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  Thanks to my awesome wife, I had my hand on the throttle today. What a great day,a short classroom session,then took a lot of pictures,then hopped aboard this 282 Mikado and went on a 6 mile run forward then a 6 mile run backward. The title says it all, they really let you drive this engine the entire time, you do it all from start to finish. The feeling of being in this engine felt amazing, I enjoyed every minute of it, hoping it wouldn't come to an end.


  The only down part of the day was only getting  30 seconds of video footage, this was due to my wife's I phone. It's a long story, lets just say there wasn't enough storage space in the phone. So the other two video's my wife took of me driving this train didn't save in the phone. Sometimes I hate technology, If we had a regular video camera (pretty much now ancient) we wouldn't have had this problem.


  On a very happy note, a few of the guy's who were in my class, took some video footage of me driving,and they are going to email me this footage. So at least I'll have it to look at in the future. Guy's this is something you should have on your bucket list, even though it's quite expensive, don't miss out on this. Well here's a lot of pictures,and one short video, yes that's me driving the train. LOL


Thanks for listening and looking,




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Essex Train Ride 001

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Essex Train Ride 027

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Essex Train Ride 030


Images (43)
  • trains 3901
  • trains 3902
  • trains 3903
  • trains 3904
  • trains 3905
  • trains 3906
  • trains 3907
  • trains 3908
  • trains 3909
  • trains 3910
  • trains 3911
  • trains 3912
  • trains 3913
  • Essex Train Ride 001
  • Essex Train Ride 002
  • Essex Train Ride 003
  • Essex Train Ride 004
  • Essex Train Ride 005
  • Essex Train Ride 006
  • Essex Train Ride 007
  • Essex Train Ride 008
  • Essex Train Ride 009
  • Essex Train Ride 010
  • Essex Train Ride 011
  • Essex Train Ride 012
  • Essex Train Ride 013
  • Essex Train Ride 014
  • Essex Train Ride 015
  • Essex Train Ride 016
  • Essex Train Ride 017
  • Essex Train Ride 018
  • Essex Train Ride 019
  • Essex Train Ride 020
  • Essex Train Ride 021
  • Essex Train Ride 022
  • Essex Train Ride 023
  • Essex Train Ride 024
  • Essex Train Ride 025
  • Essex Train Ride 026
  • Essex Train Ride 027
  • Essex Train Ride 028
  • Essex Train Ride 029
  • Essex Train Ride 030
Videos (1)
trains 3914
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Alex....You and I have the best wives on the planet!! ( I am sure other forum members do too!!).  You are one lucky guy...Dina, you are the best for doing this for Alex!  The pictures look great and it sure looks like you had the time of your life.  One thing for sure, you didn't derail the locomotive like someone else we know did on a similar trip....


Thanks for sharing this special day with us Alex...



Alex you must have been as happy as a kid going to camp in the summer. They are good people down there in Essex and you had a great day weather wise as well. Wish I knew you were going to be there today. I would have driven down to give you that project that you will be doing.

Dina that was probably the best Birthday gift he has gotten.

Happy belated birthday Alex.

Alex, that was terriffic!!!  And Happy Birthday to you my friend...


Some guys have all the luck - a wonderful wife that feeds him well, takes him for train rides and then photographs his fun - what a GREAT bride!!!  She's a keeper for sure Alex, treat her well (and I know you do )


All the Best,


Last edited by Dave Garman

Wow guy's thanks for the great comment's !!!!!!


Mike, yes it does give me more appreciation for my trains.


Thanks Kevin, and Dave B.


Alan, Dina and I thank you very much, luckily I didn't derail her, and we were moving pretty fast.


Thanks Dave.


Bill, yes you would have heard from me, but I was in my glory. LOL


Steve thanks, luckily she stayed on the rails !!


Tex Steve, it was a blast. Had the time of my life.


Sam thanks, It was a lucky day for me.


John thanks, sorry I forgot to mention I was going there today. You could have met me there, it wasn't to far from you.


Chris thanks, That sure was an awesome whistle


Richard and Tin, it's called The Essex Steam train, valley railroad company in Connecticut


Ben, You're right LOL


Paul thanks.


Marty thanks, we are lucky too have ladies in our lives,there enjoy and share the hobby


Dave thanks very very much.


Thanks MikeR, yes I had some time to upgrade the Mikado's smoke unit and make it 4 chuffs LOL


Once again we thank all of you,


Alex & Dina




What a great day for this, Alex. It was a beautiful spring day, so the weather was 100% on your side. This was some kind of a railroading experience and Dina is really special to make this happen for you.


You will remember this for a long time. Not many can say they have had time behind the throttle. 

The title says it all, they really let you drive this engine the entire time, you do it all from start to finish. The feeling of being in this engine felt amazing, I enjoyed every minute of it, hoping it wouldn't come to an end.


Happy birthday..... Did you get to use the train brake? How fast did you get her going? What a great present.



 I, have done race cars, on the Petty Enterprise, programs,  so


How far does the train go,  how, many cars are you pulling, do these trains

have passengers, ( like do you stop, and let off),  what does it do , go circle

or make an actual switch,  I would like to try, son probably also !!!!!

&&&& ,  would anybody know of this style program , In the SOUTH, I kinda

figure all of you VA, and NC Experts, might know of, such...............


The trip is approximately 6 miles each way. At the end of the 6 miles you simply back the train all the way to the station. You don't pull any cars, just the engine and the tender. Obviously this is because of liability concerns.


You get to control the throttle, brakes, reverser, headlight and whistle. On my trip, I was allowed to make a couple of stops practicing with the braking. It appeared to me that the more knowledgeable you are with the workings of a steam locomotive, the more they will allow you to do.


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