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Well, after a failed 1st attempt that i dread to think about, i am going to try this 1st the quick backstory....


    It all started when i finally decided to buy some megasteam. i have always heard that it was the best of the best. in the past, i have always used supersmoke, or mth fluid with great results but i was beginning to run a little low and more importantly, the wife doesnt like the smell of the smoke fluids nor the fact that after 20 minutes with 3 locos running the whole house fills with smoke. 

    I purchased the large 8oz bottle of hot chocolate scented megasteam from a vendor at the december greenbergs show. Upon returning home, i ran my mth 2-8-0 ps2 loco low and refilled it with fluid. I ran and refilled multiple times and after several tries i became discouraged with the product. the smoke output was quite low compared to my mth fluid, the smell was nothing of chocolate and i had to refill it ALOT. I posted on this site with my issues and what I did to attempt a remedy and my topic was taken the wrong way by many (I'm over it...HA).

    In and amongst the lengthy discussion i was in contact with Jeb directly via email.He took GREAT interest in that particular topic and my concerns. Thankfully, he did not view my post as an attack on him or his product. He was concerned with my issues and dissapointment in megasteam. We exchanged multiple emails with suggestions and information. In the end he felt that I had received expired product. I assured him that i held nothing against him or megasteam and i was going to purchase another bottle to give it a try. Jeb put forward quite the gentleman's offer.


Fast forward to today: Today, Dec 17th, in the mail I received a postmarked envelope of Dec 15th. This particular envelope had some girth to it and smelled highly of candy....haha. Inside was 3 bottles of megasteam, with a hand signed note wishing me a happy holidays from Jeb. I have a bottle of hot chocolate, candy cane, and cotton candy, each hand written with Dec 15ths date on it by Jeb. He said he was sending me a fresh batch, I dont think it can get any fresher then that! I of course ran down the basement and fired the trains up....... I started with the hot chocolate. after the 2nd refill I could already tell the difference. By the 4th fillup I had a nice sweet aroma of chocolate morsels in the air. The output was twice that of the 1st batch I purchased at the show. It was on par with my mth fluid as far as output, yet it dispersed quickly. Very nice! I moved on to the cotton candy and then the candy cane. I think the candy cane will be the winner. It has a strong,yet non overwhelming aroma of peppermints. I must say, Thank You Jeb. You are a stand up guy and extremely customer oriented. Another plus for me is that fact that megasteam is made in the USA. With all my hobbies I try to buy from US made companies. With trains that is hard, but at least I can contribute to an American company with a heck of an owner. Enjoy a few quick pictures and videos, once I post this, I am back down to the basement to play with trains for the evening.



The 1st batch from the train show:


Jebs new batch  minutes later


Put my post war 2026 on the tracks and filled it with Candy cane scent too.

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Last edited by groundhogslayer
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yes we have some awesome vendors here in the States and are always eager to help with an issue mega steam is great as far as i am concerned it smokes and is easy on the nose.


as a heads up after the smoke fluid has set around for a day or so shake the bottle up to ensure all is still mixed together.

am glad your issue has been resolved and that you can now attend to the fun part of running your trains.



What is the shelf life of smoke fluid?  If it is relatively short, maybe manufacturers should consider a Use By date.  


I stock up son smoke fluid at shows (1 bottle) and it lasts for years.  I don't compare smoke output because I use it in postwar steamers where the smoke output is generally anemic, at best.  I get the Cedar Scent because it reminds me of the postwar American Flyer scent.  I do think the scent is reduced over time.



Mega-Steam usually reads these posts with great interest and rarely posts. We attempt to solve problems behind the scenes. However, some clarification is necessary:


1.) We have a high-quality control system. There are no "bad batches." We test every batch for correct scenting and quality before shipping.


2.) There is no established "stale date" as such. If you store the bottle upright away from direct sunlight, and in a cool environment the bottle should last 2-3 years without any problems. Many customers report 4-5 years of use from the same bottle without any problems.  We have several "test" bottles that are 6-8 years old and still maintain good quality scent and smoke features.  We always suggest that "new smoke fluid is fresh and is always best." Large refill bottles are suggested for heavy users.  Most hobbyist use a 2 oz bottle over a 2-3 months of serious running.


3.) We don't have tons of inventory sitting on the shelf. We constantly rotate our product to assure customers that they are getting our very best product.  The problem comes in when our smoke fluid appears on the secondary market where someone has had it before. Also, each hobby shop dealer handles our product in their own way and we can only suggest that they keep fresh product available.


4.) Shake before using. Smell the bottle before using. If the scent is weak or gone, just replace the bottle with fresh product. We keep our prices reasonable so that you can replace frequently and not break the bank. The scenting is the key to determining the age with the exception of "NADA" which has no scent.


Hope these thoughts are helpful. We appreciate your business and support for our product. We share your passion for this great hobby and look forward to helping you in the future.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Jeb Kriigel

JT's Mega-Steam

"World's finest smoke fluid!"


OGR Publishing, Inc., 1310 Eastside Centre Ct, Suite 6, Mountain Home, AR 72653
800-980-OGRR (6477)

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