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It was posted in another thread. I know that the Nazi's were running trainloads of art, gold, and other valuables out of occupied territories and into Germany and stronghold areas (like Poland) like crazy. Then as the Allies advanced, they were moving valuables as fast as they could to keep them out of the hands of the Russians from the east, and the US/Britain/French Resistance from the west. Rumors abound of secret stashes of gold and other valuables at the bottoms of lakes and in train tunnels where the entrances were dynamited. On its face, the story is somewhat plausible, but the proof is in the photo-documentation and authentication of whatever, if anything, they actually find when they excavate the site.

I can't count the number of found 'armored train' stories I've heard over the years. There was even one of a Russian armored train found in Bosnia by some IFOR troops. The version I heard was a joint USMC/British Ordnance Corps group extracted the entire train (with a steam locomotive) and moved it... somewhere. Problem was, you could never find any hard data on it from anyone. Classic urban legend. No evidence, vague description of what and where it is, and all 'info' coming by second, third, fourth or fifth hand...

The media is buying into this, but it sure seems like they snuck some sarcasm into the story: The thing is, there wouldn't be tons of gold and explosives on the train. There simply wouldn't be a need to transport both. Blowing up the gold would just scatter it (and not all that far), so that wouldn't make any sense. No sane military would transport a treasure alongside any considerable amount of explosives (other than some grenades or man-portable anti-tank weapons in case of ambush), in a place where the Allies would have had full air superiority long before the train vanished.

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