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Chris, beautiful job on your building. I to like the down spouts. Where did you get the HVAC?

I did some more work on the sawmill pond & complex.

I added some wood chip debris around the log dump and glued in place with artist gloss medium. I also add around the pond surface, since there would be a lot of debris (hunks of bark etc.) floating around the pond.

After the gloss medium dried

I cut logs in half for the pond surface and hot glued them down, then coated them all with gloss medium, since they would be wet from rolling around the pond.  I also added gloss medium to the surface of the jack slip and the logs on the jack slip.

Then after everything dried I did the Envirotech lite pour. (Actually two pours 16oz each, totaling 32oz. )

And now I wait with it covered, to protect it from dust for a day until it sets up.




CSX AL, The mill and the pond are just wonderful! Reminds me of some old ones we had around here. there use to be a set of tracks that went along the canal and the steal ramps that the logs would roll down are still in place! Great work Al!

Bob, my nearest train store is about a 2 hour drive! LOL

Pail 2, Nice job on the water! I would have never thought of putting water on the wall! Way to think out of the box!

Chris A. Your work is just AMAZING! Your building looks so real its hard to believe it's a model for a train layout! All I can say is GREAT WORK Chris!

carsntrains posted:
paul 2 posted:

All I did this morning was do a small experiment. On the backdrop where I started painting in the river I decided to try and apply a very thin amount of realistic water over the river color. I brushed on just enough to give it a water look. Would of taken a pick but somehow I have misplaced my camera so now I have to figure out where I put it....Paul

Paul thats the story of my work time.   More time looking for stuff than working lol

Lee those army dudes turned out really well! Did I miss what you planned to do with them?  

Al cant wait to see the log pond when its finished.  Some very fine modeling there!

Myself I spent all evening fooling with the spurs for the US power and Vetters building! Aint happy with with it really.   No room for my feed store.



 Jim Thanks I was just showing them to John to see what he thought and maybe give me some pointers on what I need to do to make them look better they are 1/72 to scale not O gauge I’ll might make a small dio but I’m not planning on doing it anymore in 1/72 to Scale it is way too

Paul, Chris, Al!!!   You guys are killing me!!!    I tried and tried to glue the roof on that the UPS folks broke off my Vetter's building and cant even get it to stick with a hot glue gun!  Looked down in the building and it looks like somebody over in China emptied their glue gun in it!!!     You guys  are doing tremendous work!  

Mike G I hope you are getting some work done!  

I'm going to take some pictures of the spurs and see what yall think.  May try to video but I have a hard time posting them here.  


CSX Al posted:

Chris, beautiful job on your building. I to like the down spouts. Where did you get the HVAC?

I did some more work on the sawmill pond & complex.

I added some wood chip debris around the log dump and glued in place with artist gloss medium. I also add around the pond surface, since there would be a lot of debris (hunks of bark etc.) floating around the pond.

After the gloss medium dried

I cut logs in half for the pond surface and hot glued them down, then coated them all with gloss medium, since they would be wet from rolling around the pond.  I also added gloss medium to the surface of the jack slip and the logs on the jack slip.

Then after everything dried I did the Envirotech lite pour. (Actually two pours 16oz each, totaling 32oz. )

And now I wait with it covered, to protect it from dust for a day until it sets up.




Al.   Those logs and water are very  convincing and a very outstanding job!

So guys, you ever have a day when you wish you would have just stayed in bed!  Well today is that day for me!

First thing this morning the wife calls me to tell me someone drove off with the nozzle from one of our fuel pumps at the store! So I had to run down there to check it our make sure no leaks and put a new nozzle on.

Then I go to pick up the dump trailer a friend was loaning me to get the wife's topsoil. I had to spend 2 hours there to get everything working on the trailer!

Went and got the topsoil for the wife and things were looking good, got that done and was able to go to the train room to put down the 054 curves I got from train world. Man track went down so smooth and I was very happy. So I decided to do a test run and that's where I wish I was in bed again!

The ES44AC would enter the first part of the curve and lift the wheels on the car behind it but would come back down fast and in about 6 inches it was turning the other way and did it again enough to move the front of the car off and short! I pulled the short KD couplers out and put the longest ones I have in and it still happens! What a day! Here are a few pictures for you all so maybe someone can come up with a better idea then mine!20190301_14142120190301_14143120190301_15093420190301_151023


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Thanks to all for the likes and positive comments on the factory.  

Al,  I make the exterior duct work from scratch on the table saw.   I started making it on another building about a year ago, and it came out pretty good.     

I use poplar, it's stable, the grain doesn't show and it's strong,   I chamfer the corners, then on this building I rounded the 90 degree corners on the belt sander laying on its side on the work bench.  The joints are small plastruct sticks adhered with CA gel.   

After playing around with different sizes,  I finally arrived at 9/16" wide x 3/8" deep cross section for the main trunk lines,  the branch lines are smaller by about 1/16" to 1/8 " in each direction. 


Steamfan77 posted:
RSJB18 posted:
mike g. posted:

Dave, Thanks, I do have a bunch of the power supplies you showed as I too like you don't throw anything out! I will have to check later today after the honey do list is completed, Thanks for the information!

LEE D. Nice job on the figures and the gun! The build for the Nations cars sure looks like a neat project! Please let us know when your done!

CSX AL, The mill pond looks wonderful! That whole area is really going to a lot of life to your layout! Nice work!

Today, I have to go get the wife some topsoil for her garden, then I hope to have time to put down some 054 curves I got yesterday from Train World to pretty much finish all the track on the upper level! Then it will be back to the tortious switch machines! LOL

Gee Mike- Trainworld is just a 10 minute car trip away for me....

Don’t rub it in Bob! 😄



Sorry Mike couldn't resist. 

mike g. posted:

So guys, you ever have a day when you wish you would have just stayed in bed!  Well today is that day for me!

First thing this morning the wife calls me to tell me someone drove off with the nozzle from one of our fuel pumps at the store! So I had to run down there to check it our make sure no leaks and put a new nozzle on.

Then I go to pick up the dump trailer a friend was loaning me to get the wife's topsoil. I had to spend 2 hours there to get everything working on the trailer!

Went and got the topsoil for the wife and things were looking good, got that done and was able to go to the train room to put down the 054 curves I got from train world. Man track went down so smooth and I was very happy. So I decided to do a test run and that's where I wish I was in bed again!

The ES44AC would enter the first part of the curve and lift the wheels on the car behind it but would come back down fast and in about 6 inches it was turning the other way and did it again enough to move the front of the car off and short! I pulled the short KD couplers out and put the longest ones I have in and it still happens! What a day! Here are a few pictures for you all so maybe someone can come up with a better idea then mine!20190301_14142120190301_14143120190301_15093420190301_151023

Mike that is rather odd.   I don't have anything that tight on my layout.  O60 minimum.   But sounds like what I had happening with my Menards boxcars ..  But I think I know what was up with them. The couplers are too tight!  If you lift one up it picks up the cars at both ends!  Never had a problem running them on O60 but then I switched them to the outside loop that is O72 minimum.   Every time the train made a loop a car would derail..  Pushed down on all the couplers and no more problems??   ODD.   I hope you get them fixed!!!    


OK here are a few pictures guys!   Ive been slacking on pictures so I figured I'd show my mess!   BEARS!!!! 


This is the hill I'm fixing to work on. Still plotting a bit.   The big rock is just there to try to get the lump out of the piece of foam.  


The spurs Ive been working on.  I've ran into two problems.  There is now no room for my feed store.   And I cant reach the switch that brings the passenger trains back onto the main line ..   It is behind the Vetter's building!  52947246_2021562841482860_8663785631236751360_n

Just a picture of my station and the platforms behind it.  52599295_298903494141194_5545393633491943424_n

This is the switch that I cant reach.   I already had an accident and broke the stand off of it before I got it installed.  The fuzzy stuff is insulation falling out of the ceiling.  Still trying to get my brother to come over and look over our electircal work ...


Took these pictures with my tablet.   The camera aint great lol  



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Hi Jim, I'll work a little more on the couplers tomorrow and see if I can shave enough off the sides of the Kd's, I did that on a few other cars on my old layout. I really don't want to have to go back to the drawing board and make my return loops 072! But if that is the fix better to find out now!

carsntrains posted:

OK here are a few pictures guys!   Ive been slacking on pictures so I figured I'd show my mess!   BEARS!!!! 


This is the hill I'm fixing to work on. Still plotting a bit.   The big rock is just there to try to get the lump out of the piece of foam.  


The spurs Ive been working on.  I've ran into two problems.  There is now no room for my feed store.   And I cant reach the switch that brings the passenger trains back onto the main line ..   It is behind the Vetter's building!  52947246_2021562841482860_8663785631236751360_n

Just a picture of my station and the platforms behind it.  52599295_298903494141194_5545393633491943424_n

This is the switch that I cant reach.   I already had an accident and broke the stand off of it before I got it installed.  The fuzzy stuff is insulation falling out of the ceiling.  Still trying to get my brother to come over and look over our electircal work ...


Took these pictures with my tablet.   The camera aint great lol  


Looking good Jim! I really like that vetter building! I have to wait to see how much room I will have when done laying track, if I ever get there! LOL

Jim,   The area pictured is progressing nicely !.   If you are going to, or need to, make any road or sidewalk surfaces directly on the rigid pink styrene insulation board, try rolling a wire wheel over it before you paint it.    It makes thousands of tiny pin holes in the insulation board which end up making a great simulated concrete, or black top road with some weathering.   I discovered this years ago, then forgot it, till I got out some old concrete retaining walls my son and I made 10 years ago and it had this great texture on it.... Then the light bulb went on and I remembered what  we did....   The two photos below are roads made directly on rigid pink insulation board. 

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John- that sucks. Lionel is trying really hard to drive their customer base away. Return it and ask for a full replacement or a refund.

Mike- sorry you had a rough day. Sounds like you managed though. Sounds like the couplers are binding. See if they can be loosened up at all. Did you try several different cars to see if it is a problem with all of them?

CSX Al- the mill pond looks great. Beautiful work.

Jim- Watch those bears- they can get into everything . The layout is looking good. If you can't reach the switch then try adding a extension rod under the table to the front of the layout. Many guys have done them using stiff wire from below the board.

Mitch- Have fun at the show.

Lee- Wow 24 hours unplugged? My son can't go 24 seconds unplugged

It's actually snowing here today. Woke up to about 3" when we were supposed to get a slushy inch. Winter's not over just yet.


Last edited by RSJB18

Chris A. that is a great tip on the roads! Thanks from all of us here on the forum for all the great information you share!

Mitch, I bet the kids just loved your trains along with Fortescue! Nice job!

John, I am with Bob! Return for full Refund!

Bob, Thanks! I am getting ready to go out as soon as I finish here to try some other cars! If it still happens I will just redesign that area into 072. I know it will take up more space, but I want the trains to run smooth and look good at the same time!

Not started on the layout yet, still negotiating "trackage rights" in the 30' x 30' space ….and fixing up the house.

But I got train fever and had to bust out some track & test-run my new-used Kline TM, ran great.IMG_0016 [3)

      While exploring the neighborhood I found an adjacent old ROW.  A nearby logger told me it was named the Buffalo Valley RR and

it went bust before they could lay track in the 1800's.  


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Started work on a custom hopper. This will be my first attempt at decals since I was a little kid building car & airplane kits(!). 

I started out with this Lionel N&W 3 bay center flow hopper. I chose this for my guinea pig because it's a decent looking hopper and there's plenty of them available and usually cheap so, if I were to ruin this one it wouldn't be any great loss. 


First step was to remove all the lettering.  I experimented with different ways of removing the lettering and found that really fine sandpaper (320) works really well. I experimented with other ways that left the hopper looking worse for wear so I ended up re-painting it.  I lucked out in that I found a nice light grey primer at the store that is an almost perfect match most light grey colored hoppers. 


Stay tuned. 



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Finished swapping out the rolling stock and locos. I recently picked up some nice WM cars from Forum member Charlie Powell @cpowell Thanks Charlie! They are all very nice. Unfortunately the trailer doesn't clear my upper level so the trailer will have to sit on the side till I find something else to load on the flat car. The tractor was a nice bonus!

I also bought a LIRR Tanker that I haven't put out yet.

Bob2019-03-02 17.21.182019-03-02 17.21.302019-03-02 17.22.062019-03-02 17.22.20


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2019-03-02 15.52.21

I went downstairs intending to work on a scratch-built background building and instead ran my Atlas O USRA 0-6-0 steam locomotive CNJ #107. It threw a traction tire after about twenty minutes and I spent the rest of the afternoon finding the spare tire and installing it. I enjoy running this locomotive. It has excellent detail, great steam sounds and runs well on O-54. Broken traction tire in front of locomotive...




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Ralph M posted:

Started work on a custom hopper. This will be my first attempt at decals since I was a little kid building car & airplane kits(!). 

I started out with this Lionel N&W 3 bay center flow hopper. I chose this for my guinea pig because it's a decent looking hopper and there's plenty of them available and usually cheap so, if I were to ruin this one it wouldn't be any great loss. 


First step was to remove all the lettering.  I experimented with different ways of removing the lettering and found that really fine sandpaper (320) works really well. I experimented with other ways that left the hopper looking worse for wear so I ended up re-painting it.  I lucked out in that I found a nice light grey primer at the store that is an almost perfect match most light grey colored hoppers. 


Stay tuned. 



 The decal removal looks good so far I really enjoy Decaling and custom work looks like you’re off to a good start don’t sweat it  I think you’ll do just fine 

RSJB18 posted:

Finished swapping out the rolling stock and locos. I recently picked up some nice WM cars from Forum member Charlie Powell @cpowell Thanks Charlie! They are all very nice. Unfortunately the trailer doesn't clear my upper level so the trailer will have to sit on the side till I find something else to load on the flat car. The tractor was a nice bonus!

I also bought a LIRR Tanker that I haven't put out yet.

Bob2019-03-02 17.21.182019-03-02 17.21.302019-03-02 17.22.062019-03-02 17.22.20

Bob I like out locomotive who makes that?  Charlie offered that stuff to me but my email kept messing up I guess he didn’t get the message that I was going to pass on it. I have to go to my sever and  see what’s going on. Anyway that stuff looks nice I really like it locomotive if you talk to Charlie tell him I’m sorry I didn’t get back with him due to my email breakdown 

5D2B686F-1F11-4218-ACC9-BF16B16D2E82BCA5AB45-70B5-4965-A2CD-E1C887E31608B60B86E8-F67B-4CE9-B9F3-E498259A7F83I was going to laydown some ballast today but the garage was very cold so I grab the rest of my all nations box cars and brought them inside then I decided to try to finish up this old Mack H67  I bought from dan models in Romania I still have the details to paint.  I added some Don Mills wheels and also a Detail West HO scale locomotive airhorn here’s what I have so far.


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Patrick, looks like a fun night!

Ralph, looking good! I hope the paint and decals go just as good!

NSRAILFAN, Wonderful job!

Bob, you sure picked up some nice looking cars there! I don't know if its my server or not but your video kept stopping then starting again!

Chris A. You are so right, the extra work you put in really has paid off! Amazing work and it looks wonderful on your layout

LEE D, You sure like those old Mack truck! One thing is for sure you sure do a great job on them! Your doing a nice job on the figure also!

NSRailfan100 posted:

Well Mark,

i finally bit the bullet and weathered the SD70Ace I bought from you a while back! Personally I think it turned out great.


I agree, it looks great!  I’m glad it has a great home!!

I am two days behind again.  I had a lot of errands, visiting my parents, mother-in-law’s birthday, two doctors appointments for me, but I did get a few minutes here and there to put down cork roadbed, smooth it out, and fit track pieces.  I’ll get some photographs tomorrow I hope.  I did try out a new Scale Railking PS3 AS-616 in my favorite road name that I got a great price on.



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MikeG.  Thanks I can’t help it I love those old Mack’s  my dad drove a Mack H67 like the one I’m building  but it was blue he also drove several other kind of Macks I just love those old East Coast trucks specially the ones that are built in Allentown Pennsylvania if you know what I mean 😉

Mark.  That’s a nice looking engine 

Last edited by lee drennen

Well guys I did what Bob suggested, I went out this morning and ran a few more cars behind my ES44AC threw the 054 switches and curves. Did not bid well, all the cars I tried lifted when entering the switch and once again when entering the first curve back the other way! Lesson well learned!

So I did what any good Model Rail Road builder would do! I tore it out! LOL20190302_12430020190302_12430420190302_124310                                          I rand the same engine threw a 072 switch and had no problem, so the plan is to put in 2 072 reverse loops in place of the 054! I also packed up most of the cars I had on the layout while I do this! 

Yesterday MR. Brown brought a package for me so I moved my attention to putting down more cork in anticipation of my order of switches and 072 curves. I figure always have to keep moving forward! I dropped one of my yard  legs so I could have room to put a road in front of the Train Station and some parking!20190302_15405820190302_154105


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Have spent the last few days completing my cityscape using some purchased flats and ones I printed off the internet.   I printed flats in O, S, HO and N scale with the goal of producing a forced perspective.  I don’t know how well I met my objective, but at least it is better than the blank wall that stood before.  The wall pictures will remain and have to be my “stand-ins” for clouds.  The next task will be to add some loading platforms and steps to the industrial buildings along the yard tracks. 


Also found time to paint the steam cab awnings which will be weathered with the engines in a distant future.


Another job is to reinstall my TIU (had it upgraded to 6.1) & WiFi system so I can get back to running some trains on my iPad.

It's been wonderful reading and viewing all the activity and project posts - Great Stuff!   However, it’s a full-time job trying to keep up and I’m retired.   How do you Worker-Bees do it?????

Cheers to all, Dave


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Last edited by darlander
mike g. posted:

Well guys I did what Bob suggested, I went out this morning and ran a few more cars behind my ES44AC threw the 054 switches and curves. Did not bid well, all the cars I tried lifted when entering the switch and once again when entering the first curve back the other way! Lesson well learned!

So I did what any good Model Rail Road builder would do! I tore it out! LOL20190302_124300     

Mike, I know how you feel, but this is the time to get it right!!!  Good move!  Cheers,  Dave

Finally! I have something to report:

1) After being botched up by my Mexican bank, my Social Security began this month. And that means--MORE TRAINS! I mean, What do you guys do with your Social Security?

2) I have made a final decision: no more Bachman HO trains. They do run, but I have two different German HO sets that are so far superior that it is ridiculous. Unfortunately, the two German trains do not have knuckle couplers, and I had previously decided that I will only buy HOs with knuckle couplers.

3) I took down one of my four rail lines to make room for more N scale trains. The Bachman N scale that I have runs great, and I am willing to add another one.

Steve, Mike, Dave thanks for your positive comments.  Until a couple of years ago, my model building skills weren't really all that developed.... with the major roto cuff shoulder surgery this past summer I have had lots of time on my hands to "keep busy".   

So I am living proof that if you stick to it and keep trying to improve, it's pretty good bet you'll get a lot better at these modeling projects.   For me, if I am not really earnestly trying to constantly improve, on each new project, it doesn't feel right....   Got too much of the perfectionist gene, and not enough of the patience gene...   

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Big Curves make happy trains.  My minimum O-72 curve was my best decision.  I bought four more Atlas O O-72 switches from MB Klein, 2 left, 2 right.  I was surprised that had them.  Now they don't.

I did not pre-order 18 of the 21" passenger cars I planned to get.  Quality of what I am receiving is very poor. Returned my last six engines to dealers or am waiting for parts.  I did pre-order the Santa Fe nine cars and four UP Excursion and Challenger21" passenger cars.

Painting people is no longer necessary.  I have fourteen boxes done.

Time to press down on the clutch and change gears.  Going up.  Upper level needs to be finished.

Sincerely, John Rowlen


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Another busy Saturday WOW!

Chris A- the factory looks great. Bravo Sir . The details you added make it look like its been around forever. Fits perfectly on the layout too.
Darlander Dave- another great group of buildings. I think you achieved what you were going for. Once you detail the front and have some trains parked there it will be fine.
Mike G- sorry about the rip out but a least you found the problem now. Goes to show that it's important to test track as you go. Cork looks good too.
Mark- nice WM loco.
Lee- Thanks- The WM GP-7 is a Lionel Legacy model that I bought from Mark last year. It's a very nice engine, now I need to pick up a Legacy system so I can play with all the cool features. Nice trucks you're working on too.
John- if it wasn't for bad luck you'd have none at all. Good move to change gears and do some track work.
Mitch- I'm sure a good time was had by all!
Ralph M- The hopper looks good so far.
Mel- sorry about the hiccup in operations. At least you found the tire and got the loco running again.

WHEW I think I got everyone.


Last edited by RSJB18

Chris A.  Every angle you take the pictures from the building still looks great! Nice attention to detail and placement on the layout!

Joh, Thanks for sharing pictures of your layout! Very Nice! I am sorry you didn't get the cars you wanted but with all the past problems I don't blame you for not ordering!

Bob, Great job on the list! I know sometimes I will be gone for a day and from all the stuff I fallow on the forum I will have over 100 emails from here! LOL

No train work for me today, Grandma and I are going to stay the night with the grandkids!

I hope everyone has a great Sunday and have lots of fun on there projects! Don't forget to take time out to run some trains!

Mike glad you decided to make that change! I still don't get why there was trouble with the O54 curves and turnout. But I'm sure the O72 stuff will fix it! 

Al those are cool buildings! Must be a huge layout to have room for all that stuff! 

thinking about ordering a Lionel coal tower. Can't run steam with no coal. And maybe a few more cows!!! 😊


Mike g, I am with Jim. Did you try any other engines with the cars to see if the same thing happened. But in any case you made the right move to use 0-72 switches. Each day the layout is looking better.

Chris a, super job of the building and you created a great scene with the other buildings. 

CSX Al, you never cease to amaze. The Sawmill scene will be a head turner. Great job on the pond and buildings.

Now if I could just get the three of you to move next door to me I could get my layout done and looking good with the three of you doing it for me. Of course I would offer beer but only after the layout was completed. LOL

Between Friday and Saturday I didn't have much time for the layout. I had to set up at the train show Friday night and then spent Saturday trying to sell stuff. No luck on that came back home with what I brought but it was still a great day. It was a good show and a lot of families attended with small children ( future engineers ). Friday afteroon I got another Weaver TOFC from Beth at Public Delivery Track and on the layout I managed to get the culvert glued into place. Had a couple of scraps of plaster wrap to fill in the gap at the back of the culvert. This morning After changing the back of the river on the backdrop I applied Realistic water to the new area where I painted more green so that is done. I think one more day all the water will be clear in the bottom gorge and I can go about adding white water effects. Pics......Paul



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carsntrains posted:

Mike glad you decided to make that change! I still don't get why there was trouble with the O54 curves and turnout. But I'm sure the O72 stuff will fix it! 

Al those are cool buildings! Must be a huge layout to have room for all that stuff! 

thinking about ordering a Lionel coal tower. Can't run steam with no coal. And maybe a few more cows!!! 😊


Jim, i don't know what the problem is. The manual says it will operate on 042 curvers. But all the cars I tried with Kadee couplers does the same thing! So I am switching it out cause one day all my cars will have Kadee's!

paul 2 posted:

Mike g, I am with Jim. Did you try any other engines with the cars to see if the same thing happened. But in any case you made the right move to use 0-72 switches. Each day the layout is looking better.

Chris a, super job of the building and you created a great scene with the other buildings. 

CSX Al, you never cease to amaze. The Sawmill scene will be a head turner. Great job on the pond and buildings.

Now if I could just get the three of you to move next door to me I could get my layout done and looking good with the three of you doing it for me. Of course I would offer beer but only after the layout was completed. LOL

Between Friday and Saturday I didn't have much time for the layout. I had to set up at the train show Friday night and then spent Saturday trying to sell stuff. No luck on that came back home with what I brought but it was still a great day. It was a good show and a lot of families attended with small children ( future engineers ). Friday afteroon I got another Weaver TOFC from Beth at Public Delivery Track and on the layout I managed to get the culvert glued into place. Had a couple of scraps of plaster wrap to fill in the gap at the back of the culvert. This morning After changing the back of the river on the backdrop I applied Realistic water to the new area where I painted more green so that is done. I think one more day all the water will be clear in the bottom gorge and I can go about adding white water effects. Pics......Paul


Paul things are really looking good there!  And that is a cool TOFC!   I'm going to ask that annoying question about it.... Does it have a new date??   

Bob the trim and detail on your layout turned out great!   

Chris that building is amazing.   It still blows my mind that yall do such good work AND have somewhere to put stuff!!   I don't have much but finding a place to put things really baffles me!  Even with the new space..  

I stayed up late again watching videos of old southern railway, and steam trains trying to learn more about consist.  And switching.  Fun stuff to watch.  


mike g. posted:
carsntrains posted:

Mike glad you decided to make that change! I still don't get why there was trouble with the O54 curves and turnout. But I'm sure the O72 stuff will fix it! 

Al those are cool buildings! Must be a huge layout to have room for all that stuff! 

thinking about ordering a Lionel coal tower. Can't run steam with no coal. And maybe a few more cows!!! 😊


Jim, i don't know what the problem is. The manual says it will operate on 042 curvers. But all the cars I tried with Kadee couplers does the same thing! So I am switching it out cause one day all my cars will have Kadee's!

Mike so did you test it with non Kadee coupler cars?     I really like the looks of them.   And since you can switch to O72 I would.  I really like they way the Kadees work while switch ( I don't have any yet just saw them).  O72 will look better anyway.    My outer main is O72 with a few pieces of O84 in one curve.   O60 on the inside with a few O72 pieces  on one curve.  

Wife just ordered me the Lionel coaling tower and WS cows.   Looks like they even come with some cow patties lol   


Last edited by carsntrains

Hi Guys, what a fun way to share (with others who actually care about trains). I built a lift out bridge and got my DCS up and running for the first time. I also changed the track from O27 profile (with O42 switches) to Fastrack. I plan to go with Gargraves for uppper level. I was unable to post my video here. I guess it’s too big Here is a link to the video update on YouTube:

If you copy and paste that in your browser it will take you directly to the video. Look forward to your comments!


Thanks, Gerhardt

Mike G:   Jim, i don't know what the problem is. The manual says it will operate on 042 curvers. But all the cars I tried with Kadee couplers does the same thing! So I am switching it out cause one day all my cars will have Kadee's!

Mike G:   You might want to check the "centering" springs inside the Kadee coupler box...   I have been told by at least one OGR forum member who uses them that some of the springs are too stiff.   Seems like that could cause the symptom/problem you're describing especially if you're trying to get them working on 054, when the spec says 042.

Paul the gorge and the water is looking great !!   

GANDYDANCER1950, that is a good scene you are working on. Are those buildings cardstock and where did you get them????

Jim, there is a built date on the side of the flatcar. I tried to enlarge my pic but it became too fuzzy but I think it may say Blt 12-43. But I'll take it out and look at it and let you know for sure.

 I did a couple of small things while doing laundry again. I cut out the plaster on the one side of the bridge and then painted both sides black. I had a couple of spots I needed to put plaster but not needing much and rather then waste mixing plaster I decided to use the Dap I bought. Because the DAP is different then the Gypsolite it will color differently but it should blend in with the rest being the areas are not that large. Was going to head out to get some artist supplies to paint the backdrop but it started snowing here so I'll head back down and lay down some ballast. Pics.........Paul



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Working on a small section of layout that passes through the laundry room/ workshop area and around the furnace. It is my representation of an area in Cleveland, Ohio called Tremont where I was born on Starkweather Ave. I modified it to look as to how20190303_14141220190303_14145920190303_141448 it may have looked like in the late 1940's.....still a work in progress

owner, operator of The Cuyahoga Valley Short Line Railroad,


Very Cool scene,  great cars and trucks, keep going you're definitely onto something great there.   

Paul thanks!  I can't figure out why Lionel didn't put a date (that I can find) on those danged Southern TOFC.  I should just get them and date them myself lol   I really don't need anymore rolling stock! I wanted that Piggly Wiggly from menards but I think the layout needed the coaling tower.  Nice to see you are making great progress on your project!  

Chris that scene looks great!   Sounds like you are working in your basement?   

Its flooding here again.   Can't get a break from the rain.   Need to go get some goat food but I dont want it to get wet in the back of the truck. 

Did some switching today.  Think I need to work on some couplers myself! Have a bad toggle switch on my panel.  Need to change it too if it keeps being a problem. 



Last edited by carsntrains

Jim,   thanks.   Yes the layout is in the basement.  Did most of the work on that factory building up in the kitchen on the island, one of the benefits of being divorced/single.    At this time of year, it runs around 60 to 62 degrees down there.   I have high efficiency electric heaters, but I'd rather not run them all the time.   Don't want to spend the money right now to have the HVAC system modified to heat and cool that level.   It's all really well insulated, and I have heavy duty commercial carpet tiles on the floor that are 3/8 - 1/2 inch thick.   Building is only 11 years old and we're on sandy soil, so it's dry as a bone down there and pretty air tight.  

chris a posted:

Steve, Mike, Dave thanks for your positive comments.  Until a couple of years ago, my model building skills weren't really all that developed.... with the major roto cuff shoulder surgery this past summer I have had lots of time on my hands to "keep busy".   

So I am living proof that if you stick to it and keep trying to improve, it's pretty good bet you'll get a lot better at these modeling projects.   For me, if I am not really earnestly trying to constantly improve, on each new project, it doesn't feel right....   Got too much of the perfectionist gene, and not enough of the patience gene...   

DSC03417 [2)DSC03418 [2)DSC03421 [2)


that building looks off the charts! Well done and it comments your layout very well

chris a posted:

Working on a small section of layout that passes through the laundry room/ workshop area and around the furnace. It is my representation of an area in Cleveland, Ohio called Tremont where I was born on Starkweather Ave. I modified it to look as to how20190303_14141220190303_14145920190303_141448 it may have looked like in the late 1940's.....still a work in progress

owner, operator of The Cuyahoga Valley Short Line Railroad,


Very Cool scene,  great cars and trucks, keep going you're definitely onto something great there.   

Thanks Chris

chris a posted:

Working on a small section of layout that passes through the laundry room/ workshop area and around the furnace. It is my representation of an area in Cleveland, Ohio called Tremont where I was born on Starkweather Ave. I modified it to look as to how20190303_14141220190303_14145920190303_141448 it may have looked like in the late 1940's.....still a work in progress

owner, operator of The Cuyahoga Valley Short Line Railroad,


Very Cool scene,  great cars and trucks, keep going you're definitely onto something great there.   


that sence looks great. I like the 1949s look 

Last edited by lee drennen
paul 2 posted:

GANDYDANCER1950, that is a good scene you are working on. Are those buildings cardstock and where did you get them????

Jim, there is a built date on the side of the flatcar. I tried to enlarge my pic but it became too fuzzy but I think it may say Blt 12-43. But I'll take it out and look at it and let you know for sure.

 I did a couple of small things while doing laundry again. I cut out the plaster on the one side of the bridge and then painted both sides black. I had a couple of spots I needed to put plaster but not needing much and rather then waste mixing plaster I decided to use the Dap I bought. Because the DAP is different then the Gypsolite it will color differently but it should blend in with the rest being the areas are not that large. Was going to head out to get some artist supplies to paint the backdrop but it started snowing here so I'll head back down and lay down some ballast. Pics.........Paul


Very nice Paul and I like it

Last edited by lee drennen
paul 2 posted:

Mike g, I am with Jim. Did you try any other engines with the cars to see if the same thing happened. But in any case you made the right move to use 0-72 switches. Each day the layout is looking better.

Chris a, super job of the building and you created a great scene with the other buildings. 

CSX Al, you never cease to amaze. The Sawmill scene will be a head turner. Great job on the pond and buildings.

Now if I could just get the three of you to move next door to me I could get my layout done and looking good with the three of you doing it for me. Of course I would offer beer but only after the layout was completed. LOL

Between Friday and Saturday I didn't have much time for the layout. I had to set up at the train show Friday night and then spent Saturday trying to sell stuff. No luck on that came back home with what I brought but it was still a great day. It was a good show and a lot of families attended with small children ( future engineers ). Friday afteroon I got another Weaver TOFC from Beth at Public Delivery Track and on the layout I managed to get the culvert glued into place. Had a couple of scraps of plaster wrap to fill in the gap at the back of the culvert. This morning After changing the back of the river on the backdrop I applied Realistic water to the new area where I painted more green so that is done. I think one more day all the water will be clear in the bottom gorge and I can go about adding white water effects. Pics......Paul


Nice bench work and I like that TOFC 

RSJB18 posted:

Another busy Saturday WOW!

Chris A- the factory looks great. Bravo Sir . The details you added make it look like its been around forever. Fits perfectly on the layout too.
Darlander Dave- another great group of buildings. I think you achieved what you were going for. Once you detail the front and have some trains parked there it will be fine.
Mike G- sorry about the rip out but a least you found the problem now. Goes to show that it's important to test track as you go. Cork looks good too.
Mark- nice WM loco.
Lee- Thanks- The WM GP-7 is a Lionel Legacy model that I bought from Mark last year. It's a very nice engine, now I need to pick up a Legacy system so I can play with all the cool features. Nice trucks you're working on too.
John- if it wasn't for bad luck you'd have none at all. Good move to change gears and do some track work.
Mitch- I'm sure a good time was had by all!
Ralph M- The hopper looks good so far.
Mel- sorry about the hiccup in operations. At least you found the tire and got the loco running again.

WHEW I think I got everyone.


 Thanks Bob 

Pondering what to do with the nice WM TOFC I just got. While sipping on a nice glass of adult beverage ,  I remembered that I had a couple of frame/ axle sets from a prior purchase. Thought why not put them on the flat car like they're being returned to the original shipper. Love it when the imagination gets cooking. Good thing I didn't set off the smoke detector .

2019-03-03 16.48.422019-03-03 16.55.50

I need to do some surgery on the wheel stops to get the smaller axles to fit and figure out a good way to secure them to the car. Now where did I leave my Dremell........

Planted a couple of trees too.

2019-03-03 16.26.292019-03-03 16.26.36


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RSJB18 posted:

Pondering what to do with the nice WM TOFC I just got. While sipping on a nice glass of adult beverage ,  I remembered that I had a couple of frame/ axle sets from a prior purchase. Thought why not put them on the flat car like they're being returned to the original shipper. Love it when the imagination gets cooking. Good thing I didn't set off the smoke detector .

2019-03-03 16.48.422019-03-03 16.55.50

I need to do some surgery on the wheel stops to get the smaller axles to fit and figure out a good way to secure them to the car. Now where did I leave my Dremell........

Planted a couple of trees too.

2019-03-03 16.26.292019-03-03 16.26.36

I see it all the time Bob great idea 👍

RSJB18 posted:

Great use of available space Kevin. You do realize that now you have to limit your purchases to what will fit on 16" centers.....

Ha, very observant! My layout has 022 switches so with that limitation I only have a couple locos that don’t fit on the shelves. I do have to find a solution for those, though. Right now they’re parked on sidings. 

CoastsideKevin posted:

Not glamorous, but finally finished building shelves so I don’t have to store engines in boxes. 


Kevin, left column, sixth one down and also the eighth one down--that looks like the Lionel gang car that my dad bought in 1953. It shot out sparks when it ran and a real test of courage for us was to put our hand on the rails while the gang car rammed us and reversed direction.

Surprised to find a "suitcase" for 75 cents that opens into a train station from Thomas the Tank Engine, I made room for "Sodor Island" and started today. First I had to scrub a Styrofoam fruit container (That was the hardest part). Then I had to dig through storage boxes to find a friendly yellow diesel (not a Thomas accessory), a crane car I made last year, and an evil diesel (named, appropriately enough, "Diesel").

There's a large open-air market tomorrow, so construction is on hold until I see what treasures I can find.SUNP0014SUNP0016SUNP0020 


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Last edited by Vincent Massi
Vincent Massi posted:
CoastsideKevin posted:

Not glamorous, but finally finished building shelves so I don’t have to store engines in boxes. 


Kevin, left column, sixth one down and also the eighth one down--that looks like the Lionel gang car that my dad bought in 1953. It shot out sparks when it ran and a real test of courage for us was to put our hand on the rails while the gang car rammed us and reversed direction.

Yes indeed! The gang cars always guarantee  peals of laughter from my little ones!

Bob, waste not want not. It is always nice when you can take something sitting around and repurpose it.

Jim, I went to the Lionel Cataog that had the Southern TOFC and noticed that the other cars on the page had more printing on their sides. Maybe it was a typo.

I got back down to the basement and added the ballast to the tracks on both sides of the bridges. I put some earth color on the Dap I put down which was dry but it is not porus like the plaster I was using. I'll let that dry and maybe apply another coat of earth. If that doesn't make it any better I will just add a lot more dirt turf in that area. I am hoping to get some time down there after dinner to glue al the ballast down. Pics..............Paul



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So many great projects everyone! 

Paul, the gorge is looking great and so is the roadbed!  Speaking of roadbed, I got to spend a few minutes here and there this week on the lower of my planned turnback loops.  I liked the idea someone here on the Forum shared which is a variation of what Paul is doing.  I sprayed the cork roadbed with Rustoleum American Accents Stone Textured Finish.  

2019-03-03 16.02.502019-03-03 16.03.02

So the idea is that it looks a bit like ballast while building.  In the past I found I like to put in a lot of my scenery before ballasting.  This will look pretty good until I get to that point, and since I don't like ballasting, it would be presentable even if I never decide to ballast.

2019-03-03 16.02.402019-03-03 16.03.16

I had already cut and fitted all the track pieces, so I drilled holes for soldered jumpers to come up through the table and put all the track in place with what I think will be appropriate block gaps.  I had started using GarGraves pan head screws, but liked the idea of countersunk flathead screws.  While at McCormick's Hardware in Zelienople Pennsylvania last week to pick up my curved Ross switch, I asked for screws.  Jeff showed me these that he stocks just for my purpose.  I don't even need to paint the heads black.

2019-03-03 16.45.262019-03-03 19.48.37

So here is what I got down.  I have run a car over the track, and everything seems smooth.  I have not yet connected power to my taps.  Since the DCS is still in the other room powering the Ceiling Central RR, I'll just run some wire out with clip jumpers to test blocks until I get the gumption to move all the power for both this and the Ceiling Central RR to this room.

2019-03-03 18.01.132019-03-03 18.01.23


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Hey Lee,  the scene below actually belongs to GANDYDANCER....    I think I screwed up something when I copied and pasted Gandy's original post into a response,  to compliment him on the great work !!!!    Oh Well.. thought I should note my error. 

chris a posted:

Working on a small section of layout that passes through the laundry room/ workshop area and around the furnace. It is my representation of an area in Cleveland, Ohio called Tremont where I was born on Starkweather Ave. I modified it to look as to how20190303_14141220190303_14145920190303_141448 it may have looked like in the late 1940's.....still a work in progress

owner, operator of The Cuyahoga Valley Short Line Railroad,


Very Cool scene,  great cars and trucks, keep going you're definitely onto something great there.   


that sence looks great. I like the 1949s look 

Mark Boyce posted:

The old Cleveland neighborhood looks great, Gandydancer!!  What is it about Mail Pouch signs that just make you feel good?  Something form the past always stirs up good memories.

Mark I agree!   But I see something about snake handling?  I thought maybe that was a southern thing lol   Still a great looking scene!!!   And your section is looking good too!  

Paul your addition looks better at each step!  

Keven the display cases look good!  Some nice stuff you have loaded on them too!   

Started to add some lighting to the ceiling in the train room.   My plan of string lights from Harbor Freight didn't work out.  So now maybe some LED work lights??  



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