:


I have a very compressed Denim Mill, with Powerhouse, Warehouses and a Village of the Company's Store, Hotel, Cafe,Drugstore,etc, flats along the wall. Kober & Ameritowne stuff crafted by Model Structures.


I the other corner I started working on installing my Frick Sawmill,  a Lumber Yard and Blacksmith Shop.

Kinda raw and much to be done but better than a hole.











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Last edited by Dewey Trogdon

Corners? What corners? I  wish I had the space to include corners on my display. I've always been fascinated with the creativity every one shows in utilizing this bonus real estate and will enjoy following this thread.  


Squeezing  an 8 x 5 display into an 8 1/2 x 5  space, corners are dangerous to certain parts of the anatomy. So I have to cut them off or run the risk of having them do onto me first.

I have large rocks that look like small hills and trees. Working on the other end with a park and a few buildings, a hardware store and a corner building with several business a barber shop and ice cream store with housing up stairs. I am thinking real hard on a gas station. 1950 or 1960 gas station. Money is short right now but I am looking.

I too agree that this is a great topic!


For me, I suppose I never thought of moving the curve inward because I'm always trying to maximize mainline run length and one smallish way to do that is to push the track as close to the edge of the layout as possible.  But then my max curve is only 54" and usually smaller, like 42", so that doesn't leave too much room.


But I am going to think more about it for this coming year's layout and see if I can come up with some ideas (4 corners, 2 in the back, 2 in the front)


Thanks for the topic Alan!


- walt

Thanks everyone that has posted a picture and/or made comments.  It is apparent that we have a lot of folks that have done some great modeling in their corners!!  Here is a corner of my layout in which the track goes behind and around the corner with the refinery in front.  I filled in the corner with the refinery which is about 9 feet across...





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Originally Posted by Big_Boy_4005:

I don't have any corners. I round them off with backdrop and fascia.




Funny, your layout is the first thing I thought of when I read the title of this thread.



Originally Posted by Trucktrain7:









Love the greyhound bus!  What model is that?



Some fantastic pics in here everyone!

Agree there are some really neat scenes here.  Here's my contribution.  On an outside corner, with a curved backdrop I did this scene and created the best train watching spot on the layout for the "boys".  I had the scenery slightly dip towards the backdrop to force your eye towards it.  






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Hello TexasSP, Those are from Corgi,(1/50th scale) The bus is known as GM 4501 (General Motors) It was designed by Raymond Loewy from the info I read on this bus. If your looking into these I'll give you a little info, The average price is around $42.00 to $55.00 on bidding on ebay. Just be careful of ones that say they are rare and have a destination that's not commonly used by Corgi. Their is a vendor that sells water decals that fit right over the original destination board and I've seen sellers say that they don't have the original box or that they have the box, but its not the right one. Those cause bidder frenzy and I've seen them go for ridiculous prices over $100.00 when its just a decal that was less then $4.00. Anyway I've enclosed some picture of the 2 versions. The one with the tilted lettering is the first version and the bold lettering is the rebuilt GM version. They (the real bus) developed cracking in the body skins and had an under powered engine. These ran up 'till 1978 on Greyhound and this model was built exclusively for Greyhound only. You'll notice a slight difference in the rear grilles of the busses and front bumpers. originally Posted by TexasSP:
Originally Posted by Big_Boy_4005:

I don't have any corners. I round them off with backdrop and fascia.




Funny, your layout is the first thing I thought of when I read the title of this thread.



Originally Posted by Trucktrain7:









Love the greyhound bus!  What model is that?



Some fantastic pics in here everyone!



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Last edited by Trucktrain7

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