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My legacy command system went completely wild last night. I was in the process of starting to power up the track and had not addressed  any of the engines id when one engine took off so fast it flew of the track on a turn. Damaged  the engine big time . This all happened so fast i could not shut the power off using the emergency halt button and had to turn the transformer off to get the other engines from doing the same thing.  After a pause i tried to power up the system again and things seemed ok. Then after starting up a engine the system would not respond to my commands. I also noticed that the engine i had addressed was acting like  i had pressed the multi controller switch and was sounding the breaking noise then all hell broke loose again engines starting up , power track level jumped into the red on the transformer could not shut the system down using the cab so had to turn the transformer off . I thing the cabs multi controller switch is the cause. Have any of you had this happen?

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BillG posted:

My legacy command system went completely wild last night. I was in the process of starting to power up the track and had not addressed  any of the engines id when one engine took off so fast it flew of the track on a turn. Damaged  the engine big time . This all happened so fast i could not shut the power off using the emergency halt button and had to turn the transformer off to get the other engines from doing the same thing.  After a pause i tried to power up the system again and things seemed ok. Then after starting up a engine the system would not respond to my commands. I also noticed that the engine i had addressed was acting like  i had pressed the multi controller switch and was sounding the breaking noise then all hell broke loose again engines starting up , power track level jumped into the red on the transformer could not shut the system down using the cab so had to turn the transformer off . I thing the cabs multi controller switch is the cause. Have any of you had this happen?

when a legacy engine just takes off it has lost it's ability to read the signal.

this can be either the legacy system was not started correct or the engine lost communication's, or the legacy system is faulty.

the other thing could be the boost - brake button has died on you.

some have sprayed canned air into the button, but most have had to send the cab2 back to lionel for repair.

If all of your engines are taking off at the same time they are not getting /seeing the command signal and are responding in conventional mode thus taking off at full speed due to the 17-18v at the track.

 IMO Sounds like a lotta of different things going on that don't make sense.

Legacy should have no effect on the transformer voltage, I would try restarting and avoiding the brake/boost rocker and see if things work ok. Having said that, the brake /boost rocker failing should only effect the engine currently addressed, not all of them at the same time.

A couple of things to try.

1. Is the legacy base wall plug, plugged directly into the wall outlet?  If its not, but rather plugged into a powerstrip, some powerstrips have been known to degrade the signal.

One side of the Legacy signal is broadcast via the ground lug on the wall plug through the ground wiring of the room the layout is in. Without this side of the signal, issues like this can happen.

The "other side" of the Legacy signal comes from the base command wire and is broad cast from the track.

2.Its recommended that the legacy base be powered up BEFORE the track is powered. It takes a second for the "other side" of the legacy signal to reach the track.

I believe typically if theres a base plug signal issue, locos will take off in conventional. If theres a track signal trains will sit idle with the headlight flashing and no response.

 Maybe try resolve the "all engines taking off " first, then you can narrow it down to specific issues with the handheld.

Adriatics suggestion of new batteries in the remote would'nt hurt either, of course theres a battery level indicator on the handheld to let you know if theres the case.

Those are my Novice answers, Gunrunner John, MartyF, may chime in with more expertise.

Last edited by RickO

Gents thank you for your reply. I since tried today to power up the track but when i turn the cab on there is a down arrow under my track toggle that indicates to me that the boost toggle is in the down position or brake command . I can not get it to reset so i think that i will have to send into Lionel for repair. will give them a call and see what they have to say. Thanks again.

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