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Moonson posted:
briansilvermustang posted:

          a very interesting video:

Man-o-man that looks dangerous, almost silly. What could have been the possible purpose of such a stunt?


P.S. If we modeled that on a layout, most folks, including myself, would say that it was too fantastical and unrealistic. Right,. folks?

If you watch the video, it will demonstrate the reason this system is used.  The demonstration occurs at 3:00 minutes into the video if you want to fast forward to it.  Kinda clever really. 

Last edited by TedW
TedW posted:
Moonson posted:
briansilvermustang posted:

          a very interesting video:

Man-o-man that looks dangerous, almost silly. What could have been the possible purpose of such a stunt?


P.S. If we modeled that on a layout, most folks, including myself, would say that it was too fantastical and unrealistic. Right,. folks?

If you watch the video, it will demonstrate the reason this system is used.  The demonstration occurs at 3:00 minutes into the video if you want to fast forward to it.  Kinda clever really. 

Thanks for the heads-up, TedW. One doesn't see that every day in life, huh. I'm glad it's automated.

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