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Unless Lionel decides to change this at a factory level you're not getting a special run / different tender out of a dealer. The justification of running a run of 25-50 tenders including frames, trucks, shells, etc isn't even close to financially reasonable. I would assume that Lionel explored what options are available to them in terms of tender tooling and if this is what they settled on, then this is what they feel is the best option they have available. This is one of those situations where I think you settle, or you're going to be scratch building a tender and transplanting electronics.

Last edited by Notch 6

I’ve twisted arms in the past to get things changed. Not as big an arm as a tender but twist I have.

the trick is to make people aware and for the people to demand what they want. Just saying this is how it is deal with makes them think it’s ok. But when you push for excellence the seller and buyer both win

@Notch 6 posted:

Well then I guess you won't be buying it. You're not going to twist their arm into switching the tender this late in the game. This catalog has likely been done for months, I can't ever recall a time where Lionel has switched tender tooling that drastically after an item was cataloged.

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