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I'd love to see Pics of people's train rooms. We are all interested in the trains, what they are doing and the scenes they run through but there are also tantalizing glimpses of the spaces in which our miniature Worlds exist. I'd like to see those spaces and the challenges/workarounds and ways people have turned their spaces to their advantage.



The Plywood Empire Route: 


Looking North. Obviously a Cape Cod The simple lift-out will be replaced by  proper of these days. 



Turning 90 degrees and looking East.In this Pic you can see the low knee-walls of this room which made a plausible scenic  backdrop problematic. I chose to use photo enlargements for backdrops and have hung 117 photos, all taken by my Dad and most of which I helped process, as a kid starting when I could reach the darkroom sink. Those storage drawer sets are from Michaels. They periodically put them on sale for about $40  a kit.



Turning and looking South. The town/yard/industrial area/terminus. The view out those windows is of Mt Greylock, the high-point of Massachusetts. Our second floor is unheated so under the rug is electric floor heat.


Looking West. Ground cover is fleece material from Joanne. As you can see, the trackplan looks like a simple oval with one long side (12'6" long) being the switching area. But in reality this pike is a point-to-loop with the switching/industrial area on the South wall being the point. If you look through the door in the first Pic you can see the return loop in the adjacent room (Roomie's sewing room). The return loop is also a fiddle yard for making up trains. 



Looking North through the door into the sewing room. The return loop. There are 4 sets of equipment in use on the Plywood Empire Route, one being the cars currently set-out at industries, one being the assembled train and two seen here waiting to be fiddled-in to a train ready to travel from interchange (seen here) over the pike to the terminus where incoming cars will be set out and outgoing loads/empties will be assembled into a train which will then travel back to interchange. Twenty eight cars are currently in use.


There it is, guys and gals. Looking forward to seeing yours.



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Last edited by geysergazer
Original Post

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briansilvermustang posted:





                          tunnel to the next train room...




Your helper is quite photogenic:


Bit where do you keep the Silver Mustang since you took over the garage with trains?



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  • Izzy

OK, at the risk of repeating some photos that my fellow OGR Forum-ites may (likely?) have seen previously, here's a tour of the train-room geography, which is what you said you  wanted to see, Lew/GeyserGazer.

The train-room (just a "glorified" basement) space sits underneath a nine-room house, sharing the overall in-ground square-footage with a 2-car garage, adjoining it, so there was plenty of room to have the room ( ), something I took advantage of once my wife declared that the two floors above the cellar were "done" and that she didn't care what I did with the wide-open space of the basement.

I filled it - and I DO mean filled it ) with the layout, not gradually, bit by bit...oh no, but in one massive effort and project. I ordered enough plywood and pre-cut 2x4's to devour every square inch available to me.

However, I did leave room for a pathway - yes, just a path - thru it all, connecting the bottom of the basement steps to the door (moved and reconstructed to where it is situated nowadays because of the layout's construction) to the garage, allowing us to have a friend construct enclosures which share the overall basement space, as follows: a small room for doing laundry; storage for Christmas decorations; space for a furnace and water heater; space for an extra stand-up freezer.

From the perspective of the bottom of the basement stairs:

+You see this in front of you,getting ready_edited-1 part of which is seen here, cluttered temporarily, because I had been crafting some vignettes and this is where I work on them and store them until totally completed; then, the space becomes a mini-lounge area once again.

+Look to your immediate left, and you see this first section of the layoutIMG_0068b. Look to the right and you can see into the laundry room.IMG_0070

+Turn back to your left and ahead spreads approx. 3/4 of the entire layout,IMG_0113 which is under the Foyer, Breakfast RoomIMG_5463, and Kitchen areas.

+The farthest section you see in the background is under the Family Room.IMG_0861edx8

+Turn right from there, and the layout continues, as one continuous expanse, of three levels, to the door to the garageIMG_8599IMG_8608 and its two cars.

+a hard-left at that point gets you into the section of the trainroom, carved from the garage space, adding a whole village area to the original layout.photoextenshn

Not once did my wife ever complain about the whole basement space being gobbled-up by the layout; rather, she rejoiced because it made me happy, and we enjoyed it all, because we shared it together with friends and family.choir visitEven when the small, alleged "lounge" space was heaped chin-high with projects,culling results ...she would quietly edge and side-shuffle her way through the debris and miniatures, upon occasion, to effect her passage from the garage to the basement stairs.

It was always our playroom. And PLAY we did. WE played trains.



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Last edited by Moonson


              Frank that was a very nice tour of your train room,  thank you !



"Not once did my wife ever complain about the whole basement space being gobbled-up by the layout; rather, she rejoiced because it made me happy, and we enjoyed it all, because we shared it together with friends and family."

                Frank,  you are very fortunate to having an awesome wife helping you create

  your "master piece",  sharing times in the train room,  creating great memories along the way !

                    " It was always our playroom. And PLAY we did. WE played trains."

                                                         VERY NICE,  Frank.


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Last edited by briansilvermustang

142A2DAD-E967-4BB2-A69B-AB437ED8E05BE19B5DC1-884A-4FB3-B175-4C0EC52A284C2C37AA01-585F-41AA-9DD9-886C0FD7E92DB1924EA7-5073-4880-9FB2-024F959367D301279F28-2C85-4A13-8860-5FB71AB9A3E9338C97F8-F80B-458B-826A-F0D1F62366A8B545BE40-3160-4788-9364-21FA89A8DED6279CCC98-DF8F-4295-968A-BBAF90743CF22F5D738B-1366-4A5B-8850-94598B82C93CB6FAE6E5-5FB2-4AF8-B28C-C9FE7FD45027I have wanted to do this exact topic for some time now, I just never get my basement cleaned up well enough for pictures. Oh, well. 

 I got started with toy cars, and they led me to trains, so I still enjoy them. The posters were purchased at Black Sabbath and ELP concerts I attended in the ‘70’s. 

 The two large displays in the living area are 7’ x 4’ Thomas and Friends retail displays. I got them from M & G Hobbies in Delran, NJ. 

 The weird, white display on the floor, next to the fake fireplace, used to be under the layout. I built a bookcase to replace it, and haven’t decided what to do with the weird white thing.


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  • 142A2DAD-E967-4BB2-A69B-AB437ED8E05B: Stairwell
  • E19B5DC1-884A-4FB3-B175-4C0EC52A284C: Bottom of steps
  • 2C37AA01-585F-41AA-9DD9-886C0FD7E92D: First wall, behind stairs
  • B1924EA7-5073-4880-9FB2-024F959367D3: Living area
  • 01279F28-2C85-4A13-8860-5FB71AB9A3E9: Messy workbench
  • 338C97F8-F80B-458B-826A-F0D1F62366A8: Train shelves
  • B545BE40-3160-4788-9364-21FA89A8DED6
  • 279CCC98-DF8F-4295-968A-BBAF90743CF2
  • 2F5D738B-1366-4A5B-8850-94598B82C93C: Some of my 1:64 diecast cars.
  • B6FAE6E5-5FB2-4AF8-B28C-C9FE7FD45027: My layout. That is Gemma Teller in the corner. She keeps me company.
briansilvermustang posted:


              Frank that was a very nice tour of your train room,  thank you !



"Not once did my wife ever complain about the whole basement space being gobbled-up by the layout; rather, she rejoiced because it made me happy, and we enjoyed it all, because we shared it together with friends and family."

                Frank,  you are very fortunate to having an awesome wife helping you create

  your "master piece",  sharing times in the train room,  creating great memories along the way !

                    " It was always our playroom. And PLAY we did. WE played trains."

                                                         VERY NICE,  Frank.

Frank, I agree with Brian. Likewise it's going to take me awhile studying the pics to get a picture in. my mind. Thanks for the post. 


Scrambler81 posted:

142A2DAD-E967-4BB2-A69B-AB437ED8E05BE19B5DC1-884A-4FB3-B175-4C0EC52A284C2C37AA01-585F-41AA-9DD9-886C0FD7E92DB1924EA7-5073-4880-9FB2-024F959367D301279F28-2C85-4A13-8860-5FB71AB9A3E9338C97F8-F80B-458B-826A-F0D1F62366A8B545BE40-3160-4788-9364-21FA89A8DED6279CCC98-DF8F-4295-968A-BBAF90743CF22F5D738B-1366-4A5B-8850-94598B82C93CB6FAE6E5-5FB2-4AF8-B28C-C9FE7FD45027I have wanted to do this exact topic for some time now, I just never get my basement cleaned up well enough for pictures. Oh, well. 

 I got started with toy cars, and they led me to trains, so I still enjoy them. The posters were purchased at Black Sabbath and ELP concerts I attended in the ‘70’s. 

 The two large displays in the living area are 7’ x 4’ Thomas and Friends retail displays. I got them from M & G Hobbies in Delran, NJ. 

 The weird, white display on the floor, next to the fake fireplace, used to be under the layout. I built a bookcase to replace it, and haven’t decided what to do with the weird white thing.

Chris, what a wonderful room! A lot going on there. Ambiance I think is the word.



                Brian's garage

Brian, this Pic of your garage got me thinking. This house we bought three years ago has a one car detached garage and a two car detached garage......The small garage is currently full of stuff and the two car garage has two cars in it. There are just the two of us and we don't really need two if we got rid of one car and the stuff in the small see where I'm going with this? Huh. Stored in the small garage is a beautiful Heat&Glo gas fireplace that would heat a two car garage nicely



Images (1)
  • Brian's garage

Well, I don't have any recent pictures, but I can show you what my layout looked like in it's heyday (A few months ago

Let's hope these work, I'm not too tech savvy.
I built a small layout on a smaller table, with 8 0-27 curves and two straights, using my collection of prewar accessories. It was cute and compact, but I'm now making room on it for my new Bing-Exclusive table (Using Lionel track until I can get my hands on some Bing track), which will be the same 8 curve-4 straight loop, but with exclusively Bing engines, coaches, and accessories.


Videos (2)
Last edited by Berkshire

O K, Let's see if I can do this as good as Lew and Frank

I live in a old house in the city,the stairs from the first floor to the second,and then to the attic (train room) are spiral,when you get to the next floor you have made a 180 degree turn,The one picture,the blue steps, is from the first to second floor,the door with the holes,is second floor to attic(train room),Very little room for visitors,Can actually seat two extra people,that happened twice in 20 years,anyway,if any it's one person in folding chair next to me, This is what I see up there,I turned to the left taking pictures, The yard area has a lot of scratchbuilt structures and pieces, kind of fuel delivery and storage stuff,But that's not what this thread is about. This a very good thread,I'm kind of tired of the "What color is your favorite caboose? style threadsDSC05727P1010770P1010771P1010772P1010773P1010774P1010775P1010776P1010777P1010778P1010779P1010780P1010782P1010783P1010784P1010786P1010787P1010788P1010794P1010798P1010800


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Last edited by Transman
geysergazer posted:
Mayor Magoo posted:

Cool topic!

My train room is in finished area of 3rd floor. 1-East, 2-South, 3-North, 4-West.


Nice space and a great layout! I see you are using some Fastrack with mostly GG. Visually do you like the effect?

Vast majority of track is Atlas - the two mains and upper - with a spur of fastrack.  As far as the look, it is ok.  When I completed my Atlas mains I realized I had a large area that could house more track.  I had the fastrack from a layout before I started this one and decided to go with what I had rather than spend more money on new Atlas track  to complete, so $0 vs $$$.  Plus, I do like the crossing with flashing lights.

That side of the layout is still very much a WIP and I'm still deciding what to do with the track there.  But for now it works.

Transman posted:

O K, Let's see if I can do this as good as Lew and Frank

I live in a old house in the city,the stairs from the first floor to the second,and then to the attic (train room) are spiral,when you get to the next floor you have made a 180 degree turn,The one picture,the blue steps, is from the first to second floor,the door with the holes,is second floor to attic(train room),Very little room for visitors,Can actually seat two extra people,that happened twice in 20 years,anyway,if any it's one person in folding chair next to me, This is what I see up there,I turned to the left taking pictures, The yard area has a lot of scratchbuilt structures and pieces, kind of fuel delivery and storage stuff,But that's not what this thread is about. This a very good thread,I'm kind of tired of the "What color is your favorite caboose? style threadsDSC05727P1010770P1010771P1010772P1010773P1010774P1010775P1010776P1010777P1010778P1010779P1010780P1010782P1010783P1010784P1010786P1010787P1010788P1010794P1010798P1010798P1010800

Joe, you took full advantage of the available space. Your knee-wall is even lower than mine.


Mayor Magoo posted:
geysergazer posted:
Mayor Magoo posted:

Cool topic!

My train room is in finished area of 3rd floor. 1-East, 2-South, 3-North, 4-West.



Vast majority of track is Atlas - the two mains and upper - with a spur of fastrack.  As far as the look, it is ok.  When I completed my Atlas mains I realized I had a large area that could house more track.  I had the fastrack from a layout before I started this one and decided to go with what I had rather than spend more money on new Atlas track  to complete, so $0 vs $$$.  Plus, I do like the crossing with flashing lights.

That side of the layout is still very much a WIP and I'm still deciding what to do with the track there.  But for now it works.

Oh, I see that now (mostly Atlas track).


Here is my layout.  It is a 12x20 with three levels loosely based on steam era Chicago.  There are four mains, an interurban line, and two super street loops (with plans to add an elevated line).  I have a 6 track passenger yard (Union Station), a turntable, and a 3 track staging area.  I've added more details/scenery since I took these pictures last year.

Overhead Looking East:


Overhead Looking West:


Downtown Chicago:


Scratch Built Union Station:


Union Station 01


Union Station Platforms:



Rural Station:



Lower Switch Tower and Coal Dump:


Barrel and Stock Yard:


Milk Platform (on Test Track):


Ice House:


Engine Yard:



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This has turned out to be a really fascinating post, so let me join in.  My layout is in a walkout basement.  When designing our home, I was fortunate that the slight hill it is located on gave enough elevation change to do a walk out, which has proved a real boon for handicapped visitors, but particularly building it as I could most cutting and sawing outside.  So, here is what we have:

This is the door to the stairs to the basement, then, downstairs, the hallway into the train room itself.  lI like train art, so most walls not backdrops of the layout are full of it.

IMG_2759IMG_2751 2


To the right in the hallway is a half bath.  I furnished it with as many real pullman car artifacts as I could figure uses for.  Then, continuing on the hallway, the divider separates the entry from the train room and gives me the chance to display many of the train items I have been involved with through our local clubs.  

IMG_2750 3IMG_2752 2

Looking back to the hallway, you can see more displays and library.


In the main area is the lounge, more paper storage in the bookcases and a building I am constructing for the downtown area on the layout.

IMG_2753 3

Finally, the layout itself with the windows to the walkout side on the left.  

IMG_2754 3



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