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Guys - I am sort of way over in the "toy" end of the hobby but here are a few pictures you might enjoy on a dull Thursday afternoon.  Welcome to the Leonardtown and Savannah (L&S) on a nice spring day.

Here is the local waiting in the hole at "Small Town" as the new diesel powered express has the main and is about to blitz past the local depot on its way to Macon and Atlanta.

layout scene 1

Here we see the nose of those new demonstrator F-3 A-B-A from the NYC as she starts her entrance into the Georgia coastal mountains, heading west from Savannah towards Macon.  Nothing like the mountains in the west of the US, she will make short work of these hills as she leaves the ocean behind.

layout scene 2

Finally its clear tracks ahead as we enter the inland forested plains of Georgia, moving west and slightly north towards Macon and then more north to Atlanta.  We really haven't disturbed the commuters on the platform waiting for that local that follows the express.  Goodness we even haven't disturbed that Northern Cardinal (in Texas we call them "Redbirds") on the covered bridge over the stream.

layout scene 3

Just for fun.  As the old saying goes...I know I am in my own little world, but they like me there!

Don McErlean


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  • layout scene 1
  • layout scene 2
  • layout scene 3


Erie Shore & Ironton near Huron, Ohio.  The last gas station until Sandusky is servicing a traveler and competing railroad company trucks pass by on the old state route.  Laid in place to the left is the Lake Shore Electric (2 rail and running on overhead) which will actually be the LAST thing put in so I am not having to paint and wire while reaching over the overhead.  


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  • IMG_2188

RonH:  Thank you for your comment.  I keep trying to add detail to make things "more" realistic, but it is the 4x8, flat green plywood board, that came out after Thanksgiving and went back in the attic after New Years that I remember, so that's were I spend most of the train time.  Thanks again. 

OBTW, Crazy J.R.R that is the coolest Shell gas station I have ever seen.  Neat!

Don McErlean

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