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Originally Posted by Rusty Traque:
Originally Posted by Donald Payer:
Originally Posted by Rusty Traque:
Originally Posted by DRGWno1:

AF facebook page indicates a December/January delivery



They actually updated the Flyer Facebook page? 




I gave up checking in on it when the latest update, the Christmas holiday greeting, was still getting top billing after Easter.



Hi Rusty,


     I have been reading what has being said about the 57' Mechanical Refrigerator cars and have became frustrated so I asked Lionel. I received a notification that the cars have been pulled and will not be made. So everyone can save their money.

Donald Payer



Which seems pretty odd being that they've been headlining the Lionel blog for the past 4 weeks.


The trouble with Lionel's "talk to us" is you seldom get the same answer twice.  Everyone there seems to be in their own silo.


If the reefers are cancelled, well then more money available from me for MTH, SSA and AM.



Hi Rusty,


I am just clarifying my note to you. The information I asked Lionel about was I wanted to know what happened to the 57' Mechanical Refrigerator Cars from the American Flyer S Gauge 2014 catalog on the shipping schedule? The numbers were 6-48858 --- 6-48861 +plus 6-48868. That included all of the Refers to be made because I had ordered 1 each for my 5 SD70ACe's. So I wrote Email back saying I was disappointed and I would find them some place else. At least I won't be spending it with Lionel.


Donald Payer 

I was the one who posted the question on the flyer facebook page, it would be nice to have a reason for the cancelation. If it is due to low pre-order numbers I wonder if it's because of the failed performance in the cylindrical hopper trucks. 


Lionel is really going to be leaving us out in the wind if they don't produce modern rolling stock to go with these modern diesels they are putting out.  I will be at trainfest and will try and ask what the deal is with the reefers at the lionel booth. 


I hope that mth gets all the shs product up and running soon.  



 In order for S scale to survive (much less expand), it needs suppliers who can deliver their products in a manner that the buyer base can rely on. All this "BS" due to late or non deliveries, to say nothing of the QC problems we've seen,does not bode well for the scale.

 The sad thing is,a great many people who might have otherwise "joined the ranks",(in no small part due to S being the "perfect size'), will no doubt look elsewhere, if they haven't already.

 We've also seen a fair number of the faithful "jumping ship",and going to a scale where they can actually purchase stuff,due to these same issues.

 I find this all very disturbing.


Mark in Oregon

Originally Posted by NotInWI:

I was the one who posted the question on the flyer facebook page, it would be nice to have a reason for the cancelation. If it is due to low pre-order numbers I wonder if it's because of the failed performance in the cylindrical hopper trucks. 


Lionel is really going to be leaving us out in the wind if they don't produce modern rolling stock to go with these modern diesels they are putting out.  I will be at trainfest and will try and ask what the deal is with the reefers at the lionel booth. 


I hope that mth gets all the shs product up and running soon.  



Well, I guess Lionel's response makes it pretty much official then. 


This strengthens my suspicion that the next run of ES44's is just to use up parts stock.  They were listed as "Limited Quantities Produced."


Pity.  This appears to be retrenchment to probably stick to the "traditional" market.  I'm not gonna hold my breath for a Legacy Berkshire.


Oh, well.  I can divert to money I set aside for the reefers to AM, SSA or MTH.


Personal perspective: Lionel did good with the Pacific's, Mikado's, Challengers and U33's.  Hit a home run with the SD70's and ES44's.  Did really good with the Y3's.  Fine locomotives all, a boon to the Flyer market, even if only a couple can be easily scalified.  They did pretty good with the cylindrical hopper bodies, but fell flat on their face with the trucks. 


It was fun while it lasted.







I disagree.  48ft well cars like seen below have been out of service for over a decade.  In fact, many of these cars were cut down to 40ft in 2008 and later.
If you want single well cars for es44's and sd70ace's, then they should be 53ft wells.
That will be pretty ugly going around 20" radius curves. I know cuz I tried it.
Originally Posted by banjoflyer:

I for one would like to see container carrying well cars and containers like those produced by SSA.

All the ES44AC's and SD70ACe's are crying out for these cars so modern operators can run intermodal service trains.

If such a car can be made to run on 20" radius AF Fastrack I think they would sell.




Originally Posted by Roundhouse Bill:

These came with scale wheel sets.  I didn't order any beacuse I would have had to pay an extra $25 to get high rail wheel sets I would then have to install.  I hope they see the scale wheel guys are too small a market and reissue these with high rail wheels.  Then I would order several. 

I thought it was announced after the catalog was printed that everything after the first run of cylindrical hoppers was going to come with Hirail/Flyer wheels.



Ahh!  But then the scale wheel guys wouldn't order, and they would get cancelled for insufficient orders, anyways!
Its a catch22...
Originally Posted by Roundhouse Bill:

These came with scale wheel sets.  I didn't order any beacuse I would have had to pay an extra $25 to get high rail wheel sets I would then have to install.  I hope they see the scale wheel guys are too small a market and reissue these with high rail wheels.  Then I would order several. 


Now waitaminute...


If the mechanical reefers were cancelled because of the truck snafu on the cylindrical hoppers, it's not the Scale guys (or even the Flyer guys who had trouble) fault because the cars wouldn't track properly.


It was an engineering design problem with the trucks.  Period. 


It's not the customer's fault the wheels wouldn't roll on scale or certain brands of hirail track.  Once regauged, the trucks roll fine on scale track.  Of course, the hopper still sits too high.  Another engineering design problem.


The corporate solution for the issue was apparently replacing the coupler.  A total side-step of the problem.


Lionel certainly knows how to make a proper scale wheel.  They did it for the U33's, SD70's and ES44's.  In fact, they bent over backwards to make the SD70's and ES44's attractive to the scale crowd.  How they managed to screw up something as simple as a freight car truck is anybody's guess.


Now myself and others cut Lionel a fair amount of slack on this first attempt at a modern freight car.  There were relatively inexpensive ways (at least cheaper that using Lionel parts) to solve the problem for those willing to try. 


For others, it was a big deal.  And it seems they have gotten their way.


Regardless, S Gauge/Scale has lost. 


For the scale guys at least, Smoky Mountain Models is reconsidering restarting their 57' mechanical reefer project.   It is guaranteed to be superior to the proposed Flyer version, but will also have to be built, painted, decaled by the modeler and subsequently cost more than the Flyer car.


I'm certainly willing to give any future scale detailed Flyer cars a look, even if I do have to change the trucks.  But I won't approach it with the same enthusiasm I had in the past.


Now, where's my American Models catalog....



Last edited by Rusty Traque
Here ya go.  You can see where the well has been cut down and welded to the left of the consolidated stencil and , on the other end, to the right of the "40" marker.
Originally Posted by banjoflyer:
Originally Posted by banjoflyer:

I for one would like to see container carrying well cars and containers like those produced by SSA.



Well I'm not designing them here in this forum I'm suggesting  a new type of car. The photo I posted was handy.

If you have a picture of a 40' car post it and we'll all get to see it.

If 53' is the modern platform and it won't run well on Flyer curves then I suggest that they NOT be made.

The point is if the manufacturer wants to produce modern engines (and I have 5 now) let's see some modern equipment to go with them.



Last edited by Martin H

Will this announcement have some sort of explanation about the cancelation? Or is this just going to be a "ya it's canceled". 

This flys in the face of all the "commitment" talk Lionel has made lately about the venture into scale rolling stock.  If this is just a delay to maybe be re cataloged with the accurate description about high rail wheel sets that's fine, if this is a total bail on the commitment to the scale modern marketplace that Lionel has gotten people committed to (money from the pocket book) with sd70s and ES44s then this is a real issue. 


True story...but your oil or coal tender will work no matter what shows up...everyone out there equates Lionel's scale 70 ton truck with inoperable on any track system.  That might have had an impact on pre orders.  I think if you look back through the sea of posts on here about the cylindrical hopper fiasco there were people who stated they were going to wait to see what the fix was going to be before they would look at the 57' reefers. 

If the reefers don't get made then that's the way it it a sign of things to come (or lack there off) is the question I have.  An answer from Lionel about why the car was killed could help with an understanding of what may be going on behind the scenes.
Originally Posted by NotInWI:

True story...but your oil or coal tender will work no matter what shows up...everyone out there equates Lionel's scale 70 ton truck with inoperable on any track system.  That might have had an impact on pre orders.  I think if you look back through the sea of posts on here about the cylindrical hopper fiasco there were people who stated they were going to wait to see what the fix was going to be before they would look at the 57' reefers. 

If the reefers don't get made then that's the way it it a sign of things to come (or lack there off) is the question I have.  An answer from Lionel about why the car was killed could help with an understanding of what may be going on behind the scenes.

I don't disagree.  There is a difference between some cosmetic faux pas and crappy engineering.  My Challenger still runs and is pretty much visually acceptable.  Lionel did offer to buy it back from me when I complained.  I've regauged my trucks, but there's no easy fix for the bolster height.


There was absolutely no reason for the hopper's truck turning out the way they did and it probably did have a chilling effect on pre-orders.  There was a lot of pre-emptive criticism about the reefers on Yahoo S Scale board and there's probably one or two dancing a jig about the cancellation.


I still fail to understand how Lionel can't seem to grasp a simple concept that works so well for American Models, S Scale America and the late S Helper Service.  One wonders where Lionel get's it's information from. 


Fortunately, it appears the MTH has chosen not to reinvent the S wheel...




Originally Posted by NotInWI:

Will this announcement have some sort of explanation about the cancelation? Or is this just going to be a "ya it's canceled". 

This flys in the face of all the "commitment" talk Lionel has made lately about the venture into scale rolling stock.  If this is just a delay to maybe be re cataloged with the accurate description about high rail wheel sets that's fine, if this is a total bail on the commitment to the scale modern marketplace that Lionel has gotten people committed to (money from the pocket book) with sd70s and ES44s then this is a real issue. 





I have been informed by Matt Ashba via an e-mail reply that an announcement is coming. Upon its release, we will find out its wording and content together.


I, too, am rather surprised by this turn of events. No preproduction samples were on display this past York, but it would not have been the first time that a project had slipped in its timing. Presumably, preorders are on the weak side, so ...



Good Evening,


I sent the email below to a friend at Lionel this afternoon.


I was just thinking..........I wonder if better communications would help increase sales and decrease the number of cancelled production items.
Here is my example, a ES44AC is offered in two powered engines in 6 road names each. Out of the 6 road names 5 of the road names meet your minimum requirement to build the engines. There is one engine that falls short but would be built if there were 100 more "Build to Order" placed. What if Lionel communicated a message to the hobby shops and posted a message that more orders are required for that one road name? The message just may be what is needed to get people off the fence.
Best Regards,


I am trying to interpret the news about the cancellation of the mechanical hoppers. There may be two widely divergent ways to read the news, with a lot of room in the spectrum between them.


Worst case: Lionel cancelled the project because there were too few pre-orders. They blamed customers because of their “lack of interest.” However, too few preorders may be due to Lionel’s own mistakes. Their catalogues have been inaccurate and misleading (outright mistakes such as lack of Challenger figures or oil tenders, wrong engine numbers displayed on original SD70s, and repeated mention of a non-existent “AF speed control switch." Product quality has been erratic (the original U30C and SD70 trucks lost electrical contact on certain switches; cylindrical hopper wheels derail [“fixed” by changing a coupler?] and sit on bolsters that are unprototypically high). If Lionel cancelled the project one month before delivery, then manufacturing did little to produce the reefers, and Lionel failed to let customers know until the last minute, or Lionel has delayed delivery for a good reason—and is still failing to explain why.


Best case: 1) Lionel has decided to redesign a common truck bolster for both a more prototypical cylindrical hopper and mechanical reefer that will also allow consumers to easily swap high-rail wheels for optional scale wheels; 2) the redesign has taken longer to achieve than expected. The “limited quantities” of BNSF, CSX, and UP ES44AC locomotives may mean that these numbers are using up the shells with headlights above the windows. The 2015 models of both ES44 and SD70 locomotives will have the more common light-in-the-nose configuration.


In either case, reliance on pre-orders is not likely to change for valid business reasons. That leaves the problems Lionel needs to fix as: 1) as Frank Swafford suggests, better and more frequent communication with customers, including uniform information within the company itself; 2) more attention to accuracy within the catalogues in order to encourage pre-order confidence; and 3) fixing engineering idiosyncrasies to match the quality level of a much smaller company such as American Models. (Perhaps Lionel should put Ron Bashista on retainer as a consultant for the American Flyer line.)


The American Flyer products Lionel has brought to market in the past few years have been superb in terms of detail and finish. The company has been quick to improve each new release (refined trucks, AC/DC/DCC modes in locomotives; the hoppers were an aberration). It would be a shame for them to back off American Flyer when the fixes required are much easier than the hurdles they have already successfully managed to jump.

Last edited by TOKELLY

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