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It's TEAM TRACK TUESDAY!!!  Share your team track photos here!   Team tracks are a vital part of day to day real railroad operations.  Team tracks serve as a multi - purpose track for off/on loading of nearly all types of freight cars, passenger train head end cars and MOW equipment.  Team tracks are found in rural, small towns, and large cities.  Show us what is happening on your railroad's team track.   

The purpose of this thread is to inspire each other to regularly create team track scenes on our layouts.  Doing so helps us keep our layouts fresh by engaging our imaginations to come up with new scenes.  Mark Dif has inspired me to install another team track on my layout.  Someone by the name of Haney ( from somewhere in CA ... says he got a pretty penny from a real estate sale out there ) has purchased the property, bulldozed the land, contacted the Free State Junction Railway main office and requested a team track siding be installed.  Town folk in Patsburg are all a buzz with theories and rumors.  As all this happened practically over night, the local paper, The Patsburg Trumpeter, cold not get photographers out to cover the action as it unfolded. 

Upon receiving the word from the FSJR main office,  my buddy Randy and I ( MOW crew ) installed a new Gargraves O - 100 turnout  off the mainline for the team track lead this past Sunday, after filling our bellies at a jazz brunch at a nearby restaurant.  I still have to, clear debris, and lay the track for the siding.  I will have some photos of the construction next week.  

Due to the current construction project, I will post some photos from from past weeks of TTT.   Click on photos at bottom of post to view captions.  The foreground of the first two photos show the property where the new team track will go.

 ( This scene is now demolished ) The lower Patsburg team track is behind.    

Finely detailed modeling scenes, fun scenes, and all scenes in between are most welcome.  Real railroading team track scenes are welcome too!  Your layout does not have to be elaborate to post here..... if you have a loop of tin plate track and a siding that can be used as a multi - purpose on/off loading track you have a team track ... and if you have a large, medium, or small  finely detailed layout with team track sidings please join the fun and show us your photos!! 

 Have a wonderfully creative week!!  AND next week, on Tuesday, I'll meet you on the TEAM TRACK!IMG_2711IMG_0001IMG_0042IMG_0050IMG_0040IMG_0201IMG_0204IMG_0205IMG_0238IMG_0325IMG_0614IMG_0639IMG_0643 Tuesday, I'll see you on the TEAM TRACK!! 


Images (13)
  • IMG_2711: The new team track will be here in the foreground.
  • IMG_0001: another view of where the new team track will be
  • IMG_0042: Mt. Division team track - break time!!  MOW car.
  • IMG_0050: Lower Patsburg team track with military load for National Guard
  • IMG_0040: Two crew members chat it up. Mt. Div team track
  • IMG_0201: MOW load of wire.  Mt. Div team track
  • IMG_0204: Mt. Div team track
  • IMG_0205: Scale test car.  Mt. Div team track
  • IMG_0238: Mt. Div team track. MOW foreman " I ordered a crane not a power shovel!"
  • IMG_0325: SW1000 passes team track on Mt. Div
  • IMG_0614: Local Ford dealer receives express shipment on lower Patsburg team track
  • IMG_0639: Picking up the milk on Tuesday morning.
  • IMG_0643: Mr. Bo keeps an eye over the team track!
Last edited by trumpettrain
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

So much development happening on the team tracks! I cannot wait to see pictures from Mr. Haney's unexpected Patsburg project!

Development is happening here in Everett too, but not the kind to get excited about.


Local tax revenues are down throughout the Valley. After a recent brain storming session (the kind where somebody starts by saying, “…there’s no such thing as a bad idea!”) the Everett trustees began implemented a number of money generating schemes.

One of these ideas involved charging the rail way a fixed fee for each freight car it parks on the team track. Of course, rail way officials laughed that idea right off the rails.

Then, in a classic, “look who’s laughing now” move, the trustees ordered the installation of parking meters along the local team track.


Everett wasted no time in issuing parking citations.


As one might expect, rail way officials are perplexed by this development.

"Moving our team track facility away from Everett is a definite possibility." - Isaac Reynolds - General Manager


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Last edited by abbrail

Patrick, I'm glad I was able to inspire you. This entire series of has certainly inspired me! That Mr. Haney is some entrepreneur, isn't he?

Thomas, Great scene. That meter maid can write me a ticket anytime.   

Now this week...Moving on from Haney's. The new owners have opened up. Introducing  Hisle Coal...


For all your home/business heating needs...


Business is brisk as Hisle as some great "Grand Opening" sale rates...



Maybe I should have ordered a 70 ton hopper instead of this 50 ton...




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Happy TTT Guys!

Patrick- looks like Mr. Haney has found a new home. Can't wait to see the new development and spur.

Mark Dif- A welcome addition to your team track. I think you have a very profitable tenant there.

Thomas- Looks like Everett is trying to drive the railroad out of town.

SIRT- Spectacular as always

Welcome to the newcomers too. Brian- That transformer is going to take some serious work to move. Hope you have a good rigging crew on the job.

Nothing new on the RSJ&B this week. The CEO is putting the pressure on to get the project completed and I want it done too so nothing happening with the trains this week. Got out to play golf Monday so it hasn't been all work no play around here.


abbrail posted:

So much development happening on the team tracks! I cannot wait to see pictures from Mr. Haney's unexpected Patsburg project!

Development is happening here in Everett too, but not the kind to get excited about.


Local tax revenues are down throughout the Valley. After a recent brain storming session (the kind where somebody starts by saying, “…there’s no such thing as a bad idea!”) the Everett trustees began implemented a number of money generating schemes.

One of these ideas involved charging the rail way a fixed fee for each freight car it parks on the team track. Of course, rail way officials laughed that idea right off the rails.

Then, in a classic, “look who’s laughing now” move, the trustees ordered the installation of parking meters along the local team track.


Everett wasted no time in issuing parking citations.


As one might expect, rail way officials are perplexed by this development.

"Moving our team track facility away from Everett is a definite possibility." - Isaac Reynolds - General Manager

For some reason the concept of a meter maid and police patrolling in Everett made me think back to when PRR ran a large yard on the southeast side of town called Rockside.  Police were there frequently offering up tickets for blocking Rockside Road for more than 5 minutes.  One time the front trucks of a locomotive derailed and this sent the Trainmaster into a fit.  The reporter from the local paper asked him what had happened.  The TM said:the engineer swerved to miss a deer.  And there it was in black and white the next day in the Maple Heights Press for all to read.  

Lou N

What's for dinner?  

Word travels fast but not necessarily accurately in Tomlinson Run.  Why, just today word went out that celebrities from the popular TV show Shark Tank were rolling into town on the local mixed train.  In fact, Mrs. Wright showed up hoping to meet "Mr. Perfect".  Boy were the townsfolk confused when they got to the team track.  There, sticking out of the top of a gondola, was a fin -- and I don't mean Sven.  Sven after all is a Swede.   Besides Sven the Swede can't swim and boy could this thing churn up the waters in its tank!  
Churn, churn, churn ...
Some townspeople figured that it was time to "get packing" and "get out of Dodge Ram" ...
Really, you can't blame them; I wouldn't want to get chummy with that thing!  But, fearless Jed, A/K/A the "Shark Whisper", stepped in and left the shark basking.

Amidst gasps and mixed sighs of relief, the crowd wondered about the mix-up, and murmurs started to go around about "fake media" and the "losing Tomlinson Times" until they saw none other than Chef Chuck Wagon, TR's own TV personality, approach.  OK, so it's the local cable station run by high school kids but it's still TV, right?  

Soon the word went out that, not content with his farm-to-forklift cuisine, Chef wanted bigger fish to fry. 
Caption: Farm-to-Forklift:  "Primed" rib on its way to the dining car kitchen ... (Yes, I know it's not really a forklift, but work with me people -- it's all they had at the hardware store!)
Chef had always dreamed of making shark fin soup.  He even had a name for it: "Make O'Shark". But Chef later changed it to "Make-Aux-Charque" because, well, it sounded more French that way, and he'd decided to leave out the corned beef and cabbage.  With a French-sounding name, the railroad dining car could even charge three dollars more for it.  Meanwhile, with all the last minute menu and name changes going on, Roxie the TRRR's popular roller skating waitress got confused into thinking that Chef was serving skate and so she put in an appearance.  However, the Tomlinson Times' (failing) photographer missed the shot, pretty much guaranteeing that he won't be getting a Pulitzer in photojournalism this year.
By contrast,  the foreman, a true professional, stewarded in the railroad's largest crane to remove the fearsome mouthful, that terrible tooth-full. Yes, the photographer cut him out of the photo, too.  =Sigh=.
To stun the shark and ready it for cooking, the Tomlinson Home Run Little League sent in its best slugger.  John Robert played whack-the-shark-shaped piñata with his bat until his horrified parents arrived.
Caption: John Robert's horrified parents arrive by police escort.
They quickly grabbed Johnny, and as they took him well out of harm's way they were overheard murmuring something that rhymed with "law suit".  Perhaps "Beet root" or "zoot suit"??  
Chef, left to his own devices, used his oven mitt instead of his spatula to deliver the final blow that put the shark out of its misery.  
Thus dispatched, the shark went directly onto Chef's portable irradiator for flash grilling. Flash grilling in the portable irradiator is always a chancy proposition, but when it works, it's sublime. Of course it goes just as well with lemon as with sublime ...
But what's this?  The clock timer seemed to take eons.  Woops!  Mon Doo!  The alien temperature probes failed.  Chef was beside himself.

Chef's wizardry had voided the fish's warranty and expiry date!  Instead of fresh "Make-aux-Charqe", Chef made fossilized "Din-O-Mitey" big fish.  'What's for Dinner' is looking a little green in the gills, a little long in the tooth.  And what a stink!  Something's rotten in Denmark or is it Sweden?  Or Finland?  Yeah, definitely Finland - there's still lots of fins left on that fish.  (Small town American schools really should do a better job of teaching geography, don't you think?) Deeply disappointed, Chef was Finnished for the day.  Oh well, it's back to the cutting board for Chef Wagon and his Make O' Shark ... if only he'd stuck with the corned beef and cabbage.  Sure, it would still stink but not like that fried fish!   Meanwhile, the fish went back to the team track ...
But that's not the end of our story -- it never is with Chef Wagon.  Those "in the nose" suspect that the foul fish ended up in Chef's secret test kitchen hidden below the TRRR's commissary.  The high school's crack cable team was rumored to be filming the secretive but brilliant chef for a pilot episode of "Will it Blend?: Team Track Edition". Stay tuned because you can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish.
"Sea" you next time at the Tomlinson Run Railroad team track, where once again we dare to ask, "What's for dinner, Chef?"
Tomlinson Run Railroad 
Disclaimer:  No Mako sharks were harmed in the filming of this event.  However, we can't say the same for Chef Chuck Wagon's reputation.


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Last edited by TomlinsonRunRR

TrumpTrain, I look forward to the construction of your new team track.  I especially liked the Maryland P.O. car with the Ford, and milk deliveries are a favorite of mine. Mark, I love the new coal business.  Amazing work!  And, SIRT, I could spend hours looking at the details in your weathering -- especially the close-up of the roof in the open door shot.  Wow.

Happy Tuesday all!  Thanks for making it a fun and imaginative day.

Tomlinson Run Railroad

Thanks to everyone who contributed this week  and thanks to everyone who stopped by to check out the team track this week!  Some great creative contributions this week!!

Tim - nice stock car!!

Briansilvermustang - welcome to TTT!!  That is one awesomely YUGE load sitting on your team track!!! WOW!!!! 

ABBRAIL - Tom - Parking meters on the team track?!  What will politicians think of next to collect revenue?!  Very creative story!!

Mark Dif - Yes Mr. Haney is quite the entrepreneur for sure!  Its not yet clear if he's going to open up a place or just lease the land.  Rumor has it that he's been cozying up with Kate Bradley at some hotel.  So who knows?   

Your coal yard scene looks terrific!!  Love the conveyor!!  All the vehicles are spot on appropriate too!!  Love the budget plan!!!  At least coal is making a come back on your layout!

SIRT - Your work is always the benchmark for "real"!!!  Love the boxcars!!  Your team track scene with the debris on the ground is fabulous!!

Tomlinsonrun -  You have imagination PLUS!!!!  What a story!!!   Real soapy water in the gondola!!! WOW!!!

Lou N. - thanks for you terrific comments!! 

See ya all next Tuesday on the Team Track!

Lou N posted:
For some reason the concept of a meter maid and police patrolling in Everett made me think back to when PRR ran a large yard on the southeast side of town called Rockside.  Police were there frequently offering up tickets for blocking Rockside Road for more than 5 minutes.  One time the front trucks of a locomotive derailed and this sent the Trainmaster into a fit.  The reporter from the local paper asked him what had happened.  The TM said:the engineer swerved to miss a deer.  And there it was in black and white the next day in the Maple Heights Press for all to read.  

Lou N

Lou, That is a fantastic story! It certainly lends credibility to the idea there is a prototype for everything.

briansilvermustang posted:

Brian, that is one seriously large load! They may need an extra crane to lift that one!

Mark Diff posted:


Mark, Hisle Coal looks great. Locals will certainly appreciate the convince and value of having a supplier at the team track!


I'm sure Chef will find a way, to serve up his Make-Aux-Charque. Great story and pictures this week.

trumptrain posted:

Thanks to everyone who contributed this week  and thanks to everyone who stopped by to check out the team track this week!

Patrick, Thanks for providing us with a place to relax and creatively play with our trains!

Last edited by abbrail
trumptrain posted:

Thanks to everyone who contributed this week  and thanks to everyone who stopped by to check out the team track this week!  Some great creative contributions this week!!



I just want to reiterate what ABBRAIL/Thomas wrote and that is to thank you for being such a great host.  Your commitment to a weekly post and encouragement to others is a large part of what makes it so special.  Your inclusion of even the lowly carpet layout among the high art is greatly appreciated.

These days, when I get home from work on Tuesdays, I can't wait to see what people have posted.  I find myself alternating between laughing my head off at the creativity and sense of fun of some, being in serious awe of the modeling skills of others, and enjoying the diversity of everything in between those extreames. Bottom line, it's all creative and you've provided a weekly post to hold it all.

I can't remember the last time that I ran my trains, because my team track and a silly little 1:48 chef have become the sole focal point :-).  And that's OK.

Thanks again,

Tomlinson Running Out of Ideas? Railroad

Last edited by TomlinsonRunRR

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