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I couldn't find a post with what I am trying to do, so here goes a new post.


First I'm in the middle of reading Barry Broskowitz's - The DCS O Gauge Companion.


I don't see what I'm looking for in his book either (great book otherwise).


First let me say - I've never wired any kind of layout.  This will be the first and I want to get it right.

Second - 95% of my engines were purchased back in 1990 new and others were purchased along the way used up to now.  I have 4 modern trains able to run with the Legacy and DCS control systems (2 Lionel and 2 MTH).


I remember playing with Lionel (a good friend of mine had them) trains when I was about 13 and loved it.  I'm 71 now and have the allusion of running my trains sitting in front of a bunch of ZW 275's controlling my trains (I already have the ZW's) and one MTH Z4000.


I also want to be in the 21st century.  I purchased a Lionel Legacy remote control system and a MTH DCS remote system with one MTH AIU unit (one so far).  I understand how great it will be to be able to walk all around my layout with a remote in my hand (especially my second level freight yard).


After reading everything I can and watching every video on the Internet on DCS with Legacy, I have come to the conclusion that the only way to go is as follows:


The DCS remote to run all MTH engines. 

The DCS remote to run the Legacy engines but will not be able to access all the great new features.

The DCS remote to run all older engines in Conventional mode.

The Legacy remote to run all new Lionel engines (I have 2) to access the new features.

My ZW's just for the fun of twisting the levers like I did when I was 13.


My problem is I can't find anywhere, someone showing a detailed schematic of how to wire a layout with the above scenario in mind, especially with the ZW's added into the mix.


This may be crazy (tell me if it is), but I want to build a control center that will have toggle switches to control all the turnouts I will have (about 50 total), switches to control all the accessories, and be able to control everything else from the control panel.


I also know (I think) that I can control everything from the DCS remote.  I want both.


Is that possible - 1 ?    and    2 - can someone steer me to a book, video, or a person to help me wire up my layout using all of the above ?


I'm going to have about 640 sq. ft. total, so I don't want to wire the whole layout wrong to start with.


Thanks for any help you can throw my way.      


Corvettte (Paul)




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The Legacy part is easy, one wire from the command base gets connected to a common anywhere on the layout.


DCS is a bit more involved as far as wiring requirements, its typically best to wire your layout for DCS and then add legacy.


Those more knowledgable about DCS will fill you in regarding its requirements, rumor has it one gentleman HAS written a book regarding the subject.


"Paging Barry Broskowitz"

Paul, you're really going to jump into the equivalent of swallowing many multi-course meals at once. 

Yes, you can do your wiring the way you indicated.  I would strongly encourage you to set up some temporary loops first and do some trial running before you set it up permanently.  Better yet, visit a layout where your can run trains.

As much as I enjoyed running trains with the postwar ZWs, running toy trains with the new remotes where you can walk around with your nose near the engines and cars is incomparable. 

My Run Room is wired for running as you indicate and I'll be happy to help.  All my running evolved into remote control when I realized I didn't like being tied to a control panel. You may contact me through my website which has extensive information about wiring.


Wiring Basic page shows all wiring links

Circuit Protection for Toy Trains

Photo tour page shows links to Control Panels and Power Cart photos


Control Scheme for both MTH DCS, Lionel Legacy and all Conventional engines:


I have designed a multi-purpose wiring scheme that allows me to control engines, turnouts and accessories using both conventional panel switches and remote controllers using the SAME wires.


My main control scheme starts with the MTH DCS and then provides the option of using individual switches to power blocks and turnouts.


Also every component is built as a "plug and play" system.


The attachment shows a multipurpose relay board that can be operated using DCS (and an AIU) or conventional pushbutton panels all at the same time.








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Here is my Dispatcher Panel which uses small LEDs to indicate the condition of every block (track) and every pair of turnouts on the layout. This panel is used only to indicate status.  I can also have another panel nearly identical which can have "pushbuttons" to select track position and turnout position.  These pushbuttons can be miniature momentary types since they DO NOT conduct but a very small current. Also the wiring to these panels can be very small gauge (22 or 24 gauge wire).


The attachment shows my Dispatcher Panel for my "concept " layout.


The yellow LEDs show block condition.


The red and green LEDs show the position that has been selected for the turnouts.







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  • 000_0516

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