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I own a set of the Golden Gate Depot John Wilkes four-car heavyweight coaches.  This past weekend while running the cars, I found that the cars would repeatedly uncouple on our club layout.  I have noticed that there seems to be significant play in the knuckle even when it is closed position.  Has anyone else had issues with the Golden Gate Depot heavyweights not staying coupled?  Is it possible to replace them with either Lionel or MTH knuckle couplers?

Last edited by Lionel16
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Originally Posted by Lionel16:

I own a set of the Golden Gate Depot John Wilkes four-car heavyweight coaches.  This past weekend while running the cars, I found that the cars would repeatedly uncouple on our club layout.  I have noticed that there seems to be significant play in the knuckle even when it is closed position.  Has anyone else had issues with the Golden Gate Depot heavyweights not staying coupled?  Is it possible to replace them with either Lionel or MTH knuckle couplers?

I upgraded all my heavyweight GGD passenger cars to Kadee couplers, and have never had any problems. On the other hand, my entire SP Daylight passenger set of GGD cars still have their original couplers, and I have not had any troubles with them either. 


The logical next question would be, how smooth is the track at your club?

Rubber bands work, but they dry out and come off.  I use strips of black duct tape, (duck tape brand), which holds well, cant be seen, and could be removed if needed, but has not come off the way rubber bands have.  Place the tape, rubber band, twist tie, whatever your choice around coupler arm behind the thumbtack.  This keeps the release bar from drooping and releasing the coupler.  I run long passenger trains and if there is a weak coupler it will show up.   It beyond me why high end passenger cars are using MPC era coupler design when there are much better designs in use.  Lionel and GGD regress in this area.  

Last edited by VistaDomeScott

I recently had a coupler problem with 21" East Burlington Pullman passenger car; it separated while running in the middle of 6-car consist.  Found that the coupler pin had come loose or broken and though I found the separated knuckle along the side of the track, never did find the pin.  

Anyone know where I could pick up one or two coupler pins.  I was going to check with GGD at York, but a foot injury did not allow me to attend the April meet.

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