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I know this will upset some of you if not most of you, but I have been to YORK for 3 years now and have been EXTREMELY disappointed! Every time we can get there, and we get there before the doors open but as you all know there is alot to go through. I understand this event is 3 days but some if not most of the younger generation can not make it much more than day. We arrived yesterday at 11 and waited till the event opened. We were all most through when at 4:30 and announcement came across the PA System stating that all halls besides the dealer halls would be closing at 5. We figured we had enough time to go through the hall as quickly as possible by 5. This surprised because I checked the York event page and it stated the following:

York Train Meet

  • From: October 22, 2015 - October 24, 2015
  • Location: York EXPO Center / York Fair
  • Venue: York EXPO Center / York Fair
  • Times: Thursday, Noon-6:30 p.m., Friday & Saturday, 9 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
  • Admission: $12/$20 go to website for details
  • Recurrence: Recurring daily
  • 334 Carlisle Ave, York, PA 17404
  • Phone: 814-928-0196

3-day Toy Train Show. Buy or sell trains, accessories, clothing, book & videos. This show has it all, including manufacturers. You Don’t Want to Miss It!


YES I know I am a member and I should have known all the places to have looked for this information on the TCA Site. Im sorry people I don't have time to navigate through that. Still it was put out there in this form for people to see. How hard would have it been to post that information on the York Expo Site? This would not have happened. Also its why not just make all the halls open till 6:30, doesn't that just make sense or did I miss something? Those vendors are there to make money. To have a Staff member go through at 4:30 and be yelling to stop yours sales and to cover your tables up is in my book unprofessional! Then on top of that, its understandable to announce that the those halls are closing a few times before 5 but to have a attitude on the PA System is again UNPROFESSIONAL! I was blown away by this. As I go by angry vendors, I know they knew the close time, but they had 30 mins where they could have made sales, some said "they push us out today and try to hold you here against our will on Saturday, just doesn't make sense" I agree! My last experience was we got to the show on a Saturday knowing we had limited time we still went. Wouldn't  you know the vendors are not to close up shop till 6:30, I believe and we seen people packing up by noon. 

I joined the TCA to enjoy these shows that I can make once a year. People want to know why attendance is down. Well folks its pretty simple in my book. I am 30 and most folks my age are hard at making a living. To have a show on Thursday-Saturday is your biggest problem. Working people can not make is happen with limited time off. Also as some other folks have said, opening this show to the public would be beneficial. I was told you can get better pricing for being in the TCA and going to York. I didn't see that, most prices where still what you would pay for from a good DEALER. If you did find good deals it was a member selling their trains. Don't get me wrong your may find few deals!


I don't mean to sound like a stick in the mud, The TCA is a good organization but they could do better with PR. Times can be updated not just on their site but everywhere they are posting their event. Also losing the attitude would be a huge plus! This is suppose to be a fun hobby, some take it very serious that's fine but some are here as a pure hobbyist and operator. 

Rants over. Just my opinion, everyone is entitled to one. I have not been impressed sorry!

There needs to be no FIRE STORM or bashing over this, I just wanted to give my opinion of the York Meet.  

Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Pot, meet kettle.


You state you've been going to York for 3 years yet are oblivious to much.  I know this is tough for you younger folks but just try it - take 15 minutes and actually read through the Eastern Division website and many of your questions will be answered.  I know it's tough to concentrate on any one thing for more than a few minutes with the proliferation of electronic devices but you really only have yourself to blame for not being informed.  You do know how to use google, correct? Or ask away on this forum....


Once on the Eastern Division website the complete schedule is one mouse click away.



Last edited by Greg Houser

Just my opinion, here in Michigan City,IN., we have a biannual train shop, Sunday in November and a Sunday in March, 10:00AM until 3:00PM. Vendors conduct sales during these hours, sales setup and teardown before and after the train show hours, all scales represented primarily 3-Rail,HO and N new and used. Never been to York and most probably will never be there, largest show attended Dupage County train shop in Wheaton,IL.

This was the first time I have been to York, and IMHO, there was a bit of both going on. Disclaimer - I just hit the Orange Hall around high noon (3 hour drive there, 3 hours wandering the hall, 3 hours back home - I've never claimed to be bright!!!). Saw a lot of people carrying out various size boxes as well as bags. Plenty of people in the hall were purchasing, though it seems that a lot of smaller things were moving (e.g. Miller signs seemed to be doing a land office business - picked up one of their animated Scranton signs which is way cool). Since I am moving toward the "decoration" phase of my new layout, I was very interested in looking at buildings to get some ideas. Unfortunately, I don't remember who it was, but one vendor had some beautiful buildings with almost every one having a SOLD sticker on them. The new OGR built up buildings looked sharp. Korber had some really nice pieces on display including a really nice two stall engine house that I'm hoping will fit in my yard when I get it built.
There were the occasional traffic jams at aisle intersections, but nothing to really complain about. While I was long gone by near closing time, I did note that some of the PA announcements were long and loud. I was at a Lionel talk and at one point, the speaker had to wait till the announcements were done so he could be heard. Oh, and someone from Lionel did say that the Vision Line GG-1 will be announced in the 2016 Signature Catalog and that's when we will all find out the price - the manufacturing details haven't been finalized yet.
One last observation... I didn't see a single stroller!!!
Originally Posted by Moonson:

Did you notice lots of buying transpiring, or was it mostly a folksy, tourist event, in your observation, sir?


I know this is tough for you younger folks but just try it...  I know it's tough to concentrate on any one thing for more than a few minutes with the proliferation of electronic devices...

It's nice to know that when someone posts a legitimate thread that angers the ol' boys the younger generation is grouped together and attacked. And we wonder why the hobby is slowly dying.


 Those vendors are there to make money.


The folks with tables in the member halls are not "vendors". They are fellow members, there to enjoy the meet, just like the folks who do not have table. They get to close up at 5:00 PM so they can visit the dealer halls, take a break, or whatever.


The meet has been conducted this way for a while now. Its all documented in the York handbook. Here is a page with the hours spelled out. Member halls close at 5:00 on Thursday and Friday, Dealer halls close at 6:30 on Thursday and Friday.

Last edited by C W Burfle
Originally Posted by TrainingDave:

I know this is tough for you younger folks but just try it...  I know it's tough to concentrate on any one thing for more than a few minutes with the proliferation of electronic devices...

It's nice to know that when someone posts a legitimate thread that angers the ol' boys the younger generation is grouped together and attacked. And we wonder why the hobby is slowly dying.

Just my opinion but, the original post would have "ticked anybody off", regardless of age.

Originally Posted by Hot Water:
Originally Posted by TrainingDave:

I know this is tough for you younger folks but just try it...  I know it's tough to concentrate on any one thing for more than a few minutes with the proliferation of electronic devices...

It's nice to know that when someone posts a legitimate thread that angers the ol' boys the younger generation is grouped together and attacked. And we wonder why the hobby is slowly dying.

Just my opinion but, the original post would have "ticked anybody off", regardless of age.

Not sure why you feel that. It didn't tick me off. Apparently attending might have though.

Originally Posted by TrainingDave:

I know this is tough for you younger folks but just try it...  I know it's tough to concentrate on any one thing for more than a few minutes with the proliferation of electronic devices...

It's nice to know that when someone posts a legitimate thread that angers the ol' boys the younger generation is grouped together and attacked. And we wonder why the hobby is slowly dying.

The "you" is singular, not plural. 




YES I know I am a member and I should have known all the places to have looked for this information on the TCA Site. Im sorry people I don't have time to navigate through that.


Hardly.  And that's another issue for another day.  The seeming overall lack of accountability which permeates the world today.





Originally Posted by Greg Houser:

Pot, meet kettle.


You state you've been going to York for 3 years yet are oblivious to much.  I know this is tough for you younger folks but just try it - take 15 minutes and actually read through the Eastern Division website and many of your questions will be answered.  I know it's tough to concentrate on any one thing for more than a few minutes with the proliferation of electronic devices but you really only have yourself to blame for not being informed.  You do know how to use google, correct? Or ask away on this forum....


Once on the Eastern Division website the complete schedule is one mouse click away.




Hey I am going to be honest as I have been. I joined the TCA to be able to attend York and see the hobby at huge setting and to find some good deals. That is great and does just that. 

My time was going great there this year until 4:30 rolled around. Then you have a announcement that was loud and disturbing!!!! It was done multiple times as others have stated, some had to stop and wait till it was done, till they could start again. 

I am in the hobby to operate trains. I am not in it to collect them. Thats just me. I do not have the time to go navigate that TCA Eastern page. When I did yesterday it lead me to the York Site that I  posted above. I didn't make that up. I do not have time in my young life that is busier than most of retirement age. So sorry I didn't do my research. Yes I have been there 3 years now my first was as a guest, the last 2 as a member. Regardless it should have had the times for the other halls closing at 5. Does anyone else find that hard to do? Its simple, one more line on the notice. 

If the TCA Eastern page would have had it clear stated then this would not have been a issue, But did you see time one there? If you did they just added it. Other wise you have to go through a rule book. I'm sorry but that is nuts. If I had a event that big I would have had that clearly made out.


As far as  vendors being members, Yes I am sure they are but you know what they are there to make money so in my book they are a vendor. They paid for a table. 

For the hall closing a 5 so they can go to the dealer halls. I understand that, my problem is, it was not stated that!!!


Also I googled TCA York Meet Hours and guess what No times on the listings I found until I made it to the one I posted. At which point I thought I knew the times. 


Honestly I wasn't all that up set about the 5 o'clock closing time, I could accept I missed something. How ever the ATTITUDE of the STAFF in the hall I was in and the Announcer was VERY UNPROFESSIONAL! That is what upset me the most! 


There were members/vendors who did not want to go to the dealer halls till after 5. Some believe it or not wanted to make money and were very upset with how the closing of those halls were handled and I don't blame them.


I am glad that there are a few members of this forum that understands where I am coming from. 


Last edited by NS1719
Originally Posted by TrainingDave:

I know this is tough for you younger folks but just try it...  I know it's tough to concentrate on any one thing for more than a few minutes with the proliferation of electronic devices...

It's nice to know that when someone posts a legitimate thread that angers the ol' boys the younger generation is grouped together and attacked. And we wonder why the hobby is slowly dying.

You are absolutely right TrainingDave. Thank You!

Originally Posted by cjack:

Thanks cjack. Even after going to the main site to find it without the link seemed hard to find. I am not familiar with the web site. Thanks for pointing that out I now know were to look. I still think it should be updated on the York Expo Information though. lol.


Again I said before I really didn't have a problem with the time but once they were shouting at the members to close up at 4:30 and the PA announcement it really ticked me off so, I figured since I would rant I would ad that in there too.


Again thanks for pointing that out. 

I appreciate it.

I went to Google and put in "York Train Meet Schedule".  This lead me to the Eastern Division website.  I had to click around the Eastern Division website for about 15 minutes before I found the meet times.  This should be one thing thing that can easily be fixed.


I would put the meet times under frequently asked questions and also put up another tab that gives the schedule.


NH Joe

Working in sales and marketing the average time spent on a web site, any web site is counted in seconds, a two or three second load time can result in a user leaving the site. If the information required more than one click and took more than 30 seconds to find there is a problem.


Sure one can easy say "those darn kids won't even take five minutes to find the info...and get off my lawn," but in the modern word the consumer expectation is seconds not minutes.


It is posted on the internet is no longer a reasonable means of information distribution, it is posted in a easy to find, less than two clicks, searchable way, is.

The booklet mailed to members states that the MEMBER halls close at FIVE,

and the dealer halls close at 6;30.  This is not new and I think has been goling

on since the Thurs. noon opening was instated.  Now, yesterday much confusion

was generated when members were not allowed into the enclosed area between

Silver and Blue halls until !2 pm, and there seemed to be a lot more security

and concern...which I assume was the cause of this.

Perhaps you hears an incorrect annoucement from a volunteer as there was one that said no photos in ANY hall..that was shortly corrected photos in MEMBER halls.

I have been going to York about as long as you have and am one of the TCAs younger members at 43 years old, so we have a bit in common. I plan which halls I go to based on that 5 o clock closing and go to the dealer halls on Friday afternoon after the member halls close. Thursday after 5 I check into my hotel and get a bite to eat before the Marx show and tell, but that is hardly relevent to the topic. 


You can make that shortened  schedule work. You just need to remember it next time And hit the dealer halls after the member halls close. Cant help you with what the schedule is tomorrow, as I usually leave by noon to make it home in one night.


J White


Originally Posted by CincinnatiWestern:

Working in sales and marketing the average time spent on a web site, any web site is counted in seconds, a two or three second load time can result in a user leaving the site. If the information required more than one click and took more than 30 seconds to find there is a problem.


Sure one can easy say "those darn kids won't even take five minutes to find the info...and get off my lawn," but in the modern word the consumer expectation is seconds not minutes.


It is posted on the internet is no longer a reasonable means of information distribution, it is posted in a easy to find, less than two clicks, searchable way, is.

Couldn't agree more. Though, when reading this...I thought this was reading a post on the How Many Actually Like Lionel's New Website Design? thread.

I too am abit younger and have a younger family and work obligations that prevent me from attending York. Im a TCA member too. I wish York/eastern TCA had regular "train meet or train show hours". York closes at 2pm on Saturday from what I hear. The hours/days don't lend itself to working stiffs that live far away, I live in NH. I have a couple of buddies that went via Amtak out of Boston (they are retired). I'll make it someday to York; just not today.

Originally Posted by Jim 1939:

I go to York once a year(April)seems like if you have been there in the past you would remember the halls close at 5. They even announce it several times.

Well Jim, sorry that was a year ago and things tend to slip ones mind. I understand your point but my point is that no matter how long its been going on CORRECT the times everywhere its posted and you will fix a lot of the problem people like me apparently. You can be a TCA Nut and know it all that doesn't mean you look down on the people who are not. It's a simple fix bud no one need to get all worked up. I gave my opinion hoping they will correct the problem, its that simple.


As others have stated it has taken some up to 15 mins to find the hours. 


Oh and yes they send the fliers but have you ever misplaced something or someone else threw it away by accident before you got to read it. It happens!

Originally Posted by Scrapiron Scher:

Ain't nothing in life perfect.

The York TCA experience is close, though.

You're a three year York railroader . . . . . ??

Enough said.

Learn to relax and enjoy.


I see you're also an electrician.

You know how to prepare for a shock.





Scrappy I do relax and enjoy it. I simply gave my opinion. So some should see it as that. Everything I said could have been prevented, just like preventing one from getting shocked bud!

Originally Posted by C W Burfle:


 Those vendors are there to make money.


The folks with tables in the member halls are not "vendors". They are fellow members, there to enjoy the meet, just like the folks who do not have table. They get to close up at 5:00 PM so they can visit the dealer halls, take a break, or whatever.


The meet has been conducted this way for a while now. Its all documented in the York handbook. Here is a page with the hours spelled out. Member halls close at 5:00 on Thursday and Friday, Dealer halls close at 6:30 on Thursday and Friday.

Thanks, Charlie. Anyone that thinks the Member Halls should be open longer, I welcome you to come watch my tables while I go shopping in the Dealer Halls. Better yet come to the member halls first since you already know the dealer halls are open later.
 This York was super crazy, the best I ever had. That said, I got an hour and a half Thursday and Friday to eat, spend a quarter(!) and cruise the orange, purple and brown. To say the least, I got about half way through the orange only because I had a list of gotta do things. That said, there are Dealer Hall members that never get to cruise the member halls for the same reasons. Lets keep them open past the dealer halls, so Grybowski can see my offerings..... (I'll shut up now)


Last edited by Jim Battaglia
Originally Posted by Greg Houser:

Pot, meet kettle.


You state you've been going to York for 3 years yet are oblivious to much.  I know this is tough for you younger folks but just try it - take 15 minutes and actually read through the Eastern Division website and many of your questions will be answered.  I know it's tough to concentrate on any one thing for more than a few minutes with the proliferation of electronic devices but you really only have yourself to blame for not being informed.  You do know how to use google, correct? Or ask away on this forum....


Once on the Eastern Division website the complete schedule is one mouse click away.



As a younger operator/collector, who works 3 jobs, and has a wife and child, I take offense to Greg Houser's divisive and disparaging comments targeting the original person who posted his opinion of York. To unfairly characterize younger individuals as lacking the ability to focus is wrong. Frankly, too much of the TCA experience is geared toward seniors to the exclusion of younger guys. Just look at the days and hours of operation. The same thing happens at TCA meets all over the country. They pack up and head out with their walkers and canes by noon! At times there is an almost unbearable generational social divide. Do you think I can find anyone to socialize with who has a wife or kids? Oh hell no. I keep getting trapped in awkward conversations about the latest surgery or prostrate problem someone is having. It's unfortunate that most of the TCA membership is now elderly, but I am not at that point in my life where everything revolves around the next doctor's visit. Consequently, I quit TCA, and I have no interest in their meets. There are just too many grumpy sellers, and socially unbalanced, aspergery, smelly, hairless rats, scampering around. It scares my little girl, just a seeing a child probably scares them.

This was my second trip to York.  I agree the deals are not that great.   I get better deals at my local train shops.  The selection of operating accessories and houses seem to be limited to what is currently available at my LHS.  I expected a lot more used buildings.  With that said, I really enjoyed my trip. We had a great time.  I met a few forum members and had some nice conversation.   We bought a few items and I saved the rest of my money for my local train shop.

Here is my 2 cents.... I am 35 btw...(that is short for "By the Way")

Most people I have encountered on here and in real life have been great.

Very helpful, supportive, and kind.

However there are a few grumpsters out there and they LOVE to share their "Wisdom"

My advice is let them rant because they are set in their ways and will never change.

They are not the future of this hobby, we are. (Under 50).

There aren't very many of us around so what does that mean?

Two Things:

1.  There will be a lot of inventory that will saturate the market soon.

2.  It is up to us to share this hobby with our children, our friends' children, and anyone else we know.  


OK, since we're all b*tching...


The thing that irks me is when people complain about the meet starting on Thursday and peaking on Friday.  I have been coming to York since 1989.  I still work for a living.  I take a couple of VACATION DAYS in order to attend.  (You have them - use them!) And when I've been self-employed, I've taken a couple days off work.  Life is too short, and trains are fun.  If you can't spare a couple of days off once or twice a year, then you should find a new job, or find a new hobby.  


Work will always be there for you if you are even halfway competent at your job.  Despite the occasional days off, I've managed to stay employed, and there are folks who will argue that I'm less than halfway competent.


This was one of the best York trips yet - great weather, saw some nice folks, saw some things I've never seen before, and a few items followed me home.  And my job will still be there on Monday morning.

Last edited by Mallard4468
Originally Posted by GregR:
Originally Posted by Greg Houser:

Pot, meet kettle.


You state you've been going to York for 3 years yet are oblivious to much.  I know this is tough for you younger folks but just try it - take 15 minutes and actually read through the Eastern Division website and many of your questions will be answered.  I know it's tough to concentrate on any one thing for more than a few minutes with the proliferation of electronic devices but you really only have yourself to blame for not being informed.  You do know how to use google, correct? Or ask away on this forum....


Once on the Eastern Division website the complete schedule is one mouse click away.



As a younger operator/collector, who works 3 jobs, and has a wife and child, I take offense to Greg Houser's divisive and disparaging comments targeting the original person who posted his opinion of York. To unfairly characterize younger individuals as lacking the ability to focus is wrong. Frankly, too much of the TCA experience is geared toward seniors to the exclusion of younger guys. Just look at the days and hours of operation. The same thing happens at TCA meets all over the country. They pack up and head out with their walkers and canes by noon! At times there is an almost unbearable generational social divide. Do you think I can find anyone to socialize with who has a wife or kids? Oh hell no. I keep getting trapped in awkward conversations about the latest surgery or prostrate problem someone is having. It's unfortunate that most of the TCA membership is now elderly, but I am not at that point in my life where everything revolves around the next doctor's visit. Consequently, I quit TCA, and I have no interest in their meets. There are just too many grumpy sellers, and socially unbalanced, aspergery, smelly, hairless rats, scampering around. It scares my little girl, just a seeing a child probably scares them.

Despite your bad attitude, there's a lot of truth here.  I noticed a distinct aroma on the second day of the meet, and it wasn't pizza.  You'd think that when someone pays $100 for a motel room, they'd use the shower, but apparently that's not always the case.

Originally Posted by GregR:

As a younger operator/collector, who works 3 jobs, and has a wife and child, I take offense to Greg Houser's divisive and disparaging comments targeting the original person who posted his opinion of York. To unfairly characterize younger individuals as lacking the ability to focus is wrong. Frankly, too much of the TCA experience is geared toward seniors to the exclusion of younger guys. Just look at the days and hours of operation. The same thing happens at TCA meets all over the country. They pack up and head out with their walkers and canes by noon! At times there is an almost unbearable generational social divide. Do you think I can find anyone to socialize with who has a wife or kids? Oh hell no. I keep getting trapped in awkward conversations about the latest surgery or prostrate problem someone is having. It's unfortunate that most of the TCA membership is now elderly, but I am not at that point in my life where everything revolves around the next doctor's visit. Consequently, I quit TCA, and I have no interest in their meets. There are just too many grumpy sellers, and socially unbalanced, aspergery, smelly, hairless rats, scampering around. It scares my little girl, just a seeing a child probably scares them.

LOL! Get out of bed and be there when the meet opens at 8. If you want to effect change you have to be a member of the organization.  lol. Complaining about an association that you are not even a member of....Why you are even given air time on the matter is beyond belief...(being restrained and polite as much as I can here) LMAO....

I love this board.....   

Last edited by Jim Battaglia
Originally Posted by GregR:
Originally Posted by Greg Houser:

Pot, meet kettle.


You state you've been going to York for 3 years yet are oblivious to much.  I know this is tough for you younger folks but just try it - take 15 minutes and actually read through the Eastern Division website and many of your questions will be answered.  I know it's tough to concentrate on any one thing for more than a few minutes with the proliferation of electronic devices but you really only have yourself to blame for not being informed.  You do know how to use google, correct? Or ask away on this forum....


Once on the Eastern Division website the complete schedule is one mouse click away.



As a younger operator/collector, who works 3 jobs, and has a wife and child, I take offense to Greg Houser's divisive and disparaging comments targeting the original person who posted his opinion of York. To unfairly characterize younger individuals as lacking the ability to focus is wrong. Frankly, too much of the TCA experience is geared toward seniors to the exclusion of younger guys. Just look at the days and hours of operation. The same thing happens at TCA meets all over the country. They pack up and head out with their walkers and canes by noon! At times there is an almost unbearable generational social divide. Do you think I can find anyone to socialize with who has a wife or kids? Oh hell no. I keep getting trapped in awkward conversations about the latest surgery or prostrate problem someone is having. It's unfortunate that most of the TCA membership is now elderly, but I am not at that point in my life where everything revolves around the next doctor's visit. Consequently, I quit TCA, and I have no interest in their meets. There are just too many grumpy sellers, and socially unbalanced, aspergery, smelly, hairless rats, scampering around. It scares my little girl, just a seeing a child probably scares them.





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