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Marty, why are you making such a big deal out of it. While it's no big deal for us there are many people who are freaked out with downloading something. Besides, how often will there be updates, once a year or two?


No need to buy more modules when the next update comes bring them back to the store for the new update.


It's a hobby to enjoy how you want, not how someone else wants you to enjoy it.

Originally Posted by Steve Musso:

John Rev L is the latest. Without looking I think the port is on the oposite end from the serial. The port is the same type as found on cameras.

Well, flip me over and call me a flapjack!  How did I miss that?   You're right, it has a USB port.   It's actually a full sized one "B" port, the square type found on printers and external disk drives.

Well, I just updated my Legacy to V1.4.  Read through this whole thread, read the manual (I recommend this) and did have the benefit of a little demo at York (Legacy Users Meeting at Alexanders) by Marty (thanks Marty).  In the spirit of trying to assist those of you in need, I offer the following observations:  Yes, the serial port thing stinks.  This was by far, the biggest issue standing between me and being able to update the Legacy.  I have two Windows laptops, one with Windows 7 and one with Windows Vista.  I have one desk top computer with Windows XP.  I wanted to use my Windows 7 laptop because it is wireless, portable and handy to have in the basement but no serial port.  No serial port on the Vista either.  Serial port on the XP is used by the monitor so if I unplug monitor.  Back to the Windows 7 laptop.  I didn't want to but I ended up buying one of the much discussed USB/Serial adapters.  Went to Best Buy and they didn't have one.  Went to Office Max and paid about $47.00 and change for a Belkin model F5U409-CU USB/Serial Adapter.  Came with a CD-ROM loaded with drivers but they only covered Windows 98 to Windows XP and I don't have a disk player in my laptop.  Off to the Belkin website for the correct drivers...or so I thought.  Downloaded a couple of things from the website but no joy.  No Windows 7 drivers.  Went to Google and did a search for drivers for my Belkin.  About two hours later I finally find the right thread in the right forum that has the correct answer and the location.  If any of you bought this particular adapter and need the driver info for Windows 7 just post here.  Go figure that Belkin's website didn't have it.  Apparently Staples made a very similar if not the same adapter and had the correct driver on their website...and thank God it worked or this thread would have gone in a much different direction.  Driver in hand (or at least downloaded), the computer finally recognized the adapter and the LSU happily suggested COM 3 which worked just fine.  Connected the Legacy base to the adapter and the LSU showed "base connected".  The update process was as smooth as silk after that.  I just followed the directions in the version 1.4 update manual and successfully updated the CAB-2 and the Base.  And ashamed as I am to admit, this was the first time I actually used my Legacy.  Layout is still under construction but I am very close to having the track work done so I figured I would at least get the Legacy ready while all this is still fresh in my head and fresh here on the forum.  A couple of quick take aways:  I highly recommend you shop online for the adapter.  Pretty sure you can get one cheaper and verify it's operating system compatibility before you buy it.  Once you get the serial adapter part squared away, creating the modules and updating the CAB-2 and the Base are very easy to do.  I did both with one black module.  The software and the instructions were very good.  The only issue I had with the CAB-2 was the rechargeable batteries.  I could not get them to charge...the CAB-2 would not come on even after sitting on the base for 90 minutes (yes, I had the switch set to charge).  The red lights were flashing but it just didn't charge up.  Put regular AA's in and that did the trick.  If anyone knows what the issue with the rechargeable batteries might be, please let me in on it.  In the end, it all worked out.  Don't give up just yet.  If I can do this, so can you.  And if you can't, well that's what we are all here for...we'll get you through this too.  Regards,  BigRail   



I did try what you suggested but Windows 7 could not find any drivers on it's own searching the internet and my computer.  When I finally Googled the model I have I saw numerous posts and threads showing many people with the same problem.  Problem is many of the recommendations were wrong or did not work.  I dug through and found one that seemed too simple but in the end it was the right answer and had the correct link to the Staples website with the correct driver (keeping in mind this is a Belkin product I bought at Office Max who would think I needed to go to the Staples website?).  I really hope Lionel runs future batches of Legacy with a USB port as this would really simplify this.  It seems to me the really important info is where to get the drivers for the adapters.  I know Lionel mentioned a particular adapter that they used (I probably should have just ordered that one) but they should also identify where the drivers can be found for Windows 7 on down.  That would probably help most users out there the most. Other than that, as Marty stated, the rest is gravy.

Originally Posted by david1:

Why would Lionel use the serial port? What computer today has them? If anybody has the upgrade on a black module and would like to sell one please contact me. Email me at



  1. The serial port is on the Legacy base to provide connection to other TMCC devices and allows DCS to connect to it. The serial port will need to remain for the foreseeable future or a lot of people are going to be upset when they cannot connect to other TMCC devices
  2. Using the base to create upgrade modules was an late development, the serial port provides a way to do this. No indication if on future modules USB will be included.
  3. For about the price of a second module and the cost of shipping it to someone to create a set of modules for you,  you can buy a USB/Serial adapter.

Would USB be nice, sure but is not having it a huge roadblock, not really

Bigrail: good you've got things squared away, but...
Serial port on the XP is used by the monitor so if I unplug monitor
I've never seen a monitor connected to a serial port. Monitors do use a D-connector with another row of pins, not the DB-9 or DB-25 of serial ports. That computer may not have any serial ports, either. --Joe

I've never seen a monitor connected to a serial port. Monitors do use a D-connector with another row of pins, not the DB-9 or DB-25 of serial ports. That computer may not have any serial ports, either. --Joe



You are correct.  All my computers have a 15 hole (DB-9?) port but not a serial port like the one needed.  I kept thinking I found one cause it looks so similar until I realize there are holes where I need pins  That being said, I wonder how far back in computers you have to go to find a serial port.  My XP is pretty old as far as computers go and no joy.  Does anyone have a computer with a serial port?  BigRail


No complaint about the upgrade procedure here,but I think it wouldn't be a bad idea if Lionel offered the preprogrammed legacy modules for sale for those folks who don't feel comfortable with the download. If Lionel can make a few bucks, and the customer is happy who cares. I myself might even go for this as I don't know that I would upgrade every single time considering the recent upgrades have yielded small improvements (no I'm not complaining), just sayin.

Did mine today with the only problem being having to actually read the directions to verify what the actual procedure was.  Not particularly intuitive, then again, not particuarly hard either.


Also used what is probably now a 10 year USB to Serial adapter, which BTW is still available via NewEgg.  Model # is GUC232A and it is so old it labeled as a USB 1.1 unit.


Computer side was a roughly 8 year laptop running Win 7 Home.


The module source was from the previously linked EBay seller.



I think a lot of you are missing the point.  Legacy is supposed to be the best TMCC operating system from Lionel. Yet they sell Vision & legacy engines at thousands of dollars and don't even give people the option to purchase the updates.  I have an old Dell that I use for DSC updates.  I'll crank it up to due this one.  When I spend thousands of dollars on TMCC Engines I would think it wouldn't be to much to make the modules available.  How much extra would it have cost Lionel to have a USB or Ethernet plug installed for updates. How many of you have 9 pin serial ports on your computers. Lionel needs to be in the forefront of Technology not chasing it. We take it for granted that every model train person has a computer.  I know several retired guys that don't and probaly never will. My Marklin CS 2 DCC updates direct from the Internet with an Ethernet hookup.  Both Lionel and MTH need to wake up.

I don't miss the is passing a lot of people by because they fear it instead of embracing it.


I really cannot find any excuse why you either can't do the upgrade yourself or use the resources, ie LHS, clubs, or friends to get it for you.Why should Lionel continue to give away modules when there is an easy alternative.


Again though, knocking it before you even try is just poor.

Did I miss something? There is nothing personal here.  I would just like folks to try before passing judgement.


I am just saying that Lionel has provided a path for simple upgrades.  For them to continue to send out modules at a cost when an alternative is available would be poor business.  It might not sound like a lot of money but I'm sure it all adds up.


Maybe you are correct and have updates in some of the engine releases.  That's actually a novel idea.  But which ones?  VL, Higher end or lower end?


I understand that folks like to get it done and packaged for them and I think Lionel should offer this for the cost of the modules plus a fee for making them.  But I also think an internet download is the way to go.  Quick and easy.


My guess in not including a USB or Ethernet was cost.  The serial connector was already needed for the TPC and others so it made sense to use it and not add the additional interface and add to cost.  Folks are already complaining about the cost of Legacy vs TMCC.


Thomas I just really think folks need to take a deep breath, try the upgrades module making procedure, then make judgement.


BTW, I never emailed you so I'm not sure what that's about.  Everything concerning this thread has been in this thread.  If you received an email saying it was from me, it most certainly was not.

Last edited by MartyE
Originally Posted by Tommy G:

I think a lot of you are missing the point.  Legacy is supposed to be the best TMCC operating system from Lionel. Yet they sell Vision & legacy engines at thousands of dollars and don't even give people the option to purchase the updates.  I have an old Dell that I use for DSC updates.  I'll crank it up to due this one.  When I spend thousands of dollars on TMCC Engines I would think it wouldn't be to much to make the modules available.  How much extra would it have cost Lionel to have a USB or Ethernet plug installed for updates. How many of you have 9 pin serial ports on your computers. Lionel needs to be in the forefront of Technology not chasing it. We take it for granted that every model train person has a computer.  I know several retired guys that don't and probaly never will. My Marklin CS 2 DCC updates direct from the Internet with an Ethernet hookup.  Both Lionel and MTH need to wake up.

You don't mind using the serial port and downloading updates for the MTH equipment, yet you object to doing the same thing for Lionel.


Sorry, I just don't get what you're complaining about.  At least you should complain about MTH and Lionel.


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