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At our house Spring Summer Fall are generally doing all kinds of outdoor activities.  Winter is indoor and working on layout.  Generally I help the wife with gardening, planting, moving plants, idea suggestions etc. which is pretty easy and quick and freshens up yard yearly with new ideas that can be put in place "quickly ($$$)".  Made me think about our layout.  Its basically a nice large round and round with a central crossover.  There are a few sidings that store mostly Menards cars.  We have done scenery, hills, tunnel, added/moved buildings, roads etc.  But in the end, just watch trains chugg, smoke and whistle.  Can carefully run two trains with wife controlling one and I the other but slow operation.

It occurred to me that it seems easier to change a garden than the layout.  Don't like it, run a roto tiller through and start over with new plants,r seeds or re-arrangements.  Layout involves teardown, building new framework, track laying, wiring yada-yada.  I know, you can use layout software or look at what few O gauge layout books exists (or OGR layout forum), but I am not alone in dreaming big or realizing the layout would never fit in your room to run multiple tracked trains up hills and cross over head each other.  So unless we are adventurous and like new layouts every couple of years, inertia keeps us in place watching our trains chugg around and around.

So wondered if any gardener and layout people have thoughts one time or other going down the above road?

Keep it light and airy thoughts.

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Not the same sentiment at all.  Try digging up 12 Leyland Cypress trees that are 20+ feet tall, removing other smaller trees and trimming many shrubs.  The secret to removing the trees is my brother-in-law with one of his LARGE tractors with grappler attached.  Makes the job much easier. 

Layout rework is easy compared to that.

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