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Originally Posted by bigo426:

I was at the Yankee game yesterday with my son. Its supposed to be a place like my train room where we can escape. I can only afford somewhat good seats once a year to go with my son. The guys walking up and down selling soda and hot dogs had calorie counts of what they were selling pinned to their shirts. No one was allowed to walk back to their seat while the batter was up. Beer sales were cut off after the 5th inning. Soon to be, the stadium in NY won't be allowed to sell drinks larger than 16 ounces. Every day wherever I go, I am watching my America fade away while a new unfamiliar America fades in. The flag I see is not the flag the guy standing next to me sees. The politicians know it and are taking advantage of it. It's been creeping into our train rooms for years too. Whether it was outlawing production of the original ZW transformer, making the trains abroad, or the latest issue being the reduced decibles on newer toy train whistles. With all this, I can see a reason or two why many folks may have shorter fuses. 

bigo426, I'd leave you a favorable comment (remember, we're playing nice here)but I don't think there's enough room on this forum. I've left some beaut's on another forum with issues similar to your concerns and they were actually well received. p/s how much $$ did you drop for the day at Yankee stadium?


Originally Posted by Harry Doyle:

It's the internet and the new form of interacting with people. Civil discussion took a powder a long time ago and was replaced by skepticism, snarkiness and the underlying motive of showing everyone just how smart/clever/condescending one can be with the written word.


This is not a knock on OGR, as a forum is built on the participation of the members, not the policy of the owners. I wouldn't want the job of trying to moderate this for all the tea in Chine.


When we get a new signup at our much smaller train forum, if we know the person to be a good, civil and reasonable guy/gal, we activate their membership.


If we know them to be a brand warrior, instigator, sharpshooter, grenade tosser, trouble maker, we don't allow them membership. Why would we subject our members to the abuse dished out by a bunch of instigators? 


How do we know if applicants are trouble makers? We just look here. If we don't know the person, we come and look here and on other train sites to see how they interact with others. By eliminating this entire mindset, we manage to foster good train and layout discussion and build friendships. As a result, the forum is much smaller, but a stress free zone.


Harry Doyle, You are the "Grand Poobah" of this forum! Love your style and wit.


Originally Posted by wild mary:

Joe I feel your pain and anger.  I'm a few yrs older than you and have seen our country go down hill over the last 2 1/2 decades.  I really think that younger folks don't fully realize what is actually happening. 

Without getting too depressing...  What is worse than trying to get "the younger generation" to realize just what is happening is when YOU realize that they just don't care.  Some do.  I pray it is enough.

I wonder about people who think all life's problems are simply solved/utopia will be attained  by -




go run some trains


Go RuN sOmE tRaInS


GO run SOME trains


sniart emos nur og


No matter how I try to say, it's still sounds like a crock...


BTW, RickO... you've got a legitimate beef.


I've seen your once significant loyalty, become eroded over a period of time...






 I have spent a limited time on Facebook. I selected this as an example of how much People sometimes put into the Internet. I ended up closing my account for good after less than 6 months; partly due to the realization that People are not as well behaved as they (Or I) should be sometimes.


The Hobby has changed in many ways. The Internet is one of those changes. I still like to think that there is a vast majority of good, positive and constructive material put online.


Either that or my cat has stopped sleeping on the printer and started to use my keyboard for space to sleep.

I got into this hobby to have fun that's for sure.  Playing with trains and building models is indeed a lot of fun.  Like a child before Christmas, I get excited when a new toy comes out.  I am grateful that I am fortunate enough to be able to buy a $1000.00 engine.  When I have a problem with an brand new engine or if it doesn't have a feature I had hoped for, I get disappointed, but it is not something that I get angry about.  Sure it takes some of the fun out of it, but there will be other cool engines in the next catalog.  I love the engines that I have, and I am lucky to have them.

Originally Posted by BASEMENTBILL:
bigo426 ... how much $$ did you drop for the day at Yankee stadium?



I only do this once a year and am told I got a deal on the tickets.

Total expense for my son and I was $317 - a disgrace!!!

$210 for 2 tickets to sit on the 200 level above and past 1st base.

$40 for Metro North to the stadium

$67 for 4 beverages, 1 chicken strips, 1 sausage on a roll, and 1 garlic fries

SSRI drugs, anger management therapy, aroma therapy and such are underutilized in our hobby... and most hobbies. The Internet magnifies the problem. ;-)


If you bring the stress of work, politics, economics, whateveryouwantics into your train room, that is your doing. You can only change what you can control.


If your train room is not a temple of happiness, and you can't make it such, then it is a sign that help might be needed.


And I don't say that to pass judgment, I say it from experience.


As Billy Joel sang, "the good old days weren't always good, and tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems."


Enjoy our wonderful hobby,



Originally Posted by bigo426:
Originally Posted by BASEMENTBILL:
bigo426 ... how much $$ did you drop for the day at Yankee stadium?



I only do this once a year and am told I got a deal on the tickets.

Total expense for my son and I was $317 - a disgrace!!!

$210 for 2 tickets to sit on the 200 level above and past 1st base.

$40 for Metro North to the stadium

$67 for 4 beverages, 1 chicken strips, 1 sausage on a roll, and 1 garlic fries

Watching the Best Team Money Can Buy...PRICELESS????  I cringe everytime the Ravens give out a new contract...I no longer want them to win it all because if they do, I am sure I will no longer be able to afford the season tix!!!

Pre Steroids my 81 game package of 2 seats near Jerry Sienfeld's seats $3,000

post Sammy and Mark $13,000 , new stadium equivalent seats $28,000.never again.

Now I buy the MLB package sitting here in a thunderstorm watching LA with Vince Scully alone in booth doing the entire game alone.

Turn off news; talk radio; sports talk radio. bought XM radio no yelling at me about what they believe and what I should believe.

I have an Idea for the layout how about an OGR soap box scene!

To paraphrase Abe Lincoln"a person(or in this case, a sea lion)is as happy as he/she makes up his/her mind to be."Originally Posted by N.Q.D.Y.:
Originally Posted by scale rail:

Just go to the beach and relax.  zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz  Don




Don, where did you manage to find a picture of me at the beach? i thought that I had managed to destroy them all. 



Originally Posted by Hot Water:

Why are so many so angry?


1) It has been 90 degrees to 103 degrees for a MONTH, here in the Chicago area!


2) Our Property tax bill just came!!!!!!!!!


3) Our electric bill will also prevent purchasing anymore trains!


4) The political wars, and absolutely NOTHING is getting accomplished!


You wonder why I'm/we're angry, BooBoo?

This explains everything


Dale H

Originally Posted by Joe G:

I wonder about people who think all life's problems are simply solved/utopia will be attained  by -






Agree ... there are a lot of clear heads out there .. 

I don't think they're solved but for some it takes the edge off.  For me it's taking my boat out and doing some relaxing fishing.

I thought I had posted a compelling topic, but I love this one.  I too have noticed a number of grown ups behaving badly here and elsewhere. 


Many have chosen to curse the darkness.  I much prefer to light a candle.  Oh, and by the way, I am a grown man who still plays with trains.  Kind of hard to take that too seriously.

Being serious, if I'm feeling down... the last thing I want to do is run some trains.


Running trains only works for me when the light is shining...


I haven't participated in the 3 rail forum much, for a while. I mostly participate on Davy's thread, in the 2-rail forum.


I've noticed a change to this forum, the 3-rail forum. I still see some recognizable names, and a lot of new ones, too.


Erroneous voices of reason threads, such as this one, need to be challenged from time to time.


BTW, Hi Rick(O).





     For many of us, running trains makes us happy. It's control over your own little world, being creative and feeling proud of a new change to the layout, running a new engine or car for the first time, adding to or changing the scenery and being happy with the results, showing off the layout to others, especially little kids, grand kids, etc.,


    For others, they have to be happy (when the light is shining) first before they run their trains!


    Different strokes ........


John Knapp

Erie, not Eerie

Originally Posted by phillyreading:

In a nut-shell, "the economy" and historic unemployment not seen since the 1929 stock market crash and the Great Depression of the 1930's!!


Lee F.

That's a convenient way to look at it, however, back in 2004, house prices were heading to Pluto and people were making artificial wealth hand over fist. The economy was much better, there was plenty of employment. No one was complaining when the perceived value of their home was appreciating by thousands monthly. Then the bubble burst and prices came back to earth - easy come easy go.


Point being, in 2004 there was plenty of infighting, bickering, brand war was through the roof over the Lionel MTH lawsuit, people were plenty snarky, condescending and insulting. Conditions were very different than they are today, yet there was the same level of anger and fighting going on then as there is now.


I'm convinced this hobby is partially driven by bickering. Arguments over scale details, favorite brand, condescending backhands over other people's choices in brand, scale, details, tastes which go from polite debate to full blown fights. Grenade tossers who jump into threads just to instigate and so on and so forth. It's become a national past time among hobbyists.


Originally Posted by Rick B.:

I wonder about people who think all life's problems are simply solved/utopia will be attained  by -



Running trains does not solve problems.  We, as humans with cognitive abilities, are responsible for solving our own problems (many of which we make ourselves).


But running trains is great emotional therapy and it provides a way to clear the mind of everyday problems that we all face and of escaping temporarily to a more sane and very creative world where we are in full control.


On the day I was released from the hospital some years ago after undergoing six coronary bypasses, my surgeon told me to "go home and play with those trains."  Other doctors I've spoken with have also attested to the very real benefits of having a hobby.  Truth is, I've never heard one say "Forget about having a will just cause too much stress."

After retiring from TV after 36 years I realized I don't need TV news. It went from telling you a story in what ever length of time (within reason) it took to tell the story to nothing but live shots for live shot sake. We sometimes ran six minute stories if that what it took to inform the viewer. We had the number one news station in the country. I'm not kidding. The length of a news story now can't be longer than 1:35. They time them every night. That includes intro, interview and stand-up close. It's all crime because that's the easiest type of story to tell. 

I got three news papers a day before I retired. Now I get the local Maui News and that's it.  Believe me you don't need to be bombarded with crime and car/truck wrecks every night. There's nothing you can do about it so why watch it. You will be a lot happier. Don 



I'm sincerely glad that works for you... I really am. Must have scared the **** out of you. I take my health very seriously.


Re: running trains for stress relief. That doesn't work for me. I can only enjoy my trains when I'm feeling emotionally good. Trains represent contentment, peace-of-mind. When that dynamic isn't there... the last thing I want to see is my trains.


I guess my head is on the issue(s) at hand.


We all have our ways...




I'm convinced this hobby is partially driven by bickering. Arguments over scale details, favorite brand, condescending backhands over other people's choices in brand, scale, details, tastes which go from polite debate to full blown fights. Grenade tossers who jump into threads just to instigate and so on and so forth. It's become a national past time among hobbyists.



Ahhh ... sounds like the ole AOL boards ... sharpen your sword and dust off your shield ... 

Originally Posted by Allan Miller:

I'm the luckiest guy in the world because my work is my hobby and my hobby is my work. 


I was playing with my trains a bit this morning, and am now just about ready to settle back with a glass of Merlot, some smoked Gouda, salami slices, grapes, and crackers, and enjoy an afternoon of train videos.


All you angry, bitter, disgruntled, or otherwise unhappy folks out there...please take care! Life is short and fragile! 

hey can i come over the some of that??  

Originally Posted by scale rail:

Vuican, thanks. I had a very nice layout. We moved and it's gone. I'm building a new one now. Some of that stuff on the scenery side intimidates me. Don

I'm working on a new one, too. I love intimidation, it makes me grow, your work could intimidate me. Look at it as a challenge to get better. Or, at least, reach your potential. Don't rest on the best you could do "yesterday". Once you quit learning you might as well quit.




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