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Originally Posted by PATSTRAINS:
Hi Pat,
This likely isn't a set you'll be selling but rather for your own personal collection, and since it's available now on Hallmark's website, I'm assuming you'll get it before it's store debut Nov. 6th. So, for those of us seriously contemplating buying it, could you please post a video of it here prior to Nov 6th? I'm especially interested in hearing Santa's announcements.
Edited 7:50 AM, 10/25/2015:
OOPS, Pat! Just noticed while listed as currently in stock, also states "Approx. ship date: November 04, 2015". For whatever reasons, Hallmark doesn't want this out before its official Nov. 6th store debut.

Hey A

I ordered one of these sets from and they offered Free shipping.

Here is a Video of the Artist who designed the set.

Here is Hallmarks' Promo


Last edited by ogaugeguy
Originally Posted by PATSTRAINS:
I also like the set, Pat, and that's why I'm opting for one.
As for its future as a collectible, who knows what it's potential will be. While a set made in the thousands for us O gaugers may be too many to label it as collectible being that we're a small and aging group while Hallmark collectors outnumber us many fold, represent a more diverse age group whom many of which far into the foreseeable future will be perusing the secondary market for offerings they missed out on initially.  

I just like this set and do not see it as a collectible. I am sure Hallmark made several thousand of these.


Last edited by ogaugeguy

BTW folks, this set has begun arriving at Hallmark retailers. My store got their allotment yesterday and I hope to see it up close either today or tomorrow and post my initial impressions. Would be great if they let me take it home before next Saturday, but likely Hallmark won't allow that. I'll soon find out. Cheers and fa-la-la-la-la

I ordered one online.  Hopefully I will get it in the next week or so.

My kids maintain a pretty extensive Dept. 56 Christmas village that takes up half the basement at holiday time.  So this train will fit right in.

Frankly, I am not concerned about the potential collector's status.  I bought it for my family and friend's enjoyment over the holiday season.

Then when everybody is done with Christmas, I look forward to sticking the various cars into my oddball fantasy consists and running them around the layout all year 'round.  It's the little things that make me happy.

- Timbo

Has anyone purchased this set yet?

I won't have an opportunity to get mine from a Hallmark Wish List untill next weekend and considering the following comment/review just posted on a Hallmark Collectors website I am now wondering whether I should

Can't vouch for the validity of these comments the person posted so that's why I'm asking for additional comments, opinions, reviews, photos, or videos from anyone who's gotten theirs already. Thanks.


Here is that review posted by a N.H. Hallmark collector:


"Really disappointing, the packaging for a 400 item is the worst I have ever seen. I have two other Lionel trains and this is the least detailed but the most expensive I have ever paid. I think I would rather spend 100 less at the train store for a more detailed Frosty or Snoopy train.
Absolutely no similarities to the Toymaker Santa ornaments, none of the toys that have been featured in the series are even painted on the train.

Not sure why it is called Toymaker Santa. It looks like a generic Santa train that Lionel could have created themselves. 

I was just so excited about this product and I saved for it and I would much rather have my $400 back.

Someone please point something out about this train to make me like it."

Last edited by ogaugeguy
Originally Posted by Grampstrains:
Hi Grampstrains!
Saying, "I own the Frosty set and we like it a lot but it's not better than the Hallmark set." -- I gather you also have the Hallmark set in order to make such a comparative statement about the Frosty and Santa ToyMaker sets without hesitation or reservation. So, would you please post a review of it for us with photos and if possible, a video? 
Thank you.
Originally Posted by rtr12:

I don't put a lot of faith in online reviews. Especially not just one single review. Everyone is different, some have problems with things that I think are great, and it also works the opposite way as well. Personally, I would wait and see for myself. I can't imagine this set being that bad?

I would have to agree with you.  Claiming that the Frosty & Peanuts sets are better

is not true.  I own the Frosty set and we like it a lot but it's not better than the

Hallmark set.  Anyone who buys this set should know ahead of time that you will pay  

  full price to get it.  May be difficult for some of us who buy at a discount but most 

customers in LHS pay full price or in this case Hallmark.  I think it is a nice promotion

for both companies and I hope to see more in the future.


I picked up my Hallmark set today and gave it a test run on my not so permanent layout.  So far, the train runs well right out of the box.


Having metal trucks, it feels more substantial then the Peanuts Christmas set that I also own.  I was happy to see that each car is painted metallic red, and not just molded red plastic.  The speech is clear, but it tends to repeat the same 'Santa' dialogue over with each button press.  It should look good under the tree.










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Last edited by Bmurphy20

Bmurphy20, how well does it smoke and what exactly does Santa say\? Is it dialogue that specifically mentions the "Toymaker Santa Express' or rather just ordinary generic Santa dialogue that could be heard in any Christmas train? What exactly does the dialogue say???

Also, besides the photos, any chance you could also post video of it either here on the forum or on YouTube?

Last edited by ogaugeguy
Originally Posted by Bmurphy20:
Thanks so much for posting video clip with dialogue. Just two more questions, does the back up light on the tender actually light when train is reversed? Also, with  the chasing elf car with presents, is the elf's movement gear driven and connected directly to the wheels moving or is it controlled by an electric motor? I didn't notice the elf moving around the car, so am I correct to assume that's because the elf's movement is gear driven and the train wasn't moving fast enough to move the elf? Is there a threshold speed the train must reach to activate the moving elf, or as the train's speed increases, does the speed of the elf circling increase proportionately and only maintains a constant speed when the train does? Can the elf's movement be switched off?
I was straddling the fence, Bmurphy20 on whether buy my reserved set not knowing what the dialogue was, but your video sound bites clip has swayed me to pull the trigger on this purchase despite my opinion there could have been even more dialogue considering the price of the train and that since Hallmark has classified it as a Gold Crown Ornament and therefore no store is permitted to accept either their own store discounts or any Hallmark discounts on it. (The only way to lower the $399 msrp is by using "You Earned It" Hallmark reward certificates which are considered cash by hallmark and not discount coupon offers.)
Thanks for posting that clip. 

Ogaugeguy, I created a short video and posted it on YouTube with dialogue and sound samples from the set...


Last edited by ogaugeguy

I really like the Hallmark set colors overall look, features of the LionChief and the Chase gondola. But I did not really want to spend that much for a set. Thanks for the video and photos.


I have a left over set (conventional 4-4-2) from a blow out sale a few years back new in the box unused and a couple of extra cars, a 1/4 of the cost of the Hallmark set.


Inspired by various Lionel Sets and the Hallmark/Lionel set, I set out to do a repaint into something that would suit me for a public display this will run at our railway museums Polar Express event with a # of other Christmas theme trains I have and eventually under the tree.


I used a few cans of Tamiya Silver Leaf paint over everything.

Then masked and sprayed with Metallic Red. Overall the color looks stunning in a bright light, much better then in the photos here, click on them for a larger view.

I went looking for some suitable stickers and loads for the flat cars. Was hoping to add some toy rocking horses somewhat to scale but cannot find anything, the presents will do for now. Found nice little wagons by Lemax and some sleighs.


I used the sparkly letters. I wanted them big enough to be able to see from a distance for this display train. Finished this painted and decal-ed over the last couple of days. Still trying to find the right Santa image sticker or photo to add to the side of the tender or box car. And perhaps some Snowflake or wreath stickers to the train in the empty spaces.

Had a little trouble fitting the lettering on the side for the space I had, tried to avoid the rivet strips where I could.

So excited to take it for a run tonight. Our little Santa loves it!

(darned the reverse unit quit after a bit of running, only goes to neutral and reverse no forward.) This set has the puffing smoke and air whistle. The Hallmark set with remote and sounds would have been nice but not for a show train.











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Last edited by kj356


  Now that was a great idea and no doubt about it your boy loves the Santa Toy Shop Express Train, and he can pass it on down to his kids when he has his own family, and tell them that his father made him his own Santa Train.  Great stuff sir, simply fantastic.


Mrs Santa here at our house has picked up one of the new Hallmark Lionel Christmas Santa Trains for our Christmas Train layout. I will run it and the Christmas Box car Train, on Christmas morning.


Can you imagine missing this kind of family time because some fool in our government thinks our trains are not safe for anyone under 14 years old.  The pictures of your boy running his Christmas Santa Train is what our hobby is really all about.  



Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad

Tks grand daughter actually.


Can anyone share more photos of your Hallmark train sets? Some more detailed photos of the colors.

Sold out at our local store.


Here are some pics of my finished train with all the decals on;

and not on here but I added tea lights inside the caboose switches on bottom to turn on nice flickering yellow glow. Reverse unit stopped working at least forward so I removed and cut and respliced motor wires so I get neutral / neutral / forward. Like the puffing smoke and air whistle.


Perhaps some time may get the hallmark set if it comes up a bit cheaper but I really like my custom painted train very rich red colors and the sparkles look great.


Click on photos for a larger view.










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I picked up mine today and will play after Thursday . I needed a new set for strictly for around the Christmas tree. Besides I like red.


The best way I can describe the engine color is Candy Apple Red.  Older generation probably understands that color better than the younger members.


It is a very BRIGHT red. Kinda neat for Christmas...IMO Some may have , but I have never seen a Lionel train that RED.





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Larry Sr,

   I really like the bright Red (Candy Apple) color for a Christmas Train also, this is going to be a great addition to our Christmas layout no doubt about it, there is one other bright red Tin Plate Christmas train also, I believe it's the MTH P3 269E Christmas Train set, at any rate I will receive my Santa Toy Maker Express Christmas morning, like all the rest of the kids!

I did not realize this Santa Express set came with it's own controller, as I see pictured in Larry Sr post, will we able to control it with our Legacy Cab2 remote control also, or is this a stand alone Lionel train set.



   Sorry about calling your Grand Daughter a boy, my bad!  Hay the Wagon & Sleds Flat car pictured in your post, on your Santa Toy Work Shop Train, is a seriously original new Flat Car, I have never seen another like it!   Great job on that one.



Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad
Originally Posted by Larry Sr.:



I don't know about the control question. I don't think we can control it with our Legacy remotes. That's the Lionel Chief Plus engines I THINK.


This is the only chief set I have, so I'm not up to speed on these RTR remote sets.



Lionchief is controlled by its remote only.


Lionchief Plus is controlled by its remote or can be run in conventional


Legacy (or TMCC) does not "Talk" to either directly.

Last edited by EscapeRocks

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