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I'm in the process of painting an MTH F3B in Milwaukee Road for a friend of mine. He gave me an ACL B unit as the bases to paint. 

In the past, I would strip all the paint and lettering off the model. But recently I read on the Forum that using MagicEraser works wonders.

So I tried it. I soaked the shell in 70% alcohol isopropyl rubbing alcohol, didn't have 90% as others suggested. Let it sit for about 4 to 6 hours and used the MagicEraser. 

WOW, all the lettering came off with very little effort. I was impressed. Even though the undercoated base paint of purple and silver remained intact. When I sprayed primer on the body, there is no bleed through of the base colors. 

Really impressed with this process and plan to use it to change number on some of my freight cars.


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Thanks for the info and photos. I'm cutting back on painting and so don't really want to make a big investment in a sand blaster at this time. For only a hand full of times I would use it, I don't think it would pay for itself. MagicEraser is a lot less expense and does what I need it to do.

However, I can appreciate the blaster you are using and could have used something like that 20 years ago.


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