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MartyE posted:

... the last week every morning this thread was always near the top.  Things must be winding down finally.

Let's hope... But here's something worth mentioning...  

Rich, when I'm scrolling thru the forum with my iPad, I've noticed I can't seem to get a consistent scrolling motion when swiping the screen vertically.  Many times there's a delay with the scroll, and other times there's more/less movement than other times even with the same amount of finger swiping.  Almost feels like the software isn't "working with me" to navigate a given screen...  And that the new forum software is taxing the resources of my iPad (and iPhone) much more than the former software level did.  The end result is frustration, which leads to less use of the forum knowing that it's not being responsive to how fast I want to view something.

I had several browser tabs open this morning, and the new forum software is the only tab to experience this sluggish and inconsistent scrolling behavior.  The other browser tabs scroll like a charm -- just like they always have.

Has anyone else experienced this?   I've noticed this since day 1 of the forum software update. 


Last edited by Rocky Mountaineer
Rocky Mountaineer posted:
MartyE posted:

... the last week every morning this thread was always near the top.  Things must be winding down finally.

Let's hope... But here's something worth mentioning...  

Rich, when I'm scrolling thru the forum with my iPad, I've noticed I can't seem to get a consistent scrolling motion when swiping the screen vertically.  Many times there's a delay with the scroll, and other times there's more/less movement than other times even with the same amount of finger swiping.  Almost feels like the software isn't "working with me" to navigate a given screen...  And that the new forum software is taxing the resources of my iPad (and iPhone) much more than the former software level did.  The end result is frustration, which leads to less use of the forum knowing that it's not being responsive to how fast I want to view something.

I had several browser tabs open this morning, and the new forum software is the only tab to experience this sluggish and inconsistent scrolling behavior.  The other browser tabs scroll like a charm -- just like they always have.

Has anyone else experienced this?   I've noticed this since day 1 of the forum software update. 


I mentioned the same thing some time ago that scrolling down is sluggish. I experienced this on my old iPad 1 which has an OS of 5.1.1 which is the last OS available for it. I also have an iPad mini which is fine, so I suspect it is that the new upgrade is not compatible with the old first gen iPads.

Jeff T,

I posted this earlier in this thread.  It might help you, also.

"Let me provide a little help for Rick.  From within a forum, if you click on the thread title, you will be taken to the beginning of that thread.  If, however, you click on the phrase "Last Post" (at least, I think that's the choice) available on the thread title page, that's where you will go.  On the other hand, if you select a thread from the Recent Posts list on the right side of the screen, you will automatically go to the end of the thread where the most "recent post" for that thread can be seen.

I think that's the way it has always worked."

In his next post, Rich Melvin confirmed this explanation.


As a follow up from my last post, it seems at some point since then the drop down was changed from a right justification to a left.  This actually makes the problem worse as the first half of all the options are now cut off.  I did determine this is a sort of specialized problem that will only happen then the width of the browser window is not enough to allow the full width of the drop down, so it may only be an issue on OSX, where safari does not open the full width of the screen by default.  As a fix, is it possible for the menu to drop down aligned along the left edge under 'forum list' rather than from the right side as it does now between 'forum list' and 'Magazine'.  may just be more trouble than it is worth to fix a small quark.  

PRR1950 posted:

Jeff T,

I posted this earlier in this thread.  It might help you, also.

"Let me provide a little help for Rick.  From within a forum, if you click on the thread title, you will be taken to the beginning of that thread.  If, however, you click on the phrase "Last Post" (at least, I think that's the choice) available on the thread title page, that's where you will go.  On the other hand, if you select a thread from the Recent Posts list on the right side of the screen, you will automatically go to the end of the thread where the most "recent post" for that thread can be seen.

I think that's the way it has always worked."

In his next post, Rich Melvin confirmed this explanation.


Thanks! I see now!  I typically click on posts in the "RECENT POSTS" column and yes they go to the most recent post. I don't know how to explain it, but I understand how to start from the first post in a thread as well. Thank You.

DoubleDAZ posted:

Use the Take Action button in lower right and select the Reply With Quotes.

Yes... That is correct.  But there are two related oversights with the new software:

One, we no longer seem to have a reply-with-multiple-quotes function.

Two, there's no longer a "cancel" function if you decide not to post your reply.  Hitting the back-button is one option, but that takes you out of the thread completely.  (This is true when making a general reply also.)  Very poor implementation. Just one of many short-comings with this latest software "update".  I can't really bring myself to call it an "upgrade".  


Last edited by Rocky Mountaineer
Rocky Mountaineer posted:
DoubleDAZ posted:

Use the Take Action button in lower right and select the Reply With Quotes.

Yes... That is correct.  But there are two related oversights with the new software:

One, we no longer seem to have a reply-with-multiple-quotes function.

Two, there's no longer a "cancel" function if you decide not to post your reply.  Hitting the back-button is one option, but that takes you out of the thread completely.  (This is true when making a general reply also.)  Very poor implementation. Just one of many short-comings with this latest software "update".  I can't really bring myself to call it an "upgrade".  


Matt01 posted:

Thanks, guys .... but that is not what I was looking for.

I was looking for the quote function in the reply screen toolbar. So I can create a quote area and "paste" any text I want into it. I think in the previous version it was the quotes symbol:  "


You mean like this? I just selected one post I wanted to quote and then went back to select another and it put them both in the same reply.

bigdodgetrain posted:

 This thread is 17 pages long. When I change it to 200 replies per page, it still reverts back to 40

Yes...and unfortunately that is not going to change any time soon.

Rocky Mountaineer posted:
One, we no longer seem to have a reply-with-multiple-quotes function.

Yes we do...but the implementation is a little different. Just keep clicking on the posts you want to quote and this is the result.

Rocky Mountaineer posted:
...there's no longer a "cancel" function if you decide not to post your reply.  Hitting the back-button is one option, but that takes you out of the thread completely.  (This is true when making a general reply also.)  Very poor implementation. Just one of many short-comings with this latest software "update".  I can't really bring myself to call it an "upgrade". 

I'm going to bring the lack of a CANCEL button to the attention of the Hoopla Tech Support guys.

Rocky Mountaineer posted:
...Just one of many short-comings with this latest software "update".  I can't really bring myself to call it an "upgrade". 

I thought we were making progress...

Last edited by Rich Melvin
DoubleDAZ posted:

"You mean like this?"

Formats/Blocks/Blockquote. You turn it on.....

to get this and turn it off.....

to get back to this.

Thank you, Dave ... and others. But, that's not it. I think I could achieve that with changing font/color/etc.

I'm probably just nitpicking at this time, and I don't mean to waste anyone's time. But, I believe I could create the quote box  .... empty. And then paste whatever I wanted in it .... such as technical information from some other source.

Or, was it .... that I could paste the information, and then put the box around it. Using the quote function:  "  on the toolbar.

Again, it really is not important.

Happy Railroading.

Last edited by Matt01
overlandflyer posted:

minor point, but when you are editing a post, there should be a [CANCEL] vs just the [Update Now] option.  and of course i know you can just back up a page but it would be a cleaner way to exit without making changes.


True for the original Reply box at the bottom of the thread. 

I had the same original observation, then I noted when editing a post, there is a "Back to Reply" link at the top that serves that function (I have no idea if the link does the same thing as the back button strictly speaking, but the effect would seem to be the same.)  It might make more sense for it to be called "Back to Thread/Discussion" or something like that.  At the least, this would make more sense at the bottom near the Update Post button.




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Last edited by Dave45681

Sorry if this is a dupe, I recall seeing requests similar to this, but didn't re-read all 17 pages when I noticed this.

If I click my activity stream from my profile, all I see is the title of the thread and also who started it.

Is there a way to get date/time info added in the above?

But if I do an advanced search on my (or anyone else's) username, I get the date info (or relative time from present for the previous 2 days - this seems to be working the way the old system did).  Of course I also get the 4 lines of text for each reply, which I could do without (more scrolling! )

Also, while just doing this reply, I noted there is no scroll bar in the reply area.  The only way I could get below the second posted image was to drag the box containing my reply to make it bigger.




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Last edited by Dave45681
OGR Webmaster posted:

I find this interesting. The OLD forum pages had that same space over there on the right once you scrolled down past the RECENT POSTS widget, and no one ever said a word about it. Yet there have been several comments about it here since the upgrade. Why is it a problem now when it was not a problem before the upgrade?


Not to jab you too much in the ribs with this comment Rich, but one of the basic ideas mentioned at the start of this update was to make the site adaptable to whatever device it was being viewed on.

Would it not have made sense for the recent posts area to automatically fill the side of the page, no matter how long the page is?  This would seem to be obvious, but maybe Hoopla had to do some sort of technical kludge to get the recent posts working the way it is.  I have no idea if other Hoopla forums might have such a feature, so maybe it took some significant effort just to port it over as it was.


OGR Webmaster posted:

Rocky Mountaineer posted:
...Just one of many short-comings with this latest software "update".  I can't really bring myself to call it an "upgrade". 

I thought we were making progress...

Rich, were it not for your efforts, this software update would have been a disaster.  We're certainly at a point where the desktop presentation is light-years ahead of where it was when Hoopla threw the switch to go live.  They should be paying you to do what they should have done.  As for mobile devices, I actually miss the ability to view the desktop version through the web browser.  I have NEVER liked when mobile apps build their own presentation as the sole, exclusive view.  Seems my preferences are seldom on the same page as today's developers, so I often don't like the choices they're making on my behalf.  As a compromise, I prefer when mobile apps offer users the ability to switch to the desktop version.  But this software update doesn't seem to provide that option (yet).


Last edited by Rocky Mountaineer


I agree with the mobile presentation comment. I use an iPhone 6 and I would prefer an option to view the desktop version. The mobile version fails to display the entire banner with ads and the columnar list of messages on the right side is missing.  Having said that, my initial frustrations with the change/upgrade are gone and I really like the new look and feel.  Keep up the good work Rich...Santa should be very good to you this year!!!


Matt01 posted:

I think I could achieve that with changing font/color/etc.

I'm probably just nitpicking at this time, and I don't mean to waste anyone's time. But, I believe I could create the quote box  .... empty. And then paste whatever I wanted in it .... such as technical information from some other source.

If you want/need the Box, there doesn't appear to be a way UNLESS you quote a post, delete the contents and then paste what you want into that box. You can only delete to the large quotation mark though or you lose the box. Not as elegant as a Quote feature, but it would get the job done, see example below.

Source Wikipedia:

Lionel Corporation was an American toy manufacturer and retailer that was in business from 1900-1995. Founded as an electrical novelties company, Lionel specialized in various products throughout its existence, but toy trains and model railroads were its main claim to fame.[1] Lionel trains, produced from 1900 to 1969, drew admiration from model railroaders around the world for the solidity of their construction and the authenticity of their detail. During its peak years, in the 1950s, the company sold $25 million worth of trains per year.[2] In 2006, Lionel's electric train, along with the Easy Bake Oven, became the first two electric toys inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame. They published a television advertisement in the mid-1980s with a very well known and remembered jingle, "Lionel Kiddy City, turn that frown [clap, clap] upside down."


It would also seem we still can't easily multi-quote across different pages of the thread (unless we can get all the replies we want to quote on one page, which should be do-able by setting  "Replies per Page" to 100 or 200 in most cases, I guess).

I tried last night for one of my posts above, and as soon as I hit the link for the next page, the "Add Reply" box reverted to empty once I was on the next page.


Last edited by Dave45681

The "New" flag doesn't seem to get updated correctly all the time either. I've checked in 4 times today and the same threads are marked as having New posts, but they're the same posts I've already read. I don't log out between sessions,  but that's never been a problem before.

EDIT: Seems to work after reading 2-3 times or maybe it's after a certain period of time, they aren't showing up as New right now.

EDIT: Happening again. Just read the same post 3 times in the layout forum and it's still saying the forum has new posts and that's the new post.

EDIT: I think I know what it might be. I'm using the address in the White bar below the post to go back to the forum and that must be taking me to the same point I was before reading the post, to before the New flag was updated. If I use the Forum List option in the top Blue bar, the New flag is gone.

Last edited by DoubleDAZ

I would love to be critical, but it seems to work just fine on my iPad

EXCEPT - I cannot figure out how to post photos.  I have been posting photos here for years, first using a complicated sequence involving albums, then with a simple Photobucket URL.

I was delighted that Rich made it slightly more difficult to endlessly repeat previous posts in a concatenated fashion, but now those who love to do that have discovered the toolbar.  At least most of them wind up in a box that I can then ignore, having already read those posts once.

So - how do I now post a Photobucket photo?

bob2 posted:

That works, but my photo files are not on my iPad - they are on Photobucket, providing the previously required URL.  Photobucket worked before, and does not work now.

What happens when you select the "Insert/edit image" icon on the toolbar? Doesn't a window open asking for a "Source"? That's where you enter/paste the Photobucket URL.

wb47 posted:

The last time I put in multiple photos, I could not drag them to change the order.  That appears to have changed or maybe I did not do something right?  Thanks

If you look down in the list of attachments, you'll see some arrows on the right of each attachment. Simply use those to drag the photos to the sequence you want.

DoubleDAZ posted:

The "New" flag doesn't seem to get updated correctly all the time either. I've checked in 4 times today and the same threads are marked as having New posts, but they're the same posts I've already read. I don't log out between sessions,  but that's never been a problem before.

EDIT: Seems to work after reading 2-3 times or maybe it's after a certain period of time, they aren't showing up as New right now.

EDIT: Happening again. Just read the same post 3 times in the layout forum and it's still saying the forum has new posts and that's the new post.

EDIT: I think I know what it might be. I'm using the address in the White bar below the post to go back to the forum and that must be taking me to the same point I was before reading the post, to before the New flag was updated. If I use the Forum List option in the top Blue bar, the New flag is gone.

Well, that wasn't it. I just checked in and 2 threads were marked as New that I had already read. And the thread were 4th and 5th down in the list, not one of the threads with the most recent posts.

Let me try:

 my attach file box has two choices: "take photo" or "choose existing."  Neither lead to an acceptance of the URL.  " choose existing" leads to photos stored on the iPad.


On the old system the above would show up as a tank car.  Not a big deal; I have posted most of my photos here in the past.

Rocky Mountaineer posted:
OGR Webmaster posted:

Rocky Mountaineer posted:
...Just one of many short-comings with this latest software "update".  I can't really bring myself to call it an "upgrade". 

I thought we were making progress...

Rich, were it not for your efforts, this software update would have been a disaster.  We're certainly at a point where the desktop presentation is light-years ahead of where it was when Hoopla threw the switch to go live.  They should be paying you to do what they should have done.  As for mobile devices, I actually miss the ability to view the desktop version through the web browser.  I have NEVER liked when mobile apps build their own presentation as the sole, exclusive view.  Seems my preferences are seldom on the same page as today's developers, so I often don't like the choices they're making on my behalf.  As a compromise, I prefer when mobile apps offer users the ability to switch to the desktop version.  But this software update doesn't seem to provide that option (yet).


I fully concur with David. Thank god for Rich riding herd on this update pushed from


I also concur that not having a "view as desktop version," especially for iPads or other tablets is a major shortfall.

One of the joys of having the pad is the ability to read things as if on my laptop or desktop, especially with the new iPad Pro coming shortly.

Hopefully this can be passed on to for inclusion.

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