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I completely tore up my previous track plan and went with a mix of operation and running. It's a dogbone with a few turnouts now and a connecting track! I'll post pictures soon, the 1121 switches all got converted to constant voltage and as soon as I drill the holes for the wires and plug everything in, I'll post pictures.

Busy day today! Finally got my Disney monorail operational.  I was at my local Walgreens when I saw a $10 RC car.  I decided to buy it and gut it for my previously installed monorail which only operated manually.  Well noone was more suprised than me when it actually worked. Now the monorail starts, stops and has forward and reverse direction. It encircles my layout and even the Wife has tried it out and she actually likes it!


Heres a short video if I can get it posted....Pete



Last edited by BFI66
Originally Posted by Randy Harrison:

We finished our yard area yesterday. The snow blanket was placed and all of the yard track was screwed into place. We now move onto the 5' x 6' engine servicing facility area.

Randy you guys are kicking some serious butt on your layout!!!  Photos of your progress look great!  Congratulations on making such tremendous progress in such a short amount of time.  You are getting much closer to driving the golden spike. :-)

Originally Posted by BFI66:

Busy day today! Finally got my Disney monorail operational.  I was at my local Walgreens when I saw a $10 RC car.  I decided to buy it and gut it for my previously installed monorail which only operated manually.  Well noone was more suprised than me when it actually worked. Now the monorail starts, stops and has forward and reverse direction. It encircles my layout and even the Wife has tried it out and she actually likes it!


Heres a short video if I can get it posted....Pete



I have a Disney monorail. Can you post either a schematic of the wiring or photos of the internal wiring to accomplish what you did?

Thank you.

Originally Posted by BFI66:

Busy day today! Finally got my Disney monorail operational.  I was at my local Walgreens when I saw a $10 RC car.  I decided to buy it and gut it for my previously installed monorail which only operated manually.  Well noone was more suprised than me when it actually worked. Now the monorail starts, stops and has forward and reverse direction. It encircles my layout and even the Wife has tried it out and she actually likes it!


Heres a short video if I can get it posted....Pete



Also, how do you get such good running operation out of your monorail? Ours, with the battery power, is very slow and stops on certain joints in the track.

Today I primed a façade building (from Ameri-towne), added some sidewalk to North Center Street, and repaired a Corgi-Birney's electrical pick up(it lost a screw, all better now)/ Also painted some rattan seats for a Japanese plastic trolley kit's interior, the seats are from Q car as is the new power truck. It will be Corry & Columbus Car 11 when done.....

ok Elliot... just because it got a tad nippy up in your part of the woods how come Patrick didn't make it LOL.

I can remember those nippy days n nights palm trees stink but sure beats a shovel LOL.

layout is looking good maybe once you get all the switches going you can give us a new video of all the areas your manifest of freight can go.



Today a had a few hours to spend on the Mountain Division.  Started off by running a coal train through Mount Randolph.  I next removed the train and went to work on partially scenicing the mountain.  Really got into and had fun.  No where near complete as of now but am a bit closer to getting the Mountain Divsion where I want it to be.


Here are two photos one with the Bollman bridge removed and the other with the Bollman in place.  Enjoy!


Images (2)
  • partially sceniced mountains bridge removed: Bollman bridge removed for access to mountain
  • Partially sceniced mountain with bollman  in playu: Bollman Bridge in place with Mount Randolph partially sceniced

Have been finishing a number of projects; am about done with this New Haven RPO/baggage combine which runs a head end car on my "Merchant's Limited" string of Osgood Bradley coaches.

It started life as a Lionel Blue Comet baby Madison combine. i removed the steps, filled the  4 side doors at the ends, moved the trucks 3/4" outward (necessitating new short shank couplers), filled two excess windows, added window grates, added a mail door on each side, fabricated from brass appropriate steps, painted Pullman Green (Scalecoat II), and added decals (pre the late `30's - early `40's updating). I still need to fabricate mail pick-ups for the new mail doors when i get some more brass.








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Yesterday, my son Chris got inspired and suggested we clean much of the CLUTTER out of the train room so that we had room to work. We did and found that much of what was there was dumpster fodder. Othe useable stuff was moved temporarily to our storage locker until we are ready to put it back into the layout.


After ther big cleaning, we had a clear path to our lower level scene, the city of Christopolis. Though it was not in our original plans, Chris decided to ad a bumper trolly route through the city. The track is in place but has not been screwed down and the bumpers have yet to bo installed. It looks great and will add a bit more animation to the city scene. Great work, Chris.






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Originally Posted by trumptrain:

Today a had a few hours to spend on the Mountain Division.  Started off by running a coal train through Mount Randolph.  I next removed the train and went to work on partially scenicing the mountain.  Really got into and had fun.  No where near complete as of now but am a bit closer to getting the Mountain Divsion where I want it to be.


Here are two photos one with the Bollman bridge removed and the other with the Bollman in place.  Enjoy!

Pat: The mountain looks GREAT!!!!

Originally Posted by Chugman:

Unfortunately, I am spending way too much time on the Forum instead of getting anything done on the layout.  I need to fix that right now.



Me too Art, just can't seem to break free of its pull today. On the other hand, I have been pounding away at the layout since last Wednesday, almost without a break.


Rather than re-post, anyone interested can see what I've been up to here.

Originally Posted by Ironbound:

Finally! Early today posted my very first YouTube video... naturally it is a trip on my Ironbound RR Layout. Keep in mind that this layout is not very large (3 walls in a garage) but is designed to give the look and feel of a large industrial/city setting... lost of clutter, rust and crowding ; ) I hope you like it:;




What a great video. I hope this the first of many videos of the Ironbound. You really have captured the urban setting of Newark. This is from a guy who, as a younger person, worked in Bayonne.

Originally Posted by Randy Harrison:
Originally Posted by Ironbound:

Finally! Early today posted my very first YouTube video... naturally it is a trip on my Ironbound RR Layout. Keep in mind that this layout is not very large (3 walls in a garage) but is designed to give the look and feel of a large industrial/city setting... lost of clutter, rust and crowding ; ) I hope you like it:;




What a great video. I hope this the first of many videos of the Ironbound. You really have captured the urban setting of Newark. This is from a guy who, as a younger person, worked in Bayonne.

Wow I agree.  What a great video and layout.   I hope to see much more of it!

Ironbound/Andy - Very nice.  I have seen some much smaller layouts produce some spectacular photos.  Nothing wrong with your "modest-size layout".  I need to check out the 2-rail forum more often.  Also, I try to keep up with the "3-rail Scale" forum too.  Check out Norm's layout.  He is starting over after moving.  His old layout was smaller but he did a great job of generating the "feeling".  I enjoyed checking out your web site.  Your layout would make a great OGR article, many of us do not have a LARGE space nor the time to fill it.  It would inspire many modelers.


ON the layout?  Continuation of the big ZERO.  FOR the layout?  Much more progress

made yesterday...think I have found a source for the custom decals  I want, and I

found an obscure structure kit that I have searched for, for years.  That leaves only

one more obscure one to be tracked if I needed any four flat if I could only get back to building them...

Removed a stuck coal train from within Mt. Randolph on the Mountain Division.  Ran the train for a bit afterward, stopping at times to change out the consist.

Made some tree choices for my next session of the continuation of scenicing Mount Randolph.  Spent time visualizing MR and how I want the end result to look.  This was a fun hour spent working on the railroad today.  :-)

Originally Posted by trumptrain:
Originally Posted by Randy Harrison:
Originally Posted by trumptrain:

Today a had a few hours to spend on the Mountain Division.  Started off by running a coal train through Mount Randolph.  I next removed the train and went to work on partially scenicing the mountain.  Really got into and had fun.  No where near complete as of now but am a bit closer to getting the Mountain Divsion where I want it to be.


Here are two photos one with the Bollman bridge removed and the other with the Bollman in place.  Enjoy!

Pat: The mountain looks GREAT!!!!


Thanks so much Randy1

Originally Posted by $oo Line:

ok Elliot... just because it got a tad nippy up in your part of the woods how come Patrick didn't make it LOL.

I can remember those nippy days n nights palm trees stink but sure beats a shovel LOL.

layout is looking good maybe once you get all the switches going you can give us a new video of all the areas your manifest of freight can go.



Not sure how I missed your post Ray. Must have been unwinding from a very busy week on the layout.


Patrick lives almost half way to Duluth. On a good day it takes him a couple hours to get home from here.


I'd like to do a video at the end of the month, with a guided tour following the train around with narration. By the end of February, I might be able to do some kind of basic switching run.

Elliot... With the length of each page not hard to miss a post now n then. All 3 of you have been busy and the layout and areas around it show it.


the area you undid was that the area you had by the last helix you built? I think it had some scenery to it?


Patrick does travel a bit to work with you.


I see you like the tortoise machines and I never seen the setup you used in areas where the machines have to be mounted away from where the switch is.


have a great day run a train or two blow a horn for me. I would really like to see the S-3 with passenger cars run on that layout she could really stretch her legs!!



My Brother is a master model builder, and has had several of his military models featured in modeling magazines built me a Glencoe Models 1/48th #5301 US Coast Guard Rescue Boat for my harbor.  He even cut the hull so it sits right in the "water"


I placed it in the harbor heading out to the lake.  I also moved around some buildings to make my station in my downtown.  


Here are some pics of the harbor.  Don't mind the dust buildup on the water!






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Originally Posted by $oo Line:

Elliot... With the length of each page not hard to miss a post now n then. All 3 of you have been busy and the layout and areas around it show it.


the area you undid was that the area you had by the last helix you built? I think it had some scenery to it?


Patrick does travel a bit to work with you.


I see you like the tortoise machines and I never seen the setup you used in areas where the machines have to be mounted away from where the switch is.


have a great day run a train or two blow a horn for me. I would really like to see the S-3 with passenger cars run on that layout she could really stretch her legs!!



Patrick needed to stand on the layout to build that shelf above Red Wing, so we had to move the buildings and all the trains out of the way. They were only placed there to give the illusion of some completeness. There was never any greenery, just ballasted track.


Unfortunately, because not all the Tortoises are powered yet, it isn't safe to run trains this week. Matt is coming over tomorrow and the plan is to do a bunch more switches. The layout is going to get worse before it gets better. But when it does get better it will be fantastic.


My brother-in-law (wife's brother) is not a train guy. He's into ham radio as a hobby. Of course he's been over here a number of times over the years, and I seem to be rubbing off on him. All of a sudden, he's interested in learning to operate the railroad.


I'm hoping we could get some limited operations going by April. That would be Pigs Eye, Newport, Cottage Grove, Hastings and Red Wing. I expect there will be a ton of bugs that will need to worked out.

Originally Posted by Ironbound:

Finally! Early today posted my very first YouTube video... naturally it is a trip on my Ironbound RR Layout. Keep in mind that this layout is not very large (3 walls in a garage) but is designed to give the look and feel of a large industrial/city setting... lost of clutter, rust and crowding ; ) I hope you like it:;



Wow!  That's an amazing layout and excellent video skills too.  That looks real.  I hope you'll post some photos or more videos.  It sounds like you've made good use of space in your garage.  Where did you get the UPS package car?  Thanks for sharing!

Thanks, you are very kind : )

I hope to do more of these videos by-and-by, now that I know what the capabilities and limitations of the software are.

I found the UPS truck on eBay a few years ago... it’s somewhat undersize for O scale, would be closer to S but in a background scene it works fine. You can see mony more photos, track plan, etc on my layout website:


Originally Posted by Bruce E. Vincelette:

I have finished the hardest part and it really was not difficult at all.


OGR Run 266 Oct/Nov., p. 64 – 66 gave me the idea for this grade crossing. I was able to accomplish mine much cheaper, in fact near nothing at all. The author bought expensive wood from Kapplet Mill and Lumber Co. I used coffee stirrers. One thing he could have done differently would have been to stain his food before he glued it down, not after. He writes that there were problems trying to stain over glue smears. I am not saying that he did not do a great job – he did.

1-12-20 001

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1-12-20 007

1-12-20 009

1-12-20 010

1-12-20 011

1-12-20 012

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1-12-20 014

1-12-20 015


Originally Posted by Larry Sr.:

Had to take some time off mountain building to work some on a small bridge area. Long way from the first pour of envirotex but some of the bridge has to be done to continue the mountains. Still having fun. Needed a break from those mountains anyway.



Your are really progressing. Nice mountains! Do you have any plans or drawings that you could share for making the trestle piers? They look great.

On Monday my friend Randy came to visit me here in Patsburg. I showed him his namesake mountain .... Mount Randolph.   He brought a mirror that he cut for me ( and gave to me ) for use at the end of  Main Street in the West End of Patsburg.  This mirror really extends Main Street tremendously and make the street look fabulous! Just a little mirror can really add greatly to the square footage of a layout.


In honor of the snow yesterday I ran a plow extra ..... a MTH rotary led the way, followed by a flanger, two diesel locos, a caboose, and a jet powered snow blower.  I ran this on the Mountain Division.  Also ran my Lionel MPC RDC cars on the lower main line.

Sure wish those babies had a horn because they look great!


I worked on Mt. Randolph yesterday.  I added more trees, ground cover, shrubs, and what not.  Had fun doing it!  Making progress and it feels good.

Originally Posted by trumptrain:

On Monday my friend Randy came to visit me here in Patsburg. I showed him his namesake mountain .... Mount Randolph.   He brought a mirror that he cut for me ( and gave to me ) for use at the end of  Main Street in the West End of Patsburg.  This mirror really extends Main Street tremendously and make the street look fabulous! Just a little mirror can really add greatly to the square footage of a layout.


In honor of the snow yesterday I ran a plow extra ..... a MTH rotary led the way, followed by a flanger, two diesel locos, a caboose, and a jet powered snow blower.  I ran this on the Mountain Division.  Also ran my Lionel MPC RDC cars on the lower main line.

Sure wish those babies had a horn because they look great!


I worked on Mt. Randolph yesterday.  I added more trees, ground cover, shrubs, and what not.  Had fun doing it!  Making progress and it feels good.


Your layout is really shaping up. The mountain looks great in photos, but, in person, it is breath taking. Your eye for scenery is superb.


Mirrors are a wonderful tool for the model railroader. As you know, I have mirrors meeting at a 90 degree angle on 2 sides of my city scene with streets running into the mirrors. With this effect, I have quadrupled the size of my city from a viewer's perspective. Even a well-placed small mirror can give a sense of continuance to a scene in your layout.

Originally Posted by Apple & Spud Line:
Originally Posted by clem k:

Hey Larry I think I used the same trestles as you


I cut all mine to fit also, FYI- Ross Switches sells Gargraves compatible rail for the deck. 






This looks really nice.  Have you posted pictures of your layout somewhere on this forum?  I'd like to see more of it.


You have a beautiful layout. Your command of scenerey is outstanding! I learn so much from the photos that you and other talented forum members post.


Larry and Clem:


What is the brand of the trestle piers that you guys bought, modified and used? Where did you get them?


Thank you.

Originally Posted by Randy Harrison:  Thanks so much Randy for your kind words Randy.  I could not have come this far on my layout without you.
Originally Posted by trumptrain:

On Monday my friend Randy came to visit me here in Patsburg. I showed him his namesake mountain .... Mount Randolph.   He brought a mirror that he cut for me ( and gave to me ) for use at the end of  Main Street in the West End of Patsburg.  This mirror really extends Main Street tremendously and make the street look fabulous! Just a little mirror can really add greatly to the square footage of a layout.


In honor of the snow yesterday I ran a plow extra ..... a MTH rotary led the way, followed by a flanger, two diesel locos, a caboose, and a jet powered snow blower.  I ran this on the Mountain Division.  Also ran my Lionel MPC RDC cars on the lower main line.

Sure wish those babies had a horn because they look great!


I worked on Mt. Randolph yesterday.  I added more trees, ground cover, shrubs, and what not.  Had fun doing it!  Making progress and it feels good.


Your layout is really shaping up. The mountain looks great in photos, but, in person, it is breath taking. Your eye for scenery is superb.


Mirrors are a wonderful tool for the model railroader. As you know, I have mirrors meeting at a 90 degree angle on 2 sides of my city scene with streets running into the mirrors. With this effect, I have quadrupled the size of my city from a viewer's perspective. Even a well-placed small mirror can give a sense of continuance to a scene in your layout.


I've been working on rebuilding this DPM modular building I built when I was a kid. I added the foundation, re-did the corners, touched up the paint, and did the weathering. When I originally built it, it was a "racecar factory" and had hot wheels inside.  On my current layout I'm going to mate it with another building which is the reason it has no stairs and the shiny green roof.  Is not going to win any contests but I've had fun practicing some new techniques.  Sorry about the terrible lighting, I have no access to good light in my apartment at night!






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  • dpm1
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Well, this week I worked on wiring.  I run conventional control with relays and buttons for automation.  My original layout only worked when there were two trains.  Last week I figured out how to put in a DPDT switch and override my automation so I can run a single train.  I finally got the switches installed last night.  Each time I modify my wiring, I try to clean up my schematic and the actual wiring a bit more.  I've now come up with numbering and color-coding for each of my CW-80s.  It's still a bit of a rat's nest under the table, but It takes me less and less time to figure out which wire is which.


With the goal of starting limited operations by April or May, it is high time the layout had a working yard that does more than just store trains.

I spent 8 hours today and got the west ladder done, along with the ground throws for 7 of the 8 switches. I also laid out the track for the yard and tinkered with the design for the east end.

This was originally going to be a hump yard, because that's what it is in the real world, but it just wasn't going to fit and be functional.

Tomorrow I'll work on securing the body tracks.

That open spot in the center of the photo will be the engine service facility.

It should hold 50 to 75 cars easy.


That'll keep an operator busy.


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Last edited by Big_Boy_4005
you'll be warm.  I did the same in the garage a while back and raised the temps about 25 degrees with no heat.  foamular is great.  I used double double foil wrapped vapor barrier behind the pink stuff too.  I think I got close to R-13. it aient cheap though!  Originally Posted by Jdevleerjr:
Originally Posted by MichRR714:

I started studding the walls in my new trainroom.  Feels good to be moving along with the project.


Looking good Charlie!  You will be running trains before you know it!


Originally Posted by the mountain man: Thanks for the heads up Mountain Man! I will run a ground from the TMCC unit to the track that runs through the chicken wire tunnel.
be careful  with that chicken wire and command control.
chicken wire mountain = faraday cage
Originally Posted by trumptrain:

Installed some chicken wire so Mt. Randolph can be expanded.  Also added some more scenic material to the existing part of Mt. Randolph. Temporarily placed a backdrop behing Mt. Randolph ... looks pretty darn good too!



I added a shelf to hold my transformer.  It has always been under the layout thinking I was going to use my CAB 2 100% of the time to run my trains.   After seeing my three year old son use the transformer to run his polar express around the Christmas tree this year I  decided he needed transformer control to run trains on Dad's layout.   


I also re-did the track going to the car ferry and changed the ramp up into the ferry so the cars do not have to go up such a steep angle.  





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Busy day today.....redid a section of my layout to accommodate a Grand Central Terminal that should arrive sometime next week.  My recently purchased BNSF Dash 9 started to blink 3 times, indicating a problem with the smoke unit.  Happened a few times before but I was always able to reset the smoke unit.....this time no joy.  Lionel, as usual, was very  receptive to my phone call and issued a RA number for repair.



Originally Posted by Jdevleerjr:

I called Lionel for a RA on my CAB2.  The boost/brake/fwd/rev button isn't working correctly and it applies boost or brake at random when running trains.

Jdevleerjr, Did you try loosening corresponding screw on back of Cab 2.  Lionel advised me that sometimes these screws can be overtightened  and cause that button to stick.  

Just a thought.



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