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This has been a banner week as regards new locos: in addition to the bargain Legacy Mohawk and the Lioncheif Plus I just reviewed, I got this lovely little Premier 2-8-0.  I needed a mid to late Victorian era scale locomotive for a project I am doing - something a bit smaller than 20th century locos, and this seemed perfect  when I ordered it.  And it is.  In size, it slots in just where I wanted it - it is about halfway between the scale Lincoln Funeral train 4-4-0 and a scale 0-8-0.  It looks appropraitely 19th century.  It has really good if very delicate looking detail, nice paint, printing, etc.  Sound is good - not quite Legacy good maybe, but its chuffs nicely with a very sharp harsh chuffs that sounds somehow very appropriate.  It smokes okay - did not really test that but turned it off for now.  It runs very well: in conventional, on my ZW-L, it will run a bit slower than in the video below.  Pulls nicely.  I just love it, and at $629, while not quite the bargain that a $750 Legacy Mohawk might be, it was very fair value for the money.   





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Premier 2-8-0
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That is a great little engine, from a period that is much neglected by the manufacturers. I have a very similar 2-8-0, but without the Belpaire firebox, lettered for Rio Grande. I use it to pull a string of Rail King 19th Century freight cars. I wish that somebody would make more high-quality scale locomotives and freight cars of the late 19th and 20th century. The RK 19th Century cars are OK, but there's room in the market for something better. And, when is MTH, or somebody, going to come out with a high-quality turn of the century Ten-Wheeler? (i.e. Premier or equivalent) Lionel makes a nice NYC Ten-Wheeler but it's too big and modern looking for the 1900 period. Those engines were still pulling mixed trains on branch lines in the 1950's. There's nothing out there, and a sizable potential market is being ignored. 


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