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I am getting to a point in my layout build where I need to identify switches/turnouts to their respective controllers. 

I am using 1121 o27 switches with postwar appropriate controllers.



Was thinking of attaching numbered decals to the controller face and fabricating a sign to stick next to each corresponding switch. Maybe a toothpick with a small square of gift card glued to it painted black with the number on it.

What are guys using these days?


Images (2)
  • 38FB5F2B-4C91-4D79-8529-DD3438CE02F1
  • 8F3FB56F-8114-4539-B6D5-6E00B87B9DB4
Last edited by Asymair95
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This is kinda funky but has worked well for me.  I printed some address labels with diagonal red lines, then printed some numeric labels.  Then took some popsicle sticks and wrapped them with the diagonal labels and applied the numeric labels.  Positioned the sign using modelling clay as a base.  This is where the benefit has been, I remove the signs from the layout once I am familiar with the switch identity, but it is very easy to put them up when I have visitors or other needs.  If nothing else it provides a good laugh.

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