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Adriatic posted:

I'm sorry, that is the cantilevered pole?

The 3424-77 telltale pole and 3424-78 telltales are plastic;  the 3424-79 telltale rod is steel.

I supposed the tale tails might be plastic, but the pole & rod (?) was my query, sure.

I did look but found others; they were very interesting but not the same. Look for the 2 threads of tell tales (real trains & T.T.s "modded") (tell tails ?) because I planned on showing them for a laugh later.

Got links handy?   


This evening after dinner I got the chance to head to the basement. I had glued to wall together on the pawn shop before dinner and I got the first color on. I did add a second coat but the pics are of the first. I had an extra wall from the Cooter's kit. I added the color to that and I used the paint I made up for the brick walls in the city. I sort of like the look. Not sure what I could get to do something more to sandstone or granite. Plus I am not really sure if I can finish the Pawn Shop with the directions. Especially because it may show how to build the frame for the sign on the roof. Pics...............Paul



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Had to do some running around this morning so all I did so far was take the building and place it on the street corner. With the sidewalk I will be using I am going to have to make a small foundation out of Balsa wood to bring it to sidewalk level so I don't have to cut off the door stoops. They can then rest on the sidewalk. Maybe this afternoon I can work some more on the building but it sure is harder when you don't have a direction sheet. I saw my card was charged at Ross so I am hoping that in the first part of the week my switches will get here and I can go back to laying track again. Pics...................Paul



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paul 2 posted:

Mark, that was funny. I was down working on the layout and I finished what I could do for the time being. And as I walked through the living room the wife asked if I would like to watch the game to which I politely said no LOL. So I picked out my next Downtown Deco building, The Pawn Shop. I got the first coat of color on the plaster. I had a corner section of sidewalk left so I laid it down and found out I had to piece in some road at the corner or I would of had to narrow the road to make the sidewalk work. I placed an order for electrical stuff and hopefully that will come this week. Calling it quits for the night but I'll stay on the computer till the game is over then I can go watch TV LOL. Pics..............Paul 


Man you are getting it done! Kudos to you for making steady progress. Give me some of what you have or can I just go to the store and purchase, lol.

Let me go look in the train room now, maybe I will be motivated to do something. 

paul 2 posted:

Had to do some running around this morning so all I did so far was take the building and place it on the street corner. With the sidewalk I will be using I am going to have to make a small foundation out of Balsa wood to bring it to sidewalk level so I don't have to cut off the door stoops. They can then rest on the sidewalk. Maybe this afternoon I can work some more on the building but it sure is harder when you don't have a direction sheet. I saw my card was charged at Ross so I am hoping that in the first part of the week my switches will get here and I can go back to laying track again. Pics...................Paul


going to look great!

Mark - No sign of a loom yet, but nothing would surprise me anymore. The dining room has already been over run.

Dave - Drop me an email. Saturdays are almost always good. Tuesdays and Thursdays mostly work. I'd love to have your help, get some scenes ready for pics.

Mike - Deserve it or not, no days off for now. Haven't missed a day since October 9th. It's crunch time. When the convention is over, I'll be taking a month long trip. There's a wedding in New Jersey we're going to, and we are going to take our time getting there and cross some states off our bucket list. Back to work! 

Big_Boy_4005 posted:

I'll be taking a month long trip. There's a wedding in New Jersey we're going to, and we are going to take our time getting there and cross some states off our bucket list. Back to work! 

If you stop in the Lehigh Valley or Philly area, let us know! You gotta come see Hennings Trains and the Club Layout!

paul 2 posted:

Had to do some running around this morning so all I did so far was take the building and place it on the street corner. With the sidewalk I will be using I am going to have to make a small foundation out of Balsa wood to bring it to sidewalk level so I don't have to cut off the door stoops. They can then rest on the sidewalk. Maybe this afternoon I can work some more on the building but it sure is harder when you don't have a direction sheet. I saw my card was charged at Ross so I am hoping that in the first part of the week my switches will get here and I can go back to laying track again. Pics...................Paul


It's looking great, Paul!!

AmeenTrainGuy posted:

Here is my first official post on this thread. 

I am currently working on a section of the layout and wanted an asphalt road on it so I experimented with a few different products. Here are the results: 


Tell me what you guys think! 😀

BTW: I still have the road markings to do. Will post when the road markings are done. 

If I get enough likes or maybe comments I will tell you guys the surprising ingredient used for this road! 😉

Ameen 🚂

Looks great!  How about a wider shot of the area? Most of our roads are blacktop here in TN.  Pretty good look you got out of that! 


Big_Boy_4005 posted:
Mill City posted:
Big_Boy_4005 posted:

 The dining room has already been over run.

Hahaha...true, with this stuff...

Image result for styrofoam peanuts

Love you, dearly...

Nah, we have a special room for ghost poop storage. The dining room is for yarn and boxes now.

Ghost poop!    

Bon voyage! 

I tried to find Jason Robards waving goodbye from " A thousand clowns" movie, but it seems boolean searches no longer work ..... All I get is the evil Capt. Spaulding despite quotes or +/-. Isn't tech today soo much better when it does your thinking for you?

th [38)



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AmeenTrainGuy posted:

Here is my first official post on this thread. 

I am currently working on a section of the layout and wanted an asphalt road on it so I experimented with a few different products. Here are the results: 


Tell me what you guys think! 😀

BTW: I still have the road markings to do. Will post when the road markings are done. 

If I get enough likes or maybe comments I will tell you guys the surprising ingredient used for this road! 😉

Ameen 🚂

It looks like dark cement to me (vs light) The inconsistent color; life like.

I want to guess dough, clay, or JB weld/other epoxy.

But don't hold out based on feedback. You may help someone who is not following the thread in the future. One person is worth a post, no?

(...though this thread is not a good place as it is "cleaned" by the powers that be, leaving only what that person(s) deems as important or interesting. Finding that out was the biggest of disappointments for me as the editor seems to have little use for anything toylike. It has had a bigger impact on thoughts of a new "home" than any squabble or anything. Sure lots can be edited out, I just think it went way too far forgetting that adding the non-scale content was instrumental in greatly increasing readers)

Besides running some trains, I finally got the uncoupling track in the yard. One was installed on each of the 6 tracks in the yard, for switching action. 

I will be installing a coaling station (pictures below) soon. I am not sure if I am going to put it in the yard or in the small siding on the other side of the layout. Once that decision is made I can finish ballast and scenic work in the yard.




Images (4)
  • Uncoupling Tracks Installed #1(Yard)
  • Uncoupling Tracks Installed #2 (Yard)
  • Coaling Station #1 (off layout)
  • Coaling Station #2 (off layout)
Last edited by luvindemtrains

Was working on supports for the third level of the layout for the city today with the help of my friend Jeff (Central Terminal Jeff ) and got the two buildings (brewery and Remington arms factory ) primed and ready for brick paint tomorrow. Then sat down tonight and painted the brewery sign and Indian chief head now the letters were all done. Here is a photo of the completed brewery sign.

I also finished up the Woolworth building front except for installing the glass. That sign came out great to. Thanks to help from Dave at Crescent Loco works for a fine job with cutting out the signs.

CSX Al posted:

Was working on supports for the third level of the layout for the city today with the help of my friend Jeff (Central Terminal Jeff ) and got the two buildings (brewery and Remington arms factory ) primed and ready for brick paint tomorrow. Then sat down tonight and painted the brewery sign and Indian chief head now the letters were all done. Here is a photo of the completed brewery sign.

I also finished up the Woolworth building front except for installing the glass. That sign came out great to. Thanks to help from Dave at Crescent Loco works for a fine job with cutting out the signs.

That brewery sign is top notch. 


   After having Brunch with Bob and Mark from the OGR, where I picked up some MTH Terminal Blocks from Bob.  One of which Bob gave me because the prior owner damaged it buy burning up the Positive Red Banana Plug and part of the Terminal Board itself.   I decided to due a little Reconstructive MIT Engineering, and fully Repaired & Replaced the Female Red Banana Plug and Reworked the Board at the head of the Terminal Block.  

It took a little time and skill but the Big Terminal Block now operates like brand spanking new.  Thanks Bob for providing the Engineering challenge, I now have more than enough MTH Terminal Blocks to complete the Train Room layouts, both DCS and Legacy.

Thanks again guys real nice meeting you for brunch, we will do it again I am sure.


Thanks again Mike G for the fantastic DCS HHRC Holder, with the Pine Creek Picture!




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Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad
CSX Al posted:

Was working on supports for the third level of the layout for the city today with the help of my friend Jeff (Central Terminal Jeff ) and got the two buildings (brewery and Remington arms factory ) primed and ready for brick paint tomorrow. Then sat down tonight and painted the brewery sign and Indian chief head now the letters were all done. Here is a photo of the completed brewery sign.

I also finished up the Woolworth building front except for installing the glass. That sign came out great to. Thanks to help from Dave at Crescent Loco works for a fine job with cutting out the signs.

Love the Woolworth sign.

luvindemtrains posted:

Besides running some trains, I finally got the uncoupling track in the yard. One was installed on each of the 6 tracks in the yard, for switching action. 

I will be installing a coaling station (pictures below) soon. I am not sure if I am going to put it in the yard or in the small siding on the other side of the layout. Once that decision is made I can finish ballast and scenic work in the yard.



Looks good Dave!  Wow that is quite the building! You can tell that you have been taking your time with it, cause it looks wonderful! Keep you the great work.

CSX Al posted:

Was working on supports for the third level of the layout for the city today with the help of my friend Jeff (Central Terminal Jeff ) and got the two buildings (brewery and Remington arms factory ) primed and ready for brick paint tomorrow. Then sat down tonight and painted the brewery sign and Indian chief head now the letters were all done. Here is a photo of the completed brewery sign.

I also finished up the Woolworth building front except for installing the glass. That sign came out great to. Thanks to help from Dave at Crescent Loco works for a fine job with cutting out the signs.

Al you work is very impressive! Looks like a custom building one would pay hundreds for! Great detail! Thanks for sharing, please keep it up!

Pine Creek Railroad posted:


   After having Brunch with Bob and Mark from the OGR, where I picked up some MTH Terminal Blocks from Bob.  One of which Bob gave me because the prior owner damaged it buy burning up the Positive Red Banana Plug and part of the Terminal Board itself.   I decided to due a little Reconstructive MIT Engineering, and fully Repaired & Replaced the Female Red Banana Plug and Reworked the Board at the head of the Terminal Block.  

It took a little time and skill but the Big Terminal Block now operates like brand spanking new.  Thanks Bob for providing the Engineering challenge, I now have more than enough MTH Terminal Blocks to complete the Train Room layouts, both DCS and Legacy.

Thanks again guys real nice meeting you for brunch, we will do it again I am sure.


Thanks again Mike G for the fantastic DCS HHRC Holder, with the Pine Creek Picture!



Your more then welcome!

RSJB18 posted:

Finished up a little project. Still furniture shopping so layout time has been slim.

I built a coal bin for my engine yard. Balsa and 1/4" square stock. I stained it with a dark stain and put a black wash over that. Filled in the center with some foam before pouring in the "coal".


2018-02-11 16.46.232018-02-11 16.46.292018-02-24 12.46.382018-02-24 22.01.302018-02-24 22.01.412018-02-24 22.03.242018-02-24 22.03.34

Nice work Bob, its little projects like that, that helps keep this hobby fun and interesting! I think its really cool, keep it up!

mike g. posted:
luvindemtrains posted:

Besides running some trains, I finally got the uncoupling track in the yard. One was installed on each of the 6 tracks in the yard, for switching action. 

I will be installing a coaling station (pictures below) soon. I am not sure if I am going to put it in the yard or in the small siding on the other side of the layout. Once that decision is made I can finish ballast and scenic work in the yard.



Looks good Dave!  Wow that is quite the building! You can tell that you have been taking your time with it, cause it looks wonderful! Keep you the great work.

Thanks Mike! This entire layout has been a huge test of patience, lol.

RSJB18 posted:

Finished up a little project. Still furniture shopping so layout time has been slim.

I built a coal bin for my engine yard. Balsa and 1/4" square stock. I stained it with a dark stain and put a black wash over that. Filled in the center with some foam before pouring in the "coal".


2018-02-24 12.46.38

Looks great!

What do you use that big wood clamp for. Did you really use one of that size on balsa this small?

I used to do woodworking, but I sold my whole woodshop, I kept all the clamps. One day I hope to have a hobby shop (micro sized machines). I am simply curious about the use of that particular clamp.



12 monkeys posted:
RSJB18 posted:

Finished up a little project. Still furniture shopping so layout time has been slim.

I built a coal bin for my engine yard. Balsa and 1/4" square stock. I stained it with a dark stain and put a black wash over that. Filled in the center with some foam before pouring in the "coal".


2018-02-24 12.46.38

Looks great!

What do you use that big wood clamp for. Did you really use one of that size on balsa this small?

I used to do woodworking, but I sold my whole woodshop, I kept all the clamps. One day I hope to have a hobby shop (micro sized machines). I am simply curious about the use of that particular clamp.



Separate project- just repairing some cabinet pulls. They have wooden trims on  brass pull and the wood falls off sometimes. The clamps are holding the wood piece in place till the gorilla glue sets. The bin was assembled with a hot glue gun. Other than the strings from the glue, I like that you don't have to wait for carpenters or white glue to dry.


gandydancer1950 posted:

Basement flooded two weeks ago, (first time ever), no damage to trains or layout but quite the mess. Spent last two weeks cleaning, sanitizing, and drying out. Installing new floor now and will have to lug everything back downstairs.....can't wait to get back to normal20180221_17165320180221_195027

Nice! Sure is great to see things are going to be getting back to normal!~ Nice looking flooring also. Just wondering what you had before? Carpet, of floating floor? No Pun intended.

Bob, nice job on the coal bin. GANDYDANCER1950, great you to hear you can start to lay flooring or carpet. Did you figure out why the basement flooded and were you able to correct the problem so it doesn't happen again. Work on my building this morning . Glued in some cross braces to hold the roof up, cut the plastic to fit for the roof and glued down paper that looks like roofing material. While that is drying I am going to try to figure out from the picture on the box how to make the stand for the roof sign, what the pieces of foil are for. If anybody still has their directions to this Downtown Deco Pawn Shop could you scan them and send it to my email. Any help is appreciated. Couple of pics. Thanks Paul



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trumptrain posted:

Very early this morning 12:48 a.m. I felt this strong yearning to run trains while weathering a freight car .... so I did just that and I had a great time too!!!

That's another great thing about this hobby, you can tend to it at anytime while home. Well most I often times wake up at odd hours of the night and if not anything else, run trains.

So I need more storage yard space for long passenger lines. I thought of cutting a hole into the room nearby. Instead, I decided to remove an under table train cabinet. This way I can place 6 or more 28 foot  long storage spurs under the main layout and tie them into the main layout line.

With passenger lines consisting of 10 or more  21" cars plus ABBAs.  I may have enough length to store those lines.

I plan to create the under table access to look like a  subterranean underground yard with LEDs and a camera to see what happening in the yard. I am going to have to shift wires under the table, too.

AlanRail posted:

So I need more storage yard space for long passenger lines. I thought of cutting a hole into the room nearby. Instead, I decided to remove an under table train cabinet. This way I can place 6 or more 28 foot  long storage spurs under the main layout and tie them into the main layout line.

With passenger lines consisting of 10 or more  21" cars plus ABBAs.  I may have enough length to store those lines.

I plan to create the under table access to look like a  subterranean underground yard with LEDs and a camera to see what happening in the yard. I am going to have to shift wires under the table, too.

Ive figured out I have the same problem.  Plenty of trains, long passenger trains, not enough long spurs to park them........ Will be interested in seeing what you do to solve it! 


Got the roof glued down and foundation and sides painted grey. Going through the box I found I am a door short but don't know if i  misplaced or it was never there. So I got to shop for some Grandt Lines doors. And unless I find some instructions somewhere the rest is most definitely going to be hit or miss with no room for any errors. Pics Paul



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Started installation of the MTH bridge I bought yesterday at Allentown. Also started work on the trolley line that will connect the two villages.  I cut the bottom off of the MTH piers so that it would match the height of the "A" bents on the Lionel 110 trestle set.  Still had to shim a couple of approach bents.  It worked out nicely.  



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Dan Padova posted:

Started installation of the MTH bridge I bought yesterday at Allentown. Also started work on the trolley line that will connect the two villages.  I cut the bottom off of the MTH piers so that it would match the height of the "A" bents on the Lionel 110 trestle set.  Still had to shim a couple of approach bents.  It worked out nicely.  


Looks great,  Dan!

AlanRail posted:

So I need more storage yard space for long passenger lines. I thought of cutting a hole into the room nearby. Instead, I decided to remove an under table train cabinet. This way I can place 6 or more 28 foot  long storage spurs under the main layout and tie them into the main layout line.

With passenger lines consisting of 10 or more  21" cars plus ABBAs.  I may have enough length to store those lines.

I plan to create the under table access to look like a  subterranean underground yard with LEDs and a camera to see what happening in the yard. I am going to have to shift wires under the table, too.

Alan it sounds like an ambitious project.  It will give your layout a big boost in operational capabilities though.


Pine Creek Railroad posted:


   After having Brunch with Bob and Mark from the OGR, where I picked up some MTH Terminal Blocks from Bob.  One of which Bob gave me because the prior owner damaged it buy burning up the Positive Red Banana Plug and part of the Terminal Board itself.   I decided to due a little Reconstructive MIT Engineering, and fully Repaired & Replaced the Female Red Banana Plug and Reworked the Board at the head of the Terminal Block.  

It took a little time and skill but the Big Terminal Block now operates like brand spanking new.  Thanks Bob for providing the Engineering challenge, I now have more than enough MTH Terminal Blocks to complete the Train Room layouts, both DCS and Legacy.

Thanks again guys real nice meeting you for brunch, we will do it again I am sure.


Thanks again Mike G for the fantastic DCS HHRC Holder, with the Pine Creek Picture!



I'm glad you got the terminal block functional again Dave, and the remote holder looks great.  Yes, that was a very nice brunch with you and Bob!!

Chugman posted:
AlanRail posted:

So I need more storage yard space for long passenger lines. I thought of cutting a hole into the room nearby. Instead, I decided to remove an under table train cabinet. This way I can place 6 or more 28 foot  long storage spurs under the main layout and tie them into the main layout line.

With passenger lines consisting of 10 or more  21" cars plus ABBAs.  I may have enough length to store those lines.

I plan to create the under table access to look like a  subterranean underground yard with LEDs and a camera to see what happening in the yard. I am going to have to shift wires under the table, too.

Alan it sounds like an ambitious project.  It will give your layout a big boost in operational capabilities though.


Alan, Ditto to what Art said!  Please keep us posted!

RSJB18 posted:

Finished up a little project. Still furniture shopping so layout time has been slim.

I built a coal bin for my engine yard. Balsa and 1/4" square stock. I stained it with a dark stain and put a black wash over that. Filled in the center with some foam before pouring in the "coal".

Bob2018-02-24 22.01.41

I think it is the small details that people place on their layouts that add the biggest interest, and this is a perfect example. Great job, Bob.

RSJB18 posted:

Mark, Paul, Paul, Mike, 12 Monkeys- thanks for the compliments on the coal bin. It was a fun little project. 

Now I'm on to a new problem. The GP-9 I just picked up doesn't run. Looks like it may need new brushes. Still cleaning and fiddling. 

Yes Mark- spring will be here soon.


SPRING! Hell Bob and Mark I cant wait to have summer, let alone spring! I have a train room to build and nice weather would make it easier! LOL

mike g. posted:
gandydancer1950 posted:

Basement flooded two weeks ago, (first time ever), no damage to trains or layout but quite the mess. Spent last two weeks cleaning, sanitizing, and drying out. Installing new floor now and will have to lug everything back downstairs.....can't wait to get back to normal20180221_17165320180221_195027

Nice! Sure is great to see things are going to be getting back to normal!~ Nice looking flooring also. Just wondering what you had before? Carpet, of floating floor? No Pun intended.

carpet and padding. Never do that again!

Jeff (Centeral Terminal Jeff on forum) and I finished the city level (3rd Level) of layout today. Who knew that you could spend two days cutting plywood and screwing it down.

A lot of contours on edges to make transitions between 2nd & 3rd levels more interesting.

Now I have somewhere to put all the kits I have been building.

Here are a few shots from today

mike g. posted:
RSJB18 posted:

Mark, Paul, Paul, Mike, 12 Monkeys- thanks for the compliments on the coal bin. It was a fun little project. 

Now I'm on to a new problem. The GP-9 I just picked up doesn't run. Looks like it may need new brushes. Still cleaning and fiddling. 

Yes Mark- spring will be here soon.


SPRING! Hell Bob and Mark I cant wait to have summer, let alone spring! I have a train room to build and nice weather would make it easier! LOL

Better get with it Mike!  Pretty soon it will be too hot!  Well maybe here !!!   Can't wait to see what you come up with!  


carsntrains posted:
mike g. posted:
RSJB18 posted:

Mark, Paul, Paul, Mike, 12 Monkeys- thanks for the compliments on the coal bin. It was a fun little project. 

Now I'm on to a new problem. The GP-9 I just picked up doesn't run. Looks like it may need new brushes. Still cleaning and fiddling. 

Yes Mark- spring will be here soon.


SPRING! Hell Bob and Mark I cant wait to have summer, let alone spring! I have a train room to build and nice weather would make it easier! LOL

Better get with it Mike!  Pretty soon it will be too hot!  Well maybe here !!!   Can't wait to see what you come up with!  


Jim, I love the heat, when we moved from AZ all I do is freeze. So when summer comes I feel a lot better and can get a lot more done! I want to get the whole building up and bench work before fall so I can work inside when its cold! LOL

 Here is my future layout plan, I hope to add an elevated line that joins the main level.



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gandydancer1950 posted:
mike g. posted:
gandydancer1950 posted:

Basement flooded two weeks ago, (first time ever), no damage to trains or layout but quite the mess. Spent last two weeks cleaning, sanitizing, and drying out. Installing new floor now and will have to lug everything back downstairs.....can't wait to get back to normal20180221_171653

Nice! Sure is great to see things are going to be getting back to normal!~ Nice looking flooring also. Just wondering what you had before? Carpet, of floating floor? No Pun intended.

carpet and padding. Never do that again!

My sincere sympathies. Been there... done that... got the high water marks on the walls to prove it. Luckily, I didn't have a layout when it happened, and few trains were stored in the basement at the time. The only real train damage was the box to my Hellgate Bridge (the recent version), though there was no damage to the bridge itself, and my original early 1960's 637 where the wheels were under water and are now rusted - all in all, not too bad, but I would never wish ANY flooded basement on anyone.

mike g. posted:
carsntrains posted:
mike g. posted:
RSJB18 posted:

Mark, Paul, Paul, Mike, 12 Monkeys- thanks for the compliments on the coal bin. It was a fun little project. 

Now I'm on to a new problem. The GP-9 I just picked up doesn't run. Looks like it may need new brushes. Still cleaning and fiddling. 

Yes Mark- spring will be here soon.


SPRING! Hell Bob and Mark I cant wait to have summer, let alone spring! I have a train room to build and nice weather would make it easier! LOL

Better get with it Mike!  Pretty soon it will be too hot!  Well maybe here !!!   Can't wait to see what you come up with!  


Jim, I love the heat, when we moved from AZ all I do is freeze. So when summer comes I feel a lot better and can get a lot more done! I want to get the whole building up and bench work before fall so I can work inside when its cold! LOL

 Here is my future layout plan, I hope to add an elevated line that joins the main level.


NICE!   I'm from MI and moved to TN in 1995.  So I don't mind the heat too much either.   As long as I have a fan or something running on the jobsite.  I think Ive gotten the OK to remove that  4 x 4 bump out in the train room!  WOOOO HOOOO   Now THAT will make a huge difference!  Then my "parking" problem may be over!!!   20180210_195619

Jim : ) 


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  • 20180210_195619
Apples55 posted:
gandydancer1950 posted:
mike g. posted:
gandydancer1950 posted:

Basement flooded two weeks ago, (first time ever), no damage to trains or layout but quite the mess. Spent last two weeks cleaning, sanitizing, and drying out. Installing new floor now and will have to lug everything back downstairs.....can't wait to get back to normal20180221_171653

Nice! Sure is great to see things are going to be getting back to normal!~ Nice looking flooring also. Just wondering what you had before? Carpet, of floating floor? No Pun intended.

carpet and padding. Never do that again!

My sincere sympathies. Been there... done that... got the high water marks on the walls to prove it. Luckily, I didn't have a layout when it happened, and few trains were stored in the basement at the time. The only real train damage was the box to my Hellgate Bridge (the recent version), though there was no damage to the bridge itself, and my original early 1960's 637 where the wheels were under water and are now rusted - all in all, not too bad, but I would never wish ANY flooded basement on anyone.

Amen to that. Never had water in the basement in all 25 years that I've lived here. Just goes to show ....never know when disaster will strike! But I feel very fortunate.....could have been a lot worse.

Did a little more this evening and thanks to Jeff C who emailed me pages of instructions I can now do it right. I had been looking at the picture on the box to figure out the frame of the roof sign but once I printed the directions I found I had lucked out and did it right. This evening I painted  the chimney, cut out the paper inserts for the front window and door. And have the first part of the roof sign frame glued. I'll let that dry overnight. Although after reading the directions I may have messed up the awning. Tomorrow I'll have to see if I can fix my mistake. Pics.............Paul



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paul 2 posted:

Did a little more this evening and thanks to Jeff C who emailed me pages of instructions I can now do it right. I had been looking at the picture on the box to figure out the frame of the roof sign but once I printed the directions I found I had lucked out and did it right. This evening I painted  the chimney, cut out the paper inserts for the front window and door. And have the first part of the roof sign frame glued. I'll let that dry overnight. Although after reading the directions I may have messed up the awning. Tomorrow I'll have to see if I can fix my mistake. Pics.............Paul


Somewhere in America there's a wife saying- "I told you to read the directions first"

The building looks good Paul. Glad someone had the directions. That's what makes this forum so great.


Dan Padova posted:

Started installation of the MTH bridge I bought yesterday at Allentown. Also started work on the trolley line that will connect the two villages.  I cut the bottom off of the MTH piers so that it would match the height of the "A" bents on the Lionel 110 trestle set.  Still had to shim a couple of approach bents.  It worked out nicely.  


Lookin' good Dan. The bridge looks sharp.

Who made the WM Geep?


Paul, good job! It sure is nice to have people like Jeff C on the forum!

Lee, Great pictures! I really like the dirty footprint on the running board, The sailor with the duffel bag! You have a wonderful way of bring your layout to life! Oh darn I don't want to forget the cow! I hope no one tips it over at night! LOL

Another wonderful picture Brian! I love you how you match your engines up with the real ones!

Bob, he just calls the RR and tells them what he needs! I think they screwed up the wrong engine numbers! Brian would never do that! LOL

mike g. posted:

Paul, good job! It sure is nice to have people like Jeff C on the forum!

Lee, Great pictures! I really like the dirty footprint on the running board, The sailor with the duffel bag! You have a wonderful way of bring your layout to life! Oh darn I don't want to forget the cow! I hope no one tips it over at night! LOL

Another wonderful picture Brian! I love you how you match your engines up with the real ones!

Bob, he just calls the RR and tells them what he needs! I think they screwed up the wrong engine numbers! Brian would never do that! LOL

So true!!

Bob, you are right. This forum is the best. All you have to do is ask and you can get an answer. And Bob, before the wife chimes in to say did you read the directions you have to make sure when you open something to look at it you put it all back in the box. Then as in my case I am not scratching my head saying where did I put those directions years ago. My train forum going.......Paul

paul 2 posted:

Bob, you are right. This forum is the best. All you have to do is ask and you can get an answer. And Bob, before the wife chimes in to say did you read the directions you have to make sure when you open something to look at it you put it all back in the box. Then as in my case I am not scratching my head saying where did I put those directions years ago. My train forum going.......Paul

So true.....been there done that way too many times. You'd think I'd learn by now.

RSJB18 posted:
Dan Padova posted:

Started installation of the MTH bridge I bought yesterday at Allentown. Also started work on the trolley line that will connect the two villages.  I cut the bottom off of the MTH piers so that it would match the height of the "A" bents on the Lionel 110 trestle set.  Still had to shim a couple of approach bents.  It worked out nicely.  


Lookin' good Dan. The bridge looks sharp.

Who made the WM Geep?


The WM geep is a lionel product.  It was part of a set.  I purchased the loco alone about a year ago.  I believe there was some discussion about the set it came from.  

By the way, that upper track, that will be for a trolley, now has supports under it, making it look a bit more substantial.  

Last edited by Former Member
Adriatic posted:
CSX Al posted:




    You know what?; I don't think I can recall a more jovial look on anyone's face ever on a train forum. That is a keeper for sure. 

Was the photographer naked or something? 

CSX Al, are you trying to build height like Big Boy 4005 layout pun intened! so what goes on that plywood or is that your personal railfan park!

RSJB18 posted:

Thanks Dan. I seem to be gravitating toward Northeast/ mid-Atlantic railroads and since I have a WM BL-2 already the Geep would be a nice addition.


While I am a Pennsy fan, I have always admired the Western Maryland paint schemes, along with the New York Central, as minimalist as it is.  I like the Chessie logo, but not crazy about yellow. 

Didn't get to the layout yet. The weather here turned nice and I had to get into the yard to rack up the leaves from last year and get them ready for garbage pickup. But for the last number of years I started a policy of if there is precipitation during the day it is a layout day. Work out real well last year. So with the yard out of the way I can go back to working on the Pawn Shop. In another day or so I should have my switches and I can get back to laying track. This afternoon I got another set of Weaver trucks from The B. Placed an order with Scenic express and that should get here in a day or two. That has the door so I can finish the back of the Pawn Shop. After dinner it will feel good to do what I like best. Got to Michael's today to pick up wire that wasn't in the box. Of course that is probably with the missing directions. Someday when I'm old and grey I'll come across all the missing things. Anyways Layout time shortly................Paul

Lee, once again great pics.................

Paul, thanks very much!

Lee, Excellent photographs!

Thanks, much, Mark!

Lee, Great pictures! I really like the dirty footprint on the running board, The sailor with the duffel bag! You have a wonderful way of bring your layout to life! Oh darn I don't want to forget the cow! I hope no one tips it over at night! LOL

Mike, I should have known an old red leg such as yourself would have noticed the wear at the door of the CCKW (the GMC 2.5-ton truck; wheeled vehicles didn't carry an 'M' class designation then and 'deuce and a half' wasn't a name for them until the 1960s). Frankly, the military vehicles are the easiest to model for me as I've spent so much time around them (both modern from my active duty time, and the WW2 stuff from all the vehicle shows I've gone to). I know where to weather and what would be worn in the right amounts.

As for the cow, I loved creating that field; it was an afterthought but it's now one of the primary scenes that non-train-fan types notice when they see my layout for the first time; second only to the corn field. It's because, I'm sure, that your average person doesn't know if my trains are correct, but most people have seen a cow pasture or corn field in their lifetime.

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