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Big Truck Pete:  What is the "shoo fly" for?  Are they replacing the toll road bridges? I will have to take a drive over there to see the action!

Which brings to mind, in 1957 (I grew up in Hinsdale), when the Burlington constructed the toll road bridges originally and built a "shoo fly" for the displaced trains. They employed a steam pile driver and I enjoyed laying in bed listening for it's steam locomotive whistle, as it signaled for re-positioning.

Last edited by mark s


Thanks for posting about Switch Line Decals and your Metra projects! I never even knew those decals existed and now I’m ready to try transforming some old F40s. I had been lobbying MTH to make the new Metra paint scheme but it appears time has run out on that plan so it’s on to your method.

keep the Metra projects coming!!

Hi! Haven’t been doing too much with my o scale stuff after getting back into n-scale and DCC.

Just the offerings of MP36 units and just the offerings of shells on shapeways got me hooked into N. I’ve managed to do a METX 614 F40C, a fleet of MP36 units in various heritage schemes, F59phi, **** even a F59ph and a Gp23ECO METX 11 for less than what I would pay for a couple of premier F40ph or F59phi (only units I could model for O)

Also with the departure of MTH, I’m think I’m done. Lionel is too costly for me.

What I have still worked on in O? I have been finishing up a set of fluted BiLevels for a friend. A Pullman bicycle car is in the works for our O collection, as well as a Premier F59phi METX 90 CNW heritage


Images (4)
  • 4126FB4A-6A0A-4270-8B8C-13BE9DC72A71
  • 821E28F5-F235-402C-85C2-74EA71FDB197
  • A3A2A0F2-0CC8-4D12-8F8C-316A86830416: N scale GP23ECO
  • AD397CAB-09EB-4CFF-BC53-0A50DFA6B145: Bike car
Last edited by jerrymouse25
@mark s posted:

Big Truck Pete:  What is the "shoo fly" for?  Are they replacing the toll road bridges? I will have to take a drive over there to see the action!

Which brings to mind, in 1957 (I grew up in Hinsdale), when the Burlington constructed the toll road bridges originally and built a "shoo fly" for the displaced trains. They employed a steam pile driver and I enjoyed laying in bed listening for it's steam locomotive whistle, as it signaled for re-positioning.


They are widening the toll road by at least two lanes and due to the expansion the railroad bridge also needs to be widened. The cat walk or pedestrian bridge is coming down permanently. They plan to add a pedestrian/bike path lane on a new bridge on 47th street. I’ve used that bridge since I was a kid to bike all around the area. We’d bike “all the way” to LaGrange and over to Graue Mill and build forts in the woods. Plus it was a good place to get trucks to blast their horns!! Gonna miss the bridge.

As for the pile driving, it has returned!! I have the pleasure of waking up to the melodious pounding! They tend to do this through the night. Unfortunately, no steam whistle to listen for!! It is one massive project and has been interesting to watch. Still about a year to go to complete it.

Hi! Haven’t been doing too much with my o scale stuff after getting back into n-scale and DCC.

Just the offerings of MP36 units and just the offerings of shells on shapeways got me hooked into N. I’ve managed to do a METX 614 F40C, a fleet of MP36 units in various heritage schemes, F59phi, **** even a F59ph and a Gp23ECO METX 11 for less than what I would pay for a couple of premier F40ph or F59phi (only units I could model for O)

Also with the departure of MTH, I’m think I’m done. Lionel is too costly for me.

What I have still worked on in O? I have been finishing up a set of fluted BiLevels for a friend. A Pullman bicycle car is in the works for our O collection, as well as a Premier F59phi METX 90 CNW heritage


As long as you stay friendly to us o gauge/scale guys all is good!😜.

I don’t blame you on the cost and variety available outside o scale. I’m with you on the loss of MTH. Being a fan of modern equipment MTH is the end of my purchasing new equipment for now. MTH lured me back into the hobby with their modern diesels.

Your fluting skills are amazing!! I’m going to hunt down a set of donor cars and then I’ll reach out about how to fix em up right.

Big Truck Pete - Thank you for the amplification.  I took a drive over to Hinsdale yesterday and was surprised to find descriptive and quite informative signs for the bridge work, with shading for the "shoo flys".

Appreciate your description of biking the area as a kid. Had a friend who lived on the north side of Hinsdale and we would also bike over to LaGrange, to visit the old LaGrange Hobby Shop (located on Calendar, not LaGrange Rd). But we used a foot bridge over the Toll Road up around Ravine Street. My friend was a Rio Grande enthusiast, so we pretended to be double headed K36's !!! We would stop in at Gordon's Hobby Shop, across from the Stone Ave station, too. That was in the halcyon days of the later 1950's.  Sweet memories.

B84684C3-A70A-4A9A-BBBB-6BC8BA841BC810926AE2-4028-463B-9A91-AB2F06FE26A0Latest project: a “Winnebago” Metra... F40PHM... this is a Switchline Decals Designed F40PHM. CAB designed and resin printed by Christopher Williams fused to a MTH F40ph premier model.

Still needs windows and grabs

Is the 3D  shapefile available for public download?  I saw a similar version on shapways, but there were some differences in details.

Also, what material, resolution did you have the 3D print done in?

I am considering doing one myself, but have a lot of questions.

Bringing back an older thread...I'm excited to finally have a set of MTH Pullman Bi-Levels.

They're Amtrak Branded, but I'm going to repaint them.  Figured I'd jazz them up a bit to look more like the Burlington Northern Fluted Pullmans that I remember riding on behind the green BN hockey stick E9's back in the 80's.

Found a few photos online and I'm planning on some decals from Switch Line, and 3D Printing some custom fluting details and vent ports to more closely match the Pullmans.

Here's my stab at balancing the dimensions of the MTH model with the real life cars.  Each different colored part is a separate 3D printed panel or detail:

Fluted Pullman 1Fluted Pullman 2

Fluted Pullman 3


Images (3)
  • Fluted Pullman 1
  • Fluted Pullman 2
  • Fluted Pullman 3

Bringing back an older thread...I'm excited to finally have a set of MTH Pullman Bi-Levels.

They're Amtrak Branded, but I'm going to repaint them.  Figured I'd jazz them up a bit to look more like the Burlington Northern Fluted Pullmans that I remember riding on behind the green BN hockey stick E9's back in the 80's.

Found a few photos online and I'm planning on some decals from Switch Line, and 3D Printing some custom fluting details and vent ports to more closely match the Pullmans.

Here's my stab at balancing the dimensions of the MTH model with the real life cars.  Each different colored part is a separate 3D printed panel or detail:

Fluted Pullman 1Fluted Pullman 2

Fluted Pullman 3

Jeff, Wow!! Keep us posted as you work through the process. The pics you shared look perfect. This has me very excited that we may be able to get these cars looking like the BN versions yet!!

Ok, so those of you in the know about METRA stuff, I've got 4 questions:

1) Was the base panel material on the BN gallery cars STAINLESS or ALUMINUM? I'm talking about the actual flat panels, not the fluting.

2) Was the fluting aluminum or stainless? I'm trying to figure out if I should airbrush everything together or if there should be a small difference in the appearance of the fluting versus the panels. Trying to determine how shiny everything should be.

3) are there any versions of the BN cars that have black painted trucks? Or are they a silver / gray truck? Galvanized or painted? It's hard to tell from photos online

4) I can find a couple different versions of the fluting in photos. There's a coarse fluting typically accompanied by the "Burlington" lettering above the door, and a finer fluting that seems to never have the lettering over the door. I've seen these together in the same consists, but which would be more prevalent in the 80's on the BN line?

Thanks! I just got a used Paasche  airbrush set and bought myself a compressor. Waiting for the decals to show up so I can pull final dimensions for my 3D printed fluting.

Any recommendations for removing the plastic window material without damage? The adhesive around those is REALLY strong!

Perhaps a telling story fits here.  As much as a decade ago, I was in Chicagoland Hobby to pick up something I ordered.  In a glass case, I saw a set of Metra Bi-Levels.  After one of those "freeze in your tracks" moments,  I asked about the Metra engines, and the late (great) "Bernie" explained that only a used one was available.  On testing, the engine's Protosound 2 passenger sounds named the UP Northwest line, the very one I take out of Harvard to and from the store.  (The sounds included the stock "can I help you with your bags?"--quite a hoot for Metra.) Piling up first the order I'd come to pick up, then the Metra cars and the Metra engine, I gave Bernie my debit card.  It wouldn't go.  I knew well that my checking account could cover the costs.  (Those were the good ol' days.)  Bernie suggested that I call my bank.  One of the tellers answered.  I identified myself and the problem.  The teller's response: "Ah, I bet you're in a train store again!"

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