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I have had this building for about 9 months and have wanted to add window glass to it.  I used Woodland Scenics light diffusing film.  It's a 2 layer product and the instructions are straight forward.  The adhesive that is supplied are sticky dots and once you figure out how to handle them, work well.  Use a hobby knife to lift the dots off the carrier sheet and apply per instructions.  I have enough left to do the windows in the kit bashed warehouse on the left.



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Man these things are breeding like rabbits.....I grew three mountains in my sky too  

  Then realised as detailing them began, I needed to grow them all just a little bit bigger, especially the one on the right. The crane blocks the "engineer's" view of it. I tried putting the old A frame hoist back, (shown in one shot). But I like the way the big crane adds height, steel texture, and fills the corner, so I guess I can weather it now. (read as "guess I'll keep it there"]

   The real fun is going to be my attempt to tranfer some of my childhood, pulp tunnel's bumpy surface onto to the hills behind it. The background hill wont get any bumps, just SOME for those in the foreground. Details like that are why I like black ink drawing; I was never close to as good at painting. 

  I want the horizon lower in the middle directly behind the depot; and I need to lighten the green down low, to closer match the grass mat too. I'm also going to try sidestep the "distance rule" of color shades; instead of each background hill being either lighter or darker than each hill closer to the viewer, Im going to use alternating light/dark/light, so I can use less shades of green total. I can always add a cloud over the dark ones, and I have a whole $2 into it; so I don't care too much if I screw it up!

  Plus, I like the sky, but still hate lack of instant access to the back tracks; so I might toss it once I'm done anyhow; but nothing ventured....

....just means I'm still bored




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this is follow up from yesterday's post,  just to show every one that I am not just a Speedway truck man  I decided to take some pictures of the other trailers in my fleet I started early this morning and as I had to set the trucks up three times as there was not enough space, I got stuck with  90 degree weather and things got real hot ,,, then I had to stop and cover up because it began to rain  so I did not  finish taking these pictures until   7:30  mountain time

I will post in three separate lots so the system can hand the quantity of photos IMG_6414IMG_6415IMG_6416IMG_6417IMG_6418IMG_6419IMG_6420IMG_6421IMG_6422IMG_6423IMG_6424IMG_6425IMG_6426IMG_6427IMG_6428IMG_6429IMG_6430IMG_6431


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this third lot of trailer trucks are display only, a couple of them having cost me a pound of flesh  but it does go to show that I am not a 100% Speedway truck guy


I did not carry out all my city trucks, perhaps I will do that another day,  tomorrow it is supposed to rain  so I'll go get more screws for the tracks  \ now that I know I do not have too much room for my trucks   I will work on some scenery  and put up some building   

When I first  started collecting the trucks for the set  we had every thing set up in the loft of my son's barn   32ft  by 24 ft   but then he sold the place and I moved in with my girlfriend who  did not what trains in the basement   so I have a 43 inch wide  by with my 10 foot addition 26 ft long  table  with which to work on   and a small 6 by 10   table in the garage     ....     I hate down sizing and  a real bad guy for  getting rid of what I do not think I might need  so every thing is place nicelIMG_6451IMG_6452IMG_6453IMG_6454IMG_6455IMG_6456IMG_6457IMG_6458IMG_6460IMG_6461IMG_6462IMG_6463IMG_6465IMG_6466IMG_6467IMG_6468y on shelving in the un heated garage


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paul 2 posted:

Mark had brought up a good question of what I was going to do on the other side of the backdrop coming down the stairs. One suggestion was put in shelves for cars but unfortunately the spacing between the studs is not equal so on that I have to think about something else. And because Mark had mentioned that I went back and looked at how I did the backdrop and decided to fill in at the top where the studs were showing with Masonite. I was not able to get a perfect lining up of the two pieces so I had to resort to spackling compound to fill in the small gap. Waiting  for that to dry and I can add blue to it. Hopefully before I have to go out later I will at least have all the blue done. Pic .......Paul


Paul, Your solution certainly makes sense.  You could display photos, signs, etc on the stairs side.  I'm thinking of myself; I'll be the first to bump one and knock it down.  LOL

I've been quietly working away on my uncoupler project. I'm getting close to having all of the board wiring done on all eleven units.

This looks like a tangle of wires, but there are more to attach. It isn't easy soldering those tiny wires to the pins on those plugs.


Here's a smaller unit that is finished. The large wires at the top go out to the magnets. The open terminals will be connected to the carriage bolts that will activate the uncouplers.


The thin solder that I use was driving me nuts, because I could never get it to not sag back to the table top. I need to tin the wires, and get a small blob of solder to stick to the end. It occurred to me that my third hand could hold a small piece of brass tube, allowing me to easily do what I needed.


As I was testing one of these units, I ran into what I think was a bad relay. Everything else seemed to be working. At least I can just unplug the small wires, but all the large wires will have to be unscrewed from their terminals, the board unscrewed from the wood block, and the whole process reversed to install the replacement. At least I have a spare.


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Summer "Honey Do" lists and work have kept me pretty busy and away from the layout.  Next week the wife is traveling with the kids to her parents for the week, and this leaves me a ton of time for the layout.

I did re-work some of the track with my son last week, and have a spot planned for a gas station.

Next week I hope to finish all the plaster cloth on the layout and start weathering the track.  I also will be repainting a loco.  Stay tuned for tons of photos. 

paul 2 posted:

Mike, I am going back down to the basement to do the table. I think that I will be going over the one corner of the dryer with a 66" lift out section. Until I can figure out what size curves the length of the section is up in the air...................Paul

Cool, cant wait to see what you come up with! Show them pictures when its up! 

Called it quits for the night. While I was waiting for the paint to dry before I started putting the table together I got another Weaver wood chip hopper done and on the tracks. I had to cut  a bit off of all the legs I made up. I cut them too long. Once I did that I bolted all the legs in place and attached the cross braces at the bottom of the legs. I sort of slid it into place somewhat and it is a good fit (thank God) sometimes I mess up on the measurements. Still have to cut the plywood to length but I hope I can get that done sometime tomorrow. Got a train get together for lunch then after lunch we will be going to one of the guys layouts for a visit. So maybe later in the day I can get the table top on and the table leveled and secured to the wall. Pics...................Paul



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Paul it sure is looking good and as Mark stated its easier to see the direction your going with it! I too am in the same camp, I can measure 2-3 times write it down, lose the paper I wrote it on and still cut wrong! Maybe you should ask your want to be dad Cabinet Bob for some tricks of the trade! LOL

mike g. posted:

Paul it sure is looking good and as Mark stated its easier to see the direction your going with it! I too am in the same camp, I can measure 2-3 times write it down, lose the paper I wrote it on and still cut wrong! Maybe you should ask your want to be dad Cabinet Bob for some tricks of the trade! LOL


I wonder if we are too old to learn Cabinet Bob's tricks.  Between bad eyes, and fumbly fingers, I don't hold out much hope for myself.  Layout benchwork doesn't have to look good, I'll just cover it with scenery anyway.  

Mark Boyce posted:
mike g. posted:

Paul it sure is looking good and as Mark stated its easier to see the direction your going with it! I too am in the same camp, I can measure 2-3 times write it down, lose the paper I wrote it on and still cut wrong! Maybe you should ask your want to be dad Cabinet Bob for some tricks of the trade! LOL


I wonder if we are too old to learn Cabinet Bob's tricks.  Between bad eyes, and fumbly fingers, I don't hold out much hope for myself.  Layout benchwork doesn't have to look good, I'll just cover it with scenery anyway.  

Mark you maybe right about being to old, but man isn't it sure fun trying to learn new things! It's that one little second when everything comes together and Presto Your amazing yourself!

Really enjoy all the activity and amazing post this summer.   Here is my two cents worth: 

I am still working on the mountain, but I have found a new diversion.   I recently purchased an MTH Premier 2-8-2 Mikado on Ebay for a decent price considering it was an “old stock” engine but new out of the box with Proto-2 DCS.  The new ones with Proto-3 are more than twice the cost.  I model the Duluth Missabe and Iron Range Railroad, D.M.&I.R.Ry, and have been looking for this engine ever since I purchased a set of O-scale Champ decals for a DM&IRR steam engine on the bay.  I have completed a cardboard mock-up of the modifications I plan to do.  This includes a tender coal bunker modification, the addition of a “Doghouse” and foot  boards on the rear of the tender.  I'm also adding wider foot boards to the engine pilot. The engine came dressed in Baltimore & Ohio livery, but I followed directions from a forum post reply and the markings were easily removed with a cotton swab dipped in acetone along with a little care & patience.  It worked beautifully and the acetone did not even begin to cut into the black base paint of the tender and engine.  DO NOT TRY THIS ON PLASTIC MODELS!  My next step will be to construct everything in styrene, finish coat the additions and add the decals.  Might even try a little weathering to help blend the paint.

My wife and I spent part of last week on the Minnesota North Shore of Lake Superior (Two Harbors, Beaver Bay, etc.) and I'm now inspired to construct an HO scale Taconite plant and rail yard on the upper level of my mountain.  The trackage will be non operational.   I modeled in HO during an earlier life so I have plenty of switches, track and suitable rolling stock to complete the effect.

My prototype Mikado D.M.&I.R.Ry #1336 & 1325 - I will live with the smoke box bell for #1326.









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mike g. posted:

Paul it sure is looking good and as Mark stated its easier to see the direction your going with it! I too am in the same camp, I can measure 2-3 times write it down, lose the paper I wrote it on and still cut wrong! Maybe you should ask your want to be dad Cabinet Bob for some tricks of the trade! LOL

LOL... Stanley has a tape measure you can write down the measurement on it, then erase it after you cut...

cabinet Bob posted:
mike g. posted:

Paul it sure is looking good and as Mark stated its easier to see the direction your going with it! I too am in the same camp, I can measure 2-3 times write it down, lose the paper I wrote it on and still cut wrong! Maybe you should ask your want to be dad Cabinet Bob for some tricks of the trade! LOL

LOL... Stanley has a tape measure you can write down the measurement on it, then erase it after you cut...

That works, Bob!  I hope I can see better once I get these cataracts removed!  Maybe I will make less mistakes!  

 Couple days late, but here is what I started doing this weekend.  Added (and am currently working on) some Realtrax in addition to the outside loop.  This way I can run almost all of my trains.
Sorry for it being a mess.
The video here is as far as I got.  Working in an MP3 module that has real bell sounds with some Overhead Crossing flashers from the old Akron company Right of Way Industries.
I hope to get more done this weekend and get some trains running in tandem!

Laying and testing track for fit on the new xmas layout.  Lots more work to do.  Tree stand goes right where the glue bottles are. Layout shaped to fit in bay window area in the family room. Daylight coaches just for effect in low light conditions.  That 60y/o O27 Scout has a 12v bulb in it. I wish it was brighter. Running on the 11v side of a 1033. Anymore juice and it's kinda out of control. Any ideas?  I have a bunch of pre-wired 3mm led/w resistors. Could one of those be glued in there? TW


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Last edited by TedW
TedW posted:

Laying and testing track for fit on the new xmas layout.  Lots more work to do.  Tree stand goes right where the glue bottles are. Layout shaped to fit in bay window area in the family room. Daylight coaches just for effect in low light conditions.  That 60y/o O27 Scout has a 12v bulb in it. I wish it was brighter. Running on the 11v side of a 1033. Anymore juice and it's kinda out of control. Any ideas?  I have a bunch of pre-wired 3mm led/w resistors. Could one of those be glued in there? TW


I've had good results with the 12v drop in white LED bulbs with a Scout...


Today after getting home from a lunch with a bunch of TCA guys Mr. Brown had left me a package. I have numerous stuff on order so I didn't know what exactly was in the box. Ahhh Christmas in July. This time it was all Lionel. A Wonder Bread Hopper, another Corn Oil tank car for my Pepsi Plant and a six pack of LionScale hoppers and a wiring harness for the sound shed for the crane. Another great day in paradise or should I say Trainland. The only thing is I'll have to change the number on the tank car. It has the same number as an industrial rail tank car I bought so I'll have to change one sometime. Pics...........Paul




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M. Mitchell Marmel posted:
TedW posted:

Laying and testing track for fit on the new xmas layout.  Lots more work to do.  Tree stand goes right where the glue bottles are. Layout shaped to fit in bay window area in the family room. Daylight coaches just for effect in low light conditions.  That 60y/o O27 Scout has a 12v bulb in it. I wish it was brighter. Running on the 11v side of a 1033. Anymore juice and it's kinda out of control. Any ideas?  I have a bunch of pre-wired 3mm led/w resistors. Could one of those be glued in there? TW


I've had good results with the 12v drop in white LED bulbs with a Scout...


Thx, I've looked at those. I'll try it. 

paul 2 posted:

Today after getting home from a lunch with a bunch of TCA guys Mr. Brown had left me a package. I have numerous stuff on order so I didn't know what exactly was in the box. Ahhh Christmas in July. This time it was all Lionel. A Wonder Bread Hopper, another Corn Oil tank car for my Pepsi Plant and a six pack of LionScale hoppers and a wiring harness for the sound shed for the crane. Another great day in paradise or should I say Trainland. The only thing is I'll have to change the number on the tank car. It has the same number as an industrial rail tank car I bought so I'll have to change one sometime. Pics...........Paul



Man Paul, with all the stuff you have been getting and the layout getting bigger, by the time your done is it going to be one wonderful layout! Cant wait!

paul 2 posted:

Today after getting home from a lunch with a bunch of TCA guys Mr. Brown had left me a package. I have numerous stuff on order so I didn't know what exactly was in the box. Ahhh Christmas in July. This time it was all Lionel. A Wonder Bread Hopper, another Corn Oil tank car for my Pepsi Plant and a six pack of LionScale hoppers and a wiring harness for the sound shed for the crane. Another great day in paradise or should I say Trainland. The only thing is I'll have to change the number on the tank car. It has the same number as an industrial rail tank car I bought so I'll have to change one sometime. Pics...........Paul



Paul that Wonder Bread hopper is fantastic!



John Pignatelli JR. posted:
Mike welkie posted:

Nice! Who is the manufacturer ? Also, is the one in the background made by Atlas?



Sorry Mike, the Bridge is made by Menards, and yes the one in the background is a Atlas.  both are two tracks wide.


I just got a Menards single track truss bridge in the mail this week.  They are very nice looking and reasonably priced.  Yours looks great there, John!

John Pignatelli JR. posted:

The bridges seem to be a combination of a sheet of metal plate at the base, the rest is made from a lamination of wood that has been laser cut. the overall effect of the bridge is good however it appears roughly cut and does not seem to be evenly matched in places. it is a good piece for the money. I am happy with it.

Yes Mike, I agree with what John said.  I'm happy with it.  It suits my needs very well.

jim pastorius posted:

Nice !!  Looks like you are having some fun.

mike g. posted:

Great looking pictures there Lee, Keep up the great work!

paul 2 posted:

Lee, great shots. Makes you feel like you are there taking the pictures...........Paul

gandydancer1950 posted:

Very authentic! 

Thanks much, guys!

I'm calling this series of B/W shots my "1943 WPA photographer" series. I'm seriously thinking o self-publishing a book of my better shots as well as some stuff on the construction of the layout itself.

Just pondering that at this time.

Got the plywood on the table, the shelf in down below and the table anchored to the wall and leveled. In the one picture I have a 1X4 sitting between the two tables to give me an idea of what I have to do. But as it appears now the plywood to connect the two will be at least 80" long and be at an angle. But I think that next I am going to get the table for under the stairs done. That is going to take some good measuring because it has to go through the opening to join with the table by the dryer. Pics ...............Paul



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p51 posted:
jim pastorius posted:

Nice !!  Looks like you are having some fun.

mike g. posted:

Great looking pictures there Lee, Keep up the great work!

paul 2 posted:

Lee, great shots. Makes you feel like you are there taking the pictures...........Paul

gandydancer1950 posted:

Very authentic! 

Thanks much, guys!

I'm calling this series of B/W shots my "1943 WPA photographer" series. I'm seriously thinking o self-publishing a book of my better shots as well as some stuff on the construction of the layout itself.

Just pondering that at this time.

By all means Lee, do the book!   You really have a layout that needs to be showcased.    As I have said before, your layout's tie to history is very unique.   I am already looking forward to the book!


Mark Boyce posted:


The MTH Mikado looks like a great plan!!  Defacing a B&O locomotive, oh my!!  LOL. I have two engines repainted into B&O.  One started life as a Great Northern, the other as a D&LW!  I suppose there is someone out there who would chastise me!  

I think the the D&IR will look great!!!!

Mark, Sorry about defacing the B&O, but we are now even because you sacrificed a Great Northern which is also close to my heart!   Yes, you have now been chastised for your shameful act!   I have started the the Mikado transformation and had to remove two pilot boiler tube supports on both sides of the pilot to make room for the front foot boards.   I will post construction pictures at a later date after the transformation is completed.   Cheers!



darlander posted:
Mark Boyce posted:


The MTH Mikado looks like a great plan!!  Defacing a B&O locomotive, oh my!!  LOL. I have two engines repainted into B&O.  One started life as a Great Northern, the other as a D&LW!  I suppose there is someone out there who would chastise me!  

I think the the D&IR will look great!!!!

Mark, Sorry about defacing the B&O, but we are now even because you sacrificed a Great Northern which is also close to my heart!   Yes, you have now been chastised for your shameful act!   I have started the the Mikado transformation and had to remove two pilot boiler tube supports on both sides of the pilot to make room for the front foot boards.   I will post construction pictures at a later date after the transformation is completed.   Cheers!



That sounds great!  I'm glad the project is moving along well!

mike g. posted:

Nice work there Joe! What are you using for your car roadway?

Thanks Mike. I'm using black foam core with black foam inside. I use Woodland Scenics N scale foam roadbed for the crossings as in this picture. I split it and put the sloped edge toward the outside rails. Trains run though it without issues.



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Moonson posted:

Country Joe, Your village is clean and prosperous, just like I remember so many towns in the Pittsburgh area used to be.


Thanks Frank. I hope to do some light weathering when all the big jobs are done and I can spend more time on details. In my world I like things clean so I don't want the town too dirty.

Mark Boyce posted:
Country Joe posted:

I am working on the second level. This will be the main town for the layout. These are WIP pictures.


July 10, 2017 1July 10, 2017 6July 10, 2017 5


Looks to me like you are living the dream building your new layout!  I agree with Frank, your town looks great!

Thanks Mark. I think I am living the dream. I'm building a new layout and living in Florida where I wear the same clothes and can go to the beach all year round.

IMG_8649IMG_8652Country Joe, your work is really inspiring, a very nice new city, clean streets, clean buildings, and yes, a pink Cadillac, possibly Elvis is shopping somewhere there? Just kidding about Elvis, but your work is beautiful. It's nice when other Modelers chime in....Keep us posted...

Today the fellows In my area came to my house and we ran trains, visited and had a great lunch at Cheddars....Wow, 


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What have I done today?

Well, I've completed building my demonstration board for the Clinic that I'm presenting at this year's national NMRA convention.

TV 01

It's sitting on my work board, which is on my layout; so I'm hoping that it qualifies. 

The object is to show four ways to use servos to achieve motion on a layout - using the Tam Valley Depot Octocoder™

Here is a close up of the mechanism of one of the units . . .

TV 02

As I say, not really on the layout; but close. 



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Mark Boyce posted:

Joe, So are you telling me, you don't need as large a closets down there than back north.  That tells me Florida houses have more room for layouts even though they don't have basements.  ��

Yes and no, Mark. The Mrs and I each have a walk in closet and the two guest bedrooms each have a smaller walk in closet so there's plenty of closet space. Florida is very casual. Dressing up means a pair of Dockers, a polo shirt and shoes though you can get away with sandals. It's shorts and tee shirts most of the time yet we somehow have the closets full. 

We had our house built and we expanded a few rooms. According to the floorplan the den was supposed to be 10'9" x 13'4" but we moved the wall out 7' so it's 10'9" x 20'4". That's my train room. The rest of the house belongs to the wife. I'm happy with this arrangement.

leapinlarry posted:

IMG_8649IMG_8652Country Joe, your work is really inspiring, a very nice new city, clean streets, clean buildings, and yes, a pink Cadillac, possibly Elvis is shopping somewhere there? Just kidding about Elvis, but your work is beautiful. It's nice when other Modelers chime in....Keep us posted...

Today the fellows In my area came to my house and we ran trains, visited and had a great lunch at Cheddars....Wow, 

Thanks Larry. I know that clean isn't very realistic but I like it that way. I hope to find an O scale Elvis to go with the pink Cadillac.

Your layout looks great and you have a fine posse. That's the one thing I miss about NY. Well, one of two. I miss the kids and grandkids, but I also miss the train friends I had there. 

Country Joe posted:
Moonson posted:

Country Joe, Your village is clean and prosperous, just like I remember so many towns in the Pittsburgh area used to be.


Thanks Frank. I hope to do some light weathering when all the big jobs are done and I can spend more time on details. In my world I like things clean soI don't want the town too dirty.

Indeed. Everything and all places in life are not dirty or weathered to the extent that anyone call tell. There is a place for every mood and atmosphere, IMHO, so clean is as good as soiled. You have captured something very pleasant in your layout, something that brings happiness.

MaxSouthOz posted:


The object is to show four ways to use servos to achieve motion on a layout - using the Tam Valley Depot Octocoder™



Four ways to use servos, sounds like an interesting talk, Max. I can see a signal or semaphore as one method. A switch machine and what I'm guessing (from following your posts) a working garage door. What is the fourth? 

Country Joe posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Joe, So are you telling me, you don't need as large a closets down there than back north.  That tells me Florida houses have more room for layouts even though they don't have basements.  ��

Yes and no, Mark. The Mrs and I each have a walk in closet and the two guest bedrooms each have a smaller walk in closet so there's plenty of closet space. Florida is very casual. Dressing up means a pair of Dockers, a polo shirt and shoes though you can get away with sandals. It's shorts and tee shirts most of the time yet we somehow have the closets full. 

We had our house built and we expanded a few rooms. According to the floorplan the den was supposed to be 10'9" x 13'4" but we moved the wall out 7' so it's 10'9" x 20'4". That's my train room. The rest of the house belongs to the wife. I'm happy with this arrangement.

That sounds like a good arrangement to me, Joe.  I always agree, I let my wife have control of most of the house too.  I just asked first to be humorous, but second because I have never been to Florida, so all I know about the houses is that they don't have basements.  Good reason; close to sea level, they would probably get wet easily.  Thank you for humoring me!!  

Moonson posted:
Country Joe posted:
Moonson posted:

Country Joe, Your village is clean and prosperous, just like I remember so many towns in the Pittsburgh area used to be.


Thanks Frank. I hope to do some light weathering when all the big jobs are done and I can spend more time on details. In my world I like things clean soI don't want the town too dirty.

Indeed. Everything and all places in life are not dirty or weathered to the extent that anyone call tell. There is a place for every mood and atmosphere, IMHO, so clean is as good as soiled. You have captured something very pleasant in your layout, something that brings happiness.

That is what I built last and want to build again.  Though my layout will be set in West Virginia, I want the country towns to look prosperous to support a lot of rail traffic; or is it vice versa.  A little weathering is all I wish.

Pat Kn posted:
MaxSouthOz posted:


The object is to show four ways to use servos to achieve motion on a layout - using the Tam Valley Depot Octocoder™



Four ways to use servos, sounds like an interesting talk, Max. I can see a signal or semaphore as one method. A switch machine and what I'm guessing (from following your posts) a working garage door. What is the fourth? 

Hi Pat

There are two turnouts.  One close coupled from beneath and the other one mounted on top - and a couple of ways of using micro switches to power the frogs and the signals.

Yes.  A semaphore and a roller door.


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