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Hi guys, I am sorry I thought I had time, but I have been just informed that it is dinner time and then walk the dog. I will be back in the morning to go back I am sure a few pages to pick up where the last time I was here! LOL

I hope your all doing well and finding time to have fun with your trains and layouts! See you all tomorrow!

@Bill Sherry posted:

Dennis,  Great find !  Have fun with it.

This was supposed to be a prototype but since it was a PITA my thinking has changed to just use it. It will be almost 2 feet in from the side of the layout and under netting so I don't think anyone will pay any close attention to it except anyone reading this !!!PA280244PA280239PA280240

Looks great Bill. I'd put it on the layout too.

Good to hear from you @mike g.


During the past 2 weeks I've been upgrading much of the roadbed, track, switches and signals on my tubular track layout. This upgrading turned out to be a Pandora's Box of labor intensive projects. (This reminds me of the train song that goes: I've been working on the railroad, all the live long day. LOL

It started with the Lionel Double Signal Bridge.  Since it is located in a place on my layout that is difficult to access (to reach it I need to remove my removable river which involves removing the boats, barges and a 182 Magnet Crane on it), I installed an insulated outside rail block to activate the signal bridge instead of the weight bearing device that needs periodic adjustment.

Then, I had a short, which took a few hours to figure out. Much of this time was spent crawling on my hands and knees under the layout.  It turned out to be a problem with one loose lock-on.

Then, I had a repeated derailments at a couple of places on my layout. In order to eliminate them, I got ambitious and decided to use some left over cork roadbed I bought 2 years ago.

While installing the cork roadbed, I noticed some rusty track and pins so I replaced those.

While removing the rusty track and pins at one location, I noticed that I had not properly made two other insulated outside rail blocks for 2 sets of crossing gates (the big Postwar ones). I learned how to majes a good insulated outside rail block for the Double Signal Bridge, so I did thevsame thing for the crossing gates whichbnow operate much better.

By replacing rusty track and pins with clean new ones near the crossing gates, a significant voltage drop was eliminated and my trains now rum more evenly.

I've got more to share about work already done, and more work I plan to do soon, but I think the above is enough for now.

I will continue this saga later on, probably tomorrow.

Happy Railroading, Arnold

Morning guys I hope your all doing well! From all the great work that I see that have been being done it is just amazing! I had to go all the way back to page 1146 to get caught up to speed! Sorry I have been gone for so long but the summer projects and a trip to North Dakota took a lot of my time away from the train room! There has been so much great work I couldn't comment on everyone, but I did hand out a boat load of likes!

But I do want to comment on a few things.

@SIRTSteve sorry to see the layout coming down, but I hope your new place gives you the room to put your wonderful layout back up again!

@RJ Shier RJ WOW another mover! I sure hope you find a nice place to land and reconstruct your layout!

@RSJB18 Bob wonderful work on the landscaping! All the little touches make a big difference

@leapinlarry Larry thank you for posting the pictures of your wonderful layout with the outstanding BNSF engines!

@ToledoEd Ed Looks great and what a wonderful give for your grandson! That is something he will remember for the rest of his life!

@Mark Boyce Mark Amazing work on the bridges! Makes me think about getting a second actuator. Everything runs so smooth! As for a new train room buddy yes, the wife adopted an 8-year-old Boston Terrier. The funny thing is she fallows me everywhere! She even loves the train room with her own blanket! Here she is!


As for me nothing new. But I did pick up a few new autos for the layout a couple pickup trucks and 2 new snowplows as winter is on its way and the road crew must be ready for the heavy snow fall predicted!


When I was out in the train room I noticed that one section of track that goes around the city has settled a little so its not level anymore, so that will be my first project when I get back to work on the layout!

I hope you all have a great weekend and find time for your layout and trains! Most of all I hope you all find time to have fun!


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@mike g. posted:

Morning guys I hope your all doing well! From all the great work that I see that have been being done it is just amazing! I had to go all the way back to page 1146 to get caught up to speed! Sorry I have been gone for so long but the summer projects and a trip to North Dakota took a lot of my time away from the train room! There has been so much great work I couldn't comment on everyone, but I did hand out a boat load of likes!

@RSJB18 Bob wonderful work on the landscaping! All the little touches make a big difference


Cute pup Mike. Hope your schedule frees up soon so you can get back to the important stuff.


@Mike, thank you for the kind words and I’m sure your new puppy, Kona, will keep you good company while working on your  cool railroad. It’s good to see you back. Your new vehicles are nice additions and very colorful. @Arnold D. Cribari, I know exactly what your into repairing track, upgrading wiring, as one thing leads to another, it’s time consuming, but well worth the time. I’m sure it’s time well spent. @Dennis Holler, what a great fund, I remember when those American Flyer layouts were new, it’s a Wow. (I’m old). @M. Mitchell Marmel, Mitch, now using the little Thomas the Tank faces on good looking postwar steamers is creative, unique. Now, I wish everyone a happy, fun, and safe Halloween. Now, the pictures I’m showing today are from our Thursday train day, (October 27) visiting Ron Zellem a TCA member in Nashville, where we saw his really cool layout. DCS command, via his Blue Tooth I-Phone… We had a ball! Happy Railroading Everyone 4826E0DB-B213-4757-9B13-75BAB0BCF91901C89726-7965-4100-BA3B-363B63C75A789B565D1F-384B-4CF5-A423-00AB6B78F1954023DDE6-FA72-4FE3-B475-712BBD54F346A68FAF45-E4E7-4541-A127-0F69B5503E03DD761DD5-70BE-4928-A819-9242F0A843BB1A92535B-E27A-4C1C-B44D-1518ED604E0014DDC25B-3245-43E6-8DE4-0E964C8EE9B56B377B28-E9D9-418E-993A-3EE199D6BA58


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Mike, Sweet Pea and Bongo both told me to say Hi to Kona. CUTE pup!

As for myself, I finally mounted original pieces of ET&WNC caboose 505 and boxcar 434 from the restorations of each, into a shadow box frame. I attached them to the back board with short wood screws screwed in from behind. I then printed out photos of each on cardstock and glued them in place with rubber cement. I took down some photos above my chalkboard and placed them there. You'd see them upon walking down the hall into the room.


I still can't believe I have pieces from two ET&WNC cars!


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Hi guys, thank you all so much for the kind words and Kona thanks you also!

I was able to get out to the train room today to fix a sagging section of my town and track, just needed a few more braces! Here are a couple photos of during and after. While I was at it I took the time to fix a couple dead spots on the track where some of my engines would just stall! Seams all is working just fine now. I hope tommorw to run some trains and see if anything else pops up, I know I need to run my track cleaning car that is for sure!


If you look close you can see Kona sleeping under the layout! LOL She isn't too much into repairs, more of a train running girl! LOL20221031_120800

I hope you all are having a great day and finding time for your layout and trains!


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An update on the 8300, who I've tentatively dubbed "Sluggo" owing to its truculent glare...

Epoxied on a Wal-Mart medicine vial cap, which fit perfectly with a bit of trimming... 


Shop Superintendent Norma Bates Kitteh inspects the job.


With the epoxy set. 


And Sluggo's face (ordered from Trainz some weeks back) attached!


Fabricated a smokestack from a chunk of old Airsoft rifle barrel...


And here's Sluggo on the point, with the "Emperor of the North" gondola leading the consist...




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@mike g. posted:

Morning guys I hope your all doing well! From all the great work that I see that have been being done it is just amazing! I had to go all the way back to page 1146 to get caught up to speed! Sorry I have been gone for so long but the summer projects and a trip to North Dakota took a lot of my time away from the train room! There has been so much great work I couldn't comment on everyone, but I did hand out a boat load of likes!

But I do want to comment on a few things.

@SIRTSteve sorry to see the layout coming down, but I hope your new place gives you the room to put your wonderful layout back up again!

@RJ Shier RJ WOW another mover! I sure hope you find a nice place to land and reconstruct your layout!

@RSJB18 Bob wonderful work on the landscaping! All the little touches make a big difference

@leapinlarry Larry thank you for posting the pictures of your wonderful layout with the outstanding BNSF engines!

@ToledoEd Ed Looks great and what a wonderful give for your grandson! That is something he will remember for the rest of his life!

@Mark Boyce Mark Amazing work on the bridges! Makes me think about getting a second actuator. Everything runs so smooth! As for a new train room buddy yes, the wife adopted an 8-year-old Boston Terrier. The funny thing is she fallows me everywhere! She even loves the train room with her own blanket! Here she is!


As for me nothing new. But I did pick up a few new autos for the layout a couple pickup trucks and 2 new snowplows as winter is on its way and the road crew must be ready for the heavy snow fall predicted!

When I was out in the train room I noticed that one section of track that goes around the city has settled a little so its not level anymore, so that will be my first project when I get back to work on the layout!

I hope you all have a great weekend and find time for your layout and trains! Most of all I hope you all find time to have fun!

Hi Mike, nice vehicles! Great puppy, the "American Gentleman"! Awesome breed! Enjoy, and I like the name.

Morning guys and gals if there any out there as I don't want to leave anyone out! I hope your all doing well and staying safe and healthy!

Well, I haven't got to the train room yet but working on it! LOL, I plan on just running trains for a while. It might help me figure out my next project.

@pennsyfan Bob that sure is a lot of work getting it ready for transport. From the photo it looks like you got the inside done with a coat of black, looks good! I look forward to seeing it on the layout, but even more to seeing it on the wharf!

@M. Mitchell Marmel Mitch Very nice work and thinking outside the box for parts! I am glad Norma Bates Kitteh approves!

@WesternPacific2217 Scott Thank you. The wife rescued her from a breeder that said she wasn't good enough to breed and was going to put her down. She has been abused but is getting to love use and we are really getting to love her. The good thing is she just like Tank loves the train room. While running trains she sits under the layout and looks up trying to figure out what that sound is! LOL

I hope you all have a great week and find time to have fun with your layout and trains!

Off to the train room I go!

Hi guys and Gals,

Just an update, I took my time to get back to running trains and the routes I can make by just throwing this switch or that switch. Of courseI thought I was back to normal and doing great then this happened!20221101_13090920221101_131034

Thats what I get for being Cocky! LOL Next time I will keep any eye on what the heck I am doing!


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@mike g. posted:

Morning guys I hope your all doing well! From all the great work that I see that have been being done it is just amazing! I had to go all the way back to page 1146 to get caught up to speed! Sorry I have been gone for so long but the summer projects and a trip to North Dakota took a lot of my time away from the train room! There has been so much great work I couldn't comment on everyone, but I did hand out a boat load of likes!

But I do want to comment on a few things.

@SIRTSteve sorry to see the layout coming down, but I hope your new place gives you the room to put your wonderful layout back up again!

@RJ Shier RJ WOW another mover! I sure hope you find a nice place to land and reconstruct your layout!

@RSJB18 Bob wonderful work on the landscaping! All the little touches make a big difference

@leapinlarry Larry thank you for posting the pictures of your wonderful layout with the outstanding BNSF engines!

@ToledoEd Ed Looks great and what a wonderful give for your grandson! That is something he will remember for the rest of his life!

@Mark Boyce Mark Amazing work on the bridges! Makes me think about getting a second actuator. Everything runs so smooth! As for a new train room buddy yes, the wife adopted an 8-year-old Boston Terrier. The funny thing is she fallows me everywhere! She even loves the train room with her own blanket! Here she is!



This is great! Kona looks like she is adjusting well. I'm sure the trains, along with two great parents, will bring joy to her life.


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