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The latest TIU is, indeed, the Rev. L. It is considerably superior to all previous models. You should purchase it new and from an authorized MTH dealer in order to obtain a 1-year MTH warranty.

The original Rev. L TIUs came with DCS 4.2, and the latest TIU and remote software is DCS 6.1. If your TIU or remote is not at DCS 6.1, I strongly suggest that you update them to DCS 6.1 prior to their use. DCS 6.1 is also required for the TIU for use with the WIU and the DCS App. You should always have the same version f DCS software in all TIUs and remotes on the layout.

All WIUs are the same model. The only difference is that the earlier WIUs had firmware 1.0 as opposed to firmware 1.1, which is required for use with all current versions of the DCS App. You can easily update the WIU to firmware 1.1 using any PC, Mac or Windows.

DCS Book CoverThis and a whole lot more about DCS is all in MTH’s “The DCS Companion 3rd Edition!"

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This and a whole lot more about DCS WiFi is all in MTH’s “The DCS WiFi Companion 1st Edition!"

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Man, I feel like an idiot. Years ago I was starting to build my layout in the basement. I bought the MTH DCS system, I looked at page 11 of the operator's manual and hooked it up and it worked ok. The key word was "looked" not read. Then the basement flooded and I dismantled the layout and stored it away. Redone the basement and I gave it back to the wife then built a new room upstairs off of my shop and made it look like a depot. Then I went through 8 surgeries in 2 years with nothing to do but keep buying things for my new layout. Half of the time I forgot what I had and bought duplicates which I didn't know until I started my new layout a few weeks ago. I started with the roundhouse and turntable first and hooked up a loop just so I could finally run a steam locomotive. I had purchased Barry's Book - The DCS O Gauge Companion and The DCS WIFI Companion. Didn't read them either. I have been reading the OGR Forum though. Then I started reading the books and realized I had to start the wiring all over. SO NOW TO MY QUESTIONS. I have multiple star type wiring power feeds to my track but NO blocks. SO I need to isolate the track between my power feeds into blocks? And after reading the above post about TIU's I flipped mine over and my TIU has a sticker on it that reads REV 13A. On page 188 of the WIFI Companion it lists REV G  REV H  REV I and REV L. Will my old TIU work with the WIU? or do I need to get an REV L TIU? My WIU has 1.1 firmware but my TIU and remotes need upgraded. They are still 4.2.  Thanks for the help.

Guy E Hilleary


     I laid my track (O tubular) before getting the DCS system; I have no breaks/blocks in the track, just multiple connections via home-run wiring. I got my TIU and remotes updated last fall to the 6.1 at the DCS group mtg. Now everything runs fine. Have just set up a Legacy base and it seems to run fine (separate base/remote operations). If I were starting from scratch I would probably do blocks. But after many trials and tribulations (and Forum help) the layout operates quite well.

Wally D.


I have multiple star type wiring power feeds to my track but NO blocks. SO I need to isolate the track between my power feeds into blocks?

If it works OK, leave it alone. Otherwise, break it into blocks.

And after reading the above post about TIU's I flipped mine over and my TIU has a sticker on it that reads REV 13A. On page 188 of the WIFI Companion it lists REV G  REV H  REV I and REV L. Will my old TIU work with the WIU? or do I need to get an REV L TIU?

The I3a TIU will work just fine with the WIU, however, you'll need two load SCD 6.1 into it, along with any remotes that you plan to use.

My WIU has 1.1 firmware but my TIU and remotes need upgraded. They are still 4.2.

Yes, the TIU and remotes need to be updated to DCS 6.1 to work with the DCS App.

Thanks Wally and Barry. I just finished getting my TIU and remotes updated to 6.1 and have the WIU hooked up also. Using android tablet and it works. If I go with the premium upgrade does it have to be once or purchased for each device? Also my remotes don't remember my engine. Have to delete and install each time. Also Barry you said in one of the previous posts  the Rev. L. is considerably superior to all previous models. I found a REV L TIU in my pile of purchases. Would I notice a difference between the old one ( REV.13A ) over the newer ( REV.L. ) ? Thanks again.

Guy E Hilleary


If I go with the premium upgrade does it have to be once or purchased for each device?

You would purchase one Android license and use it for all Android devices under your Google account. If you want to use it on one or more Apple (iOS) devices, you would also have to purchase an iOS copy of the app.

Also my remotes don't remember my engine. Have to delete and install each time.

That sounds like a low or dead battery in a PS2 engine.

you said in one of the previous posts  the Rev. L. is considerably superior to all previous models. I found a REV L TIU in my pile of purchases. Would I notice a difference between the old one ( REV.13A ) over the newer ( REV.L. ) ?

Possibly you would. However, if you're already getting 10's for DCS signal strength without the use of any light bulbs, any benefit from a Rev. L would most likely be marginal.

DCS Book Cover

This and a whole lot more about DCS WiFi is all in MTH’s “The DCS WiFi Companion 1st Edition!"

This book is available from many fine OGR advertisers and forum sponsors, or as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!

Get the free TMCC & Legacy Addendum here!

Last edited by Barry Broskowitz

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