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I have the iCab app in front of me on my phone. The buttons across the top under the speed cursor are SW, RTE, TR and ENG. I do not have my Legacy system where I currently am to test it but it should control the Train. the handles on my ZW-L are TR1 through TR4 and last week at the layout I was running a conventional AF engine with the TR1 setting using the CAB 2. I ran a Legacy engine from the iCab with its ENG number but I just forgot to test the conventional engine from the iPhone. It should work.

Interesting. I opened the LCS App on my iPad and in the lower left box on the screen I can choose between Engine or Train. Are you saying selecting Train and the ZW-L assigned handle number will not adjust the output voltage to the track? I have not tried using the iPad LCS App to do other than operate turnouts and Legacy engines.

One advantage to using Engine instead of TR is that with Engine, a name and number can be assigned to each output (like assigning an engine name and road number) - see page 20 of the ZW-L manual.   This can be helpful in certain situations.  For example, my club uses the track designations Red, White, Blue and Black for our tracks from the outside in - with the ZW-L set to Engine, we have the track names as well as the # displayed so we know which track voltage we are playing with and aren't trying to remember which number is associated with which track, since we associate the track by the color code from our pre-ZW-L days.


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