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Or perhaps you find yourself passing up on items you'd otherwise like to purchase if things didn't arrive all at once?    

This isn't exactly a new phenomenon for 2015.  If I recall correctly, November/December 2014 were heavy-hitting months too... stuff like Lionel's scale Polar Express Berks (both the black and the gold versions), Vision Line Big Boys, Cab-Forwards, and more Polar Express scale heavyweight passenger cars... just to name a few.  If you had all those items on your wish list, your bank account took a pretty hefty hit.

This December seems no different.  Lionel's anxiously-awaited NYC ESE passenger set and add-on two-pack, an array of pricey ES44's diesels, the last of Lionel's 18" aluminum passenger car sets and extra two-packs, heavy Mikado steamers, Alco PA/PB diesels, and boom sound cars are ALL hitting this month.  Ouch to those who ordered all those goodies.  And to top it off, I also received an invoice today for an ABBA configuration of motive power for MTH's re-issue of the Norfolk Southern OCS.  Thankfully, the passenger cars didn't arrive in the same shipment!   

I was tempted to spring for one of Lionel's NYC ESE steamers w/PT tender, but ultimately had to pass on that for now.  We all have our limits.   Perhaps these will still be around when dealers offer after-Christmas inventory clear-out sales???    Let's hope.

With all this stuff arriving now... and other high-priced jewels due in 2016... Is anybody really THAT interested in Lionel's 2016 Signature Catalog?  Really... how much expensive stuff can this market absorb.  I've had to pass on a TON of very nice stuff, because there's only so much room to run/display these items... not to mention the hit on the wallet.  This stuff isn't chump change... at least not for me.  I just can't understand why delivery of these items can't be spaced out better throughout the year.    Seems like it would be to everyone's advantage if that were to happen.


Last edited by Rocky Mountaineer
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I agree with you, David.  Too many expensive items all shipping at the same time.

A year ago I seem to remember Lionel being very proud that they shipped the Big Boy "by the end of the year."  It looks like this year is also the year of shipping items by the end of the year.  From an accounting standpoint, it is nice to close the year by being able to book all of those sales.  That may be the motivating factor.

But, I do find it hard to believe that the factories in China were idle and then suddenly started churning out all of this product for shipment to the US at the same time.

Like you, I have passed on items from the most recent catalogs from Lionel, MTH and Atlas.  On the last Notch 6 podcast, I believe Mike Reagan indicated the new Lionel Catalog would be out in January.  I just can't see ordering much, if anything, from that catalog since I'm sure a lot of it will ship "by the end of the year."  I need a financial break from expensive trains next Christmas season.   

Grampstrains posted:

So, who was it that forced you to order all that stuff?

Read my post carefully, gramps.  I didn't say I ordered all that stuff.    In fact, I mentioned that I lamented NOT being able to order everything I may have "wanted".  

The point is a ton of very expensive items is hitting all at once.  And hopefully folks who did order them earlier this year -- however much or little they ordered -- have stashed away some funds in their piggy bank to help pay for these goodies now.  After all, it's also Christmastime too... so we're buying for others -- not just ourselves.  Get it???


Last edited by Rocky Mountaineer
VinceL posted:

...  On the last Notch 6 podcast, I believe Mike Reagan indicated the new Lionel Catalog would be out in January.  I just can't see ordering much, if anything, from that catalog since I'm sure a lot of it will ship "by the end of the year."  I need a financial break from expensive trains next Christmas season.   

Absolutely agree, Vince.  I'm fully expecting that the ONLY item I may be ordering out of Lionel's 2016 Volume 1 (Signature) catalog is the Bicentennial GG-1.  And if that's the case, then so be it.   I'm OK with that.

For planning purposes, I wish Lionel would have announced the GG-1 pricing with the product preview.  Lionel very well knows the price by now.  They've even admitted it.  But they're holding back on the price specifics until the catalog is published.  With all this product hitting at once, nobody wins with that type of thinking, and it's short-sighted at best.  Any information that we can use to plan our expenses for the year is always helpful.


Last edited by Rocky Mountaineer

I kind of look at it this way.....Lionel and most of the other major manufacturers don't have a lot of control over when items are completed by their producers.  They have a basic schedule but as we all know those delivery schedules are thrown to the wind much of the one has to assume the worst scenario and order accordingly.  In my mind it doesn't matter if the items arrive at my doorstep throughout the year or within one month.  The cost and hit to the wallet is the same and the key is to order what one can afford just in case one has to pay for it all at once.  To expect  Lionel or for that matter any of the manufacturers to deliver product to every customer based on "wallet shock" is simply an exercise in futility....  Welcome to BTO...!!

I agree you can only run so much and collect so much then all you have is a room full of trains and no money to get them running I found out that its not the trains you run its the layout you run them on I have passed on many items from mth and lionel I have also found out that there are many people looking to sell there stuff in hopes to getting the latest and greatest so I hold back and wait and I get a nice piece maybe a little run time but still in great shape for less money and it gives me time to save my money for I believe is the best part of model trains running them

Just the opposite, I'm looking for things to buy

But...I'm being particular in what I want, mainly older, well detailed, somewhat accurate (for Seaboard Air Line or Atlantic Coast Line) steam that I can get at good prices and upgrade to BPRC.  I've been fortunate with Williams/Samhongsa brass the past year or 2, but they only made so many different types I can use.  Same for passenger cars, a nice, accurate, detailed SAL or ACL set would do the trick.

The rolling stock I want is a mix of different RRs, but after getting the $80 Atlas Covered Hopper I may put limits on buying too many more.  Maybe I'll start looking into brass offerings for rolling stock and limit myself to a couple/year, I have enough as it is, but we all know how that goes.

86TA355SR posted:

I don't order items unless I have the funds to cover it.  I put that  money in a separate account until they arrive.

My fear for Lionel 2016 is the UP Excursion set will have matching Challengers-then I'm in trouble!

That's how I do it.   When I order, I assume it will all hit at once, and I keep a separate interest bearing account for extra curricular things like trains, etc...

I recently completed putting up my train shelves and after all these years unpacked every item I own.  Looking back I can see I bought things I really do not need.  How many of the same engine or rolling stock type do I need?  I couldn't even remember what I had, haha.  I think this hobby tends to be out of control for spending.  Now that I can actually see my collection (instead of in boxes in a closet) I have total control of what I really need.  If I had not done that I probably would of bought all the stuff coming out.  Now I'm just getting the ESE set and that's it.  I agree manufacturers should get better control of production.  It's just too much at once.  But with BTO they probably don't care because the orders are already locked in for them and they get paid no matter what.  It's the dealers that have to wait for their money if buyers can't afford all the stuff at once.    I wont put it on credit cards.  I refuse to pay interest on toys.  This has been Lionel's best year as far as accurate shipping schedule but it's curious why it all comes in December every year.  And it's always the expensive items.  I have only been buying for about 7 years but I'm already scaling back.  Only special items I don't have will be on my list anymore.  If I can't fit it on my layout or on the display shelves why buy it?  I probably would of bought the ESE set and some es44s and mikados etc if they were a month apart because it seems less expensive psychologically but by bombarding all at once and adding up what I would spend in one visit to the train store gave me a wake up call, to cut back.   If you want to save some money open up all your collection and lay it out and you will not want to buy every new item that comes out anymore.��  



With Lionel at least, it's best to plan ahead with these familiar patterns.

Last year, I planned to preorder one item, and I did the same last year, both from Volume 1, and managed to pay for both as scheduled.

That's not to say I almost wasn't ready, but managed to come out okay for the next year. Added to the fact that very little I want is in the Volume 2 catalogs pretty much tells me I WILL be paying for whatever I order during the Christmas season.

Last edited by Mikado 4501

This is a time of year for giving to others (not that I limit to giving just during the holidays). I find the timing of the shipments to be financially burdensome due to the fact that I am buying for other people and giving to other entities to a much greater extent at this time of year versus other times of the year. I would much rather have the mega shipments such as the one currently from Lionel take place over the summer months. That way there is recovery time and not so conflicted with the holidays. 

Fortunately, no.

 A big reason for that comes down to a great example of the communication on this forum.  

I had a few things on order earlier this year to include the Harriman 6-car set + 2 from GGD.

I'm pretty disciplined on items I'll purchase, however,  panic time hit as I was budgeting and a lot of things started coming in at once.  I worried I'd have to cancel some items or use credit (eeek!) to cover my commitments.  

I was relieved when Scott posted clear information on his estimated targets for each model's production schedule.  It became so much easier to plan my purchases.  I realized I didn't have to sit on the cash I'd put aside for that set right now and I would have enough time to budget over the next few months for them.   This freed up available funds for me to cover my other pre-orders coming in.  Also, more importantly, I was able to move on an immediate opportunity that presented itself to pick up some items I had been searching forever when I recently found them (ex// OMI Pacific/3rd Rail Mikado).  

I know each manufacturer deals with multiple production issues and is worried about negative feedback from customers when challenges arise, or losing a prospective purchase.  

People might not like everything they're told, but serious people really appreciate honest communication.  I'm sure there's plenty more examples from other manufacturers and LHS's.

Last edited by WITZ 41

I am feeling the crunch to complain....

I hate that Lionel catalogs expensive items months before shipping them.

I hate that Lionel only builds most of their expensive items to order and therefore if I want to purchase an expensive item I have to "commit" to purchasing it months before it arrives to my retailer.

I hate that Lionel is constantly late on delivering items and consequently forces me to wait longer to pay for the item.

I hate waiting for what feels like an eternity for the item, my only consolation is the existence of this forum which allows me to vent my frustration.

I hate when Lionel ships the items I ordered at the same time.

I hate this hobby, no wait I enjoy the hobby, I just enjoy complaining about it more than the hobby itself.

I hate the idea of new products being advertised in January.  Why would Lionel release another catalog so soon after delivering so many products in December?  Who is running that company?  Delivering all this stuff right before Christmas, clearly they don't have a clue about consumer purchasing habits. Nobody does any shopping before Christmas.  They are such idiots!


I buy starter sets only (particularly MTH) which gives me good value, lots of track and power all in one box. It also allows me a relatively inexpensive way to add different railroads to my layouts.

I do tend to buy a bunch at once, around this time of year. But like many of you my wife and I have "mad money" accounts and we buy what we want with that.

SandJam posted:

...  If I can't fit it on my layout or on the display shelves why buy it?    ...

That's exactly the criteria I used a few years ago when I decided to start my "collection thinning" for-sale threads here on the forum.  I purchased many trains over the years with plans for a grand layout.  And while I'm in the beginning phases of what I hope will be a grand layout consisting of Standard Gauge and O-Gauge trains, it's clear I can still stand to thin a few more items off the roster.  If you think O-Gauge takes up space, you should see how quickly space gets consumed by Standard Gauge trains.  I've already been VERY selective of which Standard Gauge trains I purchase. 

Best cure for over-purchasing IS building a layout. 

Now granted... sometimes we might work a corporate job that keeps us traveling year-round.  Or we may live in a townhouse for years with plans to one day build that dream home with a dedicated basement for the trains.  Once we get to that stage, reality can set in VERY quickly when -- like you said -- you lay all the boxes out on the floor... only to realize that you could probably have gotten by with 1/5 of the purchases.


I am with Delbridge.  For the last several times I have taken $ to York, and brought it home, as nothing rang my chimes.  I look through the catalogues, but I also read verious magazines and books on railroads, and what is in the catalogues is not what is in the books, not the right roadnames, etc., and I have bought nothing from the catalogues. I  have bought a couple of Menard's buildings, and other O scale building kits.  There are a number of things, some probably expensive, if they existed, that I would spring for......They don't exist.

OGR Ad Man posted:

I kind of look at it this way.....Lionel and most of the other major manufacturers don't have a lot of control over when items are completed by their producers.  They have a basic schedule but as we all know those delivery schedules are thrown to the wind much of the one has to assume the worst scenario and order accordingly.  ...

Alan, I think you hit the nail on the head.  Today's importers appear to have very little control over exactly when product is manufactured.  They'd like us to "think" they do.  But if we listen closely, we can get a sense that dealing with the overseas factories has become a full-time job on a good day.  Throw in the realities of stuff not always working out as planned -- not to mention things we can't even imagine... and that full-time job becomes a job for 5 people. 

Generally speaking, I think December has always been a "big" month for toy/model train deliveries.  But years ago, basic diesel locomotives didn't carry a $650 MSRP.  And basic steam engines didn't carry a $1,500 MSRP.  Today... look out!!!

BTW, I don't think Lionel's ESE set was that  badly priced... considering folks are getting a top-notch loco with 4 new 21" ABS cars at under $1600 (for those who pre-ordered earlier this year).  The ala-carte steamers have a street-price of $1260 or thereabouts.  So the set is a "good deal" for folks who don't already own ESE passenger cars.  Pre-ordering this set was the way to go, because now dealers will likely push the street-price upwards.  I don't think we'll see those pre-order prices of $1550 (or so) now that product has hit the street.  In fact a number of these products that were shipped this week already have a bit of a "premium" price tag up from the pre-order prices.   Not all of them... but enough to make life interesting (and unpredictable).  So the BTO pre-order vs. "waiting-to-see-the-product" dilemma continues onward...

Oh well... Back to wrapping presents now... it's officially Christmas Eve (Eastern Standard Time).  Merry Christmas everyone!!!


Last edited by Rocky Mountaineer


Even though the noticeable increase of Lionel's product isn't exactly welcome, it really isn't too different from the prices Lionel had in the prewar era.

The original 700E had a price tag of $75, which would've been about $1500 today. Same with the Rail Chief set which would've been $1950 today vs. the 1937 $97.50 price.

Bottom  line is, Lionel has always been an expensive product, especially when it comes to top of the line product. As much as we would like Lionel to be more competitive with its prices, it's a fact that old habits die hard.

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