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I don't recall the maps being posted more than 7-10 days before the meet week in the past.   I really don't expect to see the maps until next week.



That sounds about right. The Eastern Division has gotten better about this in the last few Meets. For many years, the Dealer Hall charts were not published until York Week.


@irish rifle posted:

The Eastern Division has gotten better about this in the last few Meets.

Pat, I've noticed that, as well.  I find it amazing that they can accomplish this in such a timely fashion with the constant flux of dealers and manufacturers coming and going over the last few years.  It must be a lot of work, and I am thankful for the effort they put into doing this twice a year.


@romiller49 posted:

Arnold, how do we find out what the big surprise will be?

Good morning Ron,

Be in the lobby of the Orange Hall near the TCA booth during the afternoon of Thursday 4/18, the morning of Friday 4/19, afternoon of Friday 4/19 and/or morning of Saturday 4/20. Then, you will know what the big surprise is.

I will post more specific times on those dates when I find out what they are.


@conrail5065 posted:

The Preshow in the Purple Hall at the Fairgrounds is Open

Monday 10:00am -4:00pm

Tuesday 9:00am-4:00pm

Wednesday 9:00am-1:00pm

Has a vendor list been published?  Didn't see anything on ED's website.  Last time, the pre-show was underwhelming - not worth going out of the way for.  I probably went through it in about 15 minutes.

Last edited by Mallard4468

Good morning Ron,

Be in the lobby of the Orange Hall near the TCA booth during the afternoon of Thursday 4/18, the morning of Friday 4/19, afternoon of Friday 4/19 and/or morning of Saturday 4/20. Then, you will know what the big surprise is.

I will post more specific times on those dates when I find out what they are.


Maybe you should go up on the roof...

@Mallard4468 posted:

Maybe you should go up on the roof...

Here's an update. The big surprise will start to happen on Thursday April 18th at 11 AM on the left side of the Orange Hall lobby as you enter it.

It will also happen at the same location at other times, possibly in the afternoon of 4/18, and also during the morning and afternoon of 4/19, and the morning of 4/20.

Here's a clue. As I mentioned before, keep your ears open.

LOL, Arnold

@Mallard4468 posted:

Last time, the pre-show was underwhelming - not worth going out of the way for.  I probably went through it in about 15 minutes.

For a first-time show, I thought it was OK.  We went through both Tuesday and Wednesday, and I found something there to take home, and others in my group spent more there than they did at the other 3 bandit meets combined.  I guess the experience will always be different for different people, but If you are hitting all of the bandits, it is not out of the way, since it is between the fire hall show and the Wyndham show.

I think that going to the pre-show is important in that good foot traffic tells vendors that doing the show is worthwhile, which will keep them coming back, and it may also attract new vendors over time who might have something I want or something I never knew I wanted.  In any case, I'll be going there again Tuesday and Wednesday, and if it continues, all 3 days in October.

Even if I can't find anything to buy, I like talking to the vendors and any acquaintances I might run into at the show, and I like looking at all the stuff for sale, even if it is not in my wheelhouse, as I always see stuff that I've never seen before, and stuff that is interesting.  As a table holder myself, I appreciate the people that stop and talk to me even if they don't buy anything.


@FJI posted:

I tried looking up the times and addresses of the bandit shows No Luck Can someone post this info or direct me to a site to obtain this info Thanks

Times and contact info are listed in ads placed by the promoters in the TCA newsletter.  Working from my feeble memory...

The largest one is at the Wyndham Garden.  M/T/W - becomes a ghost town around 1pm Wed.  There is a modest one at the Four Points Sheraton, don't know if it starts on Monday or Tuesday - my recollection is that it's mostly gone by Wednesday morning.  Another one is at the fire house near the SW corner of the fairgrounds.  IIRC, it's mostly Flyer.

For a first-time show, I thought it was OK.  We went through both Tuesday and Wednesday, and I found something there to take home, and others in my group spent more there than they did at the other 3 bandit meets combined.  I guess the experience will always be different for different people, but If you are hitting all of the bandits, it is not out of the way, since it is between the fire hall show and the Wyndham show.

I think that going to the pre-show is important in that good foot traffic tells vendors that doing the show is worthwhile, which will keep them coming back, and it may also attract new vendors over time who might have something I want or something I never knew I wanted.  In any case, I'll be going there again Tuesday and Wednesday, and if it continues, all 3 days in October.

Even if I can't find anything to buy, I like talking to the vendors and any acquaintances I might run into at the show, and I like looking at all the stuff for sale, even if it is not in my wheelhouse, as I always see stuff that I've never seen before, and stuff that is interesting.  As a table holder myself, I appreciate the people that stop and talk to me even if they don't buy anything.


Agree with everything you've said.  I'll probably go again because it's not out of my way.  However, my point with my previous comment is that it's not worth coming a day early or making a special effort to attend it.

@Prr7688 posted:

What are everybody's York traditions that they are looking forward to?

The traditions of my extended circle include breakfast at Round the Clock Diner every day while we are in town, hitting the bandit meets every day while in town, exploring the area after the bandits (in search of train stores, hobby shops, museums, train watching, etc.), Scotch/Bourbon/home-brewed beer evenings once the meet starts (with the occasional cigar if the weather is nice outside), dinner at the Mexican restaurant where Logan's Roadhouse used to be, and dinner once or twice at Shangri-La Chinese Restaurant -- this has become so much of a tradition that the old lady that runs/owns the place knows us on sight and even remembers what we like (and we get a little extra special treatment)!

Some of my personal traditions that are sadly only in the past were pumpkin funnel cakes outside of Silver Hall, and the chicken corn chowder that used to be served in the food stand that used to be outside of Purple Hall.

And one tradition that I do not miss is stumbling around over the uneven floors of Brown Hall.   In any case, my excitement level is now at the point where time is passing very slooooooowwwwwwwly in anticipation of continuing the traditions!


@eddie g posted:

Andy, Stop by a say hello if you are at Round the Chock. I will be there around 8:15-8:30 am every morning with my daughter.

Will do if we are there in that time frame.  We are usually there earlier in order to hit the Four Points bandit meet close when it opens at 8 and during the meet, so that we can get a decent parking spot near our end of Blue Hall.


and the chicken corn chowder that used to be served in the food stand that used to be outside of Purple Hall.


Andy…….i miss that food stand and that chowder, too!

….and, I would add another thing I miss, Yellow Hall food stand…..huge cake donuts with chocolate frosting…..

Unfortunately, (or fortunately for my waist and health ), life moves on!


Last edited by Putnam Division
@Prr7688 posted:

Thinking about it, I'm surprised there's not an organized happy hour anywhere

Actually, there are lots of them.  There is the TCA welcome party Tuesday night, the OGR gathering at Quaker Steak & Lube on Thursday nights.  I think the LCCA gets together Friday nights, and sometimes the DCS users group gets together Wednesday nights when they meet.  There may be others that I can't remember right now.  One thing about York, as a group, we are a "socially-lubricated" bunch...


Actually, there are lots of them.  There is the TCA welcome party Tuesday night, the OGR gathering at Quaker Steak & Lube on Thursday nights.  I think the LCCA gets together Friday nights, and sometimes the DCS users group gets together Wednesday nights when they meet.  There may be others that I can't remember right now.  One thing about York, as a group, we are a "socially-lubricated" bunch...



The LCCA happy hour/dinner is at Smokey Bones on Wednesday night starting at 5:00 p.m.


@PRRick posted:

Does the normal York badge get you access to the pre-show sales?

No badge is required for the pre-show in Purple Hall or the bandit meets at the firehall and hotels.  You will see some people wearing their York badges, but they do that either out of habit or because they want people to see their names for whatever reason or because they are proud members of the TCA.


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