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I apologize as I was being factitious about C94 working for Lionel BUT I do believe that the angst from the 990 system delays are based in passion for the hobby and just wanting to have fun with Legacy locomotives.  C94 is right on target that without Legacy the locomotives are not anywhere near as fun with it.


This is very frustrating.  C94 obviously does have a passion for wanting to run trains with Legacy.  I was 100% as upset years ago when Legacy was "coming out" for the very first time and was put off several times.  I even challenged OGR to do a inquiry as a mover and shaker in our hobby.


I do think C94's thought on TBA is better than throwing dates, that at the time maybe projected as correct, fall flat. 


So I was having a little fun and I apologize but the dude has passion and I respect that.  I understand his frustration from years ago.  I really hope for his and the others waiting for Legacy that in July we are not seeing this thread again.  Nothing makes a Legacy loco perform to it's full potential as a Legacy system.


That's all I'm going to say on this subject. C94 I hope you get your 990 soon.



Couldn't agree more Marty. I have had a 990 on preorder from Legacy Station since last June. I've gotten some Vision engines and another Legacy engine waiting to be used at their peak potential but it's true what they say, patience is a virtue.

And additionally I think, distance makes the heart grow fonder.

We all want the 990 to get fully immersed in the hobby we all love. Not love to hate.
Originally Posted by hirailsteve:
Couldn't agree more Marty. I have had a 990 on preorder from Legacy Station since last June. I've gotten some Vision engines and another Legacy engine waiting to be used at their peak potential but it's true what they say, patience is a virtue.

And additionally I think, distance makes the heart grow fonder.

We all want the 990 to get fully immersed in the hobby we all love. Not love to hate.

Wasn't that 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'? Anyway you have been waiting longer than I have, I was 3 months later in ordering. Hopefully we will see one soon, and good luck to us all (including Lionel).

Originally Posted by hirailsteve:
Couldn't agree more Marty. I have had a 990 on preorder from Legacy Station since last June. I've gotten some Vision engines and another Legacy engine waiting to be used at their peak potential but it's true what they say, patience is a virtue.

And additionally I think, distance makes the heart grow fonder.

We all want the 990 to get fully immersed in the hobby we all love. Not love to hate.

No one can argue that patience is a virtue but at some point in time the law of diminishing returns begins to kick in.  Someone needs to apply just a wee bit of pressure on Lionel to be at least somewhat forthright with their buying public as to why the 990 has been delayed for shipping and an honest estimate as to when it will finally be distributed.  For many, and I certainly include myself, after over a year of waiting patience begins to wear thin.  If they want to wait until it meets their level of acceptance I have no problem with that but at least let us know.    

Last edited by OKHIKER

Although my wait has been much shorter with, my cab 1, just going

blinky -poo,  Is there a way direct to get Lionel to get an answer,

Hey folks call the port or the manf facility, and get some kind of an answer,


Will Howard, give us that ,  wished I had asked as he was throwing Polar express

cars on the table, at LCCA, back in FEB!

Originally Posted by TGP:

Although my wait has been much shorter with, my cab 1, just going

blinky -poo,  Is there a way direct to get Lionel to get an answer,

Hey folks call the port or the manf facility, and get some kind of an answer,


Will Howard, give us that ,  wished I had asked as he was throwing Polar express

cars on the table, at LCCA, back in FEB!

If you can find a way to get Lionel to directly respond to ANY question as to when the updated version of the Legacy 990 System will be actually distributed in my opinion you should receive the OGR Man of the Year award. Lionel seems to be as silent as a grave on the subject.

Last edited by OKHIKER

Just cancelled my order for both Legacy engines I had on pre-order as well as the 990 system.  I've always liked the MTH DCS system far better anyway.  I was just going to add the Legacy to the layout for something to do. Lionel has bigger problems than just the delivery of the 990.  I wish them the best, but I will take my business elsewhere.  

I am sure I will take some flack for this but I have giving some serious thought to just putting mine up on ebay for a high buy it now price to see if I get any takers.  What do I have to loose.   If no one buys it for my asking price I still have my 990 set and if someone does then I can use my old TMCC setup until Lionel gets back in stock and I have made a few bucks.  

Free CAB1-L/BASE1-L systems?


I'm sure that Lionel is as frustrated about the delays as any of us! Having spent years in aerospace manufacturing facilities, I'm quite aware of component issues that seem to come from left field and delay projects for months and sometimes even years!  Since nobody here has visibility as to the real reason for the delay, all this Lionel bashing seems pointless.

Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

Free CAB1-L/BASE1-L systems?


I'm sure that Lionel is as frustrated about the delays as any of us! Having spent years in aerospace manufacturing facilities, I'm quite aware of component issues that seem to come from left field and delay projects for months and sometimes even years!  Since nobody here has visibility as to the real reason for the delay, all this Lionel bashing seems pointless.


Agree on the Lionel bashing front. Not sure what type of gesture they could extend, but could be a discount on a future product.


I'd be curious to know the demand of the 1L, has it seen a bump since the latest bumps in delivery estimation.


Originally Posted by hirailsteve:
Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

Free CAB1-L/BASE1-L systems?


I'm sure that Lionel is as frustrated about the delays as any of us! Having spent years in aerospace manufacturing facilities, I'm quite aware of component issues that seem to come from left field and delay projects for months and sometimes even years!  Since nobody here has visibility as to the real reason for the delay, all this Lionel bashing seems pointless.


Agree on the Lionel bashing front. Not sure what type of gesture they could extend, but could be a discount on a future product.


I'd be curious to know the demand of the 1L, has it seen a bump since the latest bumps in delivery estimation.


I think it would have to be a two way buy an L system from Lionel direct or with an invoice from a Lionel dealer, and within some period after 990s are available, a generous trade-in or discount voucher on a 990.

I posted this information once before after attending the Lionel Red Carpet event in NC.


The issue with availability is a simple one. The components in the current production were not up to standard and needed to be replaced.


One of original components, but a critical one,  that are in the Legacy sets that everyone already has are obsolete. The supplier made a substitution that was not satisfactory upon testing.


Lionel is in the process of finding the obsolete components so that they can get the latest batch into the marketplace. It is my understanding that they needed 2000 of the components, found 1000 and were looking for the rest. This was at the time of the event in NC.


Lionel has also decided to restructure the Legacy 990/993 to use many of the components in the current CAB1L system. The reason for this was the make the product easier to produce. It was projected that this hardware upgrade would be in Legacy systems in 2015.


All of this information was shared with us by Mike Regan at the event in NC.

The latest videos say 'they are handling the problem internally' or close to that anyway and it will be out late this year (just hope that got that date right). I agree with the others that the Cab1L/Base1L is an option, but I don't think anyone should have to purchase something else for a couple hundred bucks to get by with until they resolve their issues. That was kind of a rub to me also and I won't be purchasing one.


I would take Matt up on his 'Legacy on the shelf offer', but unfortunately I have already paid for mine that is on order from my LHS (did that late last winter). I am quite surprised no one has taken him up on that. The only advantage I have from sticking with my order is it's paid for and I got it with a nice discount before the price increase in the new catalog.


I also agree that Lionel is probably the most frustrated of all. I'm sure they didn't want this to happen either. Not much I (or we) can do about it except try to wait them out until they resolve their problems...So it goes as we continue the wait.

Originally Posted by rtr12:

... I am quite surprised no one has taken him up on that. The only advantage I have from sticking with my order is it's paid for and I got it with a nice discount before the price increase in the new catalog...


But I did, Blanche - I did!


And I also have a deposit on a 990 from a few months ago, when the ETA was only a month or two out - hopefully, they'll let me move that deposit to other products that are "on the water" or available in the near term, according to Mr. Reagan. 


I'm most frustrated about the "moving target date" - are the Lionel powers-that-be repeatedly being given information that is false, and believing it, or do they think it is better to keep "stringing the customer along" than to just admit that it's going to be nearly 6 months (more) before said product is available?


And it makes me wonder about Lionel's product plannning - is this coming from an older mindset, where product components don't evolve nearly so quickly and become obsolete? The Legacy controller was introduced in, what, 2004-5? To expect that the components that make it up would still be available a decade later would be to ignore Moore's Law, and the economics of electronic component production. There should have been on-going design changes to ward off exactly the scenario we are experiencing. And what does this say about the Legacy (or any other similar) system - in 10 years, will there be any backstock or electronic components available to repair our antique R(X)LC modules, or will our engines become "shelf queens", while the older pre/post-war engines still be chugging along? Isn't this already happening with RailSound boards? The time to plan ahead is NOW(!)


Sorry for the rant, but right now, I'm GRUMPY.  Flame on - I've got asbestos underwear.




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