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Bryan in Ohio posted:

In a definite sign of the apocalypse Paul 2 and I are teaming up and joined our new local Lionel module group the MOD SQUAD.  Paul and I will be sharing one of the modules and now must come up with our theme and get approval from the group.  Stay tuned for updates as Paul does most of the work since he is retired.  I will call him daily during lunch to make sure he isn't slacking and getting OUR module down.  

I'm sure Paul will chime in shortly. 

This should be fun...... Can't wait to see what you guys (OK Paul) come up with.

M. Mitchell Marmel posted:
Lou1985 posted:

The field looks ok. You just need a replacement armature. Lionel part number is 2028-109. A Postwar or modern version will drop right in. 

Tried that, and the field started smoking.  The whole thing needs replacing;  I have a temporary motor installed from another loco, but will need a permanent replacement at some point.  


Well nuts. Looks like it is toast. I'm surprised it died. I've yet to kill a 2028-100 motor.

Odenville Bill posted:

Hi Steve,

I saw one for sale at Hobby Lobby.  Multi cutter is an accurate description.  The substance comes in colors and has adhesive on one side.  I send her a .jpg and maximum dimensions and I get decals with excellent detail.  Here are a couple more examples.




Bill, These decals are great! So they are vinyl self stickers? From your images they look like they are actually  painted. Do you use a dullcote or is this a normally non shiney material?


I couldn't reply to Bryan's post till now. Yes it is true it is going to be a collaboration of sorts. I found this out after the fact, sort of thrown upon me in front of others. Had to bite the bullet and say okay LOL I suppose it is his way of getting back with me on all those morning text messages where I posted pic of a cup of coffee and a bunch of train magazines saying decisions, decisions which mag to read first. Oh the joys of being retired LOL. So the building of the module will probably rest with me as Bryan states I am retired and have all the time in the world to do it. We ran some ideas to one of the corordinators of the group but all were shot down without a hesitation. How the module is going to turn out is anyones guess. One thing nice Bryan can call everyday for a update but I can just let the calls go to voice mail through the day. LOL I think the best way to sum up this partnership is the ending of Casablanca where Bogart and Raines are walking into the fog talking LOL......Paul 2

paul 2 posted:

I couldn't reply to Bryan's post till now. Yes it is true it is going to be a collaboration of sorts. I found this out after the fact, sort of thrown upon me in front of others. Had to bite the bullet and say okay LOL I suppose it is his way of getting back with me on all those morning text messages where I posted pic of a cup of coffee and a bunch of train magazines saying decisions, decisions which mag to read first. Oh the joys of being retired LOL. So the building of the module will probably rest with me as Bryan states I am retired and have all the time in the world to do it. We ran some ideas to one of the corordinators of the group but all were shot down without a hesitation. How the module is going to turn out is anyones guess. One thing nice Bryan can call everyday for a update but I can just let the calls go to voice mail through the day. LOL I think the best way to sum up this partnership is the ending of Casablanca where Bogart and Raines are walking into the fog talking LOL......Paul 2

LOL Paul!  Yes I think Rik and Frenchy would have an odd collaboration!  

As many of you know, I like to make cabeese to match my postwar Lionel engines. So far I've done Milwaukee Road, Western Pacific, Erie Lackawanna, Norfolk & Western,  Rock Island, New Haven and Illinois Central. I've also made cabeese to match engines I custom painted with LIRR and Warrenville RR schemes.

My latest is to run with either my postwar WABASH F3's or GP 7, just finished today. The 6457 caboose donor cost me $8, I had the paint, and I printed my own decals:



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Morning guys, Well I didn't get any train time for the last 2 day but hope to get a little today. Not sure how much cause the CEO wants me to start checking out the Christmas lights to get them ready to hang!

Mark, I do trust Brian!

Bob, your right Brian does make it look ease. But we will see how easy it really is for me! LOL

Matttrain, The hill gives it a nice looks, great idea! Also nice job on the lighting in the cabin!

John, The trees look good, I wish it was 80 here! LOL

Bryan, This sure sounds intresting, I cant wait to read Paul's side of the story! LOL

Railrunnin, good luck on your new build, just remember to have fun!

Johan wonderful scene, That engine is from my part of the world!

Paul 2, I knew there had to be more to the story! I think you 2 will make a great team. Bryan can give you the ideas and you can build it the way you see fit! LOL

John, Wonderful job on the WABASH caboose!

Cewforevery, the signs add a nice little touch!

Lee D, WOW thats some great work! I think its going to be a winner when your done!

Howard, nice buy for your layout! The Santa Fe will fit right in!

Brian, All great looking engines! Wonderful photos!

Well I hope you all have a great day and please find some time for your trains and layout! If anything just go out and run them for awhile!



lee drennen posted:
Odenville Bill posted:


The caboose started out as a Lionel 6059.  I bought it, with a broken coupler, for $1.00 at a yard sale.  I used it as a test subject to learn customizing techniques.  I bought a group of five broken, early post war cabooses that provided a smoke stack, ladder, roller pickup, light socket, tool boxes, and window insert.  The amber color in the windows is from a cut up plastic medicine bottle.  I found three forgotten cans of green spray paint hiding in my garage.  My daughter in law had starting to make decals with a "cricket" about that time.  It all just seemed to come together.  Now it is my favorite car.DSC03059DSC03061DSC03048



you did a great job on it and i also like the way it was before. Thanks for posting those pics for me 


I like the amber yellow lighting it looks more like old time lighting. Some people get carried away with making everything bright white LEDS which wouldn't be correct in most eras. Great job!!

mike g. posted:

Morning guys, Well I didn't get any train time for the last 2 day but hope to get a little today. Not sure how much cause the CEO wants me to start checking out the Christmas lights to get them ready to hang!

Mark, I do trust Brian!

Bob, your right Brian does make it look ease. But we will see how easy it really is for me! LOL

Matttrain, The hill gives it a nice looks, great idea! Also nice job on the lighting in the cabin!

John, The trees look good, I wish it was 80 here! LOL

Bryan, This sure sounds intresting, I cant wait to read Paul's side of the story! LOL

Railrunnin, good luck on your new build, just remember to have fun!

Johan wonderful scene, That engine is from my part of the world!

Paul 2, I knew there had to be more to the story! I think you 2 will make a great team. Bryan can give you the ideas and you can build it the way you see fit! LOL

John, Wonderful job on the WABASH caboose!

Cewforevery, the signs add a nice little touch!

Lee D, WOW thats some great work! I think its going to be a winner when your done!

Howard, nice buy for your layout! The Santa Fe will fit right in!

Brian, All great looking engines! Wonderful photos!

Well I hope you all have a great day and please find some time for your trains and layout! If anything just go out and run them for awhile!



Mike. Thank you Sir. I guess i must send a that engine for you. 🤝


briansilvermustang posted:


                      how are things going Mark ?  


I am supposed to get out of the hospital tomorrow.  The surgeon said all went well.  PT at the hospital shows progress already.  I’m lined up for Outpatient PT next week.  I’ve been working on my layout virtually reading all the great projects on the Forum 

Mark Boyce posted:
briansilvermustang posted:

                       how are things going Mark ?  

I am supposed to get out of the hospital tomorrow.  The surgeon said all went well.  PT at the hospital shows progress already.  I’m lined up for Outpatient PT next week.  I’ve been working on my layout virtually reading all the great projects on the Forum 

Congrats, Mark... from the experience of two recent knee replacements, the sooner you get into PT, the better the results. You’ll soon be able to stand all day working on the layout... but you won’t be able to rake leaves or shovel snow...   

Dave,  I agree.  The medicine bottle is cheap and gives kerosene lamp color.

Vincent, two thumbs up for the RRR.

I spent several hours checking out my new treasures.  I oiled the engines and tested couplers.  After dinner I shot some video.  I must be too old to multitask.  I had a tough time running the camera and the trains at the same time.  The 681 turbine is nice.  I put in two drops of smoke fluid and got great results.  Same for the 736 Berkshire.  It had a tough time climbing Bald Rock Mountain until I oiled all the car axles.  I tried out the Lackawanna commuter set and quickly realized I'll have to move some things for clearance.  Tomorrow I will test the prewar 1664.








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Mark Boyce posted:
briansilvermustang posted:

                       how are things going Mark ?  

I am supposed to get out of the hospital tomorrow.  The surgeon said all went well.  PT at the hospital shows progress already.  I’m lined up for Outpatient PT next week.  I’ve been working on my layout virtually reading all the great projects on the Forum 


Mark  great to hear the "all went well" report from the surgeon.  Glad you're getting out tomorrow.  Will keep you're recovery in my thoughts and prayers.   Happy belated birthday to you as well.     Chris

Last edited by chris a
Mark Boyce posted:
briansilvermustang posted:


                      how are things going Mark ?  


I am supposed to get out of the hospital tomorrow.  The surgeon said all went well.  PT at the hospital shows progress already.  I’m lined up for Outpatient PT next week.  I’ve been working on my layout virtually reading all the great projects on the Forum 

Mark, you're coming out of that slow rough curve onto the tangent so you can start to widen the throttle....a notch at a time (as PT strengthens the muscles ). Before you know it you'll be doing 99 mph again. 

Vincent, WOW Congrats! I don't think I have walked 5,000 miles in my whole life sofar! LOL Nice little video of the start of your new layout!

Dave, Dang that sure is a lot of time in the water! You sure you don't have gills! LOL

Johan, I think if you are going to do anything with that engine it would be great repainted into a Shark Bay RR engine! Wonderful job on the observation car, I bet the passengers love the view from there cause I do!

Lee D, I am sure you could find buyers if you were able to custom paint them for whatever people want on there layout for there RR!

Mark, I must have not been paying attention, I didn't even know you went in already for your knee. I hope your doing well and have a fast recovery! You are in our thoughts a nd prayers!

Bill Looking good! You got yourself some nice stuff there! You cant beat an early Christmas! Hey be careful with your list at the doc's, I found out the bigger list the more pills they want you to take! LOL

Well another day with no train time, first the CEO had me working on the Christmas lights, Then the service tech for the twin split heaters showed up, I guess the CEO called him and forgot to tell me. Oh well More Christmas lights today and maybe some train room time. We had to go shopping yesterday so while out I picked up some black paint for my parking lot. Maybe it can get paved today!

I hope everyone has a great Friday and a wonderful weekend! Please try and find time for your trains and your layouts! 

Mark, you best just plant your rear in the rocking chair and watch your shelf train go around for awhile!

Hi guys.

Busy again at work....not to busy though that I couldn't squeeze in the last round of golf yesterday before the cold weather dropped by to say HI

Had a scare at home with a near flood in my basement on Wednesday.  My bride called me mid day that the laundry sink was almost overflowing. A phone call later our local sewer and drain company was on the scene. He was able to snake the line and clear the stoppage but not before asking to get at the house trap. Now as much as I know it should be readily accessible- it's buried under a large pile of train boxes . While he was running the snake from the sink I started pulling all the boxes out. I need to start attending train buyers anonymous...  I have 6 locos still in boxes that I have not even opened up to inspect. A winter project for sure. Long story short, stoppage cleared, disaster averted.

Now...where did I put my credit card

Needless to say layout work time has been slim lately. Got a few final outdoor chores to handle this weekend and maybe I can finally start contributing here again.

A big shout out to Mark. Glad the surgery was a success.  I too am a firm believer in PT. Got my ankle back in shape after a severe sprain and torn ligaments a few years ago. Keep it up Mark and you will be crawling under your layout before you know it.

Lots of Likes passed all around to everyone. See you on SWSat tomorrow.

2019-10-31 19.08.23



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RSJB18 posted:

Hi guys.

Busy again at work....not to busy though that I couldn't squeeze in the last round of golf yesterday before the cold weather dropped by to say HI

Had a scare at home with a near flood in my basement on Wednesday.  My bride called me mid day that the laundry sink was almost overflowing. A phone call later our local sewer and drain company was on the scene. He was able to snake the line and clear the stoppage but not before asking to get at the house trap. Now as much as I know it should be readily accessible- it's buried under a large pile of train boxes . While he was running the snake from the sink I started pulling all the boxes out. I need to start attending train buyers anonymous...  I have 6 locos still in boxes that I have not even opened up to inspect. A winter project for sure. Long story short, stoppage cleared, disaster averted.

Now...where did I put my credit card

Needless to say layout work time has been slim lately. Got a few final outdoor chores to handle this weekend and maybe I can finally start contributing here again.

A big shout out to Mark. Glad the surgery was a success.  I too am a firm believer in PT. Got my ankle back in shape after a severe sprain and torn ligaments a few years ago. Keep it up Mark and you will be crawling under your layout before you know it.

Lots of Likes passed all around to everyone. See you on SWSat tomorrow.

2019-10-31 19.08.23


Thank you, Bob!!  I made progress today at in hospital PT, and should be going home shortly.  Moving forward!  Thank you everyone 

mike g. posted:

Vincent, WOW Congrats! I don't think I have walked 5,000 miles in my whole life sofar! LOL Nice little video of the start of your new layout!

Dave, Dang that sure is a lot of time in the water! You sure you don't have gills! LOL

Johan, I think if you are going to do anything with that engine it would be great repainted into a Shark Bay RR engine! Wonderful job on the observation car, I bet the passengers love the view from there cause I do!

Lee D, I am sure you could find buyers if you were able to custom paint them for whatever people want on there layout for there RR!

Mark, I must have not been paying attention, I didn't even know you went in already for your knee. I hope your doing well and have a fast recovery! You are in our thoughts a nd prayers!

Bill Looking good! You got yourself some nice stuff there! You cant beat an early Christmas! Hey be careful with your list at the doc's, I found out the bigger list the more pills they want you to take! LOL

Well another day with no train time, first the CEO had me working on the Christmas lights, Then the service tech for the twin split heaters showed up, I guess the CEO called him and forgot to tell me. Oh well More Christmas lights today and maybe some train room time. We had to go shopping yesterday so while out I picked up some black paint for my parking lot. Maybe it can get paved today!

I hope everyone has a great Friday and a wonderful weekend! Please try and find time for your trains and your layouts! 

Mark, you best just plant your rear in the rocking chair and watch your shelf train go around for awhile!

Mike. Thank you. I think S.B.R. still need a some engines, lets see what comes next. S.B.R. has now a Vista Dome car, but Observation car would be a nice project. 


geysergazer posted:
briansilvermustang posted:
geysergazer posted:

I hung my Christmas pictures this AM.

Christmas Eve, 1964, waiting for the Capitol:




                            running a little late Lew,  should be pulling in soon...




Brian, Eggcellent!

Lew- you have a spectacular collection of vintage railroad photos. Ever thought of doing a book?


RSJB18 posted:
geysergazer posted:
briansilvermustang posted:
geysergazer posted:

I hung my Christmas pictures this AM.

Christmas Eve, 1964, waiting for the Capitol:


Lew- you have a spectacular collection of vintage railroad photos. Ever thought of doing a book?


Thanks, Bob. The photos I share here were taken by my Dad. I helped process a lot of those enlargements in our basement darkroom. There are 123 enlargements varying from 5X7 to 11X14 on the walls of my train room and I have a couple hundred more. I also have Dad's Kodak 3D photo collection as well as a lot of old Kodachrome 35mm slides. They are in poor condition due to age and storage in high humidity. The bulk of dad's collection though is in the form of thousands of B&W negatives, varying from 35mm to the Rolleiflex size (120, IIRC) and going in time back to the early '30s. Now with digital cameras and computers there should be a way to [quickly and easily] view those negatives as positives on a screen. If I could come up with such a rig I could sort&cull and pull out greats for later use. A book....I have just never considered. I was present when every pic on my walls was taken so I know something of the what, where and when but any negatives from before my time I would have no idea. 

Brian, way to keep your string of wonderful photo's going!

Lew, you waiting for the Capital! While I was waiting for my first bottle. Man you sure look a lot younger! LOL

Bob, I am glad you diverted a the flood! I don't know how you would explain to the lovely wife you just wasted money on some wet boxes under the layout on top of the House clean out! LOL

Well guys I didn't get much for train room time, While hanging Christmas lights I noticed that a couple of our trusses were sagging. I am guessing it was from last years snow. Went into the house with a level and sure enough there sagging. I have been on the phone all day to find out what can be done with a manufacture home and sagging trusses! Let me tell you the answers I got are not good! I may be really limited to the time in the train room. If it snows I will be busy clearing the roof off if not I'll be Scre**d! I just hope the roof doesn't fall in before I can get a contractor here to fix it!

Well either way I hope you all have a great Saturday and have some fun!

Hey Y'all,

I had a wonderful time visiting with one of my doctors and the lab.  No, not really.  I don't think they left any blood in me.  I'm sure I'll glow in the dark after so many x-rays.

I did spend an hour in the train building wrestling with a prewar 1664.  It doesn't like any of my switches.  The cars sound like a squeaky door convention.  Do 1664's have a smoke generator?  I only got one complete run around my layout without an unscheduled stop.  Is this normal?  Honestly, I hope I can still get around when I'm 77 years old.


Briansilvermustang, I have a locomotive with cool little chains now!  It doesn't like my layout either.  It must be a Lackawanna show pony.


To get a "good" train buzz, I ran the new-to-me 736 again.  I noticed the front of the boiler of the Berkshire opens.  Why don't modern steam engines do that?  The consist included a #3472 milk car.  Guess what, it works!  It throws milk cans on the floor with authority.




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Odenville Bill posted:

Hey Y'all,

I had a wonderful time visiting with one of my doctors and the lab.  No, not really.  I don't think they left any blood in me.  I'm sure I'll glow in the dark after so many x-rays.

I did spend an hour in the train building wrestling with a prewar 1664.  It doesn't like any of my switches.  The cars sound like a squeaky door convention.  Do 1664's have a smoke generator?  I only got one complete run around my layout without an unscheduled stop.  Is this normal?  Honestly, I hope I can still get around when I'm 77 years old.


Briansilvermustang, I have a locomotive with cool little chains now!  It doesn't like my layout either.  It must be a Lackawanna show pony.


To get a "good" train buzz, I ran the new-to-me 736 again.  I noticed the front of the boiler of the Berkshire opens.  Why don't modern steam engines do that?  The consist included a #3472 milk car.  Guess what, it works!  It throws milk cans on the floor with authority.




These are GREAT photos. Some of them are old classics. Keep the photos coming.

Mark, glad to hear your surgery went well and the PT has started.

Johan, very nice work on the passenger car and great shot of the engine in the freight yard.

Gandydancer, great pics and I like the snow scene video.

Mike g, sorry to hear you have sagging rafters from the last big snow fall. Hope you only get light snowfalls trhis winter.

Brian, you just keep coming up with more engines to display.

Had a chance to do some house cleaning on the layout to get at the last open space on the tables. Hardest thing is not opening up the space but finding space where I can put all the stuff. It has been an interesting treasure hunt. I found stuff I had totally forgoten I had. Today I hope with luck to have the rest cleaned off so I can finish the backdrop.........Pics ...........Paul 2



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Mark, thank you, we have a couple contractors coming on Monday to look at it and give us a bid. 

Bill, Those are some old engines there! Its nice to see them still running. I hope you get them all running nice and smooth!

Howard, Love the video!

Everyone have a great day and I will check in later! Remember have some fun with your trains and layouts!

Paul 2, Nice cleaning job! But the rest of your bench looks a lot like mine! LOL

Brian, Wonderful scene photo's

Keith, the tunnel looks great!

Well I snuck out to the train room while the CEO is at work and before I have to go to a HOA meeting this morning. I was able to get my wall for the parking lot partly redone and put a center stripe on my HWY bridge. I also put some joint compound between my track for my road crossing. I hope to get to work on it a little more today as its raining and I don't feel like hanging Christmas lights in the rain! Here are a couple photo's.


I went out and found some dry dirt where I park my tractor and got a small bucket, sifted it with 2 different strainers to get it small enough! When I get home I will tap the wall and get all the loose stuff off!

Everyone have a great day!


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Bill, I’m glad you got the doctors appointment done!  Who knows how much blood the took out of me this week!  LOL. That is nice how that engine opens on the front.

Howard, that is a pretty reminder of what season is coming up!

Paul, isn’t it funny how things pop up that you forgot.  

Mike, I’m glad you have the contractors coming to look at that roof.  The highway bridge looks great.

keith, I like that tunnel!

Brian, Nice D&LW 

Doing some rethinking on my layout, removing the Fastrack and some of the buildings and refocusing on a postwar style layout. Will be trying Super O and see how I like it. Will not have any turnouts so I can run my Marx loco's which have been sitting to long. Also going to reduce size to make it easier to get layout pulled out to work on opposite side. Great post to get ideas from, Thanks to everyone.




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paul 2 posted:

Mark, glad to hear your surgery went well and the PT has started.

Johan, very nice work on the passenger car and great shot of the engine in the freight yard.

Gandydancer, great pics and I like the snow scene video.

Mike g, sorry to hear you have sagging rafters from the last big snow fall. Hope you only get light snowfalls trhis winter.

Brian, you just keep coming up with more engines to display.

Had a chance to do some house cleaning on the layout to get at the last open space on the tables. Hardest thing is not opening up the space but finding space where I can put all the stuff. It has been an interesting treasure hunt. I found stuff I had totally forgoten I had. Today I hope with luck to have the rest cleaned off so I can finish the backdrop.........Pics ...........Paul 2


Paul. Thank you. I have found a many times some stuff  which I don't remember owning when i cleaning our train room. 🤔 🚂🚃 😀


geysergazer posted:

 Now with digital cameras and computers there should be a way to [quickly and easily] view those negatives as positives on a screen. If I could come up with such a rig I could sort&cull and pull out greats for later use.

What you propose is actually fairly simple.  Scan the negatives on a flatbed scanner.  Then open the resulting image with a good image-editing program.  I  use Gimp, but I'm sure there are many others that will do.  Once the negative image is open, do an "invert colors," and you'll see it as a positive.  Save the positive image and you can do what you like with it.

The catch is that 35mm negatives are rather small, and it may be hard to get a good scan.  But the 120 negatives shouldn't pose any insurmountable problem on a flatbed.

If you really want the 35mm images, you might have to invest in a 35mm slide scanner.

I don't think consumer-grade scanners have high enough resolution to do justice to 35mm negatives. I have a 35mm slide mount contraption for an old Nikon digicam but all Dad's 35mm negatives are in rolls, not mounted. Dad made a film mount for his Beseler Enlarger such that a 35mm roll of negatives could be slid back-and-forth behind the lens so a roll could be quickly scanned for possible enlargements. 

geysergazer posted:

I don't think consumer-grade scanners have high enough resolution to do justice to 35mm negatives.

You might be surprised.  My old Epson NX410 will scan up to 4800x4800 dpi.  Not all "consumer grade" scanners are alike.

I have a 35mm slide mount contraption for an old Nikon digicam but all Dad's 35mm negatives are in rolls, not mounted. Dad made a film mount for his Beseler Enlarger such that a 35mm roll of negatives could be slid back-and-forth behind the lens so a roll could be quickly scanned for possible enlargements. 

If you can adapt such a device to a slide scanner, you're set.  Otherwise, your only option that I can see is to separate the negatives and mount them.


Mark, thank you sir! We will see what the contractors say and the amount, I have a friend that came over and he has a plan, but I want to see what the other guys say!

Frank, good luck on your postwar layout! I hope you will post photos down the road!

Johan, what a wonderful scene! The background looks so real!

Vincent, way cool! I bet the family and neighbors are just going to love it!

Mitch, great job on the restoration!

Well I went out later today after the HOA meeting and did a little more work. The wall is still wet with paint so I will let that sit over night, the mud for the RR crossing shrunk so I added a little more mud to that, and I added traffic for my tunnel coming from the HWY bridge. Here is a photo for Lew so he knows it really happened! I also added a little mound that will be between the track and future road. Tomorrow I will get out there and work on the crossing, and paint the mound and add some rock and dirt, and some ground cover!



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Jim, It sure is looking good! Looks like you will be ready in plenty of time! Just wondering what your going to use for motor power and also how are you going to power the fog unit?

Well after coffee and breakfast and a little reading of the new CTT Magazine I plan to try and get back to the train room. Today is going to be  a split day trains and Christmas lights! I just hate it that when I put the lights away they all work and when I take them out there is always lights out! What a PIA!

I hope you all have a great day and find time for trains and your layouts! Most of all what ever you do, have FUN!

geysergazer posted:

Mike, can you tell how much your roof trusses sagged? Our house is 67yr old and has some sag of the roof rafters. You can see it by standing in the right place outside and sighting the roof. Such is true of many older houses and is harmless. The critical thing is any new/additional sag. Are you sure this is a new development from last Winter?

Hi Lew, I noticed it a couple of days ago while hanging Christmas lights. I pretty sure its from last years snow fall as we just had a new roof put on 4 years ago and there were no problems then. I put a level on the ceiling and from the outside wall it drops about an inch and a half. I started looking and its in a few different places.

I hope it wont be to much for a fix, but either way it has to be done! I know if it snows I will be out there with my new snow rake cleaning the roof off as much as I can as both contractors have already told me it will be up to 2 months before they could even get started!

Thanks for asking Lew!

Ran trains for a few minutes between outdoor chores. Sorry Lew- no pix....but it did happen.

Mike- Truss construction is usually bullet-proof. Hope the repair bill is manageable. I like the tunnel. How much did it hurt to cut that Menards truck in half?

Nice job on the Corgi Mitch.

B&O Fan- very nice. The weathering looks good!

Jim- that train is going to be the hit of the parade!

Happy Sunday!

I wonder if its possible for the Jets and Giants to loose to each other today?

Last edited by RSJB18

Mike, I solved the Christmas light problem 3 years ago when I replaced most with LEDs from Costco. The only ones I have left are on the animated deer and I haven’t decided if I’ll replace the deer or just rewire with new lights. The lights along the front eaves have plastic covers that look like regular bulbs and they don’t break when getting banged up. The patio lights change colors, so we go from white most of the year to red for the holidays. The Christmas tree lights also change colors so they are white through Thanksgiving and then red/blue for the holidays. It got to wear I replacing all bulbs every 3-4 years, so the LEDs will easily pay for themselves. Plus, the LEDs use a lot less energy, so that’s a bonus.

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