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KRM posted:
mike g. posted:
KRM posted:
mike g. posted:

Ok Kev. we know the trains are ready! But is Grandpa!

Merry Christmas!

I think so Mike, Best to ask in about 24 hours.

Will do! Checking back in 24 Hrs! I know it can be rough sometimes!


Still alive after the Christmas Eve bash. House is now quiet the belly full and new oil in the daughters car.

We got a good snowfall so the kids wanted to be outside in the snow. First snow of the year and on Christmas Eve, can't do better than that for a 4 and 7 year old.

Everything went well, the only bummer is we never made it into the basement to run trains. The new tires on the JD Gator are good in the snow and it had no problems driving around the yard and woods in the almost 5" we got.

Fire in the fireplace and all is good!

Kicking back and getting ready for tomorrow's stuffing at their house. We will run trains there!

Kev. I am so happy to hear you made it threw the night! I am sorry you didn't get a chance to run trains, but if you get a chance tomorrow, jump on it! 

We also are getting some snow here but only an inch sofar, they say up 3-6 inches by morning! Our Christmas was over last weekend as the kids and grandkids had to go to the other grandparents this weekend. Still had a great time and the grandkids keep asking me when are the trains going to be running again. I feel sad cause it wont be till maybe next Christmas!

Best Christmas ever had or will ever have.

I was seven.  Growing up in Cleveland, Ohio, we had Higbees, May co and Halley’s down town department stores.  After Thanksgiving, each would have an entire floor full of toys.  Of course the best was the train area where there were Lionel and American Flyer layouts set up.  I’d stay there for hours watching them run and, of course, there were free catalogs.

Mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas.  I pointed to the Lionel SF diesel  A-A and 4 beautiful aluminum passenger cars and said ‘that’.  At 90 bucks, mom said we can’t afford that.  Dad worked at Midland Ross steel and, if he made that in a week, he was lucky!

$90 in 1953 is over $800 in 2017: imagine spending that much on a seven year old, today, for one present!

I remember getting up that Christmas morning and seeing the large rectangular box all wrapped and knew exactly what it was. 

As in ‘Christmas story’, that was the best Christmas I ever had, or ever will.

And it still runs great!



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Mine too. Got the Santa Fe ABA freight that year. We lived in Brooklyn NY then and my Dad got it at Madison Hardware. Wish that I still had it. We lost most of our trains in a house fire in 1956. Replaced most but not the beautiful Santa Fe engine. I’m very fortunate to have more trains now than I need. 

Merry Christmas from snowbound New England!

SAMPARFITT: You are correct it was a lot of money back then. My uncle worked for J&L Steel in 1953 and he bought me the same set 2 weeks before Christmas 1953 along with a ZW Transformer and lots of track and yes it still runs great today.(I think because my aunt was a bookie helped a alot) I managed to get the one missing car about 8 years ago as I had 2 of the 2533 and no 2534, I also have managed to acquire both versions of the 2530 Baggage car to complete the set. Now it sits on display under glass in a display case. Someday soon I hope it will be unpacked and back on display. My plan is to have one loop on the new layout just to run all my Postwar stuff. SOMEDAY!

SAMPARFITT, I have heard it said that what we remember most about people, events, places, and moments in our lives is how they made us feel. You have taken many treasures with you from that Christmas, even managing to hold onto that train set. Yet, the best treasure that came with you from that Christmas is in your heart, which we can clearly feel through your words.

I am very happy for you.

With respect and applause,


Last edited by Moonson
RJT posted:

SAMPARFITT: You are correct it was a lot of money back then. My uncle worked for J&L Steel in 1953 and he bought me the same set 2 weeks before Christmas 1953 along with a ZW Transformer and lots of track and yes it still runs great today.(I think because my aunt was a bookie helped a alot) I managed to get the one missing car about 8 years ago as I had 2 of the 2533 and no 2534, I also have managed to acquire both versions of the 2530 Baggage car to complete the set. Now it sits on display under glass in a display case. Someday soon I hope it will be unpacked and back on display. My plan is to have one loop on the new layout just to run all my Postwar stuff. SOMEDAY!

What a cool Aunt you had!

I also had a cool Aunt that gave me great presents when I was a child. Besides numerous Lionel trains, I once got a package from her with little holes in it when my Aunt Ruth went to Florida. It was a live baby alligator. It crawled out of the box and rolled over on its back. My mother and I gave it bits of raw hamburger, adrenalin, and cognac to resuscitate it. Then, we took it to the vet up the street. You should have seen the look on vet's face when we asked him to save my baby alligator!

Leapin Larry - Your layout looks awesome!! Thanks for sharing the photos and your greetings!!

Today I was able to get into the layout room for several hours.  It's been a very busy month to say the least!  Being a musician, Christmastime can be exhausting!  For instance  yesterday  was packed with gigs morning to night.  Fun and yet very demanding.  After leaving the house, for DC,  yesterday at 7:30 a.m and returning at 10:30 p.m., I was drawn to the train room where I ran trains for 15 minutes or so, only able to enjoy them at a certain level for the exhaustion seem to impede my usual great depth of enjoyment.   

After a good night's sleep I again was drawn to the train room where I spent several hours sipping coffee, watching the trains run, and allowing my imagination go absolutely wild!  Fun times in Patsburg was had by the Mayor and CEO of the Free State Junction Railway on this Christmas Day .... just as my imagination did 61 years ago on Christmas Day when I received, from Santa, my first Lionel set at age 4!!  I can remember with great clarity coming down the stairs, making the turn into the living room and immediately spotting, under the Christmas tree, the oval of track and the face of the 2065 steam locomotive staring at me. WOW ... That feeling was absolutely exhilarating!!!  I still have that same set intact with the operating milk car, log car, NYC Pacemaker boxcar and the 3 dome Sunoco tank car, complete with a Lionel Lines porthole caboose, and the 1033 transformer ....the locomotive still works as does the milk car, NYC Pacemaker boxcar, and transformer.  Unfortunately the log car no longer works... but still looks good.  

Yes, as Frank M  said ( to paraphrase )  we do remember our feelings and that Christmas of many years ago was my best!!  AND I've had many wonderful Christmas Day's over the years, even when I had no layout .... for I still had those wonderful memories of those young years with my trains.  Thanks Mom and Dad ( and Santa too ) for giving me that wonderful Lionel train set and thank you, most of all, for allowing me to experience that absolutely wonderful magical feeling 61 years ago today!!!  My heart overflows with gratitude ... Merry Christmas!!!!!!


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Patrick's reply this evening inspired me to take a few photos and say a few things.

We are close in age and got close to the same Lionel train set at close to the same Christmas! Here are 4 photos of the first train set I got for Christmas sometime between 1954 and 1956:

It was led by the same 2065 Locomotive and coffin style Lionel Lines tender:imageMy best recollection is that next came this operating milk car and non-operating yellow horse/cattle car:imageAgain, my best recollection is that next came this green log dump car and red gondola:

imageAnd I'm sure this Lionel Lines lighted caboose with round portals was included in this set:imageSo, we had the same loco, tender, log dump car and caboose in our sets, but the other 3 cars were different.

I also received as a young child the orange operating cattle car and corral, the operating barrel car and  barrel loader, and the gray searchlight car, 2 of which might have been in my set instead of the operating milk car and yellow non-operating horse/cattle car. I'm 99% sure the red gondola was in my set because my father used to put his L&M cigarettes in it for train rides around the Christmas tree (thank God he gave up smoking cold turkey a couple of years later so he lived until age 76 and did not die younger of lung cancer.

What  we also have in common is how we both treasure our first train sets.

Another difference: my log dump car works like a charm and  yours doesn't. Good news is it is easy and relatively inexpensive to get them fixed so they work perfectly and there are plenty of available parts to make it happen. I'm sure there are people in this forum (not me) who can fix yours blind-folded.

I love what I saw on your video of your layout with magnificent trains and scenery.

You sound like you are a busy and successful professional musician; I can play chords on the guitar, sing a little and at times have had great passion for songwriting.

We both find peace and joy retreating to our caves (train rooms) where "In our little world we leave this troubled world behind."

I very much look forward to meeting you,  Patrick, down the tracks. 



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Larry, Patrick, and Arnold- great stories and sentiment. You all have spectacular layouts and should be very proud. My train life started early as well but I had HO trains. My father and I built my first layout when I was 8 in 1969. My first set of trains was a Lionel ATSF Streamliner set with a F3 AB set pulling. I spent many years playing with them. Every Christmas was a big deal as the whole family would come over to see "my" trains. The layout was a L-shaped 4 X 8 board with a 4 X 6 yard. I could run two trains simultaneously. I learned a ton about block control, wiring, etc over the years. Great memories that will last a lifetime.

Merry Christmas!

RSJB18 posted:

Larry, Patrick, and Arnold- great stories and sentiment. You all have spectacular layouts and should be very proud. My train life started early as well but I had HO trains. My father and I built my first layout when I was 8 in 1969. My first set of trains was a Lionel ATSF Streamliner set with a F3 AB set pulling. I spent many years playing with them. Every Christmas was a big deal as the whole family would come over to see "my" trains. The layout was a L-shaped 4 X 8 board with a 4 X 6 yard. I could run two trains simultaneously. I learned a ton about block control, wiring, etc over the years. Great memories that will last a lifetime.

Merry Christmas!


Wow, feel like Paul 2,  since I'm off for Christmas Break and get to sit around all day and work on the layout. 

Was able to move amusement park rides to another part of the layout that is going to work better.  Made risers for my monorail so trains can fit underneath it.  Had to raise it up about 1 3/4 inches.  Started to work on the midway of the amusement park and since I like to customize buildings and make my layout unique here is what I came up with. 




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Re - created the area around team track 2 making it more dairy loading/ unloading oriented while still allowing for other kinds of freight cars to be off/on loaded too.  Installed a Lionel milk stand ( re -located from the team track near brewery complex ) from my original Lionel set of 1956.

Re - created the team track unloading area near the brewery.  Installed a new piece of remote control track for loading/unloading the barrel car, Moe and Joe lumber car, and dump car.  Removed the milk stand and relocated it to team track 2.  Found a piece of hard black foam rubber which gives the appearance  of smooth asphalt.  I cut into shape and put it down beside the remote control track.  With some rocks, I created a border to one side of this pad so the barrels would not roll away when discharged from the car.  ( I really don't care for the look of the Lionel dump trays.)  Next I re - created the scenery surrounding the loading pad and actually put about 25 small barrels on the pad itself ... this lends credence to and allows this area to become a functional facility of the brewery complex while at the same time retaining  the flexibility for other kinds of freight on/off loading.  

Next thing to do ( hopefully tonight ) is pop out the lake so I will have access to my far siding ( very long spur that services an industrial area ) on the back part of the layout.  That track needs an extreme cleaning!   After the cleaning I will test with one of my TMCC locomotives.  Having this track operational allows  me to run a switch job throughout the industrial area while simultaneously running trains on the main lines.  This industrial line will allow me to have a trolly line and 4 trains running simultaneously.  Fun times in Patsburg!!  I'll try to get some photos of the new team track changes up soon.


Last edited by trumpettrain

Today starts the official boxing up of my entire Std. Gauge layout, including the rest of the trains that were not already packed. The 4-foot artificial xmas tree got undecorated and will be taken down and put away until probably next year. Things are afoot- good things, but still- with seeing so many things pulled off the layout already- its making me a bit melancholy.

mike g. posted:
RSJB18 posted:

Packed up a bunch of empty boxes that were stored under the layout. They will go in the attic for storage.

Now I have room for more .....where the heck did I leave my wallet????

I bet if you ask the wife she knows where your wallet is! LOL

LOL- she changed the password on the Paypal account too and won't tell me the new one  !

Actually, today was the culmination of the past week and a half.

I had pulled up all the lower level track to paint the decking and of course the reinstall action of the track led to a new plan. I finally got it to where I'm satisfied, and ran all my power drops. I also wired in all my switches, and finished the control panels. ( All of which would not have turned out so well without the awesome help of members of this forum!)

I finished my storage/ display rack for the empty end space (I have table skirt for around all the rest of the bottom.

And last, but not least, I got to run some trains! 

Now time to focus on scenery and structures.

I hope everyone had a good Christmas, and has a happy New Year!



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RSJB18 posted:
mike g. posted:
RSJB18 posted:

Packed up a bunch of empty boxes that were stored under the layout. They will go in the attic for storage.

Now I have room for more .....where the heck did I leave my wallet????

I bet if you ask the wife she knows where your wallet is! LOL

LOL- she changed the password on the Paypal account too and won't tell me the new one  !

I have a few empty boxes sitting here by the desk for me to record in my Excel spreadsheet then they will get packed away too.  Oh no on the PayPal password!!    

Ripley's Believe it or Not -- I actually gained some money in PayPal this month that I transferred to checking for last minute Christmas items; namely food!!  

                                              been busy, so not much...

                                                Izzy opening her presents...


                           got some more trains from Santa Mom and Dad...

                                       hopefully get to run them tonight !!


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Last edited by briansilvermustang

I spent most of Christmas day inside the big helix, and finally finished all of the wiring. That means all of the feeders, ground and power, are connected to their buses. Also, all fourteen detection blocks are wired back to a terminal strip, and are ready to be extended over to the detection panel.

Yesterday, I stopped by the surplus store to get a few specific goodies for a couple of projects.

I found this really neat 24V motor with built in gear reduction box. Tried it on 12V, and it is almost slow enough for running the turntable. I'll keep dropping the voltage until I get it slow enough. I also picked up some belt gears to fit on both shafts. Just gotta figure out how to mount it.


I might need a longer belt.


I grabbed these large ring lugs for the uncoupler project, which I plan to get back on, after it stalled out due to technical difficulties. These are the last piece to the puzzle.


I spackled most of the new backdrop. I need to get that sanded for Patrick, who should be coming over on Saturday.


Finally, I want to get the last bit of fascia done this year. In prep for that, I added shims to the small helix. There is a lot more of this kind of stuff to do before Saturday.



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Thanks Mike and Bob, and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and everyone else here.

Mike - You should see all the motors and other stuff they have there. You gotta go in with a rough idea of what you want to do, then start digging. I think I was only in there for a half hour, cause my wife was waiting in the car with it running. It's so dang cold. I'm just going to try it at 5V and see where that puts the top end, then add a pot for speed control, and a direction switch. My guess is that should do it. I'm going to have to go back fairly soon for that longer belt, a tensioning spring, and that pot. Got the direction switch.

As for the shims, you got it, they"re just to match the thickness of the backdrop.

Before having quests over this afternoon to view the layout, I worked at tweaking some scenes, making sure operating cars worked, changing out freight cars so that one of the trains looked more colorful ( in the holiday spirit ).  Got the Lionel scale J class off the back spur and out on the main.  I put the Powhatan Arrow cars behind the J to make a nice looking passenger train.  The guests really enjoyed the trains!!  They had lots of great questions and were genuinely interested in the hobby.  

Here's some photos of the trains today.IMG_4246IMG_4249IMG_4247IMG_4215IMG_4234IMG_4213IMG_4223IMG_4222IMG_4221


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Tonight was a big night for me.  I finally finished my retaining walls before the end of the year!   Without measuring, I'm guessing there is about 100 feet of them in total.

My last section I was avoiding as it is across from my engine servicing area at the throat of my Proviso freight yard.  The benchwork in this area is about 60" across and my Topside Creeper wouldn't work here because there are too many table legs in the way.  So, I had to place plywood on top of the tracks and get up on top of them.  Atlas track is very durable so it wasn't a problem.  My old legs (knee caps) was another story, but it is done.

Here are a few before and after shots.


Next I would like to get all of my big plastering jobs done and build another bridge.



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F9503464-986E-469D-8B13-C692026861FFMy son and his wife and children are visiting us for this Christmas week. My son and 4 year old grandson and I were working/playing in our train layout shed. Fixed a couple of balking engines, soldered a couple of wires, and ran some trains! What fun we had!!!



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Big_Boy_4005 posted:

Thanks Mike and Bob, and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and everyone else here.

Mike - You should see all the motors and other stuff they have there. You gotta go in with a rough idea of what you want to do, then start digging. I think I was only in there for a half hour, cause my wife was waiting in the car with it running. It's so dang cold. I'm just going to try it at 5V and see where that puts the top end, then add a pot for speed control, and a direction switch. My guess is that should do it. I'm going to have to go back fairly soon for that longer belt, a tensioning spring, and that pot. Got the direction switch.

As for the shims, you got it, they"re just to match the thickness of the backdrop.

Elliot, did you shop at Ax-Man Surplus Store - Midway - Saint Paul for your motor and supplies?  



Art your wall looks great! But then again your entire layout looks great! What kind of bridge are you going to build?

John, nice video's its always nice to have the kids and grandkids around to play with trains, the young one really get a kick out of it!

Brian, once again a nice set of trains! I hope things are going well with the build and your staying warm! Sherri and Izzy too!

                                             not much train work lately...

                                           we're working on staying warm   

                                                     is it spring time yet...



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Last edited by briansilvermustang
darlander posted:
Big_Boy_4005 posted:

Thanks Mike and Bob, and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and everyone else here.

Mike - You should see all the motors and other stuff they have there. You gotta go in with a rough idea of what you want to do, then start digging. I think I was only in there for a half hour, cause my wife was waiting in the car with it running. It's so dang cold. I'm just going to try it at 5V and see where that puts the top end, then add a pot for speed control, and a direction switch. My guess is that should do it. I'm going to have to go back fairly soon for that longer belt, a tensioning spring, and that pot. Got the direction switch.

As for the shims, you got it, they"re just to match the thickness of the backdrop.

Elliot, did you shop at Ax-Man Surplus Store - Midway - Saint Paul for your motor and supplies?  



Yup, I made sure the tag on the motor was showing when I took the picture.

briansilvermustang posted:

                                    just using the indoor tunnel right now...

Brian - Is your whole house a train theme layout?  Sorry that I missed your call on Christmas Eve.  We just got back from visiting relatives in CT.  Did Izzy get get any trains under the tree? LOL!

I ordered these building flats from Angie on the bay. All are HO. I will be adding them behind the O building flats as soon as I can re glue some of them.  I think this is where you really learn to stick with a tried and true glue rather then try another brand. I glued the first flats with 3M and the flats for the street scene with Lock tite. I can now start to think and work on the layout. We had four grand kids here since Christmas and they all just left today. Pics.....Paul



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Got back to work on the new piece over the tunnel today. I carved a piece of foam to build out the tunnel portal and blend it in. Glued it all in place, I still need to add ground cover after the paint dries.

A balmy 17 degrees on LI right now. Everyone in the northern half of the country stay warm. Watch for frozen pipes.


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Got a laugh out of my wife when I showed it to her. She was wondering why I didn't have any Christmas lights on the pine trees...then I turned them on . I think she's finally starting to get it


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Last edited by RSJB18
trumptrain posted:

Before having quests over this afternoon to view the layout, I worked at tweaking some scenes, making sure operating cars worked, changing out freight cars so that one of the trains looked more colorful ( in the holiday spirit ).  Got the Lionel scale J class off the back spur and out on the main.  I put the Powhatan Arrow cars behind the J to make a nice looking passenger train.  The guests really enjoyed the trains!!  They had lots of great questions and were genuinely interested in the hobby.  

Here's some photos of the trains today.IMG_4246IMG_4249IMG_4247IMG_4215IMG_4234IMG_4213IMG_4223IMG_4222IMG_4221

Pat that looks very good i would love to come over and see all your improvements. at the same time i would like for you and randy to come over and see my trains

Hi Guys - I just completed my Coaldale Train Station and now working on building a mountain/tunnel using the cardboard weave method.  Weaving strips of cardboard is tedious but it does offer a strong support for the plaster cloth that I will apply later.  I'll cover the plaster cloth with sculptomold as a final layer.  Tunnel is a little over 8 ft. long - I have 2 flat surfaces on the mountain that will anchor a light or water tower.  Any ideas or suggestions are welcomed!DSCN0620DSCN0621DSCN0627DSCN0628DSCN0632DSCN0633DSCN0634DSCN0635DSCN0643


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Harleylito posted:

Hi Guys - I just completed my Coaldale Train Station and now working on building a mountain/tunnel using the cardboard weave method.  Weaving strips of cardboard is tedious but it does offer a strong support for the plaster cloth that I will apply later.  I'll cover the plaster cloth with sculptomold as a final layer.  Tunnel is a little over 8 ft. long - I have 2 flat surfaces on the mountain that will anchor a light or water tower.  Any ideas or suggestions are welcomed!DSCN0620DSCN0621DSCN0627DSCN0628DSCN0632DSCN0633DSCN0634DSCN0635DSCN0643

Very nice!

mike g. posted:

Art your wall looks great! But then again your entire layout looks great! What kind of bridge are you going to build?

John, nice video's its always nice to have the kids and grandkids around to play with trains, the young one really get a kick out of it!

Brian, once again a nice set of trains! I hope things are going well with the build and your staying warm! Sherri and Izzy too!

Mike - I am going to build an extension to my highway bridge that crosses my two freight yards.  I want it to look like it continues on on the other side of my walkway or aisle.  Then I can finish up my grain elevator complex area.


ELLIOT, Art and Brian, enjoy watching the progress ( fast progress ) on your layouts.  You are giving me incentive to work faster. Elliot has even got me thinking about tackling wiring which I have been putting on a distant back burner. Harleylito, very nice pics. Especially the 8' tunnel. Are you providing access to the inside in case of derailments???  I think I enjoy this tread the best because of all the different approaches to layout building and scenery. So many good ideas from so many. And so many really nice pics of completed layouts too.....Paul

Chugman posted:
mike g. posted:

Art your wall looks great! But then again your entire layout looks great! What kind of bridge are you going to build?

John, nice video's its always nice to have the kids and grandkids around to play with trains, the young one really get a kick out of it!

Brian, once again a nice set of trains! I hope things are going well with the build and your staying warm! Sherri and Izzy too!

Mike - I am going to build an extension to my highway bridge that crosses my two freight yards.  I want it to look like it continues on on the other side of my walkway or aisle.  Then I can finish up my grain elevator complex area.


Art, sure sounds exciting! Cant wait to see it! I hope you post more pictures!

I didn't get a chance to get downstairs yet today (at dialysis now), so no pics of yesterday's work. I got a couple more sections of fascia hung over on the small helix. Hope Patrick and I can finish it off tomorrow.

Starting in January, I have to turn the bulk of my attention to scenery. I found these photos inspiring this morning, so I ordered a case of 40 rolls of plaster cloth.

Harleylito posted:



paul 2 posted:

ELLIOT, Art and Brian, enjoy watching the progress ( fast progress ) on your layouts.  You are giving me incentive to work faster. Elliot has even got me thinking about tackling wiring which I have been putting on a distant back burner. Harleylito, very nice pics. Especially the 8' tunnel. Are you providing access to the inside in case of derailments???  I think I enjoy this tread the best because of all the different approaches to layout building and scenery. So many good ideas from so many. And so many really nice pics of completed layouts too.....Paul

Paul - I have access to the tunnel through 3 openings I cut out on the hard board backing.


paul 2 posted:

ELLIOT, Art and Brian, enjoy watching the progress ( fast progress ) on your layouts.  You are giving me incentive to work faster. Elliot has even got me thinking about tackling wiring which I have been putting on a distant back burner. Harleylito, very nice pics. Especially the 8' tunnel. Are you providing access to the inside in case of derailments???  I think I enjoy this tread the best because of all the different approaches to layout building and scenery. So many good ideas from so many. And so many really nice pics of completed layouts too.....Paul

Thanks Paul. This is a two way street, because I find your building flats and general scenery work to be both informative and inspiring. God knows my layout needs a ton of it by April.

Mike - I tried the motor on 5V yesterday. Looked really good, slow, smooth and quiet. Throw a pot on that, and a reverse switch, and I'm in business.

What I did on my layout last night. Left the train room and went on a business trip to Southern, California to watch the “Holiday Bowl” via my local sport’s hang out. Washington State vs, Michigan State.  Michigan State 42 & Washington State 17.  Cool: go Spartans.

1 Package Side Door

1.  Got back late and found this package at the side door to the train room.  Came via UPS.

2 Kit Bashing Package

2.  Open the package and found work to get done.  Kit bashing for flat structures.

3 Pan Photo Train Room

3.  This a panoramic photo of the back drop that I have been working on.  These structures will be used for kit bashing flat structures. The back drop is 24 feet long.

4 3D to Scale

4.  Also in this package. A new product for my layout. 3D to Scale, 55 gallon barrels. They are printed on a 3D printer with a blue plastic.

Hope you find this information helpful and thanks for taking a look: Gary


Images (4)
  • 1 Package Side Door
  • 2 Kit Bashing Package
  • 3 Pan Photo Train Room
  • 4 3D to Scale

Longtime readers will recall this:

The slot car motor lasted about three years, finally crapping out at the Children's Train display at the A&M Depot a week or so back. 

So, I borrowed the gearbox to get another Birney up and running, seen here with my Hogwarts Express, out for some exercise:




Images (1)
  • GEDC0715
Chugman posted:

Elliot - Two days to go before the end of the year.  Why am I sitting here on the forum when I should be downstairs getting something done.  I just got out of shoveling the driveway so I had better use my energy on the layout.

Cheers, Art

Art, I've been getting out of shoveling for years, because the driveway is too big to do by hand or even snowblower. I pay to have it plowed. The downside is he only comes out when there is 2" or more, and so far we haven't had enough in a single snowfall, even though there are about 4 inches out there. Weird for December.

Tomorrow should be a good day on the layout, because Patrick is coming over. I don't expect much on Sunday, watching the Vikings beat the Bears (sorry). Then I have to do my year in review post. Let's just say it has been a very good year on the Twin Cities Central. There could be over 100 photos and some videos too.

There have been huge disruptions in our household since March. One side effect at that time was being able to move the train layout from the dining room table to another room. It took about three months to get things all moved and running, just in time for another disruption 4th of July weekend which required moving not only the layout but all the rest of the stuff in the room to another room at the opposite end of the house. Yesterday, after several furiously busy days of rebuilding a transformer, several 022 switches, moving boxes of stuff, etc.... my grandson and I were able to run the 2055 "Old Bill" and the tender around the outer loop of the layout! It was a short session, as the drawbar kept pitching the tender off some turns, and one of the modified switches kept springing up the center rail. It was a GREAT 10 minutes!!

Chugman posted:

Elliot - Two days to go before the end of the year.  Why am I sitting here on the forum when I should be downstairs getting something done.  I just got out of shoveling the driveway so I had better use my energy on the layout.

Cheers, Art

Art, Stinking snow removal cuts into layout time!!    We are getting too old to be wasting energy on snow!!!  

Big_Boy_4005 posted:
Chugman posted:

Elliot - Two days to go before the end of the year.  Why am I sitting here on the forum when I should be downstairs getting something done.  I just got out of shoveling the driveway so I had better use my energy on the layout.

Cheers, Art

Art, I've been getting out of shoveling for years, because the driveway is too big to do by hand or even snowblower. I pay to have it plowed. The downside is he only comes out when there is 2" or more, and so far we haven't had enough in a single snowfall, even though there are about 4 inches out there. Weird for December.

Tomorrow should be a good day on the layout, because Patrick is coming over. I don't expect much on Sunday, watching the Vikings beat the Bears (sorry). Then I have to do my year in review post. Let's just say it has been a very good year on the Twin Cities Central. There could be over 100 photos and some videos too.

That is like watching the Steelers beat the Browns in Pittsburgh!  Why bother watching???    Looking forward to the photographs!

Mark Boyce posted:
Chugman posted:

Elliot - Two days to go before the end of the year.  Why am I sitting here on the forum when I should be downstairs getting something done.  I just got out of shoveling the driveway so I had better use my energy on the layout.

Cheers, Art

Art, Stinking snow removal cuts into layout time!!    We are getting too old to be wasting energy on snow!!!  

I just get the tractor out if it gets that bad! LOL No shoveling here! WHY? Cause I am to old for that Cr**!

mike g. posted:
Mark Boyce posted:
Chugman posted:

Elliot - Two days to go before the end of the year.  Why am I sitting here on the forum when I should be downstairs getting something done.  I just got out of shoveling the driveway so I had better use my energy on the layout.

Cheers, Art

Art, Stinking snow removal cuts into layout time!!    We are getting too old to be wasting energy on snow!!!  

I just get the tractor out if it gets that bad! LOL No shoveling here! WHY? Cause I am to old for that Cr**!

I would do that too, Mike; but I’m too old fashioned (cheap) to get a tractor!  I do have a small snow blower my father-in-law left us when he passed.  Our inheritance!  LOL

Done for the night. I was moving along at a pretty good pace when I heard the cellar door open and a soft voice said time to call it a night and come upstairs and watch TV with me. I stopped working and came to post before I watch TV with the wife (CEO of the railroad ). I managed to get most of the cork down for the one freight yard. It may not be prototypical but I wanted to use up switches I had laying around first before ordering anymore. I should be able to finish laying the cork tomorrow. Pics...........Paul



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  • DSCN1176
  • DSCN1177
  • DSCN1178
  • DSCN1179
  • DSCN1180
jim pastorius posted:

Mitch - have you ever tried using a can motor from an electric drill??  At my old place I took apart two 12 volt drills  which had nice can motors in them with nice gear boxes to reduce speed. Never used them, then ditched them when I moved.

Ectually, I have a perfectly good Polar Express motor with a lunched gear on it.  I'm gonna try pulling the gear and using that... ;-) 


Mark Boyce posted:
Big_Boy_4005 posted:
Chugman posted:

Elliot - Two days to go before the end of the year.  Why am I sitting here on the forum when I should be downstairs getting something done.  I just got out of shoveling the driveway so I had better use my energy on the layout.

Cheers, Art

Art, I've been getting out of shoveling for years, because the driveway is too big to do by hand or even snowblower. I pay to have it plowed. The downside is he only comes out when there is 2" or more, and so far we haven't had enough in a single snowfall, even though there are about 4 inches out there. Weird for December.

Tomorrow should be a good day on the layout, because Patrick is coming over. I don't expect much on Sunday, watching the Vikings beat the Bears (sorry). Then I have to do my year in review post. Let's just say it has been a very good year on the Twin Cities Central. There could be over 100 photos and some videos too.

That is like watching the Steelers beat the Browns in Pittsburgh!  Why bother watching???    Looking forward to the photographs!

Because I'm a sucker Mark. They have broken my heart so many times over the years, but I keep going back for emotional abuse. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

It's fun to think of the possibility of being the first team to play a Super Bowl at home... Losing a record fifth, not so much.

Last edited by Big_Boy_4005

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