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I’ve been working lately on adding an upper level for my American Flyer collection to run on. I was going to cut out sub roadbed out of plywood but then I was reading in an old Toy Trains magazine from the 50s about using Erector sets to build elevated sections. The front is finished but now I need to make a curve for the end connecting to the back section which will include two bridges, making construction some what easier. Hope to have a loop up by the end of the month. 449354D1-E695-43A7-9EFA-C7F92FBB3170A7262C65-799E-4538-AA18-CC0BEFD3483E


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Did you build the concrete arches on the foundation of this building or is it a part of a kit? I've seen this design on a few layouts and have an area of my layout where I want to have this type of structure over the tracks.


Dave sorry for the delay.   I built the foundation from scratch and the arches are cut out of 1/4" MDF, the legs are pine, 3/4" square I think.....  I like that type of arch and in this case the same style arch is in the Ameritowne Wall sections, so it worked out really well.

I added some photos, it was part of a large re-model and hide a corner project.   I added a second arrival/departure track and just didn't want it visible so it disappears under Atlantic Ice and Cold storage then come out through the arches

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Well time flies by.... It's been 10 days since the last post on this Chemical Industry Kitbash....   Been weathering brick (for what seems like eternity!), painting windows, final glueing wall sections together, weathered the roof top wood water tanks.   Just about ready now to fabricate the base for this entire complex roughly 11 x 36 so I can start working on the piping / valves and finer details



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WOW Chris, that factory is turning out great.   I especially like the way you elevated it over the rail lines.  That really gives it a big city feeling and blends in your added arrival and departure tracks.   Very creative.  
   Here’s a couple views of the progress on the section I’m redoing.    Working from the back to the front, I’m ready to lay in more small rock to level out my scene representing the ‘Bow River’.   Then once the glue dries, I can pour the clear resin.   I’ll add a few more bushes here and there then start planting fir trees .   The trees will really make a difference.   Then I’ll begin working on the area with the overpass, slowly moving towards the Station scene.  I also made up a bunch of ties that I’ll distress more to represent rotted ties.  IMG_3942IMG_3943


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Chris I think the chemical facility is looking AMAZING! But that is nothing new coming from you, as it seems to me that everything you do turns out to be outstanding!

Peter, things are looking good over in your neighborhood, nice to see some sidewalks getting done!

Myles, you layout is so nice and fun to look at and read about, It is also mind blowing how realistic you are able to make it look!

I know there are a lot of other folks I left out but I had to go back a page cause there is so much being done and I am not on here every day.

I hope you all are doing well and remember please have fun with your layouts and trains!

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