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Originally Posted by ogaugeguy:
The tree topper you refer to, Dave, was only sold by the Gold Crown stores and limited to two per store. At the Philly metropolitan area stores, all were sold out within a week with none whatsoever leftover for clearance. Suspect this train set will do similarly.
Although scheduled to be offered again in 2016, would be surprised if this year's supply of train sets are not dated 2015 with the every present triangle with a 1 inside to appeal to the hardcore Hallmark collectors.
Suspect too that you'll find this item on the bay initially selling at a premium shortly after its release much as Hallmark's limited edition ornaments appear there similarly for sale.  

I agree about the sell out. I don't think it will take long either. I live in a metro area of about 2.5 million people. It happens to be the metro area where Hallmark's headquarters are located. We have a total of 20 Gold Crown stores, that's 40 sets for 2.5 million people. There are also many very affluent areas here and $400 would be pocket change to those folks. I think the odds are extremely good that they won't last long around here, probably not past the first day they are offered. Unfortunately, $400 is a lot for me and I already have some things on order, I will have to see if it will fit in my train budget. If I can even get one.



Hallmark and Lionel are a good mix and is a win win for the local Hobby stores. Some narrow minded business people would think this would drive sales away from their stores but Hallmark is not going to sell accessories. The profits are made when the customer buys accessories and track. We are already planning some joint promotions with our local Hallmark Stores. We will give the Hallmark Stores a coupon that will drive them to our store for additional items. In all the years of selling trains our profits on starter sets has been very low so we hope the customer will come back for the items needed to build their Christmas garden or Railroad Empire.










As far as in store availability, it's being marketed as a limited edition LionChief set with just two being made available per Hallmark Gold Crown stores (Gold Crown stores currently number 2,250).Will be dated 2015 with the Gold Crown insignia. With Hallmark collectors being an even more aggressive group than train collectors, I predict these will sell long before Christmas. Wonder what Santa's voice clips will be and how many there are.

Hopefully someone from Lionel will have these answers at York. Wonder whether they might even have the set there.  

Last edited by ogaugeguy

If they are all snapped up by collectors as some are predicting then this effort will be a complete failure as a tool to introduce the hobby to newcomers.  If one is a collector of Hallmark ornaments it usually means they are really into Christmas and most likely already have a train set under the tree.  I doubt one more offering is going to get them to get into the hobby.



Originally Posted by PATSTRAINS:

Hallmark and Lionel are a good mix and is a win win for the local Hobby stores. Some narrow minded business people would think this would drive sales away from their stores but Hallmark is not going to sell accessories. The profits are made when the customer buys accessories and track. We are already planning some joint promotions with our local Hallmark Stores. We will give the Hallmark Stores a coupon that will drive them to our store for additional items. In all the years of selling trains our profits on starter sets has been very low so we hope the customer will come back for the items needed to build their Christmas garden or Railroad Empire.










Now THAT'S a great idea!



Originally Posted by Greg Houser:
I predict they'll be plenty left to buy at discounted prices the week after Christmas. I just don't see folks going into Hallmark (or their website) for the usual Holiday knick-knacks and spending an extra $400 on a spur of the moment train set.


I sort of doubt it.


I suspect the popularity may be regional.  When I was in one of my local Gold Crown stores the day they had ornament Premiere in July, some of the workers were discussing having 3 customers who wanted the set and trying to get another from another store.  In my part of PA that's not necessarily hard, as many of the Hallmark store owners have many locations (one has something like 20 stores, I believe).


The fact they are available on the website at all makes me believe the allocation was not scarfed up at a national level.


If any do remain, it will probably be either a web site discount, or maybe we would see them later on (April 2016 comes to mind) if Hallmark sells the whole batch of unsold units to a train dealer.


I'd probably suggest this may be comparable to the Disney Christmas sets (or even the boxcars) that have been offered on-line over the years.  A bit of a hit and miss.


Anybody want some Macy's Thanksgiving cars?  (oops, sorry, I thought for a minute I went back in time to 2006 )


All IMO.


They also didn't heavily advertise this set, so it's not like the masses will be knocking down Hallmark's doors to try to get one.  You basically are either a Hallmark fan or a Lionel fan already if you even know of the set's existence.  There may be a few people who randomly find it for the first time on the Hallmark website, but it's a minority of the people looking at it, I'm pretty sure.



Last edited by Dave45681
Originally Posted by eddie g:

It should have had a diesel engine. Kids don't know what a steam engine is. $400. a little high. So if it has a problem, you take it back to your Hallmark store and what do they do? Another bomb.

My Nephew is 4 and LOVES "Steamy Trains" the best.


Thomas is a steam engine.


Kids love steam, too.  At least all the ones I know.

Originally Posted by Bill T:

You would think that at 2 per store should result in a sell out at least at the store level. With over 4,000 sets available I would not consider this a limited edition.


   Bill T.

While 4,000+ sets may not seem like a collectible number to us O gauge guys, Bill T., to Hallmark collectors who are avid collectors and whose numbers worldwide far surpass O gaugers, it definitely is. And let no one forget that Hallmark's Keepsake line of Lionel Train ornaments featuring locomotives, associated cars, and cabeese have long been good sellers for Hallmark. Now in it's third decade for Hallmark**, this ranks among the longest continuously running Hallmark series, is popular among both Hallmark and Lionel collectors. Proof of that are the limited edition repaint versions of the Lionel locos which are debuted during Hallmark's October ornaments preview weekend with no more than 5-6 being allocated to Gold Crown stores and historically sell out their first day available.  
**Hallmark introduced the Hallmark Lionel Locomotives series in 1996 with the 700E Hudson as the first locomotive. This series continues to be popular with collectors. In 1999, Hallmark added a Tender as a series complement. Then in 2002 a third car was added to the yearly offering. Each year the complement ornaments change according to the train being replicated. 
Last edited by ogaugeguy
Originally Posted by eddie g:

It should have had a diesel engine. Kids don't know what a steam engine is. $400. a little high. So if it has a problem, you take it back to your Hallmark store and what do they do? Another bomb.

What do  they do, Eddie G., is fully refund the amount the customer paid for it. Unless, you're a regular customer, try getting your money back without a restocking fee for whatever reason you return an opened and run rtr train set to a local or internet train dealer. Good luck with that!!

And if it is faulty, you send it to Lionel who will repair it under warranty since Hallmark Gold Crown stores will be considered authorized resellers for this set which is made for and sold exclusively by HGC retail stores.

Oh, I don't know...  


Female-dominant market....QVC edition...early disclosure in a "Dream Book" left lying around for kids to see....????


I see potential for some, as Martin puts it, 'Sturm und Drang' at the ol' Hallmark stores come November 6.... 


Followed by a few interesting ebay auctions.....rising to nose-bleed levels of bidding as the holiday(s) near and the offerings dry up....(remember first year's Polar Express set release???)


Coupled with frenzied calls/drives to ever-widening geographic circles of Hallmark Gold Crown establishments...


Complemented/puntuated with trips to the pharmacy and supermarket for...







red bull


etc., etc., etc.....


It's the holidays, Bubba!  Shop-'til-ya-drop!  Be not outdone!   Seek, and ye shall find!  Must.....not.....let....(fill in the blank)....down!!!!  Etc., etc., blah, blah....


It's the female shopping modus operandi




Very clever, Hallmark.    Verrrrrry clever! 






BTW....If you don't snag the original set this year, what'll you do with the subsequent add-on cars/accessories/etc. Hallmark will release every year thereafter to complement your 2015 ....'investment'??  Hmmmmm???


Images (3)
  • stresspill
  • red bull
  • Holiday-Shopping-Online
Last edited by dkdkrd
Originally Posted by dkdkrd:

Female-dominant market....................................................................................Just

BTW....If you don't snag the original set this year, what'll you do with the subsequent add-on cars/accessories/etc. Hallmark will release every year thereafter to complement your 2015 ....'investment'??  Hmmmmm???

Just some added points to what you've said -- as for female-dominant, if you check the memberships for both national and international Hallmark Collectors Clubs, you'll likely be surprised with the ratio of female to male members. You'll see a respectably substantial number of male members in all clubs and with a much broader range of ages than for O gauge enthusiasts who are primarily male and in their middle fifties and older.


As for your point regarding Hallmark making add-on cars available in subsequent years, for me a more intriguing thought about offering additional cars in future years is that Lionel includes a puny 35 watt, 2 amp wallwart with their rtr LionChief starter sets -- a minimal power source woefully incapable of pulling many additional cars. And while many O gaugers might not care since they're likely to run such sets on layouts with a bigger power source anyway, Hallmark collectors won't have such an advantageous luxury, so what will be the fallout in future years when customers purchase additional cars and discover the set no longer works because it's now under-powered by that small 35 watt, 2 amp power source Lionel included with their set? I doubt they'll be as complacent and nonchalant about it as O gaugers generally would be! A most interesting can of worms for Hallmark's entry into the world of Lionel O gauge trains!!!

Originally Posted by ogaugeguy:
As for your point regarding Hallmark making add-on cars available in subsequent years, for me a more intriguing thought about offering additional cars in future years is that Lionel includes a puny 35 watt, 2 amp wallwart with their rtr LionChief starter sets -- a minimal power source woefully incapable of pulling many additional cars. .....

If this thing is a home run, I would suspect it might be more likely to find a new full set offered in future years, not just add on cars.  That solves that problem!


I'm curious about your other comment regarding continuous series.  I noticed Frosty Friends states it's #36 in the series this year.  Was there a known gap?



Originally Posted by Dave45681:
Originally Posted by ogaugeguy:
As for your point regarding Hallmark making add-on cars available in subsequent years, for me a more intriguing thought about offering additional cars in future years is that Lionel includes a puny 35 watt, 2 amp wallwart with their rtr LionChief starter sets -- a minimal power source woefully incapable of pulling many additional cars. .....

If this thing is a home run, I would suspect it might be more likely to find a new full set offered in future years, not just add on cars.  That solves that problem!


I'm curious about your other comment regarding continuous series.  I noticed Frosty Friends states it's #36 in the series this year.  Was there a known gap?



Thanks, Dave, for calling to my attention the error in my earlier post. It should have said, and has been revised to read, "...ranks among the longest..."I also have include a brief blurb**

about the history of this series.

As what will happen if it is a home, and additional sets are produced in future years, hopefully Lionel will indeed improve the set. (Remember the very first Polar Express conventional rtr set loco, series 1, had a small motor which proved incapable of pulling additional cars so the series 2 loco with a much larger and powerful motor was in subsequent rtr sets. However, unlike the conventional PE sets where a loco with the smaller motor has no more collectible value than a series 2 loco with the larger motor -- the 2015 Hallmark set, being dated, will always hold a premium over subsequent sets if they're ever produced. 

Last edited by ogaugeguy

I think about 7 or so years ago, Lionel released an It's a Wonderful Life set exclusively sold at Land's End.  It came with a certificate of authenticity that listed what number of the run the set was.  I think there were only a thousand made.   But they were marked down to $99 even before Christmas.  I don't know the specifics of how this all went down, but I ended up getting one for $99.


But I don't think that sort of thing is going to happen here because Hallmark receives so much more exposure than Land's End.  I think this will sell out with no problem between the train collectors like all of us and the non-train Hallmark buyers.  And don't forget, a lot of trains are bought around Christmas by women wanting to recreate the Christmas train experience for their children that they remember from their childhood.



I did find it on the Hallmark website by searching on "Toymaker Santa".  There's a short video posted showing the train on the 40x60 loop.  Minimal coverage but at least you can see what it looks like running.  Whoa, I turned up the volume to listen to the sounds. They would drive me NUTS after two loops around the track.

Our local store had a small flyer with this set advertised with the release date of November 6.

The flyer has since been taken down and when I asked recently in store they said they were pre-sold out with an extensive wait list and will not be able to get enough sets to meet demand.

Seems like it will be popular.


Price seems a bit high for what you get when you can get a LionChief Frosty the snow man set for $249 from leading OGR forum sponsor Lionel shops with same # of cars and same engine. You can add the Frosty animated gondola car for $51 and even more cars animated box car and a box car.

Other Lionel Christmas sets similarly much less cost then the Hallmark set.


I think the Hallmark set is very attractive nice colors but rather steep price when you can get something similar from Lion from regular train shops.

Originally Posted by kj356:

Price seems a bit high for what you get when you can get a LionChief Frosty the snow man set for $249 from leading OGR forum sponsor Lionel shops with same # of cars and same engine. 

Other Lionel Christmas sets similarly much less cost then the Hallmark set.


I think the Hallmark set is very attractive nice colors but rather steep price when you can get something similar from Lion from regular train shops.

The problem with these sorts of things is that there is an additional profit margin built in. Lionel takes its share, but Hallmark also has their own markup, and there's also the profit that the individual store makes. So these items will usually be "overpriced" compared to regular production items. Special production planning and arrangements, separate product management and distribution, special packaging, lower production numbers, etc. also may be factors in driving up the prices on these kinds of items.


Of course, all Hallmark items are seriously overpriced; this is just another one of them.

Last edited by breezinup
Originally Posted by kj356:

Our local store had a small flyer with this set advertised with the release date of November 6.

The flyer has since been taken down and when I asked recently in store they said they were pre-sold out with an extensive wait list and will not be able to get enough sets to meet demand.

Seems like it will be popular.


Figured they would go fast, but thought they might at least make it to the stores before selling out. Sounds like they didn't make it. If the wait list is that long they may be sold out for next year as well.


As for price, I don't know about the Frosty set, but the Hallmark set has a die-cast engine.

Last edited by rtr12

As luck would have it, I had a hundred o scale elves made from a custom designed plastic injection mold for my Christmas layout this year.  I got a couple of hundred extra if anyone is interested.  I plan to sell them on ebay but will give first crack to O gauge forum members.  Here is the almost final version the graphic designer and I came up with.  The 3d mold should like similar to this but I want the yellow belt buckle changed and also want the belt to be brown all the way around.  Height should be around 1 to 1.125" but not to exceed 1.25".  I had 3 separate elves made, one with yellow hair, one with brown hair, one with black hair.  If there is any interest, I could also probably switch the red outfit for a green outfit. 


I know other threads have complained about the lack of o scale elves.  I know MTH sells one in a kit of 4 or 5 other items and scenic express has one (but it is sold out and I think this elf is a little more "Santa-ish").  It is nice to see an elf incorporated into a Christmas set such as this.  I wonder if they are fixed to the gondola or if they can move  around.


My custom made elves should be here by the end of October, if anyone is interested please feel free to email me for details.  The prices will be $4 each and below based on quantity. 

red elf


Images (1)
  • red elf

Well, the word is out, and Hallmark is promoting this train on Facebook.  There is a short video that does not show much, but it leads to their online store.


There is also a link to a short video of Ken Crow, who designed the train set's graphics.  I can't remember the last time I saw a grown man so enthusiastic about a train, but he is genuine in his interest.


In closing, the video answers my main question on the color.  It is a metallic red, like some of the Hot Wheels cars I got when I was younger.  I have requested one of the two that my local store is getting.  I may purchase it after all.


Checked in with my Hallmark store and I'm #1 on list to get this set. Definitely looking forward to it. Just hope it's not a dud or a bust when I finally get it. Do wish the stores would have one running, (but not mine!), so I could hear all the Santa announcements before buying it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

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