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For ages I paid little attention to esthetics and just had the vague backdrop painting below.



The D G Jones gave me a printed mountain backdrop and I got some more like it and installed them.  Nice look.  I have on black place five feet long on the other side where I intend to make a grain silo building front against a blue sky.



Images (2)
  • Slide1
  • Slide2
Originally Posted by Bob Young:

Thanks for the pictures.  They look realistic.  Has anyone tried wrapping one around a corner?

I've been involved in a number of projects involving back drops, including preexisting canvas, that needed an addition to match and an addition on the underside of a stair case(angled), straight canvas, canvas around inside and outside corners and pre printed paper backdrops. The scenery is my doing, not the the backdrops. However, I've had input and directed the execution of the composition to various degrees.

This backdrop is in a bay window confirguration. Painted on canvas then installed like wall paper. The total composition is ~45 linear feet. It is now going to be extended another 30', including covering a door where the canvas will run to the floor, with the trains passing over bridges in the foreground.

Corner painted on canvas then installed.

Painted directly on wall.

You can see more at the link below.
Last edited by aubv

Donald Jones gave me the same background that he gave Lee Willis. He was tired of seeing my bare walls when I posted pictures to the forum.  This scenic train border was easy to install and greatly improved the visual impact of my trains going pass this back wall in my garage. You can find it at WWW.BORDERSTORE.COM








Images (2)
  • IMG_5788
  • Backdrop001
Videos (1)
Last edited by Traintrack

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