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Kind of hate to bring this up again, but was wondering if anyone attending York asked or heard Lionel say anything about the Legacy system availability? York. I watched Lionel's presentation that was posted on the TCA website and didn't hear anything about it.

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The conversations I overheard at York seem to infer that the Legacy 990 will be arriving LATER than we've been previously lead to believe. 


I guess what I just can't wrap my head around is... Why have dealers been jumping on the forum telling folks that Legacy is "imminent" or "shipping soon"?    Who in the information chain is supplying incorrect info?  And thereby falsely setting people's expectations?  At this point, the darn things are either on a boat or they're not.  There's nothing grey about it.  And if they're not, then we won't be seeing them until 3Q2014 at the earliest... and perhaps 4Q if we want to think realistically.


If there's ANYTHING I learned in my former days of marketing in the corporate world... it's the fact that managing customer expectations is always KEY.  Better to tell someone ONCE that their product is due in 6 months or whatever, rather than tell them they'll see the product "next month" SIX times.    It also helps build a solid image that you actually have an authoritative handle on your business and know what you're doing.  Play the game like Lionel is doing, and they achieve the exact opposite image. 


If the product delays continue at length, then I actually begin to wonder if all the stuff we've been told to date (i.e., Lionel refusing to ship product with an inferior replacement part and such) has just all been part of a cleverly-crafted party line to put people's anxiety for the product on the back-burner... and save face while they're at it.


Sad situation all around... no matter how you look at it.  Someday, we'll find the real truth instead of corporate party lines.



I still do not understand why Lionel does not provide its consumer base a precise and definitive statement as to what the problem is with the Legacy Control System and when they expect to be able to deliver it.  If certain electronic components are unavailable simply state it and if they can't provide an expected delivery date then they should state that as well.   It just seems to me that they owe a bit of, "Transparency", to quote a now familiar term to their loyal buyers.  This seems like common sense to me. 

I would also imagine Lionel really wants the Legacy's in our hands too? Seeing as it is (was?) their flagship product. It is probably becoming a big problem for them as well. I am also with the others that would just like to know the real ship date. Addressing the problem head on would sure make them look better in my eyes. 


Asked my LHS Friday, and they weren't sure they were getting any accurate information on the ship dates either. I think they said they now had about a dozen on order, mostly all for customers and then a couple for the store and had no idea when they would get them.


Was hoping they had said something about the Legacy's at York, but I guess not. Maybe I will try calling Lionel myself next week, they will probably just refer me to the online shipping schedules...will post here if I hear anything from them.  

Last edited by rtr12

It is likely a component supplier issue that Lionel themselves cannot get a decent answer on since I too am sure they want Legacy systems in the hands of their users. Electronics manufacturing today is so diverse and moving so fast forward in technology that making something with little updates for more than a couple of runs becomes difficult at best. Here is to hoping the units due show up soon.

I can see the customer's point of view as well as Lionel's point of view. Lionel should give better status updates on their Legacy systems. However, Working with overseas factories in Asia is not an easy task, trust me I know, I had worked with them for years. They promise you the world to keep you happy but then they will try to cut costs and/or mishandle their parts and now you have a problem/delay.


While I can see that these factory problems are very difficult to predict, although better planning can reduce such problems, It is also much better for every one for Lionel to keep its paying customers properly informed.


I have pre-ordered BB and I hope to get a Legacy system asap.If I do not get their Legacy, I may just not purchase their Legacy locos and keep my MTH roster going strong.

Last edited by BigBoy4014
Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

It seemed they were very careful to avoid that topic, so I'd say they're not on the boat yet.



...And, Lionel doesn't have any idea when they are going to be on the boat.  That's pretty clear.  Which is why the shipping date keeps sliding 'right' and they've put the Cab-1L on the market.    


This situation is similar to waiting on your wife when she is getting ready..."5 minutes"...20 minutes later, you hear '5 minutes'...20 minutes later, you hear '5 minutes'...20 minutes later, you hear '5 minutes'.  Get the point?


Originally Posted by RAL:

Frankly, after interacting with the Lionel reps I am inclined to give the company the benefit of the doubt.  It is pretty clear they are trying to fix the issue and it is a frustrating situation all around.  


Totally understand.  While I am glad they are working to resolve the issue, the fact is, the Legacy system (their premier command and control system) isn't available. It hasn't been for some time.    


As you said, frustrating for all. More for us, after spending $1200-$1800 on one Legacy engine. But, it's OK, I am glad I spent the extra money to watch it run conventially...does the same things my $100 4-4-2 does from 1987...awesome.  


Originally Posted by BigBoy4014:

I can see the customer's point of view as well as Lionel's point of view. Lionel should give better status updates on their Legacy systems. However, Working with overseas factories in Asia is not an easy task, trust me I know, I had worked with them for years. They promise you the world to keep you happy but then they will try to cut costs and/or mishandle their parts and now you have a problem/delay.


While I can see that these factory problems are very difficult to predict, although better planning can reduce such problems, It is also much better for every one for Lionel to keep its paying customers properly informed.


I have pre-ordered BB and I hope to get a Legacy system asap.If I do not get their Legacy, I may just not purchase their Legacy locos and keep my MTH roster going strong.


I've bought 9 Legacy engines this year-have yet to see any of them run under Legacy.  Talk about frustration...


I refuse to buy the Cab-1L 'stop gap' measure Lionel has introduced.  Why buy a system that won't allow full access to Legacy features?  A great marketing ploy by Lionel-"we don't have available the #990, so we'll sell you this Cab-1L. When the #990 is available, you can spend more money for it."  Not me, I won't play that game.


MTH is having a similar problem, DCS isn't exactly available right now...Recently bought 4 MTH engines and have been searching for DCS-can't find it.


Originally Posted by cbojanower:

FWIW I saw 3 or 4 990's at York for sale around 400 bucks.2 were new in box.


BTW it appears MTH has a similar problem with getting their DCS built. Both control systems are in short supply


I've had a 990 on pre-order/back order for almost a year now.  Had I known I was going to wait that long, I would have bought a used system long ago.


You are correct, both systems are hard to locate right now.


Guys - sorry about the rant.  Hopefully we have 990s in our hands soon.  Trying to remain positive...

Last edited by 86TA355SR
The legacy set is the heart of operation for lionel legacy trains especially for the vision line, there is no way the short supply of the 990 is intentional, nor does lionel have control of whats going on, and i dont think that they produced the 1l to take more money from people dosent sound that smart because all the features they advertise is not avalible on the 1l such as the quilinh whistle, leagcy 990 is a profitable product for lionel and its also there connection for consumers to buy more legacy train rather then conventional , my only red flag is that they are focusing to much on the lioncheif which makes it seem they are not even doing anything along the lines of legacy and i agree lionel should make a public annocment to dealers with whats going on .

I've had a LEGACY set on backorder since Fall and I'm fine waiting for its availability, however long that may take. It gives my credit card a chance to recover.


I'm pleased with my CAB-1L/Base-1L Command Set even if it operates my LEGACY locomotives in TMCC mode. I have more TMCC locomotives anyway although I understand they operate better in LEGACY mode. I don't see why they would other than possibly having more speed steps but I suppose that's another topic.

Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:
Originally Posted by Calabrese94:
dont think that they produced the 1l to take more money from people dosent sound that smart because all the features they advertise is not avalible on the 1l such as the quilinh whistle...

Actually, the quilling whistle is one of the few Legacy features that is available on the Legacy Lite, aka CAB1-L/BASE1-L set.


oo really ? i was looking for the slider switch like the cab 2, when i went to my LHS i saw the 1L did look to appealing to old school for me so i went ahead and ordered a 990 and wow what a wait and still no word very disappointing

It's just maybe possible that the main boards in the new Legacy's are getting a complete re-design due to component changes, updates, etc.

This doesn't happen overnight, I guess we'll just have to be patient.

Hopefully the new Legacy's when finally shipped will be that much better for the wait!

I wonder if there will be a new software revision shipped with the new units?



If there was a re-design, it would have been the wisest thing for Lionel to tell us about it. We all would be very happy to wait for a new/improved design. I suspect there is no re design, just factory delays and/or priorities changes. It seems like they are spending a lot of efforts and time promoting the LC+. The profit margins are a lot better with the LC+ line vs the Legacy system....I theorize
At any rate, The loyal Lionel fans are at their mercy for now regarding the Legacy system delivery but I have to believe that Lionel is giving this issue a fairly medium priority, I hope at least.
Originally Posted by Rod Stewart:

It's just maybe possible that the main boards in the new Legacy's are getting a complete re-design due to component changes, updates, etc.

This doesn't happen overnight, I guess we'll just have to be patient.

Hopefully the new Legacy's when finally shipped will be that much better for the wait!

I wonder if there will be a new software revision shipped with the new units?




Originally Posted by BigBoy4014:
If there was a re-design, it would have been the wisest thing for Lionel to tell us about it. We all would be very happy to wait for a new/improved design. I suspect there is no re design, just factory delays and/or priorities changes. It seems like they are spending a lot of efforts and time promoting the LC+. The profit margins are a lot better with the LC+ line vs the Legacy system....I theorize

The major hole in that theory is that the Legacy system is the base component for the LC+ stuff!


Originally Posted by Calabrese94:
Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:
Originally Posted by Calabrese94:
dont think that they produced the 1l to take more money from people dosent sound that smart because all the features they advertise is not avalible on the 1l such as the quilinh whistle...

Actually, the quilling whistle is one of the few Legacy features that is available on the Legacy Lite, aka CAB1-L/BASE1-L set.


oo really ? i was looking for the slider switch like the cab 2, when i went to my LHS i saw the 1L did look to appealing to old school for me so i went ahead and ordered a 990 and wow what a wait and still no word very disappointing

see page 9


quilling the cab1L

Originally Posted by Rod Stewart:

Hopefully the new Legacy's when finally shipped will be that much better for the wait!



Hehe, to quote Carl in Caddy Shack, "a little something for the effort" would sure be nice after all the wait! Maybe they will function better than ever before with signal strength that can't be interrupted! Won't hold my breath on that one though...


The good thing for me is, I went ahead and paid for my pre-ordered Legacy system a couple months ago, so now I can order a few things form the new catalogs and at least have that item out of the way when the bills come in. On second thought, maybe that wasn't such a good idea, I'm in my '60s?


As far as Lionel's priorities, I think we can rest assured that getting the Legacy systems out the door is a TOP priority, if not the TOP priority at the company. I was never questioning that, I just wish they would give us an update with the honest story on what's happening and their best guess of when they expect to have them available. However, been waiting since September '13, so I can continue the wait. As I said earlier, maybe they are holding out so they can surprise us with something soon!  

Originally Posted by 86TA355SR:


I refuse to buy the Cab-1L 'stop gap' measure Lionel has introduced.  Why buy a system that won't allow full access to Legacy features?  A great marketing ploy by Lionel-"we don't have available the #990, so we'll sell you this Cab-1L. When the #990 is available, you can spend more money for it."  Not me, I won't play that game.


And now.... Lionel has a new president, so I'm sure its not "his fault". He can just blame it on the last guy. Where have I heard this scenario before?


Sounds like, "a vast, orange and blue conspiracy" if you ask me

Last edited by RickO
Wouldn't that be the legrassy knoll? 
Originally Posted by MartyE:
Mike Reagan hanging out on the grassy knoll still?
Originally Posted by RickO:
Originally Posted by 86TA355SR:


I refuse to buy the Cab-1L 'stop gap' measure Lionel has introduced.  Why buy a system that won't allow full access to Legacy features?  A great marketing ploy by Lionel-"we don't have available the #990, so we'll sell you this Cab-1L. When the #990 is available, you can spend more money for it."  Not me, I won't play that game.


And now.... Lionel has a new president, so I'm sure its not "his fault". He can just blame it on the last guy. Where have I heard this scenario before?


Sounds like, "a vast, orange and blue conspiracy" if you ask me



Last edited by N.Q.D.Y.

Maybe someone at Lionel could put on their Big Boy Pants and just tell us they don't have any  idea when it will ship.

As a group, we are a bunch of old guys, present company excepted NQDY,and we have heard worst thing than the delay of the 990's. Just would like to know.

perhaps these are on the same boat as the Smoke Fluid Loaders.


Actually, I have to admit that the 990's unavailability has probably saved me a buck or two since I have only purchased one Legacy engine.  I'm quite sure I would have bought more if I had an operating Legacy system.  So, for every disadvantageous situation there is an advantage if a person takes the time to look for it.  So, I will continue to save dollars as I won't be buying until Legacy finally arrives. 

Originally Posted by OKHIKER:

Actually, I have to admit that the 990's unavailability has probably saved me a buck or two since I have only purchased one Legacy engine.  I'm quite sure I would have bought more if I had an operating Legacy system.  So, for every disadvantageous situation there is an advantage if a person takes the time to look for it.  So, I will continue to save dollars as I won't be buying until Legacy finally arrives. 

thats a good thought but let me ask you this what happen when legacy finally does arrive?

Originally Posted by Calabrese94:
Originally Posted by OKHIKER:

Actually, I have to admit that the 990's unavailability has probably saved me a buck or two since I have only purchased one Legacy engine.  I'm quite sure I would have bought more if I had an operating Legacy system.  So, for every disadvantageous situation there is an advantage if a person takes the time to look for it.  So, I will continue to save dollars as I won't be buying until Legacy finally arrives. 

thats a good thought but let me ask you this what happen when legacy finally does arrive?

At the rate things are going now I'm not going to have to be concerned about that for quite some time to come.  When Legacy does arrive I will attempt to be selective and will probably focus on the less expensive diesels.  There are tons of them right now and I expect that will continue. 

Originally Posted by OKHIKER:
Originally Posted by Calabrese94:
Originally Posted by OKHIKER:

Actually, I have to admit that the 990's unavailability has probably saved me a buck or two since I have only purchased one Legacy engine.  I'm quite sure I would have bought more if I had an operating Legacy system.  So, for every disadvantageous situation there is an advantage if a person takes the time to look for it.  So, I will continue to save dollars as I won't be buying until Legacy finally arrives. 

thats a good thought but let me ask you this what happen when legacy finally does arrive?

At the rate things are going now I'm not going to have to be concerned about that for quite some time to come.  When Legacy does arrive I will attempt to be selective and will probably focus on the less expensive diesels.  There are tons of them right now and I expect that will continue. 

i just wish it would come out already.

Originally Posted by FlyerRich:

FWIW, I recently ordered the 990 and a brick. The brick arrived this week and the packing slip indicates a 6/10/14 shipdate for the 990. Like I said, for what it's worth.

Well, the friendly folks over at Legacy Station just let me know that they still have April as a ship date and April has come and gone. They really aren't certain about it's arrival and are just as frustrated to not be able to sell the system as we are to buy it. Frustration has mounted to unprecedented heights from both consumers and retailers. Like everyone here will probably agree, the biggest frustration comes for the lack of communication and involvement from the manufacturers. From Lionel to MTH to Atlas. I'm shocked at the lack of straight forward communication from them. It can't be doing them any good. I think it's time for another manufacturer to get involved and put out a system made here in the USA. I'd pay twice the amount of a Legacy or DCS system if it were made in the USA. Even 3 times the amount! Lionel. MTH, Atlas get your act together 

Originally Posted by Calabrese94:
Originally Posted by FlyerRich:


FWIW, I recently ordered the 990 and a brick. The brick arrived this week and the packing slip indicates a 6/10/14 shipdate for the 990. Like I said, for what it's worth.


What do you mean by brick ? Are the powerhouse 180 finally in ?

Yes, the 6-22983 I ordered with the 990 a couple of months ago was delivered.


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