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P51 Lee,

  I have a telegram sent to my Great Grandfather announcing the death of a Great Uncle I never knew.

   The poor choice of words sounds very unfortunate. But I'm having great difficulty figuring out how to express it isn't an awful or morbid idea.

   I keep repeatedly thinking back to "playing war" with my toy soldiers and how some thought that was disrespectful, especially if I were to use similar terms while doing so. Even as a boy, the knowledge of the horror was there. My Grandfathers box of disfigured soldiers, and the stories that he told were never present together, but it was apparent how they got that way one night as I watched an arm taken off with shears, followed by the tip of a whiskey bottle, and some tears for a man that I knew didn't survive the Bulge. They each paralleled what he had witnessed himself, and it was his way of trying to understand it, and the reason for boxcars full of dead innocents. Forcing my will, especially on a stranger, never made much sense to me either. I'm proud to be disturbed by it enough to need  to make light of it on occasion. I guess I'd like to think the comment made to you was similarly based on the inability to fully grasp the ideals that spawn the need for war at all. And what was seen as disrespect was actually how I was ensuring I'd never forget those that died, even though I never new them or even their names.

   Though the initial thought of the Gold Star is obviously uncomfortable, remember why you wanted to do it is to honor  those who gave their lives for us.

    I doubt you will ever find that house "pleasing", but just maybe with honor in mind and time, it will be more acceptable, as you know it shouldn't be forgotten.

   I also can't think of a better time to try it, even if it's one removable home, saved for this one day, once a year, just for you to honor them.

  I know if I were to happen to see it in a background shot, it would not only be a welcome reminder of those people and their family's sacrifices each and every time, but would also feel for you, and the lack the gratitude you deserve, for doing such an important, but to often thankless job.

 So before we are caught up in the true reason for this national day of recognition, and because those families couldn't through their grief, I'd like to be the one to say it.

Thank you Lee.

Been a short fry spell for the last three days with a day road trip to Niagara falls, NY and two days in the yard working it was not till tonight I actually was able to do something, Nothing in the line of construction. I started lining up items for the layout in the basement. Searches found three water towers, one coaling tower so far. I have another one in the attic somewhere and a sand drying building. I brought a few switches from upstairs but have a more to bring down. Going to try to incorporate them into the track plan before ordering more. Anyways here is a pic of what I amassed so far....................Paul



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Sorry, no pics 'cuz my iPhone is maxed out for photos and I cannot take any more!

Started yesterday and continuing today: though it gave Tom a bit of a pause to do it, the time came to drill holes in our beautiful Art Deco style Std. Gauge layout table. Starting to do the wiring for the 8 lights at the 4 corners and on the viaduct. Tom is a master Electrician, so he knows what to do

Will not be attaching the main loop to the table to the table just yet, or drilling for wiring for the track until I order two switches on payday and we swap out the straights for them. 


mike g. posted:

Great idea Lee. Thanks for sharing.

I've been surprised how much stuff marketed for HO either has detail that'll work fine for O or really is way too big for HO.

One of my turntables is a Peco one for British OO. The hardware on it is ridiculously oversized for OO, it's even pretty big for O.

All my grade crossing plank sets are for HO. The single lane grade crossing sets make great pedestrian walkways in On30 and double-lane HO works great for single-lane O in On30. The bolts on those laser ones are large for HO but look great in O.

When I wanted a O scale dachshund, I found a S scale hound dog by Arttista that looks just right for that. Really, S and HO scale dogs look good for O anyway in many cases.

When I hit a hobby shop, I always look at the HO stuff, just in case I find something that will work for O.

The outdoor work has been keeping me busy. But I think today I see the next few days to work on the layout. While working outside FedEx dropped off a 36' MTH reefer done for the CTTA in Canada. I really like Canadian Roads. And before I backed the truck in the garage I decided to look for a old engine shed I had bought and put together many years ago. Atlas sells it now. I bought it when it was $19.95. But I see I have to look for a few parts that fell off. I am going to use that for my train shed instead of a roundhouse and turntable to save on some space.  Also found an almost full case of gar graves track and a full case of Midwest cork in the attic. I have it all stock piled by the basement door to take down there. couple of pics..................Paul



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Put a new project box on the layout after reading another thread here about uncoupling tracks starting fires because the button sticks which happened to me with my first uncoupling track. It started smoking and I cut the power before it got bad. I combined the power switches from a smaller project box for the track in my train yard and the uncoupling button on one project box.




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I haven't had much time as of late to do work on the bench work on the new layout, but I do have a firm plan on where I'm going right now. 
I've posted a new BLOG video on my youtube channel. I'll include the link in this post, and if anyone wants to see it go check it out.


Other than the video, most of the "work" has been testing sections of Atlas track on one of the shelves where the mainline will be. And I've been testing O-72 so as I will be able to know if it will be able to fit or not. So far everything looks good. 


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  • Lionel 2356 A-B-B-A set on Atlas Track

The newest video footage I shot the other day and today can be uploaded to my FB page and the Std. Gauge Fb group and the Lionel Fb group AS IS, but must go through iMovie and YouTube to upload here. So more work and time involved. Will do so when I have longer and better footage. And when I have all the PSA sequencing sorted on my engines to play the when I want for a video. Its all learning curves... 

I don't have a layout... yet. My wife and I are thinking about renting a house instead of the tiny apartment we live in now. Every time she sends me a listing it has a basement "for a layout," she says. Woohoo! I've finally brainwashed her into letting me build a layout. Now I just have to convince her to let me start buying buildings.

OGR Ad Man posted:

Anyone notice that the original starter of this great thread hasn't made a post for almost 10 months and hasn't been on the forum (visited) going on 3 months.  Anyone know if there is something wrong with Jim???


Alan, I'm not sure if Jim is still in the hobby. He was selling his stuff. If I remember correctly, he was busy with work, and trying to design a new layout, but gave up his space to the family.

Here's another clue

I only know what I  read here on the forum.

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The award for "Most Creative Rearrangement Of A Train Layout" goes to my next door neighbor and cleaning lady, for this epic mess: 


Haven't made enquiries yet, but I rather suspect that, given she has a couple of adorable little kids in the house, the youngsters were entertaining themselves!  Ah, well, no permanent damage done.  I'll have to invite the kids over for an operating session and show them the proper way to run the trains. 



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Big_Boy_4005 posted:
OGR Ad Man posted:

Anyone notice that the original starter of this great thread hasn't made a post for almost 10 months and hasn't been on the forum (visited) going on 3 months.  Anyone know if there is something wrong with Jim???


Alan, I'm not sure if Jim is still in the hobby. He was selling his stuff. If I remember correctly, he was busy with work, and trying to design a new layout, but gave up his space to the family.

Here's another clue

I only know what I  read here on the forum.

   Hard not to wonder about him near daily; I've been using a turntable shot he did of #765 as my wallpaper for years now.

   I don't know him outside the forum, but had asked him what he had been up too last year. The impression I had was the same as the clues ; more work, possibly reducing or pulling his is own layout, expanding the kids PW that they had more interest in, and taxiing the kids more often to various activities away from home.

    With rail fanning excursions, and his knack for photographing them, I don't really see JD fully leaving the hobby. I'd guess it's just a hiatus. A mild spring here in Michigan coincides with his usual seasonal drop in activity here too.

M. Mitchell Marmel posted:

The award for "Most Creative Rearrangement Of A Train Layout" goes to my next door neighbor and cleaning lady, for this epic mess: 


Haven't made enquiries yet, but I rather suspect that, given she has a couple of adorable little kids in the house, the youngsters were entertaining themselves!  Ah, well, no permanent damage done.  I'll have to invite the kids over for an operating session and show them the proper way to run the trains. 


   A least inquire their names so you know what to call that hurricane in your next news reel

Didn't do much yesterday, just moved some figures around. I took this overall shot as I wanted to see what it'd look like now that all my backdrops are in place.

As you can see, there's a window on the West (right) wall, so no backdrop can go there. That's one of several reasons why there's just an interchange and staging yard there.

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p51 posted:
dobermann posted:

Finished this

Wow, you're just cranking these out, aren't you?

They look great!

Thanks. They'll still need a black wash, some details added and weathering powders before they're placed. Shipping's been killing me so I'm waiting until I can order some things like electric meters in quantities more than 1. 

I probably have 10 more Downtown Deco buildings. Easy builds. I really like them. Like River Leaf Models kits if you stay with it you can finish 1-1 1/2 each day


A double post today since I just finished up adding all the decking to the layout.  I was able to save all the sheets from the last layout and it barely covered just the subway section of the new layout.  Heading down to the Bahamas tomorrow so no progress reports until Mid June....that should give Paul some time to catch up. 



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Bryan, hope you have a great vacation. By the time you get back, you will know if the Cavs are World Champs or not. Also, remember there are the Cleveland Indians. There doing just fine this year. Your layout looks interesting. Soon as you get back, and 4th of July comes I'll let you know about ours. Things are going ok for us and my wife. Thanks.  Tom Sr.

I have got the Markle, Ind. elevator kit shaped up, and  am thinking about what glue to use to attach all the corrugated real metal strips to the outside of the building.  Yellow wood glue won't hold, I would like to use two part epoxy but that will take forever mixing, and a quantity of it...and things like Testor's wood and metal may not hold either, but I guess I will go with that.  It will take a lot of this builing....

So kind of you Bryan to go on a vacation so I can catch up. But so far I have not had much luck to work on the layout because Mother Nature will not give me any rain days. This weekend may be different but from all the other days it was to rain I am not counting on it. But on a high note today the Postal carrier dropped off a package I had been waiting for, DSCN2436 a Genesee Beer three car set Buffalo Creek Graphics made a number of years ago. One happy camper I was today. Plus negotiations went well with the wife for more area in the basement for tables. So take your time in the Bahamas. No need to hurry back. You and your wife enjoy yourselves and by all means if you want to extend your stay that will give me more time to work on tables. Anyways here is a pic of the set I got today.........Paul



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colorado hirailer posted:

I have got the Markle, Ind. elevator kit shaped up, and  am thinking about what glue to use to attach all the corrugated real metal strips to the outside of the building.  Yellow wood glue won't hold, I would like to use two part epoxy but that will take forever mixing, and a quantity of it...and things like Testor's wood and metal may not hold either, but I guess I will go with that.  It will take a lot of this builing....

Sand the metal if real smooth, and maybe even prime it for better adhesion with "hard glues".

Contact cement, or even rubber cement should work well.


Did my semi-annual workbench tidying.  In addition, here are some works in progress: GEDC2442

L-R:  The MTH semaphore received a new arm and screw terminal  (incidentally, the Lionel semaphore arm can be used on an MTH signal, but the mounting hole needs to be drilled out to accommodate the larger pin used); the Lionel signal and gate were cleaned and checked, with parts to be ordered from Train Tender; the 068 mast was transformed from a twisted heap of wreckage to a slightly dented heap of wreckage (again, a mast top and warning buck will be ordered from TT); and the Marx crossing gate was the recipient of a solenoid coil rewinding, which was a rather entertaining activity involving Bic mechanical pencils... 

The silver baggage car in the foreground is a former Pennsy unit, odd man out with my MPC heavyweights but a perfect match for my Amtrak consist once I order decals.   Incidentally, I found the recommendation for Rustoleum American Accents Silver Metallic spray here on OGRR, and it is a very good match for the Amtrak units...


Naturally, Shop Supervisor Norma Bates Kitteh was on hand to ensure all the work was performed properly.  



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Whilst mulling over the unsatisfactory selection of Lionel Amtrak decals for my former Pennsy baggage car, I said to myself, "Self, you have 30 years of Mac graphics experience, sticker paper and a perfectly serviceable Color LaserJet on your desk!  Why not roll your own?" 

To think was to act, and here are the results (with factory Amtrak car for comparison)! 


Not bad for 45 minutes' work, sez I!  Amtrak graphics file available on request.   



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Carey TeaRose posted:

Working on the piers for the upper circle of track today. Using a drill press with a spade drill bit to cut holes in the 2" wood blocks for the 1" plastic solid dowels and rings. Tom showed me how to do it on the first one, and made me drill the other seven. Sprayed the blocks gloss black to match the layout table legs.



Today was Alco Day at the Razorback Traction Co., as my MPC Amtrak consist with the freshly painted and stickered baggage car met my refurbished postwar freight consist: GEDC2448

A shot of the freshly stickered ex-Pennsy baggage car in the consist:


Naturally, Road Supervisor Norma Bates Kitteh was on the scene:




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Carey TeaRose posted:

Yesterday: Photos taken. My classroom O-scale layout has to be removed, and be put away in storage. A twinge of sadness, but it must be done. Two layout boards, 4x8 and 2.5x7. We ran my Lionel O-scale Polar Express. All the buildings and figures are Dept. 56 Seasons Bay. Atlas O three rail track.


Carey - If I were a kid at your school, I'd definitely have wanted to be in your class!!!  Awesome layout!!!!!  Your students are lucky to have you, for sure!!!!

Carey TeaRose posted:

Yesterday: Photos taken.My classroom O-scale layout has to be removed, and be put away in storage. A twinge of sadness, but it must be done. Two layout boards, 4x8 and 2.5x7. We ran my Lionel O-scale Polar Express. All the buildings and figures are Dept. 56 Seasons Bay. Atlas O three rail track.


I've only caught part of this.


Adriatic posted:
Carey TeaRose posted:

Yesterday: Photos taken.My classroom O-scale layout has to be removed, and be put away in storage. A twinge of sadness, but it must be done. Two layout boards, 4x8 and 2.5x7. We ran my Lionel O-scale Polar Express. All the buildings and figures are Dept. 56 Seasons Bay. Atlas O three rail track.


I've only caught part of this.


the school year is ending, everything in the classrooms have to be moved out for cleaning in the summer. These are set up on 3-x6 folding tables- no supporting understructure of their own. And I have to intern not at this school (for various reasons- too long a story) to be able to complete my teaching credential by end of school year 2017.

trumptrain posted:
Carey TeaRose posted:

Yesterday: Photos taken. My classroom O-scale layout has to be removed, and be put away in storage. A twinge of sadness, but it must be done. Two layout boards, 4x8 and 2.5x7. We ran my Lionel O-scale Polar Express. All the buildings and figures are Dept. 56 Seasons Bay. Atlas O three rail track.

Carey - If I were a kid at your school, I'd definitely have wanted to be in your class!!!  Awesome layout!!!!!  Your students are lucky to have you, for sure!!!!

What Patrick said.  A loverly layout!  I'm sure it'll be up and shining again in the fall! 


My granddaughter was playing on the layout and broke a Downtown Deco building so this is what we did today. Sometime in the next few days I'll start a 4x8 fast-track layout for her. Already ordered some Plasticville buildings and I have some scenery stuff she can have.

Whats the recommended subsurface for fast-track? I have a sheet of homasote and a sheet of pink foam in the garage not being used. I was leaning towards the pink foam to be able to vary the surface. I also have a 10# bag of sculptamold for texture in case fast-track works best on plain plywood.


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Randy Harrison posted:

My good friend Pat Whitehead (Trumptrain to the forum) came to my house today and showed me the technique of making a rock face with aluminum foil as the base. He did a FABULOUS job. Thank you Pat! You can see why his layout, the Free State Junction Railroad is up for a feature in the OGR Magazine this Fall.Rock Face

Thanks for the nice compliment Randy!  It was lots of fun working on your layout with you last week!!

Well I finally got started on a couple of unfinished projects. One to complete a 1/100 scale Doyusha airliner Ive had for a long time. BTW I decided to add some LED lights to give the model some pop.  I had one built a while back but its in bad shape. I decided to keep it since its sentimental to me. I hung it above the layout using 30lb fish line. The other is to complete the oil refinery section of the layout. 



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Today I finally got to do something train related.  No work on the basement layout I focused on making the shelf for the Z4000's on the control panel in the attic. Decided to use a little thicker plywood and one by fours for strength to support the two transformers. All I have to do now is drill holes for screwing the transformers down and then paint the shelf. Probably wasn't much but at least I got something done. Pic of the shelf.........Paul



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Todd Knoll posted:

Love the L1011 Tony!!  I'd like to have one flying over my layout!

Many years ago in the Atlanta area I saw a HO layout that had a track system in the ceiling and had some manner of slot car operation with strings coming through slots into the room, with model airplanes suspended underneath them. He had airliners going by every few minutes and also had a ME-109 being chased by a Spitfire. The props were solid clear disks if memory serves. Sort of crude by today's standards but it was pretty neat anyway.

The ultimate model RR airplane action is here.

Started wrapping this Indiana grain elevator kit in its thin real metal corrugated shell.    Am using the green tube "metal and wood" Testor's.  I prefer two part epoxy as more permanent, but mixing enough two part epoxy to sheath even a model grain elevator is not appealing.   I have scratchbuilt elevators using currugated sheet styrene, and was much more comfortable that nothing wlll go "sproing!" over time, even with plastic glue fastening styrene to a basswood frame.

This morning I laid out where the transformers will go and drilled holes for them and in the back of the shelf where the wires will go through. I got a coat of paint on it and when that dries I can flip it over and do the bottoms of the 1X4's then it is ready to go up to the attic. I get that in place and I can start to lay out the top for the control panel with the switch and uncoupling buttons. Pic of the shelf...................Paul



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